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How cigarettes nearly killed Rooster in Australia and why Anutin is “Arthur Daley on Steroids”


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Nice Job Rooster, and Congratulations on the Scrabble Win UP at Korat, !


And Doing the Journey on an Old ? Honda 250 Cub isn’t it ? Enough power for a big man, but not too much. (I want one of these new 4 stroke Yamaha 360’s right ? and also I to would be big enough for me.)


And I always am in great Awe of people that are good at Scrabble, as I just cannot spell at all myself. ...  Though the opportunist in me, though of,  Maybe I could make up Better words ? …. BY Not being able to spell, ? … and just Jag it ? ... Like Mark mark, the Eternal Rose Colored glasses, Optimist … and, Opportunist ? …. But well yes mate ! … I really do not think so, Right ? …


And well I must admit that it is really just too close to School work for me,  … Spell or get Whacked over the Knuckles with a Ruler for me ! ? … Which Luckily ? (I guess) never did happen for me as they all gave up pretty fast. …


You missed out the Story about the Finish Man who was said to have committed Suicide by Cutting his own Throat ? ... I think ? … or maybe I just did not see it … maybe a Time lag thing I guess, … and it was after you finished the Piece possibly. ??? …


I was a bit interested in this just from the Point of view that it Really IS just a Great "Who Dun It" … The stuff that makes up a Lot of the modern TV. Cop and Detective shows all over and well around the UK I suspect ? ... ( Thanks to my Mother for my Great education in those )


I posted a pretty brave Geographic View ? … That Fins might have less practical Suicide methods available to them, because of their .... Geography ? Right ? … Quite a brave post given the Depth of disagreement waiting for me in the Wings ! … But it Survived, but Some of my Others that were a LOT more Moderate (Well I thought so) disappeared ? ... No new Notifications in their place, of why ? … But well I WAS getting up to just about “AN” Burn out by then, !!! … Due to the stock markets not being back Down again ( Well the Australian and Thai ones just now ) … So nothing better to do, … so I was posting too much, … and I was descending into IT Computer, … “Net Tunnel vision” … So I just might have posted them somewhere else by Mistake ! … Or just not pushed the Submit Button right. … Like I do this on the last Stock trades of a day, quite often.


But well I DO think that the Thai Cops WILL work it out ( If they want to ) … By using their usual method of Getting Intelligence from all of the other Thai’s that were around, … or just by social and well The usual Plod’s methods. … (Fess Up, OR ELSE ! Right ? )


… Finger prints on the Knife ? Well unless she wiped them off ? … DNA ? well she lived there so it would be all around the Place any way. … No what they can get out of her Family ? And her friends I think ? Might work it out.


… So well the Week that Was, is Back and Great.


I have a Really GOOD Link to a Discussion with the Iranian Writer / Journalist Behrouz Boochani, that was Bailed up in Australians Manus Islands Immigration Detention center for over 6 Years I think, ... Like you lot also being Journalists, I am sure that you all would like to see it, … Though I cannot see it being on Topic here. ... ??? … Even if interesting.  But well, I might just post the link here, and see if any one comments on it. … On Roosters “Urbane” … With some Really nice English Slang, Column, Right ??? 


I think that someone called what I write Strine ?  but I do not Really know where to draw the Line, between Strine ? …. And English Slang ? right ? ( Arfwerr ??? From the Minder ??? might have said ? ) … But well I guess that you could say that Strine, … Has English Slang in it !!! … But well Like, You Goota get the Accent in to it also I think !?  … To make it any Good I think ??? …


Like Boochani wrote his very Poignant bit about the New Worlds Problems and Immigration, and 2 Boat attempts to get to Australia, and now, Freedom for refugees I guess … In Iranian ? … Well Persian which has a different Name like Fasi ? I think ?… So it had to be Translated. …


I lived with an Iranian Guy in Germany once, (Who’s name was Reza incidentally, and well that was the Shar’s name also, … So well you can guess why he left the country after the Islamic revolution, and now cannot go back, … So he will never see his mother again before he dies. … Like the world is a terrible place I think …. If you are borne on the wrong side of the Poverty, or Political Insanity Line I think.


He spoke them all those languages I think, … And he said that the Language all the way from Syria to Morocco were just various Dialects of Arabic anyway, so he said that he could speak them all, … And Persian Yes Fasi I think, his native Language, and also the southern and Predominant Afghani language ?  Pashtun I think, … so well he worked long shifts with the German Refugee agencies, processing the Syrian arrivals at that time, … and on an Extra pay, for no breaks basis, for a Long time, …  ( Yes God Bless those Germans ! Right ? – But he is back in Poverty again now as the Syrians are not coming any more he says ? Well not very many ? ) Hence he was a very Interesting man to be Living with there for a while ! ? Right ? … Ps. He did not speak Urdu, the Kashmiri Pakistani one I think. …


(He says that they all told him they were going back ! ? But I would think that they would not be. – it all was secret and he said that he could tell me None of their stories. … Like Arabs ? Well, Iranians and Arabs, having lived with one for a while I just have to say that they ARE very secretive People !!! Like coming from a very Dog eat Dog back ground I think. Not giving anything away to strangers seems a very VERY Heavy element of their Survival I think ??? ( Yes Not Australian at all right ??? )


Any Way Behrouz Boochani



It is Probably worth Fast Forwarding to the 17.51 minuet mark here to get to the Main part of the Man, and the Interview.

Well he is Kurdish  … Hence quite In trouble Living in Iran I guess ? … So Fasi is only what he learnt at School any way. He would have spoken Kurdish at home, another Dialect of Arabic I think. …


… I also have a question regards a change that I Saw in the AN 10 good Reasons to retiree’s Immigration section, seeming to have been made in the wording, for the Cash in the Bank section on the NON visas extension requirement ? ... It probably IS on topic as you have a note here about the Immigration department.


Like it actually Now, specifically implies the 800,000 in the bank, should be “Income” ? right ? Like Put there each Year ? … And with a “Certificate of Deposit” is it ???




And Visa Extension - In the Case of Retirement.


Have any of you others seen this ? … ? Any Ideas ? Like it Could be Important to us NON Visa Holders ?


TV’s Grace answered me, when I asked her Like she IS a pretty good Visa Agent I think, and she said it always had been required to have been sent in from outside, … but I think that they just did not say this in Writing I think ? It was just Implied, … but now they seem to have made it specific and in Writing ?  So the Immigration Departments can now take off after you for this Possibly ?


In Requirements for Retirement Visa Extension,  “Must have an Annual Earning, and a deposit”  … … and in the Documents required  “Fund deposit certificate” issued by the Bank,  which I am SURE is New words here ?


Grace said that different Immigration departments do things Differently. … which I think that we all know, so well I just have to hope that Deposits from my Stock Trading account to my Savings account will do ???


They always are Just making it more and More difficult aren’t they !!!


Yes good to have you back and a Nice Write also ... Like, "Jeezzz Maaateee Yooor Utteee Neally wen up in Smooke " … .... Yes got bless the Snows and all of the other, Real People over there ... The ones That are Still are anyway ?


I worked as a Mine Surveyor for some Years, in Telfer Gold mine, right out in the Great Sandy Desert, a Newmont mine back then, …. and then the Union Debacles of Panawonica in the Robe River Iron ore mine, so well I have worked with and Met a Bloody Lot of “Snow’s” myself Mate !  … Great People unless they Role their car right ???


And well treading on Dangerous ground here again, and I note that you have mentioned Russians here, … But I do note that they had a “Freedom Rally” outside the Parliament in Adelaide South Australia, Ostensibly about Anti Vacksing, … Not my Favorite people, and as well, we had to have Oh was it over 86% of the Population Vaccinated, … so that I could get back here to be with my Family again !!! …


But a week or two ago, … a Group of People with Russian Flags turned up at this protest, and said that they were just taking the Opportunity to joined the Protest, to protest, about the Discrimination of Russian Speakers Rights ! … Right ! … and then media discussion broke out, about whether they had basically Hijacked the protest or not. ?


But well Fix their rights up I say ! … By sending them back to Russia, so Putin can look after their Right to speak Russian all around the world ?  Right ? …. And then can speak as much Russian as they Like right ??? … ( Like possibly to his secret Police also Right ???)


… Yes, … A very Annoying situation all round there I think. ( To put it Lightly )


Well I worked with a whole lot of Ukrainians on an Exploration Boat once, and they used to casualty call them “The Russian Crew” … despite them Not being Russian, they were just speaking it ! … The Russians who were there, were all very Competent Technically though well (Stuff their Supervisors ! Right ?) …


… I used to have to watch them on the Cameras so I did not move the ship in an Incorrect direction while they were working out on the back deck, and for safety also. … and heard them switch to Ukrainian once ! and Brought this up casualty with them when they were back in the Recording room, …. And well they told me not to be so thick, ! … As they also spoke Polish in the West, as many of them were actually Ethnically Polish there. ! …


So fast Rose Colored Glasses Mark mark, was Socially Fixed up again !!! Right ???


… But well let’s all just get on right. …


… Monday and a Holiday ! …


And On On !!! Mark mark

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13 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

Nice Job Rooster, and Congratulations on the Scrabble Win UP at Korat, !


And Doing the Journey on an Old ? Honda 250 Cub isn’t it ? Enough power for a big man, but not too much. (I want one of these new 4 stroke Yamaha 360’s right ? and also I to would be big enough for me.)


And I always am in great Awe of people that are good at Scrabble, as I just cannot spell at all myself. ...  Though the opportunist in me, though of,  Maybe I could make up Better words ? …. BY Not being able to spell, ? … and just Jag it ? ... Like Mark mark, the Eternal Rose Colored glasses, Optimist … and, Opportunist ? …. But well yes mate ! … I really do not think so, Right ? …


And well I must admit that it is really just too close to School work for me,  … Spell or get Whacked over the Knuckles with a Ruler for me ! ? … Which Luckily ? (I guess) never did happen for me as they all gave up pretty fast. …


You missed out the Story about the Finish Man who was said to have committed Suicide by Cutting his own Throat ? ... I think ? … or maybe I just did not see it … maybe a Time lag thing I guess, … and it was after you finished the Piece possibly. ??? …


I was a bit interested in this just from the Point of view that it Really IS just a Great "Who Dun It" … The stuff that makes up a Lot of the modern TV. Cop and Detective shows all over and well around the UK I suspect ? ... ( Thanks to my Mother for my Great education in those )


I posted a pretty brave Geographic View ? … That Fins might have less practical Suicide methods available to them, because of their .... Geography ? Right ? … Quite a brave post given the Depth of disagreement waiting for me in the Wings ! … But it Survived, but Some of my Others that were a LOT more Moderate (Well I thought so) disappeared ? ... No new Notifications in their place, of why ? … But well I WAS getting up to just about “AN” Burn out by then, !!! … Due to the stock markets not being back Down again ( Well the Australian and Thai ones just now ) … So nothing better to do, … so I was posting too much, … and I was descending into IT Computer, … “Net Tunnel vision” … So I just might have posted them somewhere else by Mistake ! … Or just not pushed the Submit Button right. … Like I do this on the last Stock trades of a day, quite often.


But well I DO think that the Thai Cops WILL work it out ( If they want to ) … By using their usual method of Getting Intelligence from all of the other Thai’s that were around, … or just by social and well The usual Plod’s methods. … (Fess Up, OR ELSE ! Right ? )


… Finger prints on the Knife ? Well unless she wiped them off ? … DNA ? well she lived there so it would be all around the Place any way. … No what they can get out of her Family ? And her friends I think ? Might work it out.


… So well the Week that Was, is Back and Great.


I have a Really GOOD Link to a Discussion with the Iranian Writer / Journalist Behrouz Boochani, that was Bailed up in Australians Manus Islands Immigration Detention center for over 6 Years I think, ... Like you lot also being Journalists, I am sure that you all would like to see it, … Though I cannot see it being on Topic here. ... ??? … Even if interesting.  But well, I might just post the link here, and see if any one comments on it. … On Roosters “Urbane” … With some Really nice English Slang, Column, Right ??? 


I think that someone called what I write Strine ?  but I do not Really know where to draw the Line, between Strine ? …. And English Slang ? right ? ( Arfwerr ??? From the Minder ??? might have said ? ) … But well I guess that you could say that Strine, … Has English Slang in it !!! … But well Like, You Goota get the Accent in to it also I think !?  … To make it any Good I think ??? …


Like Boochani wrote his very Poignant bit about the New Worlds Problems and Immigration, and 2 Boat attempts to get to Australia, and now, Freedom for refugees I guess … In Iranian ? … Well Persian which has a different Name like Fasi ? I think ?… So it had to be Translated. …


I lived with an Iranian Guy in Germany once, (Who’s name was Reza incidentally, and well that was the Shar’s name also, … So well you can guess why he left the country after the Islamic revolution, and now cannot go back, … So he will never see his mother again before he dies. … Like the world is a terrible place I think …. If you are borne on the wrong side of the Poverty, or Political Insanity Line I think.


He spoke them all those languages I think, … And he said that the Language all the way from Syria to Morocco were just various Dialects of Arabic anyway, so he said that he could speak them all, … And Persian Yes Fasi I think, his native Language, and also the southern and Predominant Afghani language ?  Pashtun I think, … so well he worked long shifts with the German Refugee agencies, processing the Syrian arrivals at that time, … and on an Extra pay, for no breaks basis, for a Long time, …  ( Yes God Bless those Germans ! Right ? – But he is back in Poverty again now as the Syrians are not coming any more he says ? Well not very many ? ) Hence he was a very Interesting man to be Living with there for a while ! ? Right ? … Ps. He did not speak Urdu, the Kashmiri Pakistani one I think. …


(He says that they all told him they were going back ! ? But I would think that they would not be. – it all was secret and he said that he could tell me None of their stories. … Like Arabs ? Well, Iranians and Arabs, having lived with one for a while I just have to say that they ARE very secretive People !!! Like coming from a very Dog eat Dog back ground I think. Not giving anything away to strangers seems a very VERY Heavy element of their Survival I think ??? ( Yes Not Australian at all right ??? )


Any Way Behrouz Boochani



It is Probably worth Fast Forwarding to the 17.51 minuet mark here to get to the Main part of the Man, and the Interview.

Well he is Kurdish  … Hence quite In trouble Living in Iran I guess ? … So Fasi is only what he learnt at School any way. He would have spoken Kurdish at home, another Dialect of Arabic I think. …


… I also have a question regards a change that I Saw in the AN 10 good Reasons to retiree’s Immigration section, seeming to have been made in the wording, for the Cash in the Bank section on the NON visas extension requirement ? ... It probably IS on topic as you have a note here about the Immigration department.


Like it actually Now, specifically implies the 800,000 in the bank, should be “Income” ? right ? Like Put there each Year ? … And with a “Certificate of Deposit” is it ???




And Visa Extension - In the Case of Retirement.


Have any of you others seen this ? … ? Any Ideas ? Like it Could be Important to us NON Visa Holders ?


TV’s Grace answered me, when I asked her Like she IS a pretty good Visa Agent I think, and she said it always had been required to have been sent in from outside, … but I think that they just did not say this in Writing I think ? It was just Implied, … but now they seem to have made it specific and in Writing ?  So the Immigration Departments can now take off after you for this Possibly ?


In Requirements for Retirement Visa Extension,  “Must have an Annual Earning, and a deposit”  … … and in the Documents required  “Fund deposit certificate” issued by the Bank,  which I am SURE is New words here ?


Grace said that different Immigration departments do things Differently. … which I think that we all know, so well I just have to hope that Deposits from my Stock Trading account to my Savings account will do ???


They always are Just making it more and More difficult aren’t they !!!


Yes good to have you back and a Nice Write also ... Like, "Jeezzz Maaateee Yooor Utteee Neally wen up in Smooke " … .... Yes got bless the Snows and all of the other, Real People over there ... The ones That are Still are anyway ?


I worked as a Mine Surveyor for some Years, in Telfer Gold mine, right out in the Great Sandy Desert, a Newmont mine back then, …. and then the Union Debacles of Panawonica in the Robe River Iron ore mine, so well I have worked with and Met a Bloody Lot of “Snow’s” myself Mate !  … Great People unless they Role their car right ???


And well treading on Dangerous ground here again, and I note that you have mentioned Russians here, … But I do note that they had a “Freedom Rally” outside the Parliament in Adelaide South Australia, Ostensibly about Anti Vacksing, … Not my Favorite people, and as well, we had to have Oh was it over 86% of the Population Vaccinated, … so that I could get back here to be with my Family again !!! …


But a week or two ago, … a Group of People with Russian Flags turned up at this protest, and said that they were just taking the Opportunity to joined the Protest, to protest, about the Discrimination of Russian Speakers Rights ! … Right ! … and then media discussion broke out, about whether they had basically Hijacked the protest or not. ?


But well Fix their rights up I say ! … By sending them back to Russia, so Putin can look after their Right to speak Russian all around the world ?  Right ? …. And then can speak as much Russian as they Like right ??? … ( Like possibly to his secret Police also Right ???)


… Yes, … A very Annoying situation all round there I think. ( To put it Lightly )


Well I worked with a whole lot of Ukrainians on an Exploration Boat once, and they used to casualty call them “The Russian Crew” … despite them Not being Russian, they were just speaking it ! … The Russians who were there, were all very Competent Technically though well (Stuff their Supervisors ! Right ?) …


… I used to have to watch them on the Cameras so I did not move the ship in an Incorrect direction while they were working out on the back deck, and for safety also. … and heard them switch to Ukrainian once ! and Brought this up casualty with them when they were back in the Recording room, …. And well they told me not to be so thick, ! … As they also spoke Polish in the West, as many of them were actually Ethnically Polish there. ! …


So fast Rose Colored Glasses Mark mark, was Socially Fixed up again !!! Right ???


… But well let’s all just get on right. …


… Monday and a Holiday ! …


And On On !!! Mark mark

Oh no..

Has someone encouraged him?




  • Haha 1
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19 minutes ago, bobbin said:

Oh no..

Has someone encouraged him?




No. ... It is Just Life. It just has to be done !!! ???


Thanks Bobbin ! ...

Edited by Mark mark
Added Thanks.
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