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Future Thailand PM at odds with cannabis sellers and government over drug law reform

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11 hours ago, stoner said:

this needs to be taken down from the story. the author should be ashamed of themselves for writing such willful lies. 





I think this part was lost in translation. I'm pretty sure he meant it's much harder to get addicted to cannabis than it is to cigarettes and alcohol

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He should be smart enough to not make it "his issue" - rather a peoples issue. Draft key points and recommendations and then put it to a referendum. Let the people decide on a way forward - then he really is the peoples choice..... 

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13 minutes ago, jvs said:

At this point it is all politics, parties will promise to do anything

for their turn at the wheel.

Common sense is not abundant anywhere any more.

Think you made a typo there, sorted it for you. :jap:




At this point it is all politics, parties will promise to do anything

for their turn at the trough. :thumbsup:



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20 minutes ago, quake said:

Think you made a typo there, sorted it for you. :jap:



You used the word i also used first but decided to change it.

I am hoping this government will be a bit different but i am thinking you are right.

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13 minutes ago, jvs said:

You used the word i also used first but decided to change it.

I am hoping this government will be a bit different but i am thinking you are right.

There will be no significant difference, who ever ends up in power, all their promises will disappear once they get a sniff of the trough.   Its the same everywhere

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2 hours ago, wadsy said:

I'll bet you're a blast at parties. ???? I don't touch the stuff but I've also never seen 'addicts on every street corner' or 'destroyed city centres' like you're espousing. Care to give some examples?


Do you honestly think he ever gets invited to any parties , or anywhere else for that matter

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20 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Addiction to cannabis is harder than addiction to alcohol and cigarettes.

From my own experience I can tell that my addiction to cigarettes has been a big problem. Addiction to alcohol was not strong. I have been drinking for many years and could choose to stop for long periods.

About forty years ago I had about a five years period of enthusiastic use of smoking marihuana mixed with tobacco. I was never hooked to marihuana but to the tobacco mixed.

Once stopped smoking tobacco in the mix and after some time also stopped with use of cannabis with no problem.

Then after some years I tried irregular smoking pure marihuana on and off not hooked.

But then once mixed with tobacco that took me back into a strong tobacco addiction for many years and never had an urge to mix with marhuana again.

For many years I was fighting to no avail  stop smoking tobacco and finally stopped tobacco for ten years now without falling back ever again. 

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I suggest those interested in this debate search on Google Scholar for relevant papers discussing the pros and cons of cannabis…. Read this one to start with… https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/article-abstract/2804266?casa_token=QOXbErpX3JgAAAAA:qMlczdek1C5Ra8EXu1NfKxNBm9CmnKzQm1AMvl7u4269ZQWSvWtgSmY8mfXQmqF_tu85WCPfgPQ


Too many illiterates voicing their opinions or agendas without backing up with scientific facts. 

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Some random reactions, thoughts/possible brain farts:


-Its not entirely fair to judge the guy and MFP yet on their statements, but what they're proposing here, its not a good look

right out of the starting block. MFP does not seem to be much of a bunch of realists, I can't imagine

displacing the alcohol duopoly as they are proposing would be doable.

The alcohol duopoly is what and where it is because they are politically powerfull.

Which begs the question, who do these people think they are anyway?  

Who is backing them, where would their support lie that they could

break up one of the more powerful business/political interests in Thailand?

One wonders if they are not simply the public face of another would be totalitarian military

group or even internationalist/globalist concern. In either of those cases perhaps then MFP

would be able to knock the stuffing out of the so-called alcohol duopoly. But, until I know better,

I would simply call his bluff on both reversing cannabis de-criminalization and breaking

the alcohol industry giants stranglehold on Thailand. He's not the Prime minister yet so

why not just start saying things and proposing things you think will garner further support

to help in your bid to cement a ruling party position.



- A condescending, I know better older brotherly look to his body language in the photo. But that is what people get out of government mostly anywhere you go, the sense that a parental or big brother is looking out for them and they don't have to solve their own problems. Personally, that photo (Thaiger is jumping the gun aren't they, future prime minister? Really?) kind of gets on my nerves, he looks like hes just gotten through lecturing them about the evils of cannabis. He's quite urban Chinese-Thai looking (no surprise there) and as I understand it cannabis is traditionally more something rural Lao/Isaan peoples and other outlander areas have found important. If you are going to be proper and acceptable as a politician among the Bangkok controlling elites and their conservative supporters, you'd do well, to say you want to get rid of the cannabis shops and put upcountry rural things like cannabis where they belong, criminalized and kicked to the curb.


-The cannabis drama is also serving as a distraction from more real and harmful drug and other health issues  such as yaba, severe air pollution, completely unregulated and out of control use of toxic and internationally banned substances in food and in use in agriculture and Thailand made products. Also again corruption makes it impossible to regaulate thngs that need regulation for people's health, so it better to deflect to easy targets like cannabis just as in the west for what, the last 80 years. Like most politicians in the world, he appears only concerned with putting on a good puppet show. Not surprising but no less disappointing.


-Does it matter is what I also ask. The whole planet appears to be descending into a horrific phase of

deliberate economic obliteration, the consequences of fiat currency printing will collapse most countries currencies, I can't iaine the Thai economy would be largely unaffected by this if only because soon nearly no one would be able to afford to travel to Thailand. . The unipolar globalist US-UK-European hegemon is in deep trouble and some  extreme measures and strategies are already being undertaken to maintain their grip. One example would be the One Health WHO revamp that will be signed in October, which transforms WHO from a group that recommends govts to take actions to one that dictates to all WHO signatories and which, in the event of even a potential threat to public health, in the sole estimation of the WHO, no actual threat necessary, cedes all sovreignty and governance of said countries to the WHO. We know the WHO has become a club to further the interests of its donors, so those who will be asked to sign the One Health treaty will certainly do so, it is fait accompli. The US is already trying to respond, there are two bills in conress, one to quit the WHO and one that orders an end to all funding of the WHO, if you are a US citizen contact your reps and tell them you support these bills. But, Thailand will no doubt not even be aware such usurpation and in effect  colonization of their coutry is soon at hand. MFP may well, by 2025 find itself set aside and only serving as a globalist errand boy to deliver the globalist dictates. The United Nations is in a similar rev up in case health emergencies don;t work to get absolute control of the planet. There is much coverage on all of this if you look around, truly jaw dropping and utterly terrifying. Makes MFP or not to MFP kind of irrelevant it would seem.




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9 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

Tax revenues for the government and ... not cash-in-hand for crooks and money laundering shops for British boiler room Barrow boys in Bangkok.



Prescriptions might make it cheaper, too. Seems to work that way in other locales. My admittedly limited experience.

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