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Allegations of UN Agency Staff Involvement in Hamas Attacks Prompt U.S. Funding Pause

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31 minutes ago, johng said:


Remember when Biden said he had seen video of beheaded baby's ?

No,but I do remember seeing a kidnapped teen girl being bundled onto a truck, then abducted to Gaza. Dark red stains visible around the crotch of her clothing, a look of utter terror on her face. 

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

Would love to know the legitimate reasons that Jews were expelled from Muslim countries.  Also, I notice you never answered about specifically what homes the Palestinians should be allowed to return to, and who has that right.


Your apology for the terrorists is indeed foul.  Evidence of sexual violence abound, the media has been shown repeated videos shot by the terrorists themselves. From one eye witness;


"Some women were raped before they were dead, some raped while injured, and some were already dead when the terrorists raped their lifeless bodies," his statement says. "I desperately wanted to help, but there was nothing I could do."




You know this story is BS right? It has been debunked already several times.

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6 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


You know this story is BS right? It has been debunked already several times.

We already know you saying something does not make it true. Credible links to this needed.


But I know you are just repeating your usual bile from the darkside

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8 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


You know this story is BS right? It has been debunked already several times.

Back on topic, any answer to my questions about the "right to return" and who it applies to and where they can return to? This would make UNRWA irrelevant.

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6 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Back on topic, any answer to my questions about the "right to return" and who it applies to and where they can return to? This would make UNRWA irrelevant.


It applies to the original refugees and all of their descendants.


You can't steal my house/land and just wait for me to die.... it should pass down the family line as all other forms of inheritance do. This would indeed make UNRWA irrelevant, and it can be disbanded. Mission complete.

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The hypocrisy of Arab nations deploring the suspension in aid, why have they never contributed more themselves.


Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit also commented on the funding freeze. "We warn of the consequences of incitement against UNRWA and refuse the collective punishment of the Palestinians by cutting off the agency's funding. We are surprised that Western countries are stopping funding at this dangerous stage on the basis of accusations against several employees," he said.


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2 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:


It applies to the original refugees and all of their descendants.


You can't steal my house/land and just wait for me to die.... it should pass down the family line as all other forms of inheritance do. This would indeed make UNRWA irrelevant, and it can be disbanded. Mission complete.


   Why are you referring  to it as "My House" ?

Have you or your Family ever owned property in Israel ?


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7 hours ago, Brickleberry said:

12 bad apples, out of 13,000. Sort it out guys.


You don't leave 2 million people starving and dying of disease because 12 idiots might have done something. You don't do it if 12 idiots did do something. It is an infinitesimally small number. The NHS hasn't been dismantled after nurses and doctors have been caught killing patients. The police haven't been de funded despite several officers getting thrown in jail for rape and murder.


Why isn't AN sharing stories about Israel openly calling for the destruction of UNRWA? Certainly puts all of this into context. But no, they would rather feed you more biased - unconfirmed drivel.


Why are they not sharing stories about the rallies held over this weekend to re-colonize Gaza with 1/3 of the cabinet in attendance - in direct contravention of ICJ orders to incite genocide?


Why isn't AN sharing stories about Israeli citizens blocking aid to Gaza for the last few days - in direct contravention of ICJ orders to increase aid into Gaza?


Why don't we have some parity AN? Fairness.


Blinken & Biden are so far up Israel's genocidal backside that one cannot tell where one starts and the other ends. This is not a news story, it is a hit piece.


Never forget guys: Israel is a pariah state. It is a state that has been found to be plausibly committing genocide. Why on earth would we listen to anything they say? They have been caught so many times bending the truth & flat out lying.




Still beating the Dirty Dozen drum? Get the latest. It's been linked and posted already, figures seem to be much higher, more countries are withholding donations.


You can try to minimize things all you like. You can ignore the fact that multiple governments consider the evidence reliable.


The NHS is not supported by international donations. Same goes for the police.


You can direct you complaints about news coverage on this forum to the powers that be, it got nothing to do with posters. No one prevents you from linking such stories as you wish to discuss, by the way.


There is no 'genocide' either than in your one-sided propaganda posts.


Israel is not a 'pariah state', other than in your mind. I doubt your own government severed ties, placed sanctions or does anything different with regard to Israel. You making claims about Israel's reliability is a lough, considering the amount of lies, untruths and inaccuracies your posts contain. And, this has nothing to do with what 'we' (you do not speak for any 'we') - it's about multiple government actually seeing the evidence (which you have not) and finding it reliable. You cannot handle this, so you ignore it, waffle and rant instead.





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4 hours ago, Brickleberry said:


India and Pakistan are countries - they have respective homelands to call home. Palestinians do not. This is why they have special refugee status. Israel hates this, and it thinks that this status is dangerous to its existence.


These are where the 'fosters hatred & brainwashing' allegations come from. Israel believes that encouraging Palestinians to think of themselves as refugees, because they do not have a homeland, breeds hatred for Israelis. However, this is just factually correct, and under UN resolutions issued to Israel years ago, they are entitled to return to their homes, and are considered refugees. More proof that Israel ignores international law and tries to twist and lie facts to its own agenda.


Note that textbooks used in schools are not actually made by UNRWA. The textbooks come from the PA - the government. UNRWA has issued other teaching materials after noting that there is evidence of antisemitism in PA written text books. Whilst I am aware that schools are named after martyrs, and that teachers often talk about their own experiences and trauma of losing their homes etc due to Israels founding, this does not mean it is incitement to hatred. It is Palestinian history, and they are entitled to tell their stories. They are entitled to resist occupation, which all international courts have said is what Gaza and the West Bank are. Occupied territory. Furthermore, they aren't teaching anything in schools at the moment, because the majority of them have been blown up. So there is no need to de fund UNRWA on this basis.


By the way, lets not talk about Israel doing the same thing, right?



There is no proof that medical centers and refugee camps are being used as terrorist sites. None at all. I mean, how stupid does Israel think the world is? They claim there are 30,000 Hamas members, but they have destroyed 62% of all buildings in Gaza. It is impossible for a small group like this to literally be everywhere.


I applaud your post for actually acknowledging what this is all really about though. Israel wants UNRWA gone, and wants it gone for disingenuous reasons. 




It was the Palestinians' choice, for decades, to reject independence. You gloss over that on almost all of your posts. Same way you ignore the Hamas agenda, Charter. For you, there's only one relevant side - Israel. As if the Palestinians do not play a role in any of this. Not a factual narrative, nor an honest one.


Your ongoing whining completely embracing the Palestinian narrative is ridiculous, all the more so considering previous claims to 'balance'. Evidence regarding incitement etc. was presented more than once in the past, and was accepted as legit by the same donor countries who are now withholding monies from UNRWA. Again, you cannot deal with that, so you make up some nonsense deflection stories about Israel.  


There is no proof, says you. Reality presents a different story. Same way you claimed that there is no proof regarding allegations vs. UNRWA. You simply don't learn. Or more likely, don't care.


Your last bit of nonsense is so out there, I doubt you really had a clear idea in mind regarding what you tried to claim.

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4 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

Thank you for admitting that the PA brainwashes children in their territory.  The willing consent of UNRWA staff is part of the problem too.  





When you say that Palestinians should be able to return to their homes, what do you mean exactly? Which homes? And who exactly gets to return- the original refugees, their descendants (if so, how many generations)? And what if the homes no longer exist, or the land is occupied by OTHER refugees, like the ones kicked out of Muslim countries?  It is a sticky and pointless discussion.


And the Palestinians DO have a country- it is called Jordan. The UN partition in 1948 was never agreed upon and instead the Arabs attacked. Got their butts whipped for what would be the first of many times and the seeds of today's strife were born. 


Thank you for admitting that the PA brainwashes children in their territory.  The willing consent of UNRWA staff is part of the problem too.  


"Resisting occupation" does not include invading the sovereign territory of a nation, and committing acts of sexual violence on teenage girls.  Which, getting back to the topic, UNRWA staff were part of.  


Jordan, despite having a strong Palestinian majority (~70%) is not considered Palestine, or a future Palestinian State. There is no international resolution to that effect, there is no support for such a notion. Palestine, as commonly referenced in diplomatic circles (and elsewhere is the West Bank and the Gaza Strip).

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3 hours ago, Brickleberry said:


Your first point is ignoring historical facts. Jews were kicked out of Muslim countries for a reason, Israel kicking out 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands. They would still be living happily in their home countries if Israel had not done what it did.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world#:~:text=In the 20th century%2C approximately,countries throughout Africa and Asia.


Jordan is not Palestine. This is just a false, ugly thing to say.


Yes, the UN partition was never agreed upon - thank you for admitting that Israel declaring independence and seizing land in 1967 was illegal - it has been illegal to seize land by force since 1945. But we never talk about this fact, and who would? It would mean that parts of the state of Israel is illegitimate under international law. A very inconvenient truth. 


The seeds of today's strife were not born because Arab countries rightfully got involved in protecting the indigenous population's property and land rights. Today's strife occurred because the political Zionist movement encouraged citizens from other countries to move to the area - colonial settler-ism. Even the British balked at the sheer amount of people emigrating to the area, and knew it would cause, and was causing problems. They tried to put limits on how many could come, and the Jewish settlers declared war on the British - blowing up hotels and killing the British using terrorist tactics. Most Israelis living in Israel are settlers, or descendants of settlers to the area.This is not to say that all of them are colonialists. There is a certain percentage of Israelis who have always lived in the area, peacefully with Arabs and later on, Christians. 


Brainwashing is what it's called on the Israeli side. History lessons is what it might be called on the other side. Could you imagine if we were not allowed to teach kids about the holocaust because it might incite hatred towards Germans? No, that would be a ridiculous thing to say. Why should the Palestinians not be able to talk about their history without it being called brainwashing techniques to hate Jewish people? The fact that Israel was created in Palestinian lands, and that they were removed and murdered in 1948 is just truth. Another inconvenient truth, but it is true.


Resisting occupation has been tried peacefully. The Great March of Return was a hugely peaceful protest whereby not a single Israeli was hurt or killed. Tens of thousands of Palestinians were left with horrible, life changing amputations due to Israeli snipers shooting them. Hundreds were killed, including an internationally renowned journalist. So these guys get shot at and killed if they peacefully protest, arrested without charges in the west bank, shot at and killed living in Gaza and West bank, what the hell are they supposed to do? Let this situation continue forever while Israel slowly but surely takes all of the West Bank?


The fact is, there is NO evidence of any rapes during the attack.




No, that would be you misrepresenting things. Even the link you provided indicates this. The catalyst being the Partition Plan, Israeli independence - not necessarily what followed (which sure contributed, but it's not the only or main thing, as you paint).


The 1947 Partition Plan was agreed upon. There was a UN vote. It passed. You trying to paint things otherwise, discredit it and so on, just goes to show that your issues are with Israel's existence. Israel is not illegitimate, other than in your propaganda addled mind. Your own government probably disagrees with you.


You account of history, biased as it , and again fully adopting the Palestinian narrative is both off topic and incorrect - both on the factual level, and the assumptions you inject into it.


And no, there as no consistent attempt at peaceful resistance as far as the Palestinians are concerned. That's a total lie. The March of Return was not peaceful, and it was a recent episode. You have no idea what you're talking about - this was addressed in detail on a previous post. 


Your vile comments about no evidence regarding rapes during the Hamas attack shows who you are and what you are.



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3 hours ago, Brickleberry said:

Until any evidence is produced, then it should not be taken as the truth. In Western civilization, you are innocent until proven guilty.




Evidence was produced. Testimonies were heard.


And you do not have any issues blaming Israel and Israelis for things regardless of legal proof being available or not.

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

So, the great grandchildren of refugees can return to the country of their great grandparents' birth, and claim the property that their great grandparents left behind. Am I reading this correctly? And would this apply to ALL refugees, or only Palestinians?


The problem is that groups like UNRWA do not actually help Palestinian people. They try to help the Palestinian cause, but not helping the people actually resettle. If the interests of the Palestinian people were truly at the top of their agenda, they could advocate for many things. For example, that Palestinians born in countries like Lebanon and Jordan and Egypt be given citizenship and all the rights applicable. Rich Arab countries could grant visas to guest workers from Palestine and give them a chance to be successful. Do these things and the Palestinian people would be MUCH better off. 

Great grandchildren? 75 years.. many of the original owners are still alive!


What about the millions of Israelis born in other countries? Could they not go back to European countries and America? Same could be said of Israeli citizens. Never going to happen. Both Palestinians and Israelis deserve a place to call home.

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1 minute ago, Hanaguma said:

Cool. So the 100,000 Jews who were expelled from Egypt, and their descendants, would be free to return to Egypt and get their homes back, right? Along with the 120,000 from Iraq, the 250,000 from Morocco, 100,000 each from Algeria and TUnisia, etc. 


For the original owners to be alive, assuming they were 20 when they left in 1948, they would be 95 years old.  Not many 95 year olds in Gaza I imagine. 

I have no idea. Why wouldn't they stay in Israel according to the 1948 border plan? If they are found to be living in someone else's home, or on someone else's land, then they can find another plot of land to build a new home in Israel.


Fair point, certainly their kids will be alive - assuming they haven't died. What about the ones in the last 56 years who were expelled from areas Israel took over in 1967?

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50 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:

Great grandchildren? 75 years.. many of the original owners are still alive!


What about the millions of Israelis born in other countries? Could they not go back to European countries and America? Same could be said of Israeli citizens. Never going to happen. Both Palestinians and Israelis deserve a place to call home.




No, not many of the original owners would be alive. Do the math. Also, not all of them (putting it mildly) are either the legal owners or can prove that they are. More knowledge about Palestinian society back then would make this clearer. Same goes, by the way, for ownership of land - a whole lot of what's claimed to be Palestinian land was not owned by locals, but by foreign (as in Arab) landowners.


Israeli citizens got an Israeli citizenship, and a country. Why would they have to go anywhere? That's just attempt at false equivalence, and a lame one, at that.


As per your last line, Hamas does not agree with you.

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1 hour ago, Brickleberry said:

Great grandchildren? 75 years.. many of the original owners are still alive!


What about the millions of Israelis born in other countries? Could they not go back to European countries and America? Same could be said of Israeli citizens. Never going to happen. Both Palestinians and Israelis deserve a place to call home.


In fact, there's barely an Israeli alive who can trace their lineage back to residents of the modern Israel 100 years ago. That's not true of the Palestinian refugees.

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3 minutes ago, Brickleberry said:

I have no idea. Why wouldn't they stay in Israel according to the 1948 border plan? If they are found to be living in someone else's home, or on someone else's land, then they can find another plot of land to build a new home in Israel.


Fair point, certainly their kids will be alive - assuming they haven't died. What about the ones in the last 56 years who were expelled from areas Israel took over in 1967?




The rhetoric you push now is more extreme than what the positions of the PA.


The lines discussed are the 1967 lines (that is pre-war). There are no 1948 lines as such - there's the 1947 Partition Plan lines, and the 1949 ceasefire  lines (which are pretty much the same as the 1967 lines mentioned above). The main difference as far as the Israeli-Palestinian goes is Jerusalem.


And no, there are no actual plans that involve moving Israelis out of their homes (other than in the West Bank), and giving it to Palestinians - regardless of anything. That's not a position held by the PA, for example. If you want to make sure that there will be no agreement, push this some more.


Palestinians who became refugees in 1967 are another matter - they are mostly from the West Bank and East Jerusalem, some from the Gaza Strip. Since these areas are not considered part of Israel, but of the future Palestinian State, resettling them there should not be a problem.


All of this is basics.



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1 minute ago, ozimoron said:


In fact, there's barely an Israeli alive who can trace their lineage back to residents of the modern Israel 100 years ago. That's not true of the Palestinian refugees.




That's not a 'fact' but an exaggeration. Also, it's an arbitrary time frame.

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It's interesting to note that the wannabe 'pro-palestinian' posters on here cannot come to terms with the fact that many governments (probably including their own) consider the evidence presented with regard to UNRWA as reliable, and worrying.


Instead of addressing this, they go on about anything but - repeated outdated claims about the Dirty Dozen (apparently many more than), efforts to discredit the evidence (which they have no access to, but relevant governments do), a whole lot of Israel Bad comments (which regardless of being right or wrong are not what this is about), and a truckload of off topic ramblings about anything whatsoever related to the conflict and it's history (deflections the lot of it).


I think if they could, they'd put news on 'ignore', and maybe them governments as well. Always easier to deal with things from a cozy echo-chamber.

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21 hours ago, Social Media said:

Topic Update: Blinken says evidence of UNRWA staffers’ Oct. 7 involvement ‘highly, highly credible’


News outlets publish photos of UN staffers implicated in Israeli dossier; New Zealand pauses funding over ‘incredibly serious’ allegations; Israel cancels meetings with UNRWA head.


The evidence provided by Israel alleging that roughly a dozen UNRWA staffers participated in Hamas’s October 7 terror onslaught is “highly credible,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday, as media outlets published additional details on the implicated employees, including photos from an Israeli dossier.


“We haven’t had the ability to investigate [the allegations] ourselves. But they are highly, highly credible,” Blinken said during a press conference.


Blinken stressed that the UN agency for Palestinian refugees plays an “indispensable” role in providing assistance to civilians in the Gaza Strip and that “no one else can play the role that UNRWA has been playing, certainly not in the near term.”


Channel 12 reported that one of the 12 men implicated was an UNRWA teacher accused of being armed with an anti-tank missile, while another teacher had been accused of filming a hostage being taken captive during the onslaught.


Another of the staffers, also an elementary school teacher, allegedly served as a Hamas commander and participated in the massacre in Kibbutz Be’eri, while a man employed by UNRWA as a social worker was allegedly involved in the kidnapping of an IDF soldier’s body on that day.


“The allegations are incredibly serious. It’s important they are properly understood and investigated,” New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon told reporters on Monday when he announced Wellington would not “be making any further contributions” to UNRWA.


Asked whether the US will consider resuming funding to the agency after the administration announced a suspension on Friday, Kirby said it would depend on the results of UNRWA’s investigation.


“We understand that [UNRWA is] very dependent on donor contributions, and the United States has been a leading donor for many years… All the more reason that this investigation needs to be credible, transparent, thorough and timely,” he said.


Read More


I'm ashamed that NZ has jumped on this vile bandwagon, and considering that Blinken has apparently proven himself to be in israel's pocket I don't trust anything he says.

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11 hours ago, Brickleberry said:


Your first point is ignoring historical facts. Jews were kicked out of Muslim countries for a reason, Israel kicking out 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands. They would still be living happily in their home countries if Israel had not done what it did.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world#:~:text=In the 20th century%2C approximately,countries throughout Africa and Asia.


Jordan is not Palestine. This is just a false, ugly thing to say.


Yes, the UN partition was never agreed upon - thank you for admitting that Israel declaring independence and seizing land in 1967 was illegal - it has been illegal to seize land by force since 1945. But we never talk about this fact, and who would? It would mean that parts of the state of Israel is illegitimate under international law. A very inconvenient truth. 


The seeds of today's strife were not born because Arab countries rightfully got involved in protecting the indigenous population's property and land rights. Today's strife occurred because the political Zionist movement encouraged citizens from other countries to move to the area - colonial settler-ism. Even the British balked at the sheer amount of people emigrating to the area, and knew it would cause, and was causing problems. They tried to put limits on how many could come, and the Jewish settlers declared war on the British - blowing up hotels and killing the British using terrorist tactics. Most Israelis living in Israel are settlers, or descendants of settlers to the area.This is not to say that all of them are colonialists. There is a certain percentage of Israelis who have always lived in the area, peacefully with Arabs and later on, Christians. 


Brainwashing is what it's called on the Israeli side. History lessons is what it might be called on the other side. Could you imagine if we were not allowed to teach kids about the holocaust because it might incite hatred towards Germans? No, that would be a ridiculous thing to say. Why should the Palestinians not be able to talk about their history without it being called brainwashing techniques to hate Jewish people? The fact that Israel was created in Palestinian lands, and that they were removed and murdered in 1948 is just truth. Another inconvenient truth, but it is true.


Resisting occupation has been tried peacefully. The Great March of Return was a hugely peaceful protest whereby not a single Israeli was hurt or killed. Tens of thousands of Palestinians were left with horrible, life changing amputations due to Israeli snipers shooting them. Hundreds were killed, including an internationally renowned journalist. So these guys get shot at and killed if they peacefully protest, arrested without charges in the west bank, shot at and killed living in Gaza and West bank, what the hell are they supposed to do? Let this situation continue forever while Israel slowly but surely takes all of the West Bank?


The fact is, there is NO evidence of any rapes during the attack.

Thank you for posting facts to confront the hate posts against Palestinians that are so rife on this forum. I hope you keep it up.

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16 hours ago, Brickleberry said:

Why isn't AN sharing stories about Israeli citizens blocking aid to Gaza for the last few days - in direct contravention of ICJ orders to increase aid into Gaza?


Why don't we have some parity AN? Fairness.


Blinken & Biden are so far up Israel's genocidal backside that one cannot tell where one starts and the other ends. This is not a news story, it is a hit piece.


Never forget guys: Israel is a pariah state. It is a state that has been found to be plausibly committing genocide. Why on earth would we listen to anything they say? They have been caught so many times bending the truth & flat out lying.

Well said and congratulations for injecting some needed perspective on the subject.

I agree 100% on Blinken and Biden. Blinken IMO is no more than an israeli supporter pretending to be a mediator.

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Topic Updates: UNRWA must make ‘fundamental changes’ before funding can resume, US says


The US envoy to the United Nations said on Tuesday that Washington needs to see “fundamental changes” before its suspended funding to UNRWA can resume following Israeli allegations that some agency staff were involved in the October 7 attack by Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.


Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US Ambassador to the UN, welcomed the organization’s decision to conduct an investigation and review of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.

The US was not alone in freezing funding following Israeli accusations as a cascade of countries did the same, including the UK, Germany and Japan.




House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) hearing, called to examine UNRWA’s failures.image.png




@IMPACT_SE's CEO Marcus Sheff during yesterday's Congress hearing on UNRWA: 'Jihadi educational materials are created on a large institutional level.'

@UNRWA doesn't have just a few bad apples; the whole batch is corrupt.



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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm ashamed that NZ has jumped on this vile bandwagon, and considering that Blinken has apparently proven himself to be in israel's pocket I don't trust anything he says.




What 'bandwagon'? Why would all the governments consider the evidence presented as credible and suspend donations?

I don't trust anything you post.

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6 hours ago, Social Media said:

@IMPACT_SE's CEO Marcus Sheff during yesterday's Congress hearing on UNRWA: 'Jihadi educational materials are created on a large institutional level.'


Social Media: Do you check the things you post? UNRWA does not produce the textbooks, the PA does. I actually read the report from Impact's website:




Under its mandate, UNRWA schools teach the curriculum and textbooks of the “host country,” UNRWA does not produce its own curricula.3 The Palestinian National Authority (PA) curriculum is taught in the 370 UNRWA-run schools across the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Jerusalem, educating over 320,000 students as of 2019, according to UNRWA’s data.4


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1 minute ago, Brickleberry said:


Social Media: Do you check the things you post? UNRWA does not produce the textbooks, the PA does. I actually read the report from Impact's website:







That's the salient point you take from the report you linked?


Nothing to prevent UNRWA from refusing to use material which are not in line with its mission statement etc.



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