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Govt Wants People to Reduce Incense Burning for Chinese New Year to Stop Air Pollution


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13 hours ago, zhounan said:

Excuse my ignorance, if the problem is burned fields, in the decades and centuries before, wasn't there the same problem?

Ignorance is no excuse to keep on doing it... it has been a serious public health problem for those decades and centuries before so now that we know the long range affects of burning and that there are ways other than burning to solve the problem... maybe it's time to STOP.

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The public urges government assistance in tackling air pollution. If you goons were not bought and paid for by Big Agra, the burning would stop. It is your compromised nature and your unwillingness to put up a good fight, that is the major cause of the air apocalypse we are facing.


People are dying and suffering in hospitals on your watch, and their blood is on your hands. You are cowards. You are incompetents. You deserve to be voted out with a vengeance. Oh, I forgot. That already happened. 


Who is the current PM? He is a man who represents corporate interests. 

He is a man who represents the elite. 

This is not a man who represents progress, change, or helping the nation to move forward. This is not a man who represents the people.

This not a man who cares about the well-being of the people.


Corporations do not want to clean up the air, they're making billions by fouling the air. All the government or provinces would have to do is crack down on sugar companies and the air would improve by 70% overnight, this time of year. 


One simple move, yet do they do that? Do they enforce any of the existing laws? Absolutely not, they do not care for the people one iota, the common man, us, our neighbors and friends and family, we mean less than zero. Thailand is becoming the new Beijing, or Delhi. Without some action, this will only get worse. I can think of some action, but I can't write it here. 


Sretta. The do nothing man.

Edited by spidermike007
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21 hours ago, mikebell said:

Thank you.  My area seems remarkably fire free despite clouds of smoke drifting in from wats regularly burning rubbish.

Same same, I only have to go stand on the stoop to see the reality!

Edited by jacko45k
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Well, well, what do I know!

Give this complete idiot a solid gold medal for his findings as well as his advice on incense sticks et al. If this exemplary representative of the present government, Karom Phonphonklang, would have an IQ above his American shoe size, then he would simply shut up. 

But, if for whatever reason, he needs to get his 15 minutes of fame, why not name the real culprits of this terrible haze and smog - meanwhile all over the country and rising tendency? All those (few) processors running feed mills for their pork and chicken business keep srecwing those hundreds of thousands of farmers, latter with their back to the financial wall so adequately put there by loan sharks and the ministry of education. Latter ensures that those farmers have zero education and hence are all slaves of the oligarch elite - still. 
They need to grow crop like corn or sugarcane soonest possible to (at least try to) keep up with the exorbitant interest payments on loans threatening the ownership of their land. 

So, Mr Karom Phonphonklang, get real and factual or - just keep your shirt on! 

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14 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

What would you expect the police to do? Though it is against the law to burn crops how many instances can you site, where they actually upheld the law and prosecuted farmers who were burning their crops, destroying the environment, and poisoning their own people? 

My first 2 questions were rhetorical.  If Pattaya's invisible police don't notice diesel pickups polluting the roads directly in front of them, they're hardly going to do anything about the regular bonfires. 

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They shut down the economy due to covid. But, burning cane is ok. Can't they see the effect it is having on the air? Do they care one iota? Don't the leaders live here too? Why are they MIA? Why don't the "do nothing guys" do something for a change? 


When the crop burning starts to kill the population, and lowers the quality of life for those of us who don't die, isn't it time to take action? We just don't need the sugar. Shut down this toxic, heinous industry. Lock up the farmers. Sieze their land. Do whatever it takes. 


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A while back they had a campaign with posters and phone numbers that you could call to report vehicles that were polluting. We were driving and we saw this truck that was pumping out huge black clouds of smoke and I copied down their license plate and I dialed the number, and handed my phone to my Thai wife and ask her speak to the department. She asked the person who answered the phone what can they do? He ask my wife why are you calling us and she said, well you have phone numbers posted to report polluting vehicles? The guy said well I don't know anything about that, nor who I would report it to, and she said well that's not really our issue is it? You're supposed to be monitoring polluting vehicles. He said OK, I'll give me the license plate number and I'll see what I can do. My wife said are you going to do anything? He said, I don't know, I need to look at the regulations first and see who I'm supposed to report it to, and then maybe somebody will do something. 


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This initiative will, no doubt, bring the air pollutant levels down and stop the problem in it’s tracks. 
Why has this never been thought of before? You guys are worth more money. 

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