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10 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

Nothing mentioned on low testosterone, as that one also can give problems.

The so called andro pause for men and women have meno pause.

Like calcium break down on your bones, muscle breakdown, mood changing for instance.


Im on blood pressure pills now long time, enalapril and amlodipine.

Took them first simultaneous, but after long time doing so, my weight raised quick.

Change in body? Or medicine? Splitted the medicines, morning/evening and weight was going down again?! Asked pharmacist if it would make difference about how to take them. No was the answer.

As I had also found a Spanish published research report on BPM, which concluded that having blood medicines in evening was more effective. Pharmacist was interested on it, so I send him that research.

Also red about amlodipine it can give you swollen legs and feet, which i had when in Thailand. Not here in my place, but there is tension in the legs.

Of course I tried by not having BPM again for 2 weeks it there was a positive reaction. Also drinking more, as they said it could help. Yeah, it is making choices to found out. However no change and back on BPM again. Or did BPM totally screwed my system now?


Medicines are a pain in the ass, as they can give you totally other things in time!

It can easily take up a half year.

Also had statines, but after half year got headaches. At first didnt think about medicines, went to doc, which stated migraine. After some time then the coin dropped for me, medicines?! Why would I have headache?

Stopped statines and my headache was gone. Back to doc, which send me to specialist. However that one continued with other statines, resulting in the same problem. The last one was the worst. After 4 days, wanted to kill myself.

So never ever I will have statines again.

Red a lot about statines and concluded it was a killer. And more and more doctors claim it is not good. It is breaking down muscle, Q10 enzym in your body and many more. Saw docu, people who couldnt walk anymore.


Now I notice my libido dropped, changed to low, age? or BPM as I red those medicines kill your libido and maybe with lower testosterone makes it worse and now affects me real.

I notice. Have to make that hated visit to doc again.

My dentist said once, your jawbone is retracting. Low T? Lost 2 teeth, due to weak setting then of redrawing bone? Once had nice teeth setting, but now?

Started with 1 teeth on a chicken bone, weak setting easily break down in this case

then and the one next to it after some time also, as there was no protection from teeth next to it anymore, making it more vulnerable.

I noticed more older people have longer teeth showing, redrawing bone as well, due to hormone issues? So is HMT harmful?

It is bringing in a substance you already had, but is lacking getting older, affecting your body then negative? Well there are negative influences. But dose would be not over, but mild, too much also couldnt be good.  

Are you saying this Amlodipine I'm taking can gain you weight ?

Because strangely the last week taking it 5mg a day I have gained a belly !

I also read on another post it affects bone density 


I may have to stop taking this !!!! Or can I take it every 3rd day I wonder ?

I'm sick of taking this every morning 


7 hours ago, OneZero said:

MangoKorat was referring to those that already have prostate cancer, advanced or early asymptomatic.

Older men could indeed have an early otherwise slow growing asymptomatic prostate cancer and be none the wiser about its presence.  Testosterone could speed up the malignant growth.

Absolutely correct.


Actually so could (comparatively) younger men.


TRT should not be started without first ruling out prostate cancer.  One of several reasons why it shuld not be self-initiated  

1 hour ago, georgegeorgia said:

Are you saying this Amlodipine I'm taking can gain you weight ?

Because strangely the last week taking it 5mg a day I have gained a belly !

I also read on another post it affects bone density 


I may have to stop taking this !!!! Or can I take it every 3rd day I wonder ?

I'm sick of taking this every morning 


Amlodopine would not account for the belly.

In a minority of people it causes some water retention (edema) in the ankles and legs. Not true weight gain.  Majority of people do not experience this side effect but some do.


BP medications have to be taken daily. Taking every other or 3rd day will not work.


There are plenty of alternative BP  drugs if amlodopine does not suit you. Consult your doctor. 



10 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Are you saying this Amlodipine I'm taking can gain you weight ?

Because strangely the last week taking it 5mg a day I have gained a belly !

I also read on another post it affects bone density 


I may have to stop taking this !!!! Or can I take it every 3rd day I wonder ?

I'm sick of taking this every morning 


It was for me a personal experience and as i said, combined it with the other medicine enalapril. And I took them together for very long time, maybe a year, without noticeable negative effects.

After taking them separately (try & error), I saw a decrease in weight in 2 weeks.

So was it the combination for long time or not?

Taking "medicines", you have to monitor your body, what is it doing to me. What are the changes? A doctor also go by try&error but should now more. However every person could react differently on a medicine. You have to be aware is my personal experience. A medicine can work for one thing, but affecting another thing(s).

I dint go back to taking them again both at the same time.


Statines, I had headache problem after half year, attacks on left side brain/head and got worse in changing in statines (by specialist). Not even my doc concluded, it could be the statines.

He said migraine, agree could be, but it was activated by the statines. He gave me again medicine for it to lower attack. Had to find out myself, it was the statines. 


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