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The King visits people in Kratie


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King Norodom Sihamoni on Monday visited people in Kratie province and provided aid to underprivileged families. The royal visit to Treab and Sanday villages in Kratie province’s Chetr Borei district reflects the close attention the King pays to Cambodians, no matter how remote the place in which they are living.


The event was organised by the Ministry of Royal Palace as well as the Kratie Provincial Administration and involved close supervision of the site by Provincial Governor Var Thorn, one day prior to the King’s arrival. During his visit, the King also brought along financial support and food for 410 impoverished families, including those from the local ethnic minority community such as the Kuoy and Bunong people.


At the event, the King spoke about Cambodia’s current peace and prosperity and asked them to support the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Hun Sen. He also thanked local authorities for their effort in serving the people and maintaining peace and stability in Kratie province.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501315213/the-king-visits-people-in-kratie/



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