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BREAKING: US base under attack by barrage of rockets after Biden launched series of retaliatory strikes

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Oh fantastic! Surely the American vets on all the forums and facebook groups will be chomping at the bit to give us a run down on this and their involvement or lack thereof. Murricans love the opportunity to weave their service into a good yarn as if expats in Thailand care. 


This is genuine elder abuse. Joe should be comfortable in his own home <deleted>ting his britches instead of getting involved in such things.

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5 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

So Biden hasn't managed to rectify the situation with Iran or come to any peace agreements with them ?

  (Naturally its all Trumps fault and the Iranians fault and nothing to do with Biden , that goes without saying )

Biden doesn't want to reach a peace agreement with the Iranians. They are sending arms to Russia. It's notable that the far right is crickets on this issue. 

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2 minutes ago, asf6 said:

Did the Americans actually leave Syria 100%? 

I don't know if they all actually left but that's what the traitor in chief wanted.


Amid growing chaos in Syria, Donald Trump has ordered all US troops to withdraw from the country’s north to avoid a bloody conflict between Turkey and formerly US-backed Kurdish fighters that “gets worse by the hour”, the defense secretary, Mark Esper, said on Sunday.





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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

now you trying to sand bag us

Why I do that ? I have nothing  against nobody. This is politics. If you can see it. That's all. 
Game (war) of Middle East began in 70s, however it was really started after WWII. And things are not really the way people see. 


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10 minutes ago, The Theory said:

Why I do that ? I have nothing  against nobody. This is politics. If you can see it. That's all. 
Game (war) of Middle East began in 70s, however it was really started after WWII. 

The games in the Middle East started well before WWII. Think of the British and French mandates and the partition of the Ottoman Empire.


And of course, there was plenty of politics going on there before that. 




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4 hours ago, The Theory said:

Another game begins:

staring: USA

co-star: Iran hard liners

More than 40 years of games since president "Carter" brought this gift to people of Iran and it continued by president "Reagan" , Bush , Obama and now, Biden. 


Need to go back a little be further .... and surprise surprise.


Another failed regime change orchestrated by UK & USA ... oops

And once again ... all about the oil


From, 'Shah of Iran' - wiki ...

" Following the 1950 Iranian legislative election, Mohammad Mosaddegh was appointed prime minister in 1951. He was committed to nationalising the Iranian petroleum industry controlled by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) (as Anglo-Persian Oil Company, or APOC, had become).[84] Under the leadership of Mosaddegh and his nationalist movement, the Iranian parliament unanimously voted to nationalise the oil industry—thus shutting out the immensely profitable AIOC, which was a pillar of Britain's economy and provided it political clout in the region.


At the start of the confrontation, American political sympathy was forthcoming from the Truman Administration.[86] In particular, Mosaddegh was buoyed by the advice and counsel he was receiving from the American Ambassador in Tehran, Henry F. Grady. However, eventually American decision-makers lost their patience, and by the time the Republican administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower entered office, fears that communists were poised to overthrow the government became an all-consuming concern; these concerns were later dismissed as "paranoid" in retrospective commentary on the coup from U.S. government officials.


Shortly prior to the 1952 presidential election in the United States, the British government invited Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer Kermit Roosevelt Jr., to London to propose collaboration on a secret plan to force Mosaddegh from office. This would be the first of three "regime change" operations led by Allen Dulles (the other two being the successful CIA-instigated 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état and the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba). ????


Under the direction of Kermit Roosevelt Jr., a senior CIA officer and grandson of former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, the American CIA and British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) funded and led a covert operation to depose Mosaddegh with the help of military forces disloyal to the government. Referred to as Operation Ajax, the plot hinged on orders signed by Mohammad Reza to dismiss Mosaddegh as prime minister and replace him with General Fazlollah Zahedi, a choice agreed on by the British and Americans.


Despite the high-level coordination and planning, the coup initially failed, causing the Shah to flee to Baghdad, and then to Rome. "

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5 hours ago, Tug said:

You remember isis don’t you those are the religious nutters that kill and rape anyone who doesn’t belive exactly as they do hope that helps to jog your memory 

Classic warmongering

Ah right...So if another country wants to set up a base in the USA because they know for certain there are terrorist living there (even have WMD's ???? ) & they want to bomb them out of existence that is fine then right?


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17 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Classic armchair remark.

but still correct.


barrage (military) : the firing of artillery to saturate an area, either to protect against an attack or to support an advance.

can't achieve that with 7 rockets.


the meaning of words is important.

social media will be the death of language.

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47 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Trump taught Iran and the rest of the world that the US can't be trusted.  Fixing that takes time.

Once again, its Trumps fault that Biden has failed in his tasks.

So basically, Biden is absolutely  perfect in everything he does and anytime Biden isn't absolutely perfect, its Trumps fault   

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51 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Once again, its Trumps fault that Biden has failed in his tasks.

So basically, Biden is absolutely  perfect in everything he does and anytime Biden isn't absolutely perfect, its Trumps fault   

How has Biden failed?  Relations with Iran are no worse than when Trump left office, and relations with most of the world are much better.


I merely pointed out the obvious fact that the trust Trump destroyed will take a long time to repair.

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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

How has Biden failed?  Relations with Iran are no worse than when Trump left office, and relations with most of the world are much better.


I merely pointed out the obvious fact that the trust Trump destroyed will take a long time to repair.

Yeah , Trump destroyed that close loving relationship the USA and Iran had prior to him being President................................... 

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8 hours ago, placeholder said:

You clearly have no knowledge of the Iran nuclear deal framework. It was actually an amazing accomplishment of the Obama administration that got China and Russia on board as well as the EU.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_nuclear_deal_framework#:~:text=According to details of the,almost 20%2C000 centrifuges it possesses.


But then the Trump administration decided to withdraw from the agreement after at the urging of the Israelis and the Saudis and the UAE. And by the Trump administration I mean Jared Kushner. And not only did it decide to withdraw but it also made it virtually impossible for other countries to do business with Iran. So why wouldn't Iran push for nuclear weapons? As the situation in Ukraine has shown, nuclear weapons give a certain degree of security to a threatened nation.



Trump put a end to this crazy deal Obama made because it was going nowhere. And look at Iran now, days away from having the nukes. Some countries you just can't trust with deals. Like the Russian USA, UK deal, when Ukraine gave it's nukes to Russia not to invade Ukraine? Down the same rabbit hole. 

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