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Jordan, Scalise locked in tight race to succeed McCarthy

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Jockeying to be the next Speaker of the House is in full swing after Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) shocking ouster, with the two declared candidates — Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) — lobbying for support and lawmakers beginning to pick sides in what is expected to be an intense race.


Endorsements are rolling in for each of the candidates, and both are making the rounds to various groups within the GOP conference to earn support.

A clear front-runner has yet to emerge. And some lawmakers are wondering if any candidate will be able to garner enough support to win the gavel.

“From having gone through the Speaker fight in January, I don’t think there was a path for Scalise to get the votes then and talking to colleagues I don’t think there will be a path now. And right now it’s not clear that Jim has a path either,” Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), who endorsed Jordan, told The Hill Thursday.

That could give way to a dark horse third option like Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Okla.), the chairman of the Republican Study Committee and a newcomer in Congress compared to the other two.

Hern has not officially entered the race and is working on contacting every member of the GOP conference before announcing his decision, according to a source familiar with his strategy. 

 “They don’t want the status quo, they don’t want somebody that’s been around 10, 15, 20 years, proceeding forward doing the same thing that we’ve seen time and time again,” Hern said on Newsmax Wednesday night.





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That Jim Jordan is trumps go to guy for coup attempts I don’t think he’s going to be speaker the magganuts will like him but even as terrified and cowardly as the gop Congress is I don’t think they will allow that to happen 

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Presumably if it comes down to a vote between these two, the Democrats will decide who becomes the Speaker. Then of course assorted nutjobs will start to froth at the mouth. 


Unless of course the Democrats field their own candidate, who wins because the Republican vote is split. Then of course assorted nutjobs will start to froth at the mouth. 


Either way it is a mess, unless the two parties reach a consensus. Then of course assorted nutjobs will start to froth at the mouth. 


I don't see a way out. For the House of Representatives to function, especially with so slim a majority, requires a degree of consensus. Then of course assorted nutjobs will start to froth at the mouth. 


How will the Government continue to function for another year without an effective lower house?

Edited by herfiehandbag
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12 minutes ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

The Hateful 8 once again with the hate but no solutions... they have committed to the sinking ship of the liberal left

Oh no lol ???? there is a solution dump trump and his trumpisum work across the isle for the good of the country or go down the toilet bowl of history along with trump

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25 minutes ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

The Hateful 8 once again with the hate but no solutions... they have committed to the sinking ship of the liberal left

Why do you think anyone owes the Republicans a solution to the mess they allowed Matt Gaetz put them into?


As for which ship is sinking, I suggest you get in a life boat while you still have a chance.


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19 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

Right now American politics seems like the Wild West...how they can be the so-called world leader when they can't even lead themselves. Shameful.

There is one faction of one group that is indeed behaving un encumbered by the thought process unfortunately for their party their majority is so small they as well as the rest of us are held hostage by this fringe group 

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3 hours ago, Tug said:

Oh no lol ???? there is a solution dump trump and his trumpisum work across the isle for the good of the country or go down the toilet bowl of history along with trump

You are a sad sack... that's not a solution... Trump was dumped... Joe won... what has he done... what is the plan for moving out of the abyss that he has perpetuated... what has he built to better the lives of Americans???

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10 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

You are a sad sack... that's not a solution... Trump was dumped... Joe won... what has he done... what is the plan for moving out of the abyss that he has perpetuated... what has he built to better the lives of Americans???

Really?catching any fish?

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14 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

You are a sad sack... that's not a solution... Trump was dumped... Joe won... what has he done... what is the plan for moving out of the abyss that he has perpetuated... what has he built to better the lives of Americans???

Who do you support in the Speaker's race?

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On 10/7/2023 at 11:07 AM, Skipalongcassidy said:

You are a sad sack... that's not a solution... Trump was dumped... Joe won... what has he done... what is the plan for moving out of the abyss that he has perpetuated... what has he built to better the lives of Americans???

It's truly bizarre the double standards that Trump supporters adopt. Unemployment has never been below 4% for such a long stretch since 1969. The same people who credit Trump with the low unemployment rate, would deny that credit to Biden. And a significant difference being that the world economy was in much better shape when Trump was President than it is now.

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