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Cancer and canabis

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in canada one of the first reasons they issued medical cards to patients was to help with this exact reason. they even named a strain chemo. 


cannabis helps the user with hunger issues and also the sick feeling caused by chemo. it reduces the nausea and for many allowed them to continue eating and feeling much better after chemo than when they had not smoked or taken cannabis. 


there is no final fact or fiction answer about this but there are results and stories from many different people and parts of the world saying that cannabis did in fact help.


israel has done a lot of research into cannabis maybe look at some of their studies.  


i personally have helped many people both in canada and here in thailand who had different forms of cancers or tumors. not saying i cured anyone but there was real world results and stories from those people about how the cannabis had positive effects on their life. 



Edited by stoner
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I just did a google search and several govt web sites claim it does help with cancer.


And found sth interesting about Thailand. 

Maybe AseanNow can do an article about this place and interview the founder? 


The Use of Medical Cannabis on Cancer in Thailand



Wat Chom Thong is a temple known for taking care of patients with cancer, using cannabis as a treatment. With Thailand being a Buddhist country, temples become a shelter, both mental and physical, for the people. Mr. Banthoon Niyamapa or Uncle Tu is the driving force behind the establishment of Wat Chom Thong Dependency Center, which is initiated to help incurably ill individuals who require cannabis treatments. The temple is not a legal hospital but it is a secure haven for everyone, regardless of their gender, age, or religion.



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Thank you for the information.
Much to look at.


I know someone who swears that he 100% cured his throat cancer with high TCV cannabis oil.
He said to start of with a low dose and work up to high, but insisted the high THC part was important.
I did not try this, though I have the oil overseas.








I thought this talk was very interesting 












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cannabis oil is said to reduce and discard cancer cells but the research is limited due to it being illegal for research in most countries.


if you are looking for a solution tho, check out soursop leaf tea.


we got hooked on it here in Thailand because it got rid of a 10cm tumor in my wife's abdomen. the docs wanted surgery, i said let's try this first.


cancer is basically damaged cells your body can't discard, soursop tea targets and destroys these bad cells and discards them.


our family drinks it twice a year (2x a day for a month).



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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, toast1 said:

Thanks for the info!

We will definitely find this


Where did you buy it?
Does it have a Thai name?


Do you think the tumour went just down this one tea?




yea the tumor disappeared and she had no other treatments. no guarantees but it can't hurt. full disclosure, i'm not a Doctor ????


in Thailand we order these from Lazada:



they call it Soursop in Asia and Graviola in South America.


you can order the trees on Lazada too. i got 3 last year and they all survived.


when we sold the leaves in the states i made little cards to pack with the teabags. see attached.


we sold a lot of it and then got banned by all the ad networks. we closed the site down a few years ago.






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Hmm. a good friend of mine died from lung cancer after being a heavy dope smoker all his adult life (died at 47). Ok it's just one example but it is not a 100% cure - but the fact he used to smoke it with tobacco probably didn't help - and all day every day for many decades.

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7 hours ago, nglodnig said:

Hmm. a good friend of mine died from lung cancer after being a heavy dope smoker all his adult life (died at 47). Ok it's just one example but it is not a 100% cure - but the fact he used to smoke it with tobacco probably didn't help - and all day every day for many decades.

it wasn't the weed. there's no carcinogen in weed smoke that could cause cancer.


that being said, dry herb vape or water bong is better for you than a joint. you don't want ash in your lungs.



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34 minutes ago, SamuiGrower said:

Not exactly….

Except for: benzoprene (benzopyrene), benzanthracene, carbon monoxide, nitrosamines, polycyclic oxidative hydrocarbons and 27 other known carcinogens.


Science, so inconvenient at times…..

does the same apply to all forms ? 






when i do cold start dabs i am vaping right ? so how much of those chemicals are being taken in at that point ? is it the same thing as smoking that way ? because there is no combustion. also dab material has been heavily filtered vs straight flower. 


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Yes, unfortunately so. ????


Substitute the word combustion for vaporization and we have the same outcome. Concentrated forms may not have vegetal matter or the same particulate impurities as flower but those concentrated hydrocarbons do pose a known risk. So unfortunate.



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3 hours ago, SamuiGrower said:

Not exactly….

Except for: benzoprene (benzopyrene), benzanthracene, carbon monoxide, nitrosamines, polycyclic oxidative hydrocarbons and 27 other known carcinogens.


Science, so inconvenient at times…..

i should have been more accurate for you. no carcinogens linked to cancer. no proof cannabis use causes cancer.


this is an interesting SCIENCE article as background to my opinion. i'm not a doctor or scientist, just an enthusiast.




that study even says there's some "significant antitumor activity" in mice from CBD.


any cancer risk is more than enough reason to drink soursop tea 1-2x a year ????




Edited by roietfortress
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5 hours ago, SamuiGrower said:

Yes, unfortunately so. ????


Substitute the word combustion for vaporization and we have the same outcome. Concentrated forms may not have vegetal matter or the same particulate impurities as flower but those concentrated hydrocarbons do pose a known risk. So unfortunate.



is there any truth in this then ?  google vaping vs combustion this comes up.


Vaporization is a safer way to inhale cannabis than combustion, as it produces the purest stream of cannabinoids and terpenes and contains less than 1/1000th the hazardous substances associated with combustion.


is this is true then vaping is far safer for you than combustion. even though it has its drawbacks that's a pretty stark difference. 1/1000th

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26 minutes ago, stoner said:

is there any truth in this then ?

No, there is no truth in it other than it ranks pretty high on Google SEO but I digress….


Unless you are getting data from the NIH (National Institute of Health) or other accredited medical, fact based, science site, I would research further. If you do, you will find that News-Medical, NIH, John’s Hopkins, Sloan Kettering say the exact opposite with some medical studies saying it is more detrimental than nicotine.


I tend to trust the datapoints of all those oncology patients that went through protocols.


I know what SAFE is but what is SAFER?

As I’ve said before, ad nauseam, talk to MD’s, oncologists, pulmonologists - I have. None recommend inhaling anything. Hard stop. 

Any type of “dab” related distillate will prove out to be the most deleterious on the lungs. It’s all lipophilic, oily, sticky, resiny fluid that is deposited on the mucosa lining of your lungs. When you dabbers clean your rig, think of that “reclaim” on your lungs.


Right, 1/1000th safer. ???? Best way to get those cannabinoids through the blood-brain barrier - I’ll give you that!


Im in the choir boys, believe me….but I don’t delude myself and yes, I’m representative of most of you.

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1 hour ago, SamuiGrower said:

Im in the choir boys, believe me….but I don’t delude myself and yes, I’m representative of most of you.

you know more than i so i ask away. you can type as much as you want :)

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5 hours ago, roietfortress said:
8 hours ago, SamuiGrower said:

i should have been more accurate for you. no carcinogens linked to cancer. no proof cannabis use causes cancer.

Uh, no, that’s incorrect or in your case, inaccurate. There are plenty of verifiable carcinogens in cannabis, I named a few above. The medical field is pretty much cut and dry with that.

5 hours ago, roietfortress said:

this is an interesting SCIENCE article as background to my opinion. i'm not a doctor or scientist, just an enthusiast.



I read the article, it didn’t support your opinion. It said, “…..Cannabis smoke contains many of the same carcinogens as tobacco smoke, including greater concentrations of certain aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzopyrene, prompting fears that chronic marijuana inhalation may be a risk factor for tobacco-use related cancers. 


it goes on to extol the benefits of all the cannabinoids that you get to enjoy in the same carcinogenic puff. See my drift? 


Look, I can do the work for you and report back and let you know the real deal (isn’t that what I just did? ????) or you can continue to say no, no, no, except for soursop which is a yes. (please hold me down ????????).


Certainly not out to change your mind but there are some disciples of science out there to be real with.

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1 hour ago, SamuiGrower said:

Uh, no, that’s incorrect or in your case, inaccurate. There are plenty of verifiable carcinogens in cannabis, I named a few above. The medical field is pretty much cut and dry with that.

I read the article, it didn’t support your opinion. It said, “…..Cannabis smoke contains many of the same carcinogens as tobacco smoke, including greater concentrations of certain aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzopyrene, prompting fears that chronic marijuana inhalation may be a risk factor for tobacco-use related cancers. 


it goes on to extol the benefits of all the cannabinoids that you get to enjoy in the same carcinogenic puff. See my drift? 


Look, I can do the work for you and report back and let you know the real deal (isn’t that what I just did? ????) or you can continue to say no, no, no, except for soursop which is a yes. (please hold me down ????????).


Certainly not out to change your mind but there are some disciples of science out there to be real with.

so you stopped at the introduction.


have a good night buddy!



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3 hours ago, toast1 said:

Thanks for the soursop tip
Will order and report back!



Have you recommended this to other cancer suffers with similar results?

there used to be a lot of videos and articles about it, even in Thailand. not too many left tho in English. you can't go against big cancer. if you search graviola or soursop + cancer on youtube, half of the links talk about pharma cures.


its mostly being used in South America so a lot of videos are in Spanish.





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7 hours ago, roietfortress said:

i should have been more accurate for you. no carcinogens linked to cancer. no proof cannabis use causes cancer.

The word carcinogen literally means a substance that promotes cancer growth. Can't be more clear than that.

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3 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

The word carcinogen literally means a substance that promotes cancer growth. Can't be more clear than that.

yea its probably a game of words going on here. i have yet to see a study that proves cannabis use causes cancer? so if these "carcinogens" haven't been proven to cause cancer in people smoking 50+ years, then its not a carcinogen? i dunno lol


i haven't really focused on cannabis and cancer much. there's a lot more videos about it than soursop tho.





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8 minutes ago, roietfortress said:

yea its probably a game of words going on here. i have yet to see a study that proves cannabis use causes cancer? so if these "carcinogens" haven't been proven to cause cancer in people smoking 50+ years, then its not a carcinogen? i dunno lol


i haven't really focused on cannabis and cancer much. there's a lot more videos about it than soursop tho.


Is there a link between marijuana and cancer?

Smoked marijuana delivers THC and other cannabinoids to the body, but it also delivers harmful substances, including many of the same toxins and carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) found in tobacco smoke, which are harmful to the lungs and cardiovascular system. More research is needed to understand the effects marijuana might have on lung and other respiratory cancers. However, limited evidence of an association between current, frequent, or chronic marijuana smoking and testicular cancer (non-seminoma-type) has been documented.




However, ACS CAN opposes the smoking or vaping of marijuana and other cannabinoids in public places because the carcinogens in marijuana smoke pose numerous health hazards to the patient and others in the patient’s presence.



When it comes to health questions I stay far away from Youtube videos or listening to what dealers say. It's best to try to find neutral reputable sources that don't have a monetary incentive to promote something.


I have no doubt that canabinoids can help with some side effects of chemotherapy. It can also have its own bad sideeffects. But I have not seen any credible widely accepted study that seriously says canabis can cure cancer. That's just wishful thinking by the potheads. Sorry but I have a close friend who has the exact same "arguments" and when I refute them with proper links etc he just ignores it and spouts the same baseless claims a week later. If I had a dollar for every illness that he claimed canabis can cure...


toast1 is in a bad spot and I fully understand that he'd like to try anything and everything to fight it which makes him vulnerable to misinformation. I hope he can go through it. Good luck.

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16 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

toast1 is in a bad spot and I fully understand that he'd like to try anything and everything to fight it which makes him vulnerable to misinformation. I hope he can go through it. Good luck.

so i am posting misinformation? but the CDC is all good and trustworthy?


its all good bro. i'll stop posting on this thread. no big deal to me. me and mine are healthy.


DM me if anyone wants more info about soursop.





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3 minutes ago, roietfortress said:

so i am posting misinformation? but the CDC is all good and trustworthy?


its all good bro. i'll stop posting on this thread. no big deal to me. me and mine are healthy.


DM me if anyone wants more info about soursop.

I didn't say you are posting misinformation. I said toast1 is in a vulnerable position regarding misinformation so maybe we should take extra care when it comes to advice on health care. Personally I wouldn't take what strangers are posting on this forum nor Youtube videos as credible sources on this topic. The CDC and the American Cancer Society are way more reputable, yes. There are probably even better sources.


If combustion or vaping is causing the ingestion of carcinogenes and if treatment for sideeffects of chemo is a goal then maybe the OP can look in alternative forms that don't come with the same problems, if there are any. I am not an expert so don't dare to suggest anything specific.

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7 hours ago, eisfeld said:

OP can look in alternative forms that don't come with the same problems, if there are any. I am not an expert so don't dare to suggest anything specific.

tinctures and edibles. 

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