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On 12/22/2023 at 6:53 AM, georgegeorgia said:

I was working with a lovely lady last night in my job as a hospital cleaner


Middle aged shave head she identifies as a lesbian and had a headband on with these colours 🌈


Fantastic to work with she was telling me is a "community activist" in her spare time and advocate and protests to stop racism and attends protests in Australia to Welcome refugees !


And I agree with her ,I'm really sick of meeting these farangs in places like Soi Bukhao (usually from Britain) who talk nothing about how immigration is ruining their country


Usually the type with shaved heads and tattoos spouting their racism & prejudices


I think immigration particularly refugees bring fantastic multi cultural benefits to every country with different foods , cultural aspects etc 


I now avoid different establishments I n Pattaya particularly Soi Bukhao where you will hear nothing but negativety regarding immigrants, 


Put yourself in these peoples shoes living in poverty and tell me you wouldn't escape to a better country


Welcome the refugees ! 💚



Are they there legally?

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On 12/22/2023 at 7:10 AM, Olmate said:

He is auditioning for the role as resident AN villiage idiot, going really well so far! 


for me, the village idiot here is not this guy but rather the OP who poses as a hospital cleaner and then calls racist and bigot anyone who knows him as being a troll here on AN. all this AN idiot wants to do is use AI to generate stupid OP's for him so he can then go troll the ones who answer him. I usually avoid at all cost any of his posts, but this time I feel he is attacking to many people after having baited all here...

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5 minutes ago, Pouatchee said:


for me, the village idiot here is not this guy but rather the OP who poses as a hospital cleaner and then calls racist and bigot anyone who knows him as being a troll here on AN. all this AN idiot wants to do is use AI to generate stupid OP's for him so he can then go troll the ones who answer him. I usually avoid at all cost any of his posts, but this time I feel he is attacking to many people after having baited all here...

Well said🙏

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On 12/21/2023 at 11:53 PM, georgegeorgia said:


And I agree with her ,I'm really sick of meeting these farangs in places like Soi Bukhao (usually from Britain) who talk nothing about how immigration is ruining their country


Usually the type with shaved heads and tattoos spouting their racism & prejudices



Besides the obvious hypocrisy of being an immigrant in Thailand while bemoaning how 'immigrants' are ruining their home country, those pensioners are lucky there is immigration to their land.


All pensions have been created based on the belief that population will forever rise. All the pensions are Pyramid Schemes.


Many countries today are shrinking. The pyramid is becoming inverted. Fewer young people will be paying into a system from which the retired folks withdraw. That is not sustainable, except via massive money printing and subsequent currency depreciation. How loudly will the complaints be when it's 20 baht to the pound?


Japan is at the forefront of this pyramid inversion, and already the yen is suffering (despite its recent rebound from 152/$). China, South Korea and Italy aren't far behind. Even Thailand announced its lowest birthrate in 71 years, though its system of taking care of the elderly relies more on direct payments from offspring.


Those guys with their fat arses hanging over a barstool might find their home currency depreciating even more as money has to be printed to cover entitlements. Immigrants will help sustain the system.


Many in the US get apoplectic about migrants at the border, but the reality of what migrants actually do, vs the myth they all go on public assistance, is quite different. Some woman who has the determination to drag her kids for 600 miles just to get a chance at working in a safe environment is quite likely to work hard and pay taxes, which will help sustain the US Social Security System. Unlike the clown who forever babbles about 'prisoners' and 'mental cases' and people 'destroying the blood' of the US, immigrants are what keeps the US economy vibrant and the entitlement systems somewhat flush. I would much rather have that woman from Guatemala who walked 600 miles to find work than the masses of bloated SSDI parasites in Red States, who bark about 'keeping government out of my SSDI and Medicare'.

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UK minimum wage £29,000 for migrants to bring relatives  

The British government is not raising the mandatory minimum wage for those who want to bring their foreign partners into the country as originally announced. In future, a minimum of 29,000 pounds (33,400 euros) will be required, the Home Office in London announced on Thursday.






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British Prime Minister Mr Sunak will not allow a foreign court to block the Rwanda Act  

To deport "illegal" migrants, the Government wants the British Parliament to unilaterally declare Rwanda a "safe third country". This would deprive the British Courts of the opportunity to exempt asylum seekers from deportation citing the precarious human rights situation in Rwanda. However, it would still be possible for the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg to join and side with the British . The British government wants to immediately deport to Rwanda asylum seekers who enter the country illegally, irrespective of their origin where they seek asylum there, but they will not be allowed to return to Britain.

Source: https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/grossbritannien-rishi-sunak-verteidigt-abschiebe-deal-mit-ruanda-a-7a802c06-ee4d-4ee1-a8d4-2c4a9775465d  Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Germany each illegal immigrant costs €450,000 due to their low labour skills  

(When current Chancelor Mr Scholz was Finance Minister in Mr Merkel coallition government)

Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) expects the cost of refugee policy alone for the federal government to amount to around €70 billion by 2022. This follows from a document of the Federal Ministry of Finance on medium-term economic planning. (The report comes from Spiegel (when Scholz was Minister in the Merkel Government)

Source: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/fluechtlinge-fluechtlingskrise-wird-haushalt-auf-jahre-belasten-a-1208489.html

Source: https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2018-05/bundesfinanzministerium-olaf-scholz-fluechtlingspolitik-kosten-flucht  Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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8 hours ago, Walker88 said:



 Some woman who has the determination to drag her kids for 600 miles just to get a chance at working in a safe environment is quite likely to work hard and pay taxes, which will help sustain the US Social Security System. Unlike the clown who forever babbles about 'prisoners' and 'mental cases' and people 'destroying the blood' of the US, immigrants are what keeps the US economy vibrant and the entitlement systems somewhat flush. I would much rather have that woman from Guatemala who walked 600 miles to find work than the masses of bloated SSDI parasites in Red States, who bark about 'keeping government out of my SSDI and Medicare'.

You make some good points ... but... the woman travelling 600 miles example is a concern in my opinion. James Carville, Democrat commentator, said something similar on Bill Maher. When he said that I appreciated the sentiment, and there is likely some truth to it, but it amazes me how relaxed and almost naive some Democrats can be about the immigration issue.

Of course, the example was chosen to tug on heart strings, rather than being about a single man or something.

But he seemed to be basically saying that if you are willing to go on a long walk, and pass some basic checks, that's enough evidence that you are the right person for the United States and in you come. No need to prove you are an actual objective refugee, e.g. under real persecution, rather than simply being unhappy with aspects of your life. 

Immigration may be good for the economy as a whole in the long term - but it can be best for the wealthy who get cheap labour, rather than the average joe who has more competition for say jobs and housing, less wage growth, crowded built up cities when they build large apartment blocks to deal with the influx, huge initial costs to local government bodies etc. 

You may say statistics don't bear this out - wage growth has been good for example - but the key point is this issue could easily lose the democrats the election. Trumps appalling rhetoric is simply reflecting the general feeling of unhappiness amongst a wide swathe of voters about the amount of immigrants at the southern border.

Wake up Democrats. Concerns about immigration on quality of life is reasonable, and well meaning examples of mothers and kids isn't going to cut it, to win over the electorate.

Concerns are not simply due to racism - which may play a part - but an honest, common sense, fair concern about the implications of not securing the border.  

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On 12/22/2023 at 1:43 AM, georgegeorgia said:

The cultural aspects ?

Refugees are welcome in my books because we need to show compassion 💚

You don’t live in the real world. Many thousands flocking into Europe who speak no English/ French/ etc, have no qualifications and are enticed by other refugees who falsely broadcast free money / housing/ child care /education and benefits . This is the reason those refugees are living hand to mouth under bridges and in infestation rife campsites such as in Calais . 
There is no housing available , even for the people including nationals !!!!
UK for one is much too over populated, chasing rents sky high. It’s not fair to all the younger generation who have studied hard , or learnt a trade, to then not even find an apartment or decent housing to live in !!!!!! 
This is why the governments must give out international warnings to stop the refugees trying to escape their own countries illegally. It is up to these African nations to care for their folk. Their leaders already receive huge handouts from the western world, they should not be putting that money into their own pockets !!! The world must come together to send a message to these corrupt leaders. Yes, illegal immigrants must be stopped for the good of everyone, and to save thousands from death on those flimsy boats. There should be a new international Police organization 

dealing with this tragedy.

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On 12/22/2023 at 6:53 AM, georgegeorgia said:

Put yourself in these peoples shoes living in poverty and tell me you wouldn't escape to a better country


a.  I would never put myself in those old stinking shoes.  I might get hoof and mouth disease.


b.  I am not against immigration and emigration.  I think that all the poor and downtrodden should emigrate to America, meaning North America.


c.  If only all the poor would emigrate to America, then life, at least for me, would be far better in SE Asia.


d.  In Thailand, I seldom meet "poor people".  On most days, I only meet Happy People.


The majority of people in Thailand are very fortunate to have adequate resources to live good quality, and happy, lives.


I know this from my experience here.



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On 12/22/2023 at 1:39 PM, Ben Zioner said:


Yes, genuine refugees [A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee conflict or persecution and has crossed an international border to seek safety.] are often educated people who may contribute effectively to countries that shelter them.



I think you confuse illegal immigrants with refugees. The former are people who are lured by a better life in West. They often fail to achieve their dreams and become a burden for the host countries. Sometimes for generations.

They are also usually unskilled and end up doing jobs other people don't want to do.


If they were actually qualified for something, likely they could emigrate legally to another country.

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On 12/24/2023 at 5:56 AM, Paris333 said:

British Prime Minister Mr Sunak will not allow a foreign court to block the Rwanda Act  

To deport "illegal" migrants, the Government wants the British Parliament to unilaterally declare Rwanda a "safe third country". This would deprive the British Courts of the opportunity to exempt asylum seekers from deportation citing the precarious human rights situation in Rwanda. However, it would still be possible for the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg to join and side with the British . The British government wants to immediately deport to Rwanda asylum seekers who enter the country illegally, irrespective of their origin where they seek asylum there, but they will not be allowed to return to Britain.

Source: https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/grossbritannien-rishi-sunak-verteidigt-abschiebe-deal-mit-ruanda-a-7a802c06-ee4d-4ee1-a8d4-2c4a9775465d  Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

That will work to deter future illegal immigrants, as it has with Australia. I don't hear any more about people drowning trying to get to Australia on a boat, because they know that they won't actually get to Australia.


The Rwanda solution is IMO the right solution.  I suggested similar many years ago when it really kicked off, but it would have been to a camp in the desert somewhere in North Africa. They only pay criminals if there is a chance of staying in the country of desired residence.

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On 12/24/2023 at 2:10 AM, Walker88 said:

Immigrants will help sustain the system.

You forget that AI robotics will make almost every one of them redundant, likely in the next generation. There won't even be jobs for citizens, unless they become carers for old people. The western world is on the cusp of the greatest cultural change in millennia, and the aftermath is not going to be pretty.


I don't pretend to know how it will work, though I suspect the 1% will try to keep it all for themselves and the rest will be trying to make them share nicely. IMO being a security guard will be a well paid job, unless an autonomous machine can do that job as well.


For an idea of how it might be, watch "The Hunger Games" if not already seen, including the bit at the end when the 1% get their just deserts.

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21 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You forget that AI robotics will make almost every one of them redundant, likely in the next generation. There won't even be jobs for citizens, unless they become carers for old people. The western world is on the cusp of the greatest cultural change in millennia, and the aftermath is not going to be pretty.


I don't pretend to know how it will work, though I suspect the 1% will try to keep it all for themselves and the rest will be trying to make them share nicely. IMO being a security guard will be a well paid job, unless an autonomous machine can do that job as well.


For an idea of how it might be, watch "The Hunger Games" if not already seen, including the bit at the end when the 1% get their just deserts.

I guess they will always need nurses , police ,doctors 


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On 12/27/2023 at 7:50 AM, georgegeorgia said:

I guess they will always need nurses , police ,doctors 


Nope. Androids will do those jobs far better than humans do. Humans can be better carers for old people though, as a machine can't have empathy.


A machine would do a better job than all the human doctors that misdiagnosed me for decades.

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On 12/24/2023 at 5:56 AM, Paris333 said:

British Prime Minister Mr Sunak will not allow a foreign court to block the Rwanda Act  

To deport "illegal" migrants, the Government wants the British Parliament to unilaterally declare Rwanda a "safe third country". This would deprive the British Courts of the opportunity to exempt asylum seekers from deportation citing the precarious human rights situation in Rwanda. However, it would still be possible for the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg to join and side with the British . The British government wants to immediately deport to Rwanda asylum seekers who enter the country illegally, irrespective of their origin where they seek asylum there, but they will not be allowed to return to Britain.

Source: https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/grossbritannien-rishi-sunak-verteidigt-abschiebe-deal-mit-ruanda-a-7a802c06-ee4d-4ee1-a8d4-2c4a9775465d  Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Sounds good to me. Let's stop people paying criminals to illegally enter countries they shouldn't be in because they want a better life than in the <deleted> place they abandoned rather than make better.


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If the aborigines had done more to make England a better place to live they would not find themselves in the situation that they find themselves now.
Sadly, despite our alleged sophistication, culture and technology, we cannot make Syria a country fit for Syrians.

Some lessons need a lot of learning.

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19 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sounds good to me. Let's stop people paying criminals to illegally enter countries they shouldn't be in because they want a better life than in the <deleted> place they abandoned rather than make better.


What do you think we should do to make the UK a less attractive destination?  I am sure that our government are well down that road, given how may of our compatriots are on this forum.
What do you think we should do to encourage people to stay in their own country?
It is easy to be harsh on the poor and transient.  If that makes you feel good, then at least there is some benefit. 

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1 hour ago, StreetCowboy said:

If the aborigines had done more to make England a better place to live they would not find themselves in the situation that they find themselves now.
Sadly, despite our alleged sophistication, culture and technology, we cannot make Syria a country fit for Syrians.

Some lessons need a lot of learning.

Should that not be "If the aborigines had done more to make Australia a better place to live they would not find themselves in the situation that they find themselves now"?

Apologies if I got it wrong.

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