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No cool season this year?


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When i moved to Udon in 2010, you needed a duvet at night in cool season and a hot wife ..... In the mornings the locals would be shivering  around wood fires at the side of the road, trying to warm up. Haven't seen that for years. Nights and early mornings are still cool, but hits 30 by 9 a.m. We did have a week in November in the high 20's, but that's it. This the first cool season when we still need air-conditioning to cool the bedroom at bed time nearly every day. 


Global average temperatures have broken monthly records for the last 6 months. 2023 will be the new warmest year. 2024? Wait and see. If ENSO persists, probably yet another record.

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15 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Chanthaburi seems to have skipped the rainy season and it HAS been unseasonably warm. End of November we were cooling off, but jumped backed into hotter than usual. Even Thai teachers at my school are complaining about the December heat.

Yah, same here man. Usualy November is patchy, with a few days in the lower 20s here and there, but then most of December is late teens in the daytime, here in Udon. 2 or 3 years ago we had a solid 2 weeks of 10 to 14 degrees in the daytime, 8 to 10 evening. It can get really nippy here. 

So far this year its been hot every day.

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5 hours ago, koolkarl said:

It is called global emergency.  Keep burning fossil fuels and the human race will follow the dinosaur fate by 2050.  I recall when it was so cold at night in CM, would shake in bed even with 2 layers of clothing, socks, etc.

If we keep burning fossil fuels, a meteor the size of Everest will plow into the Yucatán Peninsula?

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On 12/15/2023 at 5:18 AM, KhunLA said:

Was over there last week, Laem Sing area, and surprised didn't need long sleeve shirts or the AC at night.  Though did use the AC, try to knock the humidity down a bit.  Expected a bit cooler temps.

Why not use the dehumidifier function on the AC unit instead and save on electricity?

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6 minutes ago, LikeItHot said:

Why not use the dehumidifier function on the AC unit instead and save on electricity?

Older units, and not my electric.   Just let the AC decide when to kick in the compressor.  A little chill never never hurts the snuggling.

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On 12/15/2023 at 8:14 PM, Batty said:

Yah, same here man. Usualy November is patchy, with a few days in the lower 20s here and there, but then most of December is late teens in the daytime, here in Udon. 2 or 3 years ago we had a solid 2 weeks of 10 to 14 degrees in the daytime, 8 to 10 evening. It can get really nippy here. 

Not sure what part of Udon you live but i have never experienced multiple days when the temperature stayed under 20, except in February about 10 years ago. Night time, OK, can get down to under 10. I have a maximum/minimum thermometer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

May have something to do with a "calendar shift" (my term, not official) and "usual" weather is simply shifting around the calendar lining up more accurately with the Aztec Calendar. It turns out that the Aztec calculation of an average 365.2420 days per year is actually closer to the real value of 365.2422 days than the old Julian value of 365.2500 days or even our current Gregorian value of 365.2425 days. Not a large difference but calculated over 2000 years makes an impact.

Could also be a shift due to last years "Arctic Blast" that sent temps in the northern hemisphere plummeting for several days.

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On 12/15/2023 at 1:57 AM, Batty said:

My wife has been saying for a few months that this year's cool season (December through Feb in Udon) is not going to happen. According to her, some freak weather event will prevent it from ever getting cool. I was skeptical, but its mid-December already and it hasn't been cool yet, so maybe she is right.


Has anyone heard anything about this?

Absolute bummer if true. Its the only time of year I look forward to, in terms of weather. 

It seems to be the "current thing" in Thai news, at least according to my wife who is spewing exactly what Batty's wife is spewing.
Remember.  The world oceans are boiling and the planet will end for sure by 2030 unless commoners and other useless eaters chose to "own nothing" and instead give it all to the obscenely rich and wealthy, stop driving, stop eating anything except bugs and vegetables, and do exactly what you are told to do by "the authorities."
So, of course, now there is only "Hot Season" and "Hotter Season" and there will be no "Cool Season" because, well, the "Experts" have spoken. 

With that said, I've experenced cooler "Cool Seasons" that this one which is a bit mild.  I've also have experienced "Cool Seasons" that are approximately like this one. 

There is only one constant in this world:  and that one constant is constant change
Some years it is hot when it should be cold.
Some years cold when it should be hot.
Other years, and it's hot and cold and mild and extreme and not-extreme, and everything in-between.   And it's been that way during the entire memory of all sentient beings.  And in the future?  It will keep changing on and on and on and on and on.....

I wonder why I even bother wearing fleece thermals seeing that, according to the mass-media-authorities, it's actually hot in Lanna and the River Ping is boiling away, and I've gone bonkers and the "cold" that I am feeling when I get up in the morning is actually "hot" and instead of fleece pants and sweatshirts I should be wearing a silk Speedo and sleeveless T-shirt.  Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  I mean, Phewwwwwww, so hot so hot.

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