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Covid-19 Subvariant JN.1 Being Monitored


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I've had Covid twice in the last three months... This after managing to avoid it since the initial outbreak. I had the AZ vaccine and a Moderna M/rna shot in 2022..

The first time Covid wasn't even on my radar. I thought I had gotten my first cold in years.. Minor inconvenience with the usual sore throat, runny nose etc. After 10 days I had recovered but a distinct lack of energy for 2 more weeks. Kept me from going back to the gym. I was back exercising for 5 weeks when I felt the same symptoms coming on. This time I suspected Covid, as in my lifetime I have never suffered a cold with the same symptoms twice in a very short period of time.


I bought a test=kit and tested positive for Covid. The first 5 days were similar to the time before. However, I then developed pain in my abdominal muscles. Not insignificant pain. I like to smoke cannabis but it often makes me cough a bit, and with the belly pain it got quite humorous. Inhale, cough, pain. Repeat. That lasted more than a week and I was very happy to see the end of it.. I bought another test-kit and happily tested negative. I'm guessing it was the new variant because of the rapid reinfection and it's reported ability to to avoid the immune system... like what happened to my antibodies? Similar lack of energy after recovery.


I will be getting the vaccine next year.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand is monitoring the new Covid-19 subvariant JN.1, which can better evade immunity

Nope, that is not possible. If the virus can do such thing, then there is no immunity.

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Omicron continues to evolve. We should be thankful for that. Right now I have a dreadful cold like virus. More than likely it's a common cold virus. Had it about a month or more ago and it's back. I've had covid and this is about the same just lasting longer. 

Edited by dinsdale
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I went out for beers on New Years eve and developed a 'cold' on Jan 3, it's still going now but not too bad.


It is however nothing like the one I had back in July which was considerably worse.


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12 minutes ago, MicroB said:

At the moment, definition of a COVID-19 case includes PCR, but we don't use PCR to determine whether a child has the Measles or not. Typically a physician will recognise the rash type, and that is enough. If he started including a PCR test, people might conclude the vaccine is ineffective


So why not use PCR to test for the multitude of other things ?  isn't it enough to say you got a cold/flu if you have a sore throat,headache and runny nose..why only PCR for COVID ?

I think you answered the question yourself 

"If he started including a PCR test, people might conclude the vaccine is ineffective"

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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

But one thing we do know isn’t contributing to excess mortality is COVID-19 vaccines, contrary to claims by some."

They don't know what's causing it  but for sure for sure it's not the injections !!!

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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


They know vaccinations were NOT the cause because:


"In both countries [the U.S. and U.K.], excess mortality spiked at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the U.S., excess mortality reached a plateau towards the end of 2021. In addition, the increase in vaccination coverage wasn’t accompanied by any further increase in excess mortality."




"Furthermore, excess mortality has generally been trending downward since mid-2020 and the vaccination campaign wasn’t associated with a reversal of that trend. If COVID-19 vaccines had caused an increased risk of death, we would have seen the opposite instead."




Yeah, Trump errrr I mean Biden did a great job getting the vaccines out as quick as he did.  

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2 hours ago, Bobthegimp said:


  How many boosters have you taken and when is your next one scheduled for?




TLDR:  every fool knows that you can't make vaccines for corona viruses because they mutate too quickly. 


4. No more are scheduled for my age group.


And actually, you can. A coronavirus can only mutate so much before it ceases to be a coronavirus.


What is your background in viruses to become an expert on vaccine development?


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COVID vaccinations began basically in early 2021, a year into the pandemic.

14.9 million excess deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021





Excess deaths decreased in second pandemic year, likely tied to vaccination

May 25, 2023
"A new analysis of US national data reveals that excess deaths declined from 655,735 during the first pandemic year to 586,505 in the second. The study is published in the American Journal of Epidemiology."

Those over the age of 65 also saw a dramatic reduction in excess deaths in year 2.

"The decline in excess deaths for seniors was almost certainly related to their rapid uptake of vaccinations," Ruhm wrote. "With particularly sharp fatality reductions among nursing home residents when vaccines became available."

"For the study, published as a today in Science Advances, researchers used a model trained on data from 2015 to 2019 to estimate US all-cause excess deaths from March 2020 through February 2022 among 3,127 counties by month.
An estimated 634,830 more people than expected died in the United States in the first year of the pandemic, and 544,194 died in the second year."
The first year being mostly the pre-COVID vaccines period, and the second year being during the rollout and widespread administration of COVID vaccines.
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It's a cold or flu now. Some die of the flu. Most do not. How many more jabs? Not for me thanks. Had enough already. Even after 3 jabs I got covid 4 times and nothing worse than a mild flu (although 1st time it lingered for a while). 1st time was just 2 months after the 3rd jab. I'll take my chances in the future thanks and stop trying to scare us all into constant vaccinations - my mother had her 7th covid jab recently at 85years and she still got covid at least twice. If anyone wants to be scared into isolation or take the jabs forever more then fine. You don't hear about Covid here in the UK now.


Edited by soi3eddie
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11 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Excess deaths decreased in second pandemic year, likely tied to vaccination


Don't you just love that very scientific word 'likely'

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