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Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election


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9 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

The fact that you are so focused on a handful of polls so far out from the elections shows either desperation or inexperience on your part.

and yet, you posted

15 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

In the same poll, Biden leads Trump among likely voters - the most accurate voter screen.

Sooooo, which one is it that is the "real" you?

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Wasn't it you that posted  "Are you mentally incapable of conceiving that the polls will change between now and the election?" a while back?

The trend is going to have Biden inching up and Trump sinking in the polls. Sorry if that will give you a sad.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I promise I will never put you on ignore as you are far too entertaining.


Once again you contradict yourself on polls.


Once again you ignore everything I say to keep saying that I care about Trump. I don't care who from the GOP side wins as long as Biden/ Harris don't. I'd like Trump to win purely to see VDO clips of the snowflakes crying, like the first time he won.


Re trolls, you must be looking in the mirror when you posted that.

Another fact free post from you.



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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I promise I will never put you on ignore as you are far too entertaining.


Once again you contradict yourself on polls.


Once again you ignore everything I say to keep saying that I care about Trump. I don't care who from the GOP side wins as long as Biden/ Harris don't. I'd like Trump to win purely to see VDO clips of the snowflakes crying, like the first time he won.


Re trolls, you must be looking in the mirror when you posted that.

It's over for Biden and anyone with a pulse, and functioning brain can see it except for Biden and few of those fantasy driven Biden luvin Bidenites still clinging to the failed bidenomics and insurrection at the southern border (now blue state mayors, NYC, Chicago are attacking Biden for unleashing illegal immigrant chaos in those cities) and other destructive and failed Biden policies.  Biden weaponizing the DOJ to attack to persecute his political superior in Trump who he and his deep state cabal fear Trump and losing to him more than anything now.. Throw in next months congressional house investigation and subpoena's of Biden and his crime families corruption and the powerful impeachment inquiry status and Biden should be shown the door in the near term and be lucky he's not indicted along with the rest of the Biden crime family including the crackhead junkie and no less than 8 other Biden family members receiving payments from foreign financed  LLC's.


It's probably NOT A GOOD sign for Biden when polls show democrats don't want the corrupt vegetable to run in 2024. He cannot change this based on his massive failures, low job approvals, economic misery in America, immigration and border crimes and insurrection, and NOW the corruption scandal squeezing the life out of what remains of this corrupt and decaying loser. This has nowhere else to go except to spiral down further for the corrupt Biden, asymptotically.


Axios report on CNN Poll results







Edited by illisdean
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21 minutes ago, illisdean said:

It's over for Biden and anyone with a pulse, and functioning brain can see it except for Biden and few of those fantasy driven Biden luvin Bidenites still clinging to the failed bidenomics and insurrection at the southern border (now blue state mayors, NYC, Chicago are attacking Biden for unleashing illegal immigrant chaos in those cities) and other destructive and failed Biden policies.  Biden weaponizing the DOJ to attack to persecute his political superior in Trump who he and his deep state cabal fear Trump and losing to him more than anything now.. Throw in next months congressional house investigation and subpoena's of Biden and his crime families corruption and the powerful impeachment inquiry status and Biden should be shown the door in the near term and be lucky he's not indicted along with the rest of the Biden crime family including the crackhead junkie and no less than 8 other Biden family members receiving payments from foreign financed  LLC's.


It's probably NOT A GOOD sign for Biden when polls show democrats don't want the corrupt vegetable to run in 2024. He cannot change this based on his massive failures, low job approvals, economic misery in America, immigration and border crimes and insurrection, and NOW the corruption scandal squeezing the life out of what remains of this corrupt and decaying loser. This has nowhere else to go except to spiral down further for the corrupt Biden, asymptotically.


Axios report on CNN Poll results







It is true that Democrats aren't enthusiastic about Biden. But they are enthusiastic about stopping Trump. Voting against can be just as powerful a motivation as voting for.

And voter perception about the state of the economy is rapidly changing:

US Consumer Confidence Increased Again in December


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14 minutes ago, placeholder said:

It is true that Democrats aren't enthusiastic about Biden. But they are enthusiastic about stopping Trump. Voting against can be just as powerful a motivation as voting for.

And voter perception about the state of the economy is rapidly changing:

US Consumer Confidence Increased Again in December


It's over for your useless boy Biden and America is on to him now and all over this and shows in multiple polls. I know it's painful and difficult to deal with the resulting butt-hurt, but Biden is detested by more voters than ever now and by even those in his feckless dem party of losers and fully illustrated by the voters polled recently who say Trump has helped them more and Biden has hurt them more.

You read that:

Trump policies have HELPED more and Biden policies have HURT more

Who u think people will vote for, someone they perceive as hurting them? Trump policies on key metrics are destroying Biden uniformly across the spectrum in all polls. 


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1 hour ago, illisdean said:

It's over for Biden and anyone with a pulse, and functioning brain can see it except for Biden and few of those fantasy driven Biden luvin Bidenites still clinging to the failed bidenomics and insurrection at the southern border (now blue state mayors, NYC, Chicago are attacking Biden for unleashing illegal immigrant chaos in those cities) and other destructive and failed Biden policies.  Biden weaponizing the DOJ to attack to persecute his political superior in Trump who he and his deep state cabal fear Trump and losing to him more than anything now.. Throw in next months congressional house investigation and subpoena's of Biden and his crime families corruption and the powerful impeachment inquiry status and Biden should be shown the door in the near term and be lucky he's not indicted along with the rest of the Biden crime family including the crackhead junkie and no less than 8 other Biden family members receiving payments from foreign financed  LLC's.


It's probably NOT A GOOD sign for Biden when polls show democrats don't want the corrupt vegetable to run in 2024. He cannot change this based on his massive failures, low job approvals, economic misery in America, immigration and border crimes and insurrection, and NOW the corruption scandal squeezing the life out of what remains of this corrupt and decaying loser. This has nowhere else to go except to spiral down further for the corrupt Biden, asymptotically.


Axios report on CNN Poll results







Typical word salad and bad predictions from you.


Plus, you don't think things through. If Biden is such a weak candidates, then Comey proving Biden corruption would allow a different - and stronger - Democrat to beat Trump.


The reality is that Biden is the strongest potential candidate against Trump. Biden has beaten Trump before, and will do so again.


Since you have no memory of events before today, here's a reminder:


Biden nosedives in early-state polls


Before you get too excited, the polls were taken in 2019. 

Edited by Danderman123
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1 hour ago, illisdean said:

It's over for your useless boy Biden and America is on to him now and all over this and shows in multiple polls. I know it's painful and difficult to deal with the resulting butt-hurt, but Biden is detested by more voters than ever now and by even those in his feckless dem party of losers and fully illustrated by the voters polled recently who say Trump has helped them more and Biden has hurt them more.

You read that:

Trump policies have HELPED more and Biden policies have HURT more

Who u think people will vote for, someone they perceive as hurting them? Trump policies on key metrics are destroying Biden uniformly across the spectrum in all polls. 


Despite which, the polls show the race as being  very close. Real Clear Politics, hardly a friend to the left, gives Trump a 2.3% advantage now.


What do you think that says about Trump? And, as I pointed out, voter perceptions of the economy are changing for the better. And there's still almost a year to go.

As opposed to you, a person whose thinking is so addled that he can barely manage to ever post a civil sentence, but instead offers empty taunts. Here's what an expert says.

A Year Out, Ignore General Election Polls
They have little relationship to the final outcome.



There's also the issue of Democrats outperforming the the predictions of the pollsters. Remember the huge red tidal wave that was supposed to wash away the Democrats? What happened? Was that election stolen, too? And since then, there have been several by-elections, and Democrats have done better than predicted in them? Were those stolen also?



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2 hours ago, illisdean said:

It's over for your useless boy Biden and America is on to him now and all over this and shows in multiple polls. I know it's painful and difficult to deal with the resulting butt-hurt, but Biden is detested by more voters than ever now and by even those in his feckless dem party of losers and fully illustrated by the voters polled recently who say Trump has helped them more and Biden has hurt them more.

You read that:

Trump policies have HELPED more and Biden policies have HURT more

Who u think people will vote for, someone they perceive as hurting them? Trump policies on key metrics are destroying Biden uniformly across the spectrum in all polls. 


From what you have posted yourself, Biden trails Trump on average only between 1.6% and 2.3% (depending on the aggregator). It's not a big gap and doesn't allow to anticipate on who will be the winner next year.

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3 hours ago, illisdean said:

It's over for Biden and anyone with a pulse, and functioning brain can see it except for Biden and few of those fantasy driven Biden luvin Bidenites still clinging to the failed bidenomics and insurrection at the southern border (now blue state mayors, NYC, Chicago are attacking Biden for unleashing illegal immigrant chaos in those cities) and other destructive and failed Biden policies.  Biden weaponizing the DOJ to attack to persecute his political superior in Trump who he and his deep state cabal fear Trump and losing to him more than anything now.. Throw in next months congressional house investigation and subpoena's of Biden and his crime families corruption and the powerful impeachment inquiry status and Biden should be shown the door in the near term and be lucky he's not indicted along with the rest of the Biden crime family including the crackhead junkie and no less than 8 other Biden family members receiving payments from foreign financed  LLC's.


It's probably NOT A GOOD sign for Biden when polls show democrats don't want the corrupt vegetable to run in 2024. He cannot change this based on his massive failures, low job approvals, economic misery in America, immigration and border crimes and insurrection, and NOW the corruption scandal squeezing the life out of what remains of this corrupt and decaying loser. This has nowhere else to go except to spiral down further for the corrupt Biden, asymptotically.


Axios report on CNN Poll results







In 'Comer says' fantasy land again.....

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2 hours ago, illisdean said:

Ever notice that no one psots anyting good about Biden or his acomplishments but nstead bash Trump, compare him to Hitler and spin and burn and pee your pants about TDS. Pretty sad, especially when Trump is viewed as a superior President and candidate than your corrupt failure Biden. He's ripe for the 14th if anything, but wait for the congress investigators to tear his family to criminal corrupt pieces and see what happens to the feckless Biden and his doomed 2024 campaign. If he don't step down voluntarily he may be "nudged" after the corruption dirt on the Biden crime family filters thru the interference shield Biden's DOJ has put in place. It will be too late for the vegetable and he will go down in a blaze of failure and humiliation. And then, Trump once elected will fix the destruction inflicted on the country by the Biden regime.


Guess who the voters think they are better off financially under, Trump? If you said Biden, you would be wrong, AGAIN and as usual. Have a nice day.



Not at all. You are in full BS mode again! Impressive GDP growth compared to other oecd or G7 countries, very low unemployment, historical record energy independence, historical record oil production, industrial sovereignty policy in EV, semiconductors, green energy, lower inflation than the average of advanced economies, etc...

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11 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Seems this election won't be about voting in the best candidate, it's about voting against the candidates. I can relate, if it has to be Trump, well so be it.

You got it. Given a choice between stumbler in chief Biden who sniffs little girl's hair, and Trump with all his faults, at least Trump can talk without a teleprompter. While it's an indictment of the US political system that it could ever get this bad, between the two, the least bad choice has to be the one that doesn't talk to dead people.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You got it. Given a choice between stumbler in chief Biden who sniffs little girl's hair, and Trump with all his faults, at least Trump can talk without a teleprompter. While it's an indictment of the US political system that it could ever get this bad, between the two, the least bad choice has to be the one that doesn't talk to dead people.

Rather: Trump cannot talk with a teleprompter! 🤣

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12 hours ago, illisdean said:

Yup, Biden has really tore it up with some record breaking achievements since creeping & slithering his way into the WH, just not the kind you want to boast about. And the the vegetable and his lost band of bidenies are too stupid to believe, nor accept the poles except for some, like those telling him to drop out, ie, David Axelrod...and the CIA reporter down yonder at WAPO and also according to democrat leaning voters in a poll I submitted here earlier today. Seeing as how you like pictures and some here may have an affinity for paint by numbers, refer to attached

photo, which Biden could use for his campaign materials to secure his seat in an ole folks care facility. There's many items omitted form the Biden list of faiures and some quite serious including "providing aid and comfort to America's enemies" which qualifies him for 14th / Sec 3, and the "insurection" at the southern border, influence peddling and corruption and impeachment inquiry. Stellar achievements, and such a source of humiliation for Biden. He's likely the worse thing to happen to America on record, in history. Even polls are showing voters trust the GOP more than democrats to protect democracy. There is no bigger threat to American democracy than Biden.  



Please give a credible source for the 7.2 million border crossings.


How can energy dependence increase if drilling is at an all time high?


After Rise in Murders During the Pandemic, a Sharp Decline in 2023



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14 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

You forgot to tell the rest of the story... while just over 50% of those polled think Trump may be guilty of something... . At the same time, the public's confidence in the Justice Department registered at 17 percent in the same poll.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You got it. Given a choice between stumbler in chief Biden who sniffs little girl's hair, and Trump with all his faults, at least Trump can talk without a teleprompter. While it's an indictment of the US political system that it could ever get this bad, between the two, the least bad choice has to be the one that doesn't talk to dead people.

You really do need some new material anyway let’s take a look at some of trumps (speech) how about his dictator for a day hummm?he’s gonna close the border on day one……..reality our southern neighbor is by far and away our largest trading partner shutting it down would instantly tank our economy it’s just noise coming out of his mouth means nothing unless someone is stupid enough to believe it.his drill baby drill………the feds give permission they don’t do the drilling that’s a business decision on the part of the oil companies again meaningless hot air unless one is stupid enough to believe it.with trump it’s all empty hot air no more.president Biden is much more careful about his speech he’s also suffered from a lifelong speech impediment (as you well know)president biden’s style of governance has reaped many positive things for my country 

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1 hour ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

You forgot to tell the rest of the story... while just over 50% of those polled think Trump may be guilty of something... . At the same time, the public's confidence in the Justice Department registered at 17 percent in the same poll.

Don't you think that, after the trials, these numbers will change?

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12 minutes ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

Yes I do... the democratic party and its minions will once again be sobbing in their "safe places" and threatening to leave America 

How did your predictions pan out for the 2020 elections?Back then it was the other side sobbing about voter fraud. In fact, most of the other side still believes they wuz robbed. In fact, they're still whining.

Edited by placeholder
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4 hours ago, placeholder said:

How did your predictions pan out for the 2020 elections?Back then it was the other side sobbing about voter fraud. In fact, most of the other side still believes they wuz robbed. In fact, they're still whining.

What you say is very true about the behavior of party minions on both sides... doesn't change the fact which party will be next... in either case I could care less... 555

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