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Life’s different when you are the big cheese.

bob smith

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4 minutes ago, BigStar said:


Immediately joined a bunch of other silly, obnoxious avatars I've blocked.


Here you are, an appropriate blank:




Getting rid of some of the visual pollution makes scrolling through threads a lot pleasanter. I recommend it to members who didn't know they can quickly and easily block avatars with their ad-blocking software.


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3 minutes ago, BigStar said:


Here you are, an appropriate blank:




Getting rid of some of the visual pollution makes scrolling through threads a lot pleasanter. I recommend it to members who didn't know they can quickly and easily block avatars with their ad-blocking software.


what do you find so offensive about my avatar?


you sound kinda strange.

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15 minutes ago, Dan O said:

Bob you were never a "big cheese" and will never be one. You have changed your stories so many times its pathetic and you should be ashamed to even post your bs as no one believes any of it and you can't even keep it straight yourself. Your narcissisic behavior gives you away and its very sad that you don't seek some professional help 

you are literally overflowing with jealousy and envy, Dan.


Nobody cares what you say anyway.


You aren't important. 

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8 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I might never be the :big Cheese? but the wife is always complain that if I don't shower, I smell like one. 

I tell you, I get no respect 


I have never noticed it before , but he is actually saying that he get's respect. 

Because if you " don't get no respect" it follows that you get respect 

Boy . my whole life was lie. Now I don't know what to think!!

Edited by sirineou
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8 minutes ago, bob smith said:

you are literally overflowing with jealousy and envy, Dan.


Nobody cares what you say anyway.


You aren't important. 

Not trying to be important Bob, just calling you a full on bs artist that can't keep your stories straight. You are NOTHING to envy only pity. 

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1 minute ago, bob smith said:

stop spreading your negativity on my threads you clown.

You mean stop spreading the truth.  Its a public open forum so don't post bs and you won't get comments telling you you are full of bs 

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Just now, bob smith said:

says dan o, typing from his 15 year old laptop in his cruddy 1 bedroom apartment with no windows nor balcony.


i'll have another margarita for you mr. miserable.

I'm completely happy in my life bob so you trying to deflect  your pathetic life style onto me or others doesn't work. 

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Just now, bob smith said:

im currently sat by MY pool, enjoying a cocktail.



Oh now your condo has its own pool bob?  Don't you mean bathtub bob.  So now you wanna see who's dick is bigger?  It really passes you off that I call you out on your bs posts doesn't it?  

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Just now, Dan O said:

Oh now your condo has its own pool bob?  Don't you mean bathtub bob.  So now you wanna see who's dick is bigger?  It really passes you off that I call you out on your bs posts doesn't it?  

my condo?


which one are you referring to exactly?


i’m actually at my house now, but nice try dan. Enjoy your 5,000 a month prison cell ;) 

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1 minute ago, Dan O said:

Oh now your condo has its own pool bob?  Don't you mean bathtub bob.  So now you wanna see who's dick is bigger?  It really passes you off that I call you out on your bs posts doesn't it?  

Given the frequency Bob bathes I dont thin k he means bathtub or shower 

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2 minutes ago, bob smith said:

my condo?


which one are you referring to exactly?


i’m actually at my house now, but nice try dan. Enjoy your 5,000 a month prison cell ;) 

Nope relaxing rent free on our farm in NST bob.   Yeah condo bob, that little one you live in or is it an apartment. I can't keep your stories straight but your postman boyfriend knows where its at 

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1 minute ago, Dan O said:

Nope relaxing rent free on our farm in NST bob.   Yeah condo bob, that little one you live in or is it an apartment. I can't keep your stories straight but your postman boyfriend knows where its at 

you live in NST?


I actually feel sorry for you now.


how sad.

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Nothing wrong with NST.  Close to the best beaches and real women that aren't used up hookers. Have plenty of land, big house,  a few ponds and a real life not a fictional one that changes every time you get drunk.   I'll give you a rest now so you can think up your next installment of life and times of a narcissistic drunk

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14 minutes ago, Dan O said:

Nothing wrong with NST.  Close to the best beaches and real women that aren't used up hookers. Have plenty of land, big house,  a few ponds and a real life not a fictional one that changes every time you get drunk.   I'll give you a rest now so you can think up your next installment of life and times of a narcissistic drunk

NST has got to be contender for the most boring place in Thailand.


I’ve been there once.

Never again.


And i’m glad I didn’t bump into you, as that would have made the whole experience that bit more depressing.

On second thought, NST probably suits you dan. it’s about as boring as you are!

Edited by bob smith
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5 minutes ago, bob smith said:

NST has got to be contender for the most boring place in Thailand.


I’ve been there once.


Never again. And i’m glad I didn’t bump into you, as that would have made the whole experience that bit more depressing.

On second thought, NST probably suits you dan. it’s about as boring as you are!

I'll match my life here with your fictional life any day of the week Bob, Any day

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4 minutes ago, Dan O said:

I'll match my life here with your fictional life any day of the week Bob, Any day

There is nothing fictional about my life, Dan.


It just seems that way to you because your life is so bland.


You can’t possibly imagine what goes on outside your NST farm as the very thought of more or less everyone doing better than you makes you seething with anger.


No go tend to your crops, farmer boy!

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15 minutes ago, bob smith said:

There is nothing fictional about my life, Dan.


It just seems that way to you because your life is so bland.


You can’t possibly imagine what goes on outside your NST farm as the very thought of more or less everyone doing better than you makes you seething with anger.


No go tend to your crops, farmer boy!

Again you try to deflect your petty existence onto others so you don't seem so sad.  It doesnt work. 

I don't tend crops or work as we have staff for that.  I guarantee you my life is far more intricate and significant that whoring around drunk and making up bs like you in the dreg's of despair.  Go check yourself for the latest std and make up some more bs for your next installment 

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