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US Senator Rand Paul Wants Fauci Taken Down or a New Law Passed

Red Phoenix

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"Senator Rand Paul is still aiming to take down Dr. Anthony Fauci — or have a new law passed to regulate gain-of-function research.


"He lied to Congress, that's a felony," Paul said while speaking about Fauci. "I've referred him for prosecution, and [Attorney General] Merrick Garland has responded saying he got our letter, but there's been no investigation as we know of.


Last month, Paul said during an interview with Fox Business: "We now have emails that show [Fauci] saying that he knows it was gain-of-function, that the virus looked manipulated, and that he was worried that this came from the Wuhan lab...This is a bombshell revelation, and this will eventually bring down Anthony Fauci."


Source: https://www.newsweek.com/rand-paul-anthony-fauci-taken-down-new-law-covid-1841937


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I'm all for that crook Fauci getting his comeuppance. But it's been a bit late in coming. This could have been sorted out when The Don was in charge.


But!! I would not put Rand Paul in charge of a village feast.

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5 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:


The topic is about a US Senator providing evidence that the 'good doctor' Fauci LIED to congress.

You will have to do better to 'debunk' this story.



You should read the link to your own topic:

"Paul continues to attack Fauci over issues relating to the COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccine."


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2 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

You should read the link to your own topic:

"Paul continues to attack Fauci over issues relating to the COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccine."



Obviously, Senator Paul is attacking Fauci as Fauci is a serial-liar and lied on many covid-19 and vaccine related issues. 

But the evidence on Fauci's lies while providing testimony under oath to congress, will hopefully result in his downfall.


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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Re Rand Paul's claims:

Fauci and Paul, Round 2

Updated on August 19, 2021


"There’s no evidence that Fauci lied to Congress, as Paul asserted in the July 20 hearing, given that the NIH unequivocally backs up Fauci’s statement that the grant-backed research “was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain-of-function.”




"The NIH, EcoHealth Alliance and the lead researcher in Wuhan all say the experiments weren’t gain-of-function — a type of research the U.S. government generally defined in 2014 as aiming to “increase the ability of infectious agents to cause disease by enhancing its pathogenicity or by increasing its transmissibility.”





Yep, and that was BEFORE the new evidence turned up.

See the relevant paragraph in the Newsweek report:

Last month, Paul said during an interview with Fox Business: "We now have emails that show [Fauci] saying that he knows it was gain-of-function, that the virus looked manipulated, and that he was worried that this came from the Wuhan lab...This is a bombshell revelation, and this will eventually bring down Anthony Fauci."


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Just now, Red Phoenix said:


Obviously, Senator Paul is attacking Fauci as Fauci is a serial-liar and lied on many covid-19 and vaccine related issues. 

But the evidence on Fauci's lies while providing testimony under oath to congress, will hopefully result in his downfall.


I corrected you on your own topic and perhaps Rand is the serial liar. 


“No one has been hospitalized for” the omicron variant of COVID-19.



“Sorry Dr Fauci and other fearmongers, new study shows vaccines and naturally acquired immunity DO effectively neutralize COVID variants.”


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Maybe the good senator needs do a bit better job in keeping up with the news, in his quest to have Fauci "taken down", since Fauci already left his federal job at the end of 2022:


Dr. Fauci on retiring

"Dr. Anthony Fauci sits down with his wife, Dr. Christine Grady, to discuss retiring from his positions as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical advisor to the president."




Fauci Bids NIH Farewell After Half Century of Service

January 20, 2023


"How do you thank someone who has devoted more than 54 years to pursuing medical science, combating infectious disease and promoting public health—particularly when the honoree has declined all bells, whistles and elaborate celebrations of any kind? That was NIH’s challenge on Dec. 16, when an extremely modest assembly gathered in Wilson Hall—one of the campus’s smallest venues—to pay tribute to an agency icon."




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5 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Maybe the good senator needs do a bit better job in keeping up with the news, in his quest to have Fauci "taken down", since Fauci already left his federal job at the end of 2022:


Dr. Fauci on retiring

"Dr. Anthony Fauci sits down with his wife, Dr. Christine Grady, to discuss retiring from his positions as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical advisor to the president."




Fauci Bids NIH Farewell After Half Century of Service

January 20, 2023


"How do you thank someone who has devoted more than 54 years to pursuing medical science, combating infectious disease and promoting public health—particularly when the honoree has declined all bells, whistles and elaborate celebrations of any kind? That was NIH’s challenge on Dec. 16, when an extremely modest assembly gathered in Wilson Hall—one of the campus’s smallest venues—to pay tribute to an agency icon."





So by honorably retiring his crimes have been white-washed? 

Pathetic!  ... and you know it.

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There is more than enough 'evidence' that Fauci lied to Congress - knowingly or not.

He did not say 'Not to my knowledge' - he said 'No' (he is not a skilled politician liar).

The next few years are going to be 'fun' - Fauci and a lot of others are going to be attacked (maybe punished) for what they did during Covid.

At the very least they are going to be attacked - and that alone is worth it - I say attack them all until they rot in the ground.

Unless and until public servants are held accountable for the outcomes of their decisions, their impunity will forever be abused.

Acting with impunity means never saying 'hey wait a minute guys, what if ..............." 

That is the problem - they have no fear of getting it wrong - they made a lot of mistakes and were driven by politics more than science.

In China they have no fear at all - all the evidence is removed and the people responsible have been 'dealt with'.

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3 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

There is more than enough 'evidence' that Fauci lied to Congress - knowingly or not.

He did not say 'Not to my knowledge' - he said 'No' (he is not a skilled politician liar).

The next few years are going to be 'fun' - Fauci and a lot of others are going to be attacked (maybe punished) for what they did during Covid.

At the very least they are going to be attacked - and that alone is worth it - I say attack them all until they rot in the ground.

Unless and until public servants are held accountable for the outcomes of their decisions, their impunity will forever be abused.

Acting with impunity means never saying 'hey wait a minute guys, what if ..............." 

That is the problem - they have no fear of getting it wrong - they made a lot of mistakes and were driven by politics more than science.

In China they have no fear at all - all the evidence is removed and the people responsible have been 'dealt with'.

At the very least they are going to be attacked - and that alone is worth it - I say attack them all until they rot in the ground.


^^^^^^Really, your one of these lowlifes then?^^^^^


Fauci slams ‘lowlife’ trolls harassing his wife, children over covid

Fauci, 81, who has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, will step down later this month after more than a half-century in public service. He told a BBC podcast in an interview released Friday that he faces “a lot of personal attacks.”

The abuse toward his family is more perturbing, he said. He noted that at least two people are in jail in the United States for “credible” attempts on his life.

“These people who troll about, they harass my wife and my children. … I really think it’s so cowardly for people to harass people who are completely uninvolved in this,” he said, calling it “a manifestation of the lowlife that does that.”


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Dr. Anthony Fauci Would Like to Set the Record Straight

Mar 21, 2023


"...Wuhan Institute of Virology.” But a cache of NIH documents published by The Intercept revealed that it was involved in “gain-of-function research of concern,” or making viruses more transmissible to study their patterns."




"The bat viruses that were studied have never been shown to infect humans, so by definition, for goodness’ sakes, it doesn’t fit into the definition of gain-of-function! That’s the reason why I said, when asked if we were funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, if you look at the design of the experiments, it did not fit into the P3CO guidelines..."


"So, people who keep saying that are not looking at what the experiments were nor were they looking at what the current definition was of gain-of-function."




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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

At the very least they are going to be attacked - and that alone is worth it - I say attack them all until they rot in the ground.


^^^^^^Really, your one of these lowlifes then?^^^^^


Fauci slams ‘lowlife’ trolls harassing his wife, children over covid

Fauci, 81, who has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, will step down later this month after more than a half-century in public service. He told a BBC podcast in an interview released Friday that he faces “a lot of personal attacks.”

The abuse toward his family is more perturbing, he said. He noted that at least two people are in jail in the United States for “credible” attempts on his life.

“These people who troll about, they harass my wife and my children. … I really think it’s so cowardly for people to harass people who are completely uninvolved in this,” he said, calling it “a manifestation of the lowlife that does that.”



Certainly not - I in no way condone those personal attacks and those attacks to his family and friends.  I also felt the same way about all that abuse that was thrown at SCOTUS members when Roe V Wade was over-turned. 


No - what I mean is relentless 'attacks' though Government process - investigations and hearings and hopefully charges.

Fauci lied for political reasons - a lot of the 'medical authorities' in USA and Europe and WHO played politics and did not focus enough on the science and the actual realities on the ground. 


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6 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:


This topic in the OP also wouldn't be the first time Rand Paul has gone down the false / unproven "bombshell" road on these matters, for example:

No ‘Bombshell’ On COVID-19 Origins

June 29, 2023


"...on June 13, a Substack post, citing anonymous government sources, claimed to know with “100%” certainty the identity of three [COVID] “patients zero” who manipulated viruses in the lab.


In a June 18 interview on Fox News, clips of which were shared on Facebook, Republican Sen. Rand Paul repeated the supposed findings of the Substack post, calling them a “big deal.”


Paul ... then suggested the information might be confirmed the next day, when the Director of National Intelligence was expected to release additional declassified information....


But in its report, which arrived belatedly on June 23, the U.S. Intelligence Community, or IC, does not substantiate any of these details."




Ooooppsss.... No "bombshell"  there!  :-)


Rand Paul, Fox News and Substack... What a trio!


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Shill Johnny, factcheck.org and Fauci, what a trio!


Fauci knowingly lied to congress when he said he did not give any money for gain of function, and in fact, NIH later came out and said they did fund the Wuhan lab.  I love how fackcheck.org tries to spin everything to make things appear they way they want them to appear.





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And what Fauci has said in reply:


8 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:




"The bat viruses that were studied have never been shown to infect humans, so by definition, for goodness’ sakes, it doesn’t fit into the definition of gain-of-function! That’s the reason why I said, when asked if we were funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, if you look at the design of the experiments, it did not fit into the P3CO guidelines..."







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I'm not a scientist, and I certainly don't know what did or didn't go on in China with the research there, or the pertinent federal rules involved...


But one thing I do know is, even in recent months, there doesn't seem to be much credible, public evidence of meaningful wrongdoing on the so-called "gain of function" front involving Fauci.


For example:


--The Office of the Inspector General for the federal Department of Health and Human Services issued its report in January, finding there were problems with the federal oversight of the grant in question, but making absolutely no findings or statements about whether any prohibited "gain of function" research involving viruses has occurred.


Federal watchdog finds problems with NIH oversight of grant funding bat virus research in China

25 Jan 2023


"the audit refrains from commenting on whether the results of the WIV hybrid virus experiments constituted “enhanced growth” that should have potentially triggered the special HHS review. OIG “did not assess scientific results for any of the experiments or make any determination regarding the accuracy of NIH’s or EcoHealth’s interpretations of … research results,” the report says."




And then more recently in July, the HHS barred federal funding for the Wuhan lab for non-compliance with federal rules involving failures to produce requested documents. And once again, nothing to substantiate Paul's claims involving Fauci and gain of function research.


US suspends federal funding to Wuhan lab over non-compliance

July 20, 2023


"U.S. Republicans released a report in 2021 citing "ample evidence" that WIV scientists were working to modify coronaviruses to infect humans and such manipulation could be hidden.


In June 2023, U.S. intelligence agencies found no direct evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic stemmed from an incident at the WIV."




And Paul's notion of trying to get the federal Department of Justice and/or the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia to investigate and prosecute Fauci for supposed perjury likewise seems to have drawn crickets.....


Lastly, do a Google search for "Fauci" and "gain of function" for say the past year, and look for any reporting from any major U.S. news media outlet confirming Paul's claims, and you'll find nothing except right-wing partisan stuff. Nothing that I could find in recent times from Associated Press, Reuters, Bloomberg, the major television new networks (except for the widely discredited Fox News), or any of the major U.S. newspapers like NYT, WAPO, USAToday, etc etc...


If Paul really has some kind of legitimate "bombshell," it's got to be the most ignored and unreported bombshell around. (Queue the resident conspiracy theorists...)


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8 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

OIG “did not assess scientific results for any of the experiments or make any determination regarding the accuracy of NIH’s or EcoHealth’s interpretations of … research results,” the report says."


You won't find what you are not looking for...

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