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Thai businesses warned of ‘global boiling,’ rising power costs


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22 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It seems they have to find all the time new superlatives.

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Is it already that hot? Or will it be that hot in 100 or 1000 years?

Or will it maybe be 2 degrees warmer in 100 years - and nobody would notice it apart from those loud activists. 

Agreed, the use of the word boiling is inappropriately excessive. BUT, just like humans suffer greatly from a fever of a few degrees, so too will the plant and animal ecosystem of the planet suffer in the warming ahead.

21 hours ago, ukrules said:

El Nino is in full effect


The effects of El Nino had barely begun by July of 2023. See images from paper by James Hansen.
Historically the global peak temperatures are early in the second year of an El Nino. Early in the year also coincides closely with when Thailand has its peak heat each year. In 2016 & 2019 the dry season lasted longer than usual, local wells (including ours) went dry and the string of days over 39ºC in the north went over a month straight.
Hansen's paper is at https://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/2023/UhOh.14August2023.pdf

While July was warmer than usual for Thailand, by-and-large Thailand has thus far been spared the intensity of increased warming that has already been experienced in other parts of the world.

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The Global warming story is told to me by a Professor Dr Dr for some "environmental stuff" related to wind energy projects...


This superbrain went out with me in Barrows (UK) and I pickled him in Beer, just to pick his brain regarding my Permaculture Farm I planned...


As he had reached his intoxication level, he was freely talking which he never would do in a Windfarm Project Office...


His Words:

If the humans would decimize themselfes just around 10% it would be an economical disaster for any country.

Hence a No Go...


He agrees the humans have a little influence on the global warming, but the nature itself is the main culpit.

Every plant and tree produces so much oxygen as it needs later for decomposing, if we produce more greenhouse gasses the nitrogen fixing plants will eventually take over and we have to eat more beans and peas.. 


The Global warming is a cyclus of 30000 years approximately and when the heat spike is reached, a very fast collapse of the natural thermal control system of the world will occur. (Jet streams, Ocean currents, El Nino and so on on on) 

Within a decade (or less) an ice age will sort things again (balanced reduction of industry and humans included) and the cr@p starts from new.. 



I love this panic making, because it sells Wind Turbines by the hundreds and pays me a day rate way above that what I earned in Oil and Gas or on Ships before... 


Final Words: 



nuff said... 

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2 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

2000 years ago, the temperatures were significantly higher than today. This was great for human civilization. Hannibal crossed the Alpes with elefants. No glaciers stopped him. The Roman empire had a great time.

Regardless, the world does need to become more sustainable. Hannibal crossed the alps in 218BC and there were plenty of elephants to go around, given the population on earth was approximately 150 million. Now it's 8 billion, with 6.4 billion increase in the last 100 years alone. So, it's certainly not an OK or sustainable situation and that often gets rolled up in the personal greed factory of "ESG" and other fabrications. Somewhere amongst those lies are truths, and therein lies the danger of being too dismissive either way.

Edited by Karma80
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