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Not that I care........

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16 hours ago, steven100 said:


nonsense .......      you do care otherwise why bother complaining.    Get a life ....

I have a life. It very occasionally gets interrupted by jerks.

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On 2/21/2024 at 12:46 PM, Lacessit said:

There is another Advanced Member. I can only describe him/her/it as the village idiot. They have made 673 posts, mostly trolling garbage.


I know one who has made a little over that on a topic that has nothing to do with what his future predictions are all about, (scaremongering), any ideas who I am talking about, hint: he still hasn't said he was WRONG 🤣

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


I know one who has made a little over that on a topic that has nothing to do with what his future predictions are all about, (scaremongering), any ideas who I am talking about, hint: he still hasn't said he was WRONG 🤣

All I can say is we have more than one village idiot.

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On 2/23/2024 at 5:42 PM, BigStar said:


Oh, it's much more than that. You just now ignored, for example, the national debt I mentioned, typical of selective perception. With that, we got inflation and wrong-headed, absurdly wasteful spending priorities.


We could go on to talk about homelessness, crime, the hollowing out and destruction of once-great cities, politics of division, censorship, attempt at media control, dual standards, subversion of the justice system, further expansion of the welfare state, and . . . . You get the idea.


Also fair enough, and critically important. 



Posters on Trump topics here haven't the slightest interest in the reasons Trump supporters (or just tolerators, actually), think Trump might be somewhat good, amid all the noise, for correcting many of the problems Biden and his leftists have foisted on the USA.


The hope would be to return more to the previous 4 years (marred at the end by COVID) of low inflation, energy independence (Biden selling off the Strategic Petroleum Reserve--brilliant!), NATO allies coughing up more of their share, peaceful international relations (except for Afghanistan--Trump's plan for withdrawal thwarted by the war lobby, only to be botched by Biden), Iran in its corner after Obama foolishly threw money at them, etc.


I imagine it'll be hard for Trump to do much without inflicting pain. Reagan, or now the Argentine president Javier Milei, had the courage, but they also had a large base of support and no vast disinformation campaign w/ cooperation of the media, big tech, and corporate interests. The Dems are also leaving poison pills to stop him . . . . Tried to do that w/ the immigration portion of the recent spending bill that failed.


With no interest in those reasons, and, indeed, an inability to discuss them anyway without soiling their diapers while parroting the opinion-setting apparatchiks on The View or MSNBC, posters on a Trump topic merely enjoy the same old bashfest with a lot of name-calling, preening themselves on being informed and highly intelligent while leftists undermine them for a Hunger Games-style society. Kind of like middle class supporters of the Bolsheviks later murdered by the Bolsheviks.


Yeah, but really he's such an easy target.

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