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Commentary: Cambodia’s next leader Hun Manet presents a new era for the country’s global relations


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The path that Cambodia treads under the leadership of Hun Sen's eldest son is filled with potential and promise, says Cambodian expert Chheang Vannarith. After nearly 40 years as Cambodian leader, Prime Minister Hun Sen is stepping aside, handing over power to his eldest son, Hun ManetThe leadership transition in Cambodia has taken a significant step forward, marking a notable departure from its violent history of power transfers. 


After gaining independence from France in 1953, Cambodia has experienced several violent regime changes due to conquest, coups and civil wars. The latest events include the 1970 coup, the rise of the Khmer Rouge regime in 1975, a violent power transition in 1979 and a violent power struggle in 1997.


This time, the shift of power has been remarkably peaceful, with Hun Manet set to assume the role of prime minister on Aug 22, following the Cambodian People's Party's (CPP) victory at the Jul 23 electionThe reactions to Hun Manet’s appointment have been mixed: On one hand, there is optimism that Western-educated Hun Manet may improve Cambodia's testy relationship with the West.


read more https://www.channelnewsasia.com/commentary/cambodia-election-hun-sen-hun-manet-cambodian-peoples-party-3668721



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