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Free circumcision program for young Muslim in Pattaya a cut above the rest


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31 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Nature provides the raw materials to make soap.

As for ancestors losing teeth that was just down to laziness, alternatives to toothbrushes were widely available.

As for giving nature a helping hand I do every time I cleanse, just expose the area and wash properly... why have surgery?

Ok don't go to dentists and doctors then. Don't take medications and vitamins. All fake. Be 100% natural. Don't drive in cars, just walk everywhere.

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11 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

How is this even legal these days?  


Mutilation of babies genitals and pressuring young men into having some old man foldle their private parts to cut bits off? 


And you have to question the real motives of the men that have this job.....

Male gynecologists?

Male plastic surgeons doing breast implants?

Should we be suspicious of them as well?
I don't care if my mechanic has a fixation on mufflers as long as he does excellent work on my car.

Where does it end?  Or is this simply gratuitous speculation? 


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13 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

And the moral duty of every  civilised country to amend their laws and  allow their courts to hand out severe penalties to those guilty of conducting or even encouraging this disgusting practice

Foreskins are disgusting. Ask women, most of them hate them.

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23 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

           A barbaric, medieval mutilation that should never be conducted on anybody without their consent. unless for emergency medical reasons ( if there actually are any )

           For god's sake in the UK its illegal to tattoo somebody if they are drunk, as they are not considered capable of giving consent. How can a newborn baby possibly give consent?

          If a grown adult requests the procedure, fair enough, Up to them but they should receive some science based counselling beforehand to inform them of the consequences, in the same way that those requesting gender reassignment surgery do ( or should do)

          They should also pay for it themselves. why should the rest of society foot the bill?  That is just wrong

           The reasons for doing it have nothing to do with "cleanliness" or any other medical reason, that is nothing but a smokescreen.

            One could argue that routine removal of the prostate would have positive effect , ie in preventing a common and often deadly form of cancer but I don't know of any society that advocates that

           Many non muslim or jewish Americans were circumcised in the mistaken belief by religious zealots that it would reduce masturbation something they obsess about (the same reason that cornflakes were invented lol) and before anybody asks here's a link https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/32042/corn-flakes-were-invented-part-anti-masturbation-crusade    Almost unbelievable in my opinion !

            I have yet to hear of any of these "muslim councils" officially explain the reasons for female circumcision or indeed denounce the practice. and don't try telling me it has anything to do with cleanliness. In most civilised countries it is forbidden, in the UK for example there are severe penalties for it but  prosecutions are virtually non existent, one reason being a pathetic fear of upsetting "racial sensitivities" another being that is almost impossible to actually catch the hideous old crones ( it's always old women)who are flown in from places like Saudi Arabia, armed with their razor blades, specifically to commit this heinous crime

           Is their one adult male who who has undergone this "procedure"  later in life who honestly "hand on heart" would extoll its virtue and benefits ?  I very much doubt it, and they are conspicuously absent here!  On the other hand its only to be expected that those who had it forced upon them as a baby would try to justify it, mainly due to brainwashing from their twisted parents who forced it on them and also as away of convincing themselves that they are not missing out on anything


Much safer as a baby than adult. Baby never remembers. Backed by science. Backed by women.


You are posting highly emotional stuff and trying to brainwash people into liking a useless piece of unhygenic skin.



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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Infants are infants.

This new story is about older Muslim males.

Well there is, conspicuously, no mention of any lower age limit at all, just very vague terms like "older"  (7 days old is older than one day old is it not) and "young" muslim males

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"In order to bolster support and grant the practice its due respect and legitimacy, Nongprue officials have highlighted the various benefits of circumcision, particularly in terms of personal hygiene and cleanliness. By labelling the procedure as a contributing factor to overall health, they have effectively established a scientific and moral foundation for the cause."


Way  above both  their pay grade and their level of competence in my opinion and that of any right minded person


And from the linked article...


Through providing access to essential religious practices such as circumcision, communities like Pattaya demonstrate the value of living in harmony with others from various cultures and faiths. As a result, this programme can serve as an inspiring example for other municipalities seeking to show their support for religious diversity and for fostering a sense of unity within their towns and cities.


So presumably ,in line with the above, the enlightened officials will be leading by example??  

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14 hours ago, bignok said:

Good for hygiene. 

You may not be intimately familiar with this if you don't have a foreskin, but you can pull it back to wash when you are in the shower ????

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15 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

Barbaric and primitive.


Soap and water a better solution than pointlessly surgically removing healthy skin.

Isn't that the definition of the teachings of many religions including Christianity (old testament such things as punishments for certain things) , barbaric and primitive? If things weren't barbaric and primitive where would the fun be in most religions 

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Pretty obvious,   what posters have a bit missing on this thread.

Don't forget to thank your mum and dad for that service ( abuse) to you,  as an infant. :cheesy:





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Just now, Bday Prang said:

           I hardly think people need brainwashing to accept their natural unmutilated bodies  although religious brainwashing is the  fundamental reason for this (and many other atrocities), You certainly seem to have been brainwashed regarding your views on personal hygiene  I think its called body dysmorphia and treatment (psychological) is available if you didn't know

           Ask yourself this, Why is any religion forced on all people from a very young age? could it possibly be that young minds are more easily corrupted ?  Would it not be much more difficult to get a fully grown adult to believe any of these fairy stories ?

           "Backed by women"   WTF !   I have NEVER encountered a woman who endorsed this practice 

           "Safer as a baby"  is that because they don't struggle in resistance as they don't know what about to happen? do they even allow the use of anaesthesia ?

         " Backed by science"  if that was the case it would be highly recommended, or even compulsory for all,  the matter would not be up for constructive debate, a bit like Covid vaccines and global warming

           "highly emotional" ? really?  I think any right minded person would consider the surgical disfigurement of childrens genitals to be a somewhat emotive subject, at least they should do

Several medical reasons. I just posted links. Educate yourself on the science. Forget about religion. Lots of non believers do it.

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