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The Great Government Health system that Thailand Has. !

Mark mark

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1 hour ago, norbra said:

Last year same private hospital 7,000 thb wide excision and biopsy,local anesthetic 1 lesion. SCC.

Suspect that was a general surgeon rather than plastic surgeon (huge price increase when go plastic).

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12 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Suspect that was a general surgeon rather than plastic surgeon (huge price increase when go plastic).

Quess it was a case of right place right time as the doctor did internal sutures before closing,no scarring at all.

Now just speak with accounts dept,no doctor options

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2 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Not sure doctors here can identify BCC/SCC by sight as few Thai ever have.  If surgery removal trust you did get a biopsy report?  They often remove by laser here but would normally remove top layer for biopsy first and if positive then do a wide margin surgery to remove and test again to make sure margins clear.  Others might use nitrogen freeze if unknown spot and if that not remove go the testing/surgery route.  But as others pointed out it is rather hard to make rhyme or reason from your description.   Just be aware very few doctors will expect skin issues to be cancer and actually test.

Yes sorry about the Un Clear description ? Compulsive Obsessive ! My Only excuse I guess ???


Thanks for that description ! Like it was very VERY good, and I DID get it. !!! ... I have had stuff done like that back in Australia, where they ARE very much on the Ball !!! …. If you can get a booking to see them.


(I found a very Old Christian Indian there, that did them well ! and on the spot almost, and well he WAS my best Skin Doctor in the end !!! … And I COULD get a Booking with him, and as I say, he WAS Very Good !!! )


But this guy in Ayutthaya (A Dr. Kris Krista???? ) seems to be very good also ... a quick and good Diagnosis I think, and only 3 weeks to wait, just a  straight cut them all off, though I could tell that he was thinking as he made it like a decision !!! … And he chose the two, that he thought Poignant I guess, AND told me !  That he was going to have them Biopsied ! though well I had requested that they all get Biopsied anyway ?...  But well he seemed to Know what he was doing.


My Grand Daughter still has Complications with her Broken leg, (Fiber growing in the Break, NOT new Bone !!!) … but she has a very Good Bone doctor there, a Dr. Chanon I think who I have talked to also, ... ( The doctors there all seem to speak very good English, it is just getting the Bookings from the Older Local staff, where you might run in to a few Language problems.  Though they laugh a lot so well it is easy to fix them up ! right ?


So all is Good !!! and Greatest Thanks for your Advice.


So, if anything adverse comes up in the Biopsy then I now DO know what to discuss with Dr. Kris.


And thanks for that Mate !!!


Mark mark 


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1 hour ago, connda said:

Our local hospital pumps thought upward of 100 patients in a morning and 150 in a day.
Highly efficient. 
Detractors will say, "But it's not quality healthcare like the US and UK."
Really?  Bunk.
US - great healthcare for the wealthy.
UK - months wait-times and they are getting to the point where they don't even want to see you in person. 

Thailand has a premier healthcare system.

WOW !!! Right on the Nail Connda !!! ... And Great to Hear that !!! ... And well some education for the newbies also !!! ... Get it done here at Your Local Hospital !!! Like near where you are !!! and then they have the attitude that they are actually Fixing up one of their Own !!! so well it is usually Much MUCH Easier to get a good job done !!!


... But do talk with them with some Courtesy also, as they all work very hard you know. ...


Yes Nice one Mate ! ...And it makes it worth while posting here !!!! 


Thanks !


Mark mark (Too Much too much incidentally ! Right ? )

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17 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Sorry to hear about you delays, and well I do not know what a BCC ? or SCC is ? though well ? basial Carcinoma ? for the first one I guess ...


And well your story makes it pretty clear !!! That NOT all Government Hospitals are the same ! ? So sorry about that, Rose Clouded Glass on my part Mistake about that.


I have have now had 6 reasonable smallish, BUT well quite Obvious, basal Carcinomas cut off ! Just re growing Light coloured Lumps. and well, Innumerable smaller lumps burnt of in Australia where they often do do it that way. ... Though if it keeps coming back !!! well then it is Cut it off. ? Right ? ... And I still have my Figures crossed for these recent ones.


... But my Mare Bob who Lived in Southern France and Commuted back to Australia for every Summer !!! ... A very VERY Nice Man !!! ... He had a very nasty looking BLACK Lump on his neck !!! and he showed me it in 2016 .. Like he had had it for nearly 10 years before that only smaller I think,. Just slowly Growing !!! ...and I nearly fell over !!! "Why didn't you get tis Cut off" I asked him !!! ... "Too busy traveling" he answered ... ( To expensive in France and to long a waiting list in Australia more Likely )


... And it was Melanoma exactly as it looked, ... and he died at the end of 2018 ... about 2 Years after he showed it to me, and well just a bit less after he finally had it Diagnosed, in his other Home in East Java.


... (He died of an associated, huge Brain Tumor which he had taken out VERY well in Australia, but it hemorrhaged again and would not stop. ... and he died just totally out of it, on Morphine 3 days later.


... So yes, just keep it up AND get you Lumps looked at and removed also I think !!! ... (I just had 3 simple ones off for 4,000 B as I say. last Monday ? ...


And good luck with it Mate !!!

Yes My Best Friend 2015 to 2018 - Bob Day, was a Public Servant in Canberra, but after Cyclone Tracy in 1975 was it ? he was seconded to the ADF (Australian Defense Force) and put in charge of a refugee camp Just south of Darwin. And when he finished that job he went to Europe, Via Asia and well came back every Summer But well never left France or Asia on the trips there and back every year.


Ended up Married to a good Muslim Woman from East Java and she was from a military Heroes Family from the War of Independence with the Dutch.


Married the Love of his Life married Louise from Holland, met her in the Hage, a social worker married her in about 1980 and she was Diagnosed with Breast cancer the same Year. ... They tried everything but "The Breast Cancer never Looked back" to use his own words and she died in 1986.


He was Diagnosed with Melanoma in Late 2016 I think, he should have had it removed at Least 10 Years Previously !!! But he didn't.


He died in Sydney with Family and Friends on 3rd November 2018 3 days before my Birthday so I will not forget it.


His New East Java, Muslim Wife The only one that ever Really loved him after Marie Louise in 1986, was there and whispering in to his Eat right up until he Died. (She is bank Rupt now d/t Upper Middle class aspirations, ... And CV 19, maybe we should refer HER to Go Fund Me !!! Har Har !!!) ...


But she had his last Rites Read in the ? ... Notorious ??? Lakemba Mosque in South West ? Sydney. And he is now Buried in the equally Controversial Narellan Cemetery, Row 26, grave H, like it was actually the Old St. Thomas’s Church of England Church, but the Anglicans Gave the land to the Muslims in kindness, as their other Cemetery was full … Needles plenty of Blowback from the Bogan Right, and the other Gutter Trash.


But well do you know any other White Boys !!! that was in the army for Cyclone Tracy, was married to a Good Cloggy in 1980, and ten she died of Breast cancer, … and he only ever found love again in East Java ! in about 2015 … and he and He died himself in 2018, … AND had his Last Rites Read in the Lakemba Mosque !!! and is now buried in the controversial Narellan Cemetery, in South West Sydney !!! while the Catholics back in his Little Village in South France, Le Minnier, Near Milieu and in the Tan Gorge, are Probably still arguing about what sort of Photo they should have put on the alter, during his Remembrance Ceremony there !!! Har Har … a


And I bet that he still is Laughing over there in Narellan Cemetery, along with a lot of his Muslim Brothers !!! In South West Sydney !!!



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57 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

I am, it is fair to say, not uncritical of many of the agencies which run services in Thailand.


The public health services are, in my opinion, the exception. I have for some time now used my local hospital to care for a routine long standing condition. More recently I have had surgery and continuing treatment for a serious injury to my foot. 


The treatment, professionalism and demeanor of the staff ( actually quite important if you are worried, in pain and perhaps feel "far from home") is exemplary. Most have sufficient rudimentary English to do the job - "keep it up in bed" was an unfortunate admonition from one young lady to keep my leg elevated on a cushion whilst asleep! Yes, waiting times (short term) are long, a simple outpatient visit can take hours, but so what. It is not as if most of us have any other pressing engagements! I am known as the Falang who sits and reads a book while waiting. On one occasion the tannoy announced "John Anthony, put your book away and come here!"


And of course, if you want the five star treatment, then pay to go private.


Yesterday my local hospital had a group of girls (M5) from our local school on work experience. I occasionally teach "supply" at the school so they know me. When the nurse removed the dressing there were gasps ( the surgical wound is pretty gruesome), one insisted on holding my hand, one kept feeding me sips of water and one turned a bit green and had to sit down! After the nurse had finished cleaning and dressing the wound, and the obligatory selfies taken, the students were tasked with applying the protective bandage - I left the hospital looking like an extra from the Adam's Family! 

Har ! Har !!! ... Great one ! ,,, "John Anthony, put your book away and come here!" !!! ... Beautiful !!!


Yes I got some Selfies with the Nurses on Night shift, in the Casualty at the Bangpaharn Local Hospital once also ! ... And they all just Jokingly shouted out "Welcome to the Bangpaharn International" ... Like it is a very Very small Hospital !!!  ... BUT gee do those Good Ladies have just a Great sense of Humor you Know !!! ... And Like they usually do not use it on each other, as they are supposed to be serious to each other !!! ... For one reason or another !!! ...  But well us Foreign Dancing Monkeys !!! !!! .... Gods Gift !!! .. People that you can have fun with, and a laugh at Any time of the day or Night !!! ... Right.

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22 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

Yes My Best Friend 2015 to 2018 - Bob Day, was a Public Servant in Canberra, but after Cyclone Tracy in 1975 was it ? he was seconded to the ADF (Australian Defense Force) and put in charge of a refugee camp Just south of Darwin. And when he finished that job he went to Europe, Via Asia and well came back every Summer But well never left France or Asia on the trips there and back every year.


Ended up Married to a good Muslim Woman from East Java and she was from a military Heroes Family from the War of Independence with the Dutch.


Married the Love of his Life married Louise from Holland, met her in the Hage, a social worker married her in about 1980 and she was Diagnosed with Breast cancer the same Year. ... They tried everything but "The Breast Cancer never Looked back" to use his own words and she died in 1986.


He was Diagnosed with Melanoma in Late 2016 I think, he should have had it removed at Least 10 Years Previously !!! But he didn't.


He died in Sydney with Family and Friends on 3rd November 2018 3 days before my Birthday so I will not forget it.


His New East Java, Muslim Wife The only one that ever Really loved him after Marie Louise in 1986, was there and whispering in to his Eat right up until he Died. (She is bank Rupt now d/t Upper Middle class aspirations, ... And CV 19, maybe we should refer HER to Go Fund Me !!! Har Har !!!) ...


But she had his last Rites Read in the ? ... Notorious ??? Lakemba Mosque in South West ? Sydney. And he is now Buried in the equally Controversial Narellan Cemetery, Row 26, grave H, like it was actually the Old St. Thomas’s Church of England Church, but the Anglicans Gave the land to the Muslims in kindness, as their other Cemetery was full … Needles plenty of Blowback from the Bogan Right, and the other Gutter Trash.


But well do you know any other White Boys !!! that was in the army for Cyclone Tracy, was married to a Good Cloggy in 1980, and ten she died of Breast cancer, … and he only ever found love again in East Java ! in about 2015 … and he and He died himself in 2018, … AND had his Last Rites Read in the Lakemba Mosque !!! and is now buried in the controversial Narellan Cemetery, in South West Sydney !!! while the Catholics back in his Little Village in South France, Le Minnier, Near Milieu and in the Tan Gorge, are Probably still arguing about what sort of Photo they should have put on the alter, during his Remembrance Ceremony there !!! Har Har … a


And I bet that he still is Laughing over there in Narellan Cemetery, along with a lot of his Muslim Brothers !!! In South West Sydney !!!



I am a Catholic. Some years ago my Parish Priest and friend, a Servite Friar called Father Bill had to deliver a Papal greeting to our local mosque in the UK. I think it was Eid, the end of Ramadan. I went with him.


The Mosque is housed in a large 18th Century Georgian house. Coincidentally the house was the unofficial, technically illegal (although ignored by the authorities) Catholic chapel in Bath until Catholic Emancipation allowed the new churches to be built. The large back yard was used as the cemetery. The Iman and his "elders", when we told him, expressed concern, he said that they used the back yard for parties and feasts on feast days. As Father Bill said, no matter, just say a prayer for the repose of their souls!


Edited by herfiehandbag
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2 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

I am a Catholic. Some years ago my Parish Priest and friend, a Servite Friar called Father Bill had to deliver a Papal greeting to our local mosque in the UK. I think it was Eid, the end of Ramadan. I went with him.


The Mosque is housed in a large 18th Century Georgian house. Coincidentally the house was the unofficial, technically illegal (although ig

Hey Herfiehandbag !!! Nice !!! … Yes, it is People, opposite People that will bring the Healing to the world, that we so badly need now. ... ( Not the Dictators ) ... Like they never did ? Right ? Did they.


Yes about 14% of my Genes come from the Northern European Protestant army, Scandinavian and Finish ?  … That were Camped in Bruchhausen, my Father’s side ancestral home, about 35 K south of Bremen. … Who were fighting with the ? Catholics ? Well I am talking to you now !!! … So well, as they do also !!! … Better say the "Popes" (Corrupt) army, … of that time, in the religious wars of 16.40 to16.80 - was it ??? .... The 30 Year war ? (I am sure that there was probably a great shortage of German men at that time so well Our Families Woman probably Crossed the Line so to say !!! and if they were alive today I would give them a Badge of Honor.


So learning about the Catholic Emancipation in Great Brittan Which I had NOT heard of before, …  IS something that My Body and Mind, COULD get some great benefit from knowing !!! ... Like standing opposite you. 


And well the Muslims, well they Could be a really great part of any Newly Re constructed world of Peace.  … (The threat is not going to come from them !!! ) ...


Yes Bath, I have been there but did not see that house. ... Saw the river and the Roman baths ???...  (And the Youth Hostel !!! right Har har !!! ) But  Oh went on a tour of the Cotswold’s, …  and even made it down to Salisbury Cathedral  is it ? ... Like the Germans have about 150 of them right !!! Har Har ... Cathedral like Churches, built like Salisbury Cathedral !!! ??? Right ???


… Better go ... and yes I should remember and say some More Prayers for the Repose of Bob's Soul, which well would be in Pretty good shape any way ! I would think ! ... Being about the Only White boy that I know that had his last rites read in Lakemba Mosque, …  and was then buried with the rest of the Muslims in the new Narrelan Cemetery right ? … 


But like in the back garden of the your house in bath ? … Possibly with quite a few Early Anglicans also quite Possibly !!! ??? That were Buried there First, and have now just been Forgotten. … And well the Catholic Cemetery is just up the Hill, … I see from Googling it. !!! …

nored by the authorities) Catholic chapel in Bath until Catholic Emancipation allowed the new churches to be built. The large back yard was used as the cemetery. The Iman and his "elders", when we told him, expressed concern, he said that they used the back yard for parties and feasts on feast days. As Father Bill said, no matter, just say a prayer for the repose of their souls!


Hey Herfiehandbag !!! Nice !!! … Yes, it is People, opposite People that will bring the Healing to the world, that we so badly need now. ... ( Not the Dictators ) ... Like they never did ? Right ? Did they.


Yes about 14% of my Genes come from the Northern European Protestant army, Scandinavian and Finish ?  … That were Camped in Bruchhausen, my Father’s side ancestral home, about 35 K south of Bremen. … Who were fighting with the ? Catholics ? Well I am talking to you now !!! … So well, as they do also !!! … Better say the "Popes" (Corrupt) army, … of that time, in the religious wars of 16.40 to16.80 - was it ??? .... The 30 Year war ? (I am sure that there was probably a great shortage of German men at that time so well Our Families Woman probably Crossed the Line so to say !!! and if they were alive today I would give them a Badge of Honor.


So learning about the Catholic Emancipation in Great Brittan Which I had NOT heard of before, …  IS something that My Body and Mind, COULD get some great benefit from knowing !!! ... Like standing opposite you. 


And well the Muslims, well they Could be a really great part of any Newly Re constructed world of Peace.  … (The threat is not going to come from them !!! ) ...


Yes Bath, I have been there but did not see that house. ... Saw the river and the Roman baths ???...  (And the Youth Hostel !!! right Har har !!! ) But  Oh went on a tour of the Cotswold’s, …  and even made it down to Salisbury Cathedral  is it ? ... Like the Germans have about 150 of them right !!! Har Har ... Cathedral like Churches, built like Salisbury Cathedral !!! ??? Right ???


… Better go ... and yes I should remember and say some More Prayers for the Repose of Bob's Soul, which well would be in Pretty good shape any way ! I would think ! ... Being about the Only White boy that I know that had his last rites read in Lakemba Mosque, …  and was then buried with the rest of the Muslims in the new Narrelan Cemetery right ? … 


But like in the back garden of the your house in bath ? … Possibly with quite a few Early Anglicans also quite Possibly !!! ??? That were Buried there First, and have now just been Forgotten. … And well the Catholic Cemetery is just up the Hill, … I see from Googling it. !!! …


(Oh well Guy Fawks who tried to Blow up the British parliament was a Catholic my Brother has just told me !!! Har Har !!! Though possibly not that help full a comment here Right ??? … Har har … NO all comments here are help full I think !!! … Dyslexic Mark mark )

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So Well ? ... Squamous Cell Carcinoma seems to be the Show stopper here !!! The one to look out for. I must Google it now. ... though well my Bit about Bob Day ... who got the Big M !!! ... The Real Game ender !!!


 ... Melanoma !!! I hate to even type the name ... Kills over 100,000  Australians a year I think ? .... Like makes Road accidents and most other causes of Death look Insignificant !!! I think. ? ...


Well I do guess that Coronary Heart attack still is probably well ahead of it I guess ??? 


Well Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Easily Googled. Do it if you are interested. it is often a follow on from basal Carcinoma, ... Like I always have had ! hence I will get ALL my Lumps Biopsied now If I can. And thanks for that fellows.

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13 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

Hey Herfiehandbag !!! Nice !!! … Yes, it is People, opposite People that will bring the Healing to the world, that we so badly need now. ... ( Not the Dictators ) ... Like they never did ? Right ? Did they.


Yes about 14% of my Genes come from the Northern European Protestant army, Scandinavian and Finish ?  … That were Camped in Bruchhausen, my Father’s side ancestral home, about 35 K south of Bremen. … Who were fighting with the ? Catholics ? Well I am talking to you now !!! … So well, as they do also !!! … Better say the "Popes" (Corrupt) army, … of that time, in the religious wars of 16.40 to16.80 - was it ??? .... The 30 Year war ? (I am sure that there was probably a great shortage of German men at that time so well Our Families Woman probably Crossed the Line so to say !!! and if they were alive today I would give them a Badge of Honor.


So learning about the Catholic Emancipation in Great Brittan Which I had NOT heard of before, …  IS something that My Body and Mind, COULD get some great benefit from knowing !!! ... Like standing opposite you. 


And well the Muslims, well they Could be a really great part of any Newly Re constructed world of Peace.  … (The threat is not going to come from them !!! ) ...


Yes Bath, I have been there but did not see that house. ... Saw the river and the Roman baths ???...  (And the Youth Hostel !!! right Har har !!! ) But  Oh went on a tour of the Cotswold’s, …  and even made it down to Salisbury Cathedral  is it ? ... Like the Germans have about 150 of them right !!! Har Har ... Cathedral like Churches, built like Salisbury Cathedral !!! ??? Right ???


… Better go ... and yes I should remember and say some More Prayers for the Repose of Bob's Soul, which well would be in Pretty good shape any way ! I would think ! ... Being about the Only White boy that I know that had his last rites read in Lakemba Mosque, …  and was then buried with the rest of the Muslims in the new Narrelan Cemetery right ? … 


But like in the back garden of the your house in bath ? … Possibly with quite a few Early Anglicans also quite Possibly !!! ??? That were Buried there First, and have now just been Forgotten. … And well the Catholic Cemetery is just up the Hill, … I see from Googling it. !!! …


(Oh well Guy Fawks who tried to Blow up the British parliament was a Catholic my Brother has just told me !!! Har Har !!! Though possibly not that help full a comment here Right ??? … Har har … NO all comments here are help full I think !!! … Dyslexic Mark mark )

The Mosque is in Pierpoint Street.


Catholic Emancipation; a long story but greatly simplified, the Catholic Church was made illegal by Henry VIII (1547). There were various degrees of persecution, but by the latter half of the eighteenth Century it was pretty much left alone, hence the discrete unofficial chapels. In the first decades of the nineteenth Century it was made legal again ( emancipated), largely by the Duke of Wellington who was by then the Prime Minister. He held to the view that since a large proportion of the army which had defeated Napoleon was made up of Irish Catholic soldiers and English Catholic officers ( most other professions were forbidden to Catholics) it would be churlish to stop them from worshipping freely.


My Mother and Father are buried in the Catholic Cemetery in Perrymead.

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6 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

The Mosque is in Pierpoint Street.


Catholic Emancipation; a long story but greatly simplified, the Catholic Church was made illegal by Henry VIII (1547). There were various degrees of persecution, but by the latter half of the eighteenth Century it was pretty much left alone, hence the discrete unofficial chapels. In the first decades of the nineteenth Century it was made legal again ( emancipated), largely by the Duke of Wellington who was by then the Prime Minister. He held to the view that since a large proportion of the army which had defeated Napoleon was made up of Irish Catholic soldiers and English Catholic officers ( most other professions were forbidden to Catholics) it would be churlish to stop them from worshipping freely.


My Mother and Father are buried in the Catholic Cemetery in Perrymead.

Thanks herfiehandbag ... I will Google those Places on Maps, as well I do just about every thing. basically being a geographer. ( And not a writer Right ??? )

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10 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

The Mosque is in Pierpoint Street.


Catholic Emancipation; a long story but greatly simplified, the Catholic Church was made illegal by Henry VIII (1547). There were various degrees of persecution, but by the latter half of the eighteenth Century it was pretty much left alone, hence the discrete unofficial chapels. In the first decades of the nineteenth Century it was made legal again ( emancipated), largely by the Duke of Wellington who was by then the Prime Minister. He held to the view that since a large proportion of the army which had defeated Napoleon was made up of Irish Catholic soldiers and English Catholic officers ( most other professions were forbidden to Catholics) it would be churlish to stop them from worshipping freely.


My Mother and Father are buried in the Catholic Cemetery in Perrymead.

The Bath Mosque and Old Catholic un noted Church !!! .... Yes Great Old UK, CAN Do stuff, and great architecture In what probably is quite a cold place a Lot of the time. ...


YES !!!! No idle worship !!! NICE !!!


(No F'ng Marries Right !!! Har Har ... Have you ever been to the Cathedral shop On Mactan was it ? in Cebu southern Philippines, 100,000 Red Caped Saint ? Somethings ??? !!!  .... Manny with Flashing red Lights !!! ... God I would not have minded having a crow bar when I went there !!!)




... But back in the Mosque ? ... What is the Guy that sits in that chair saying !!! ??? .... Just a small, well it depends what he IS Saying right ! ??? ... problem for Islam I think ???




... And your Parents Resting Place ? St. Johns ? ...  Looks Nice Like Bath and the West Country IS Nice isn't it ??? Like not just on the Vicar of Dibley !!! ... Like for real all around !!! ... ( And Like Aha ! and where do I get a lot of my Silly Writing style from !!! Like ??? )

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And Ps. Just back from the Local Hospital, and the Lumps off of my Face and arms look Clean ! … “Looks” ? Pretty Clearly ?…Not like Melanoma. … So he says …


In at 8.00 … got a park, (Like 3 out of the 4 Floors in their parking station are parked out by People actually laying there in the Hospital I think !!! … So if you do not get there before 8.15 ? OR 9 !!!  …. You will not get one of the few parks Left on the roof, … I think ??? … Just a bit of helpful local Knowledge there you know, … and well !


… They have new machines there now, like if you have a Booking or continuing case, … You just show it the Bar Coad, entre your Phone number, and push the Button, and you then get a Queue Number !!! … So well, the earlier you get there ! The lower number you get ! 


And well I was there at 8.30, and I was in and out in an Hour and a half I think ! And I was, Just so, SOOO Grateful, at the service that I had forgotten that they actually had just looked at the stitched ! … said “OK”  and come back next week !!!  … So I am starting to get a bit afraid that the Doctor likes seeing me !!!  … And will keep on Bringing me back ! … Though well at 67 This would not be too bad a Thing I guess, … As I am going to end up being there quite a bit from now on any way I think. … 


Met a Really smashing Chinese Lady in the waiting room !!! (Like Nice … <Pleasantly Deleted> !!!   … And taught her Smart Daughter a bit of English !!!


Like I was nearly falling over my Chair Leaning towards her, and well she was Loving it, … and just getting closer and closer to me also ! … And then they called my Number ??? … Like I wonder if they were watching us, and did that deliberately !!! ??? … So I di not accidently Fall off my Chair and land on her !!! … Yes I like going to hospital around here. …


… Later when I was in a different place, waiting for next week’s appointment, … Her Daughter Caught my Eye, when her Mother was looking the other way !!! … She was only about 10 I think ? … Well a bit more I guess maybe 15 ? … But she smiled ! Right,  … and made an OK symbol with her Fingers !!! …. … Pointed at her Mother, who was still not looking, … And Gave me a Thumbs Up !!! … Like Hmmm, … TIT I guess. …


So I gave her Mother my Card, … Though well if my Wife finds out !!! … Well there will be No divorce I am sure !!! … But there COULD be a bit of Blood Shed I think though, Still, … another good excuse to get out and meet another new woman in the Local Hospital again !!! ???


… God Bless “Exciting Thailand” ??? is that the new TAT Catch theme , No … “Amazing Thailand” Right … Like they could have made part of that commercial over there in the Ayutthaya general Hospital Waiting room this Morning I think ??? … For Sure !!!


Edited by Mark mark
Changed - Just speaking for my self.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Posted here in an attempt to possibly even help save some other people here’s Lives.


So ! … I have a rare form of Skin Cancer ! Porocarcinoma, and there is Plenty about it on the Internet. … About 50% fatal after Diagnosis, and an average time of 5.5 Years. And pretty much untouched by Chemo or Ray Treatment they say ???


And the Key ! … It looked quite different from the usual Basal Carcinomas that I have been having removed for Oh 10 Years now … SO if you get a Lump !!! That Looks Different !!! GET IT BIOPSIED !!! (And Potentially Save your Life ! )


So well ... Plenty really to keep me Busy for now. … And probably a lot less to say ! ... Like as it will be just "Watch and act, status, on any re occurrences of the Lumps from now on I think. ... And as it is not really treatable by Chemo or Ray treatment, so they say ! ? Well Good ! Less <Deleting> around.


So well, that is all there is to do now ! … It has been cut off, as well as the situation demanded, like we all thought that it was just the usual Basal Carcinoma, … and at least 200 other People in the Waiting room waiting to see him !!! … The Government Hospitals are Good ! Like Very Good !!! But well, …they DO also have a Lot of people and well now just morphing in to TOO many People, !!! Just about everywhere !!! … So well possibly not such a comprehensive Cutting Job,  as a cancer like would have deserved I think. … IF WE NEW !!!  … But  well that is Life and we did not know. … We thought that it was just another basal Carcinoma. …. So NOW …. Watch it, … and get any recurrences of it or other excuses to move my Follow up visit forward then I WILL do it !!! And ASAP this time !!! … And he said that he would cut it out again ! And I bet he will cut a LOT more of it out this time !!!


And well, …Re occurrence ??? Well the Biopsy said that the Cancer cells were across the Whole width, and depth of it, !  ( Always Read the fine Print ! On the Biopsy ) !!! … So well nice of the Doctor giving me a chance “That it will not go Malignant” ! Thanks very much, … But well It does not have to re occur I think, does it, as it is still well and truly just still there. !!!


… Though well there is an initial benign form of this cancer as well ! ? … One woman had a tumor with two halves, One Benign and the other Malignant !!!  … So well yes !!! … We could be on top of it, if it is only the benign version ??? And well I do really just find it interesting now. … Another bit of a challenge in life for Mr. Always falls on his feet Steptoe ??? … Is it just the benign version ??? … (Though well my own common sense says !!! … Probably Not. … So we just watch it, well where it was and the Lumps on my arm nearby.


Porocarcinoma is it and there is plenty on the Internet about it.


Like case studies of about 450 cases I think. ...Say, … It always comes back ! ... It is about 50% fatal. ... (And I am sure that I saw this reflected in my Doctors basic boots on the ground Statement  … “Well, if it comes back we just cut it off again” !!! ( Like he said it rather like, it will always come back and we will be always cutting it off again” Really I thought ???  … And then the average life span after Diagnosis (No further description on this Diagnosis ) … is 5.5 years !!!


So well at nearly 68 now ! .. Plenty of chance that A coronary, or Brain or Lung Tumor will get me first anyway.


So really no Biggie ! Just another Challenge in Life ! As it is.



OWS Once Was Steptoe.

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I have written a longer more detailed description, and WILL put it in, and under here, so anyone who wants to Read it can….  After all It Might save some one’s Life,  if it trips their understanding of Skin cancers,  up a few Notches,  or it  just Inspires a bit more research. (Like I should have had)  … Or just says “GET all New Lumps that come up on your Body, Biopsied !!! IF they look Different !!!) …


But well it is long !!! … So might just wear them out also … So I will leave this basic decryption, written on my phone and Early in the Morning, when I am Fresh, … and now just edited better here on my PC. But I will leave it as is, and Put the More Complicated version below. Like it was Diagnosed Last Monday ! 3 Days ago now, so I have had the time to think about it as well as Read the reports and Google it also.


 And well My Granddaughter had her Bad Leg Break operation on Tuesday also and not is Lying in Hospital in Great Pain !!! With us all praying !!! That  they DID fix it this time and it is not just still a mess like it was left in the natural Healing approach last time !!! Like it is broken in 2 places !!! So had a large Triangular Lump of Bone in the middle of all of the mess which Really IS what has been messing it up I think. … Too many Breaks to heal properly at the same time !!! … So well let’s hope it WILL heal up properly THIS TIME !!! ( As I watch my Own Little Porocarcinoma Surprise )


Yes, I have been getting basal Carcinoma's the usual benign Lumps that just Grow in situ Burnt or Cut off for Oh over 5 Years now. But well the Brief warning, …They CAN Mutate in to Malignant Cancers !!! And well 2. They mostly look the same, so well pretty easy. … BUT this Porocarcinoma DID look quite different, a different Flatter style and a definite different Brown color, with lots of Little Lumps making it up with a rougher surface. This possibly is the Benign Version, BUT well the Doctor DID say this can Easily Morph in to the malignant version pretty easily really. So it DOES have to be watched !!! So well any of your Lumps turn up, looking and grow up differently !!! Get then Biopsies ASAP I think. Like them you Might catch them in time and well I AM hoping that we have here also.


I saw the new Lump ! About a Year ago I guess ! But did not think of getting anything done about it until now. So well !!! I should have had it Biopsied a Year ago. ? I think. …Right ?


And On On !!! Kram and OWS Once Was Steptoe. (And occasionally Mark mark as a pseudonym, like too much Too Much in Thai.)

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1 hour ago, Mark mark said:

Porocarcinoma is it and there is plenty on the Internet about it.

Yes indeed - and most of the information is worst case and suspect (rare so doctors write it up to publish).  Believe recent seer reports show much less of a danger than previously reported


1 hour ago, Mark mark said:

About 50% fatal after Diagnosis, and an average time of 5.5 Years.



Five-year overall survival was 74.8%. Five-year disease-specific survival was 97%. Conclusions: Head and neck porocarcinoma affects more males than females. Regional or distant metastatic rates are low and overestimated in previous literature. Disease-specific mortality is low.



And yes - I have had such a porocarcinoma removed from ear.

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1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

Yes indeed - and most of the information is worst case and suspect (rare so doctors write it up to publish).  Believe recent seer reports show much less of a danger than previously reported





And yes - I have had such a porocarcinoma removed from ear.

Thanks Mate ! I wrote a reply but lost it as I am Tired ! I will fix it up later. Thanks Greatly !!!

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1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

Yes indeed - and most of the information is worst case and suspect (rare so doctors write it up to publish).  Believe recent seer reports show much less of a danger than previously reported





And yes - I have had such a porocarcinoma removed from ear.

Yes Briefly your comments seem to agree quite closely with My Good Thai Doctors Tone ! And his Plan of Action which as you would expect TIT ... was reasonably Positive !!! ... So yes Thanks Greatly and Working on it.


Something to be positive about !!! 


And well my Grand Daughtet is still in the Hospital after they finsly got the operatipn organised to fix her bafly broken leg which eas NOT healing as it should have !!! ... she could have had it last year and she has a very good Doctor also ! But she would not stop her schooling as she would have had to start the whole year again !  


So wrll plenty to add to my Great Government Hospitals in Thailsnd Blog.


YES I am doing all the Driving to the hospital runs as well so am pretty tired now. And it is Beer O'clock any way. 


I will try and follow your nice lead !!! And work it out a but better Tomorrow.


Thanks Greatly. ! 

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4 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

its good to be back on the grumpy grandpa grievance group aka GGGG/4G ????

No Grumpiness here !!! This one is a positive Blog about my just great Though very crowded quite great ! local Hospital and now the Rare Skin Cancer that I and another fellow had ! Like possibly a good out come also but yes ! I must keep it short. Good luck if ? When you get something like this ! And yes Thanks for joining us !!! Like can you put a Smilie here ! Like I had better find out. !!!

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4 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

its good to be back on the grumpy grandpa grievance group aka GGGG/4G ????

Though Yes ! Maybe the Tired Old Grandpa Station !!! TTOG station ??? Har Har ! ... Or well really looking at it rationally !!! ... The Never Say Die Grandfather Station !!! TNSD Station !!! ??? ...

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It may be a great health system for you - because you can afford to pay.  Its not so good for Thai people who don't have the money to pay - especially if they have a chronic condition.


I knew a Thai female 20 years ago who had Lupus, SLE as it is known in Thailand.  Lupus is a condition that cannot yet be cured but 99% of people live a normal lifespan and the treatments available in civilised countries ensures that they live a near normal life.  The girl I knew - my sister in law, was often sick and had a pretty much awful time simply because she was rarely given the correct drugs and when they were available, they were far too expensive for her to afford.  Death from Lupus is far more common in Thailand than it is in many other countries and that's a real shame.


A girl I'm seeing at the moment has a kidney problem and has to have her kidneys drained every four months.  When I checked out her condition in the UK, it looks almost certain that it can be cured by a minor (ish) operation.


Thailand's medical system for its own people has definitely come on in leaps and bounds over the 21 years that I've been involved with the country but it also has an awful long way to go.  However, the required improvements need to be funded and much of the population doesn't pay social security.  They will have to tackle that problem before any serious improvements can be made.


Until then, Thailand very much remains a country where a person's entitlement to good health (Western style) very much depends on their ability to pay.

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2 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

It may be a great health system for you - because you can afford to pay.  Its not so good for Thai people who don't have the money to pay - especially if they have a chronic condition.


I knew a Thai female 20 years ago who had Lupus, SLE as it is known in Thailand.  Lupus is a condition that cannot yet be cured but 99% of people live a normal lifespan and the treatments available in civilised countries ensures that they live a near normal life.  The girl I knew - my sister in law, was often sick and had a pretty much awful time simply because she was rarely given the correct drugs and when they were available, they were far too expensive for her to afford.  Death from Lupus is far more common in Thailand than it is in many other countries and that's a real shame.


A girl I'm seeing at the moment has a kidney problem and has to have her kidneys drained every four months.  When I checked out her condition in the UK, it looks almost certain that it can be cured by a minor (ish) operation.


Thailand's medical system for its own people has definitely come on in leaps and bounds over the 21 years that I've been involved with the country but it also has an awful long way to go.  However, the required improvements need to be funded and much of the population doesn't pay social security.  They will have to tackle that problem before any serious improvements can be made.


Until then, Thailand very much remains a country where a person's entitlement to good health (Western style) very much depends on their ability to pay.

Yes ! You are right there. Though well do get what they need for very little I think. Like if they or a family member were in the Millitary I think ? And my Grand Daughter is getting a really big operation all on her Brothers compulsory Third Party Insurance. .(I hope ! But well Stay Posted !!!??? ) ..


And yes also !!! As long as the Doctors and Nurses keep on working in the Government Hospials for such low wages also I think.

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2 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

It may be a great health system for you - because you can afford to pay.  Its not so good for Thai people who don't have the money to pay - especially if they have a chronic condition.


I knew a Thai female 20 years ago who had Lupus, SLE as it is known in Thailand.  Lupus is a condition that cannot yet be cured but 99% of people live a normal lifespan and the treatments available in civilised countries ensures that they live a near normal life.  The girl I knew - my sister in law, was often sick and had a pretty much awful time simply because she was rarely given the correct drugs and when they were available, they were far too expensive for her to afford.  Death from Lupus is far more common in Thailand than it is in many other countries and that's a real shame.


A girl I'm seeing at the moment has a kidney problem and has to have her kidneys drained every four months.  When I checked out her condition in the UK, it looks almost certain that it can be cured by a minor (ish) operation.


Thailand's medical system for its own people has definitely come on in leaps and bounds over the 21 years that I've been involved with the country but it also has an awful long way to go.  However, the required improvements need to be funded and much of the population doesn't pay social security.  They will have to tackle that problem before any serious improvements can be made.


Until then, Thailand very much remains a country where a person's entitlement to good health (Western style) very much depends on their ability to pay.

...Though Errr " Civilised Countries" ... And which ones would they be ???

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3 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

It may be a great health system for you - because you can afford to pay.  Its not so good for Thai people who don't have the money to pay - especially if they have a chronic condition.


I knew a Thai female 20 years ago who had Lupus, SLE as it is known in Thailand.  Lupus is a condition that cannot yet be cured but 99% of people live a normal lifespan and the treatments available in civilised countries ensures that they live a near normal life.  The girl I knew - my sister in law, was often sick and had a pretty much awful time simply because she was rarely given the correct drugs and when they were available, they were far too expensive for her to afford.  Death from Lupus is far more common in Thailand than it is in many other countries and that's a real shame.


A girl I'm seeing at the moment has a kidney problem and has to have her kidneys drained every four months.  When I checked out her condition in the UK, it looks almost certain that it can be cured by a minor (ish) operation.


Thailand's medical system for its own people has definitely come on in leaps and bounds over the 21 years that I've been involved with the country but it also has an awful long way to go.  However, the required improvements need to be funded and much of the population doesn't pay social security.  They will have to tackle that problem before any serious improvements can be made.


Until then, Thailand very much remains a country where a person's entitlement to good health (Western style) very much depends on their ability to pay.

Yes KhaoYai on consideratiance I do think that where you actually are from in this country might have something to do with the costs and quality of your health caret also. ...


Like I had a good Thai friend that I workrd with out on tbe Expliratipn boats and he was from Makraksurrinam if I  can get the name right ... In the North East and he was of the opinion that it was all Who you knew ! ? That determined if your health cste ! ?well where he was I guess ! ? .   And  he was also the new upwardly mobole middle class ! ..  So I expect he was more demanding than most Thai's around here.


Like I think in Central Thailand they all pretty well get the basic care as you said.


I will not persue this further for them, or my self.


I have to go and pick up my Grand Daughter now !!! ... Though she still can not walk !!! .. So potential trouble with my Wife !!!


17,000 b for a 4 hr operation to put 3 pieces of bone back together in her leg. And a steel plate to hold it for now !!! And 4 days in hospital etc. ..  Hopefully all paid for by the Compulsory Third party Insurance.  ..


So my Vios is becoming an Ambilence today !!!  ... Still  school holidays so she is not a school bus any more, ... do can fit it on !!!

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Well the Grand Daughter is a Very Brave Girl,, she had a pretty massive operation on her leg, 3 broken bits reassembled, and Fiber removed, where there should have been Bone, only 3 Days ago ! … In a 4 hour operation, where they basically cut her leg open from the knee to the Bottom !!! … AND she wants to go home today .. !!!  Like she cannot walk properly at all, … and only just move, in a walking frame, … BUT she did it, ... like the Orderly laid the front seat down, and they put her in the front seat of my ( Great ) little 2011 Vios !!! … And I bought her home. ...


We have 3 other girls to help her 9 to 11 and the 11 year old is Good, and she was in hospital with her and Looking at what their orderlies were doing in there. ... And ? I do not know the Blanket rule ? But basically here, the Nurses only monitor Health and administer Pills and organize stuff in the Hospitals, and the Nursing and Cleaning / Toilet stuff, is done by the patient’s own family, who stay there overnight also. ( Like it is probably like this all over Thailand I suspect ), ... … Which is why they CAN make it so Cheap ! I guess.


… Any way the Real Bill was 57,000 b and I think that this was about right, as a Private Hospital quoted us 220,000 when we were getting a second Opinion, and well I have seen myself, that this Private Hospital is about 4 Times the cost for everything in the Government Hospitals. … Like we could have a conversation about "Insurance Jobs" and the Commercialization and Greed of the whole world just now ?  …. But well I think that I might just keep on going to the Government hospital myself, and Leaver it at that.


She got it for 17,000 for some Thai ID Insurance Reason ? .. Possibly the Government has Guaranteed some portion of the compulsory now, Personal third Party Insurance ??? ... Or well, the Local government ??? . … So well the Folang Price would have been genuine, and probably at 57,000 for a 4 Hour Operating and 4 days in Hospital, and all of the other tests and etc. also I guess ???


Still watching my Porocarcinoma a rare skin cancer, and well will just keep quiet now, but well do not Fear !!! … You could get a Free case study of this Rare new Cancer, …  from me In a month or two !!! … And well let’s hope that it is a success story !!! right !


Edited by Mark mark
Spelling as usual.
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On 3/15/2023 at 9:30 PM, Mark mark said:

I do not want to Damage the Interests of the Very VERY good staff at it ! ... Like Not with the people on this Blog site, OR their own people. ....


I would imagine most Government Hospitals are ??? Pretty well the Same ??? Possibly here in Central Thailand though they might differ from ? Well Thai Lao ? the East, ... or Chang Mai ? or the South, ? as there are some what different People, living in each place.


... I have heard some Complaints from an Upper Middle class Thai, in Close Eastern Thailand ? ... But well ? Just seems like Upper Middle class sower Apples to me ? ...

My last accurate comment about this hard-to-understand poster got me banned! (Again)!

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