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Biden and Trump Visit Border Amid Immigration Debate

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21 hours ago, sirineou said:


the why the heck do we need workers? 


 why stop at one? 

We need workers now because they haven't developed the android yet, but it's coming, and not far away IMO. Massive investment because once they come in no need for employers to worry about holidays, sick leave, pensions, strikes etc.


Only sexbots for women will have one.

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19 hours ago, sirineou said:

If the border was open the would crose in the "open" they would not be illegal. Obviously the border is not open, you need visas,and there are border guards. No person in their right mind would think the border is open other than a trumster. You just don't like the degree in which the border is closed. 

You want it closed more.

I think is hilarious, and a classic,  Moderators please pin it  for future generation enjoyment. 

You quote me saying nothing .


and you reply "we don't .

Please allow me to disagree. I didn,t , you did. :laugh:

I don't understand this reply.

I believe you made a joke, at least I hope you did. 

you said "You think robots will come equipped with a penis? " which made no sense to me , I mean why would I think they would come with a penis?  and replied with what I hope was a good nature joke , "Why stop at one" since "a penis" is singular. 

Oh wait I think I get it now, you were serious and meant that you were not worried about illegal robots because the would not have penises :laugh:

Ok , sorry I retract my one liner reply. and replace it with 

Only the male ones. :cheesy:


I have discussed it and explained it more and better than anyone else, 

I have provided fertility rates, I have provided links to articles in economic Journal that talk about issue and the economic problems it presents to many countries.

I have shown how The US has some of the same fertility issues but that is mitigated my legal and illegal Migration. 

I have shown how countries not capable or willing to mitigate the fertility issue with Migration are doing a lot worse than the US 

What else do you want.? 




Once androids are perfected, governments will be trying to stop women having babies.

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21 hours ago, sirineou said:

That makes no sense! If he had there would be no illegals.

I was obviously using complicated words.


Here you go.


If a door is closed no one can walk through it. If a door is open anyone can walk through it.


Trump was building a wall to stop people walking in illegally. Biden stopped building the wall, so people can walk through easily in the gaps. Sooooo, Biden kept the border open to illegals.


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13 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

You started with the emojis, I hate them. 

then you must be a masochist:laugh: 

13 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

I guess we need a clear definition of what open boarder means. 

No we don't. It is very clear what it means, if it means something else to you then you need to use the term nessacery for what it means to you.  "open border " is a dog whistle to get the dogs howling,   by those with who who have something to gain by it. 

13 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Okay, my mistake, border security is great.

Never said that it was. it is adequate under the circumstances. 

13 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

I said nothing about robots,

Apologies, It was The Beachlover who made the assertion about robots. I can imagine your confusion me bring it up in our conversation. I blame my age degraded brain.  Not my fault :tongue:

13 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

I clicked it, and I really do not know what you're talking about.

If you look at the quote  below this paragraph is a screenshot of it . 


Do you see the screenshot above this paragraph ????

The quote you provided contains nothing. not sure how you managed to do it, but you did. :biggrin:

13 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

I am sorry I called you a liar, my bad.

It's ok we all get frustrated from time to time and react in ways we should not.

13 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Now would you please explain how with a labor force participation rate of about 60%, low wages, and rents at or just off of all-time how millions of people that do not share the language and culture, will likely never assimilate, are often illiterate in their native language and will immediately be put on public assistance, given free medical care and education with benefit working class Americans?

The problem that many American have and that politicians use,  is that immigrants that have not yet assimilated are visible  by their otherness, where those who have are not. And a bigger problem for Hispanics is that they are the highest percentage of immigrant are Hispanic thus more visible, 

Later generations of hispanics assimilate at the same rate as others.

14 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Again, I've seen your links and I understand how it will benefit the rich and why the left loves it. What I'd like you to explain is how it will benefit poor and working-class Americans. You can't, because it won't, it only hurts them. 

Since you make the assertion. why don't you provide me links to date that immigration only benefits the rich


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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I was obviously using complicated words.


Here you go.


If a door is closed no one can walk through it. If a door is open anyone can walk through it.


Trump was building a wall to stop people walking in illegally. Biden stopped building the wall, so people can walk through easily in the gaps. Sooooo, Biden kept the border open to illegals

Yea you do, you need to speak slower and use smaller words with me . :laugh:

Your analogy does not apply and depend on your assertion that the borders are open, which clearly they are not, since you need a visa to come to the US. 

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1 minute ago, sirineou said:

Since you make the assertion. why don't you provide me links to date that immigration only benefits the rich

Immigration certainly benefits the rich; more people = more profits.

The people it will affect adversely are those trying to get better pay, somewhere to live etc you know them, the poor.



Immigration is now making the rich richer and the poor poorer.


I await your proof that illegal immigration benefits poor citizens with anticipation.

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47 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

President Biden has said he’d shut the US-Mexico border if given the ability.

Biden said he'd shut the U.S.-Mexico border. What does that mean? | AP News


But apparently since his amnesty bill failed, he's looked at the polls and has decided he can do it without additional legislation. It's almost like he was lying...


I defined "shut the border" 2 different ways before. Biden defines it a third way, meaning to not allow amnesty seekers in.

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Once androids are perfected, governments will be trying to stop women having babies.

Sure who needs humans :laugh:

but from your comments I am now beginning to have doubts about you. Pleas complete the survey below. 



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3 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Yea you do, you need to speak slower and use smaller words with me . :laugh:

Your analogy does not apply and depend on your assertion that the borders are open, which clearly they are not, since you need a visa to come to the US. 

I don't think I can explain it any simpler than the door example. I leave you to your IMO delusions.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


Trump was building a wall to stop people walking in illegally. Biden stopped building the wall, so people can walk through easily in the gaps. Sooooo, Biden kept the border open to illegals.


The majority of illegals come in via legal ports of entry, so the concept of a 2000 mile Wall was stupid.



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19 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

We need workers now because they haven't developed the android yet,

I finally managed to convince you , 

Good !!!

and I am inclined to agree, when the robots come we will neither need immigrants or penices . 

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3 minutes ago, sirineou said:

then you must be a masochist:laugh: 

No we don't. It is very clear what it means, if it means something else to you then you need to use the term nessacery for what it means to you.  "open border " is a dog whistle to get the dogs howling,   by those with who who have something to gain by it. 

Never said that it was. it is adequate under the circumstances. 

Apologies, It was The Beachlover who made the assertion about robots. I can imagine your confusion me bring it up in our conversation. I blame my age degraded brain.  Not my fault :tongue:

If you look at the quote  below this paragraph is a screenshot of it . 


Do you see the screenshot above this paragraph ????

The quote you provided contains nothing. not sure how you managed to do it, but you did. :biggrin:

It's ok we all get frustrated from time to time and react in ways we should not.

The problem that many American have and that politicians use,  is that immigrants that have not yet assimilated are visible  by their otherness, where those who have are not. And a bigger problem for Hispanics is that they are the highest percentage of immigrant are Hispanic thus more visible, 

Later generations of hispanics assimilate at the same rate as others.

Since you make the assertion. why don't you provide me links to date that immigration only benefits the rich



So, you're starting with the emojis again.


I never said immigration only benefits the rich, that is your "age degraded brain" reading things that aren't there. 


Now would you please explain how with a labor force participation rate of about 60%, low wages, and rents at or just off of all-time highs, how millions of people that do not share the language and culture, will likely never assimilate, are often illiterate in their native language and will immediately be put on public assistance, given free medical care and education with benefit working class Americans?


Again, I've seen your links and I understand how it will benefit the rich and why the left loves it. What I'd like you to explain is how it will benefit poor and working-class Americans. You can't, because it won't, it only hurts them. 

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52 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

President Biden has said he’d shut the US-Mexico border if given the ability.

Does that man never stop lying? Had he continued building Trump's wall in the most easily crossed areas, it would have reduced the number gaining access significantly.

He was the one, all by himself, that stopped the wall being built. They even had the parts to build the wall ready.

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3 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I finally managed to convince you , 

Good !!!

and I am inclined to agree, when the robots come we will neither need immigrants or penices . 

How can men use the sexbots if they don't have penises?

Perhaps you mean they will go Terminator on us and no use for sexbots at all as no men left.

Perhaps they will keep the females to use the penises you think they will have.

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10 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

The majority of illegals come in via legal ports of entry, so the concept of a 2000 mile Wall was stupid.



Didn't need to be 2000 miles long. Parts could be secured with razor wire, and apparently some parts are too difficult for large numbers to cross at anyway.

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Didn't need to be 2000 miles long. Parts could be secured with razor wire, and apparently some parts are too difficult for large numbers to cross at anyway.


Trump wanted 2000 miles, and he wanted a Wall.


You can argue with him about how crazy his Wall was.


As for razor wire, that's only useful for killing kids on the Rio Grande.

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21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Does that man never stop lying? Had he continued building Trump's wall in the most easily crossed areas, it would have reduced the number gaining access significantly.

He was the one, all by himself, that stopped the wall being built. They even had the parts to build the wall ready.

There has been a barrier in the easily crossed areas for 30 years.

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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Didn't need to be 2000 miles long. Parts could be secured with razor wire, and apparently some parts are too difficult for large numbers to cross at anyway.

I heard the new plan is to ship them along with the Muslims to New Zealand via a fleet of cruise ships all arriving at the same time turned loose to fend for themselves lol 😂 


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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I was obviously using complicated words.


Here you go.


If a door is closed no one can walk through it. If a door is open anyone can walk through it.


Trump was building a wall to stop people walking in illegally. Biden stopped building the wall, so people can walk through easily in the gaps. Sooooo, Biden kept the border open to illegals.



I love the "The majority of illegals come in via legal ports of entry, so the concept of a 2000 mile Wall was stupid."  response this got. It's like saying the majority of criminals are not convicted, so the concept of prosecuting them is stupid. 


The illegals coming through ports of entries are not worried about being apprehended, because they are generally just phony asylum seekers that know once they are apprehend, they will be released into the county and just given a in a court date, and often transportation and a host of benefits. 


The illegals not coming through ports of entries are worried about being apprehended, because they are generally not just phony asylum seekers, and they know that once apprehend, they will likely not just be released into the county, but that they will often be turned back and or remanded into custody for prosecution for whatever criminal activity they are involved in. 


The wall is to apprehend the criminals that are afraid of being caught, not the ones going to the port of entry looking for the welcome wagon. 


What I find interesting, is that the left uses the "ports of entry" argument as justification for not having the wall, but that fact the illegals are coming through the ports of entry only shows that the Administration is letting them in, as if that's a good thing. 


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10 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

I never said immigration only benefits the rich, that is your "age degraded brain" reading things that aren't there. 

Very cruel of you to to disparage those afflicted by old age disabilities,   I have half a brain to report you.

Good for you I am using that half to write this. :mad:

" Again, I've seen your links and I understand how it will benefit the rich and why the left loves it."

Am I quoting the right person? 

2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

are often illiterate in their native language and will immediately be put on public assistance, given free medical care and education with benefit working class Americans?

Really . free medical? I am tempted to cross the Rio Grande and come back illegaly for some of that "Free medical care"

2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

What I'd like you to explain is how it will benefit poor and working-class Americans. You can't, because it won't, it only hurts them. 

Me established that Immigration, both legal and illegal  helps America  , you said that it does not benefit the poor. So who does it help then? as far as I know the opposite of poor is rich. 

Now you want me to prove or disprove your assertions. Sorry but you need to do your own work buddy, consider it tough love. . 

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12 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Very cruel of you to to disparage those afflicted by old age disabilities,   I have half a brain to report you.

Good for you I am using that half to write this. :mad:

" Again, I've seen your links and I understand how it will benefit the rich and why the left loves it."

Am I quoting the right person? 

Yes, I said that, but you are claiming something I said something I have not said. Your (apparent) lack of comprehension once might be carelessness, but twice makes it appear as if you are intentionally misrepresenting what I said. You should apologize, but you won't, you'll probably just double down. 

12 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Really . free medical? I am tempted to cross the Rio Grande and come back illegaly for some of that "Free medical care"

Me established that Immigration, both legal and illegal  helps America  , you said that it does not benefit the poor. So who does it help then? as far as I know the opposite of poor is rich. 

Now you want me to prove or disprove your assertions. Sorry but you need to do your own work buddy, consider it tough love. . 

Free medical, really.


And no, you have established nothing, you just keep dodging and pretending, which seems to be the favorite tactic of low information leftists. 


You really should at least try to support your assertions. Now would you please explain how with a labor force participation rate of about 60%, low wages, and rents at or just off of all-time how millions of people that do not share the language and culture, are often illiterate in their native language and will immediately be put on public assistance, given free medical care and education with benefit working class Americans?


Again, I've seen your links and I understand how it will benefit the rich and why the left loves it. What I'd like you to explain is how it will benefit poor and working-class Americans. You can't, because it won't, it only hurts them. 

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6 hours ago, Yellowtail said:


I love the "The majority of illegals come in via legal ports of entry, so the concept of a 2000 mile Wall was stupid."  response this got. It's like saying the majority of criminals are not convicted, so the concept of prosecuting them is stupid. 


The illegals coming through ports of entries are not worried about being apprehended, because they are generally just phony asylum seekers that know once they are apprehend, they will be released into the county and just given a in a court date, and often transportation and a host of benefits. 


The illegals not coming through ports of entries are worried about being apprehended, because they are generally not just phony asylum seekers, and they know that once apprehend, they will likely not just be released into the county, but that they will often be turned back and or remanded into custody for prosecution for whatever criminal activity they are involved in. 


The wall is to apprehend the criminals that are afraid of being caught, not the ones going to the port of entry looking for the welcome wagon. 


What I find interesting, is that the left uses the "ports of entry" argument as justification for not having the wall, but that fact the illegals are coming through the ports of entry only shows that the Administration is letting them in, as if that's a good thing. 


Fortunately, the Border Patrol, under Biden, is catching a lot more illegals than under Trump.

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5 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Yes, I said that, but you are claiming something I said something I have not said. Your (apparent) lack of comprehension once might be carelessness, but twice makes it appear as if you are intentionally misrepresenting what I said. You should apologize, but you won't, you'll probably just double down.

" Again, I've seen your links and I understand how it will benefit the rich and why the left loves it. What I'd like you to explain is how it will benefit poor and working-class Americans."

You understand how it will benefit the rich, but you don't understand how it could it would benefit the poor,  these are your own words. everything else is BS. 

5 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Free medical, really.

LInk please. 

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5 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

And no, you have established nothing,

I provided sources and link to such sources , if you want to contradict said sources you need to provide your own contradictory sources.  

so far you have provided ZERO sources . ZERO. not a one, nada, zilch ,tipota , not a thing , nanimo

all you provided was instantiate opinion. In fact we have gotten to a part where I have no idea what you are talking about anymore. I am just replying to things you written and it's becoming excessively boring. 


The fact of the matter is that,  Migration i,,both Legal and illegal is 

"The presence of immigrants helps to keep U.S. fertility at levels closer to the replacement rate. "

https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2020/03/can-immigration-solve-the-demographic-dilemma-peri#:~:text=The presence of immigrants helps,pressures in high-fertility countries.



https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/democrats/2022/12/the-contributions-of-immigrants-are-essential-to-u-s-economic-growth-and-competitiveness#:~:text=For example%2C immigrants also help,the contributions of immigrant workers.


" Harvard's George Borjas says the average American's wealth is increased by less than 1 percent because of unauthorized immigration.[29] "

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_impact_of_illegal_immigrants_in_the_United_States#:~:text=But economists generally believe that,percent because of unauthorized immigration.


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17 minutes ago, sirineou said:

" Again, I've seen your links and I understand how it will benefit the rich and why the left loves it. What I'd like you to explain is how it will benefit poor and working-class Americans."

You understand how it will benefit the rich, but you don't understand how it could it would benefit the poor,  these are your own words. everything else is BS. 

LInk please. 

So, as expected, you're doubling down. No, those are your words misrepresenting what I said. I never said it only benefits the rich, I said I understand how it benefits the rich. You are claiming it benefits the poor, and I have asked you to explain how. 


So again, would you please explain how with a labor force participation rate of about 60%, low wages, and with rents at or just off of all-time highs, how millions of people that do not share the language and culture, are often illiterate in their native language and will immediately be put on public assistance, given free medical care and education with benefit working class Americans?


Again, I've seen your links and I understand how it will benefit the rich and why the left loves it. What I'd like you to explain is how it will benefit poor and working-class Americans. You can't, because it won't, it only hurts them. 





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4 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I provided sources and link to such sources , if you want to contradict said sources you need to provide your own contradictory sources.  

so far you have provided ZERO sources . ZERO. not a one, nada, zilch ,tipota , not a thing , nanimo

all you provided was instantiate opinion. In fact we have gotten to a part where I have no idea what you are talking about anymore. I am just replying to things you written and it's becoming excessively boring. 


The fact of the matter is that,  Migration i,,both Legal and illegal is 

"The presence of immigrants helps to keep U.S. fertility at levels closer to the replacement rate. "

https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2020/03/can-immigration-solve-the-demographic-dilemma-peri#:~:text=The presence of immigrants helps,pressures in high-fertility countries.



https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/democrats/2022/12/the-contributions-of-immigrants-are-essential-to-u-s-economic-growth-and-competitiveness#:~:text=For example%2C immigrants also help,the contributions of immigrant workers.


" Harvard's George Borjas says the average American's wealth is increased by less than 1 percent because of unauthorized immigration.[29] "

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_impact_of_illegal_immigrants_in_the_United_States#:~:text=But economists generally believe that,percent because of unauthorized immigration.


So, you post links to articles from organizations that want to flood the United States with illegals. You likely have not read and almost certainly do not understand the articles, because if they supported your position and understood them, you would be able to take a few minutes to explain is how mass illegal immigration will benefit poor and working-class Americans. But you can't do that, can you? 



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23 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

What’s the point for Trump to visit the border 5 times in his presidency and still can’t solve the border problems and have to kick the problem down the road for Biden. The solution is with Biden’s bipartisan border bill which Trump torpedoed. Educated voters is turning against Trump as he is all performative but lacking in substance. 

Complete BS and you know it.  Or more ignorant than one could ever comprehend.


As I recall the left bit—ed , screamed and yelled bloody murder at his attempt to build the wall and every other policy.


So why didn’t Biden, the miracle worker address and solve these issues during his first three years? 

Well I suppose he was busy trying to keep gasoline prices down by canceling the Keystone Pipeline, trying to get groceries shelves restocked, diapers for the babies and trying to deal with the backlog of containers off of San Pedro.


So he does what a President does.  He delegates.


The problem was he delegated the title “Czar of the Border “ (sounds good) to the most incompetent, unqualified and quite frankly worst VP in modern history.  Kamala Harris aka Giggles.  The poster child for what is wrong with EEO.  She did absolutely nothing.  Surprised?


This new bill is nothing but a dog and pony show to show he’s attempting something but it’s just their plan to get illegal aliens expedited process for their….vote aka stats. 




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1 hour ago, G_Money said:

Complete BS and you know it.  Or more ignorant than one could ever comprehend.


As I recall the left bit—ed , screamed and yelled bloody murder at his attempt to build the wall and every other policy.


So why didn’t Biden, the miracle worker address and solve these issues during his first three years? 

Well I suppose he was busy trying to keep gasoline prices down by canceling the Keystone Pipeline, trying to get groceries shelves restocked, diapers for the babies and trying to deal with the backlog of containers off of San Pedro.


So he does what a President does.  He delegates.


The problem was he delegated the title “Czar of the Border “ (sounds good) to the most incompetent, unqualified and quite frankly worst VP in modern history.  Kamala Harris aka Giggles.  The poster child for what is wrong with EEO.  She did absolutely nothing.  Surprised?


This new bill is nothing but a dog and pony show to show he’s attempting something but it’s just their plan to get illegal aliens expedited process for their….vote aka stats. 

Trump's Wall was a stupid idea, which is why Trump forgot about it after he took office. It was only when the 2020 election was coming that Trump spent a little money on building a few miles of barrier.

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