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What Foodie Things Are You Really Missing?


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I was having a chat over a few drinks, and we got to reflecting about what food/snacks/condiments people really miss.

It's a National thing - the English will kill for some real Branston pickle. And an Aussie longs for the Vegamite. One Swiss friend confessed a longing for fondor (Swiss MSG?)

But what does a Frenchman miss?

What is there in Germany that you long for when abroad?

South Africa? Is it only the biltong?

New Zealand?


Come on guys - there's a round of drinks riding on this!


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I was having a chat over a few drinks, and we got to reflecting about what food/snacks/condiments people really miss.

It's a National thing - the English will kill for some real Branston pickle. And an Aussie longs for the Vegamite. One Swiss friend confessed a longing for fondor (Swiss MSG?)

But what does a Frenchman miss?

What is there in Germany that you long for when abroad?

South Africa? Is it only the biltong?

New Zealand?


Come on guys - there's a round of drinks riding on this!


Kiwis miss their sheep :D:o

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French miss frogs legs.

Italians miss spagetti.

British miss fish n'chips

Americans miss hamburgers.

Australians miss barbeques.

Germans miss Sauerkraut.

Indians miss curry.

Swiss miss holey cheese.

Anymore stereotypes I have left out? :o

Edited by ashacat
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French miss frogs legs.

Italians miss spagetti.

British miss fish n'chips

Americans miss hamburgers.

Australians miss barbeques.

Germans miss Sauerkraut.

Indians miss curry.

Swiss miss holey cheese.

Anymore stereotypes I have left out? :o

Problem is that these are sterotypes! In truth, the English miss Branston (not so much fish n chips, as you can get that everywhere) and the Swiss long for their fondor - which I'd never evven heard of 'till yesterday.

Any French, Dutch, Italian or German guys out there want to tell us what they miss?


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I was having a chat over a few drinks, and we got to reflecting about what food/snacks/condiments people really miss.

It's a National thing - the English will kill for some real Branston pickle. And an Aussie longs for the Vegamite. One Swiss friend confessed a longing for fondor (Swiss MSG?)

But what does a Frenchman miss?

What is there in Germany that you long for when abroad?

South Africa? Is it only the biltong?

New Zealand?


Come on guys - there's a round of drinks riding on this!

Bendicks Bittermints.....strong bitter chocolate and strong mint fondant inside....Princess Diana s favourite as well...expect she misses them also


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Really, if your prepared to put the hard yard in searching, there's not much you can't get here.

Local delicacies excepted; but then if they were that important we'd never leave home, and taste all the better when we do get back.

Or do they?

As an Australian I can take or leave Vegemite, but a feed of lamb loin chops would go down well occasionally.

Edited by sceadugenga
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German here, and one thing I really miss is the weather. Yes, yes, I know, tropical paradise etc., but my absolute favorite is a snowy Christmas. Also miss the great variety of beer and knoedel.

Agree :o

The smell from the goose in the oven, snowing outside..............


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black pudding supper.

Branston I pick up, along with Chocolate Hob Nobs, and a few other "essentials" on my fairly frequent trips to London, but I've never found proper Black pudding suppers outside Scotland. (although I did hear a rumour you could get them in Blackpool).

Before someone mentions it, I know Yorkies does black pudding, but it's just slices, which just isn't the same.

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Thanks for the reply. Hmmm. Can it be that the vegemite thing was a part of the icons?

So what do YOU miss so much you could kill for? Lamb chops - don't have so much clout ...


Really, if your prepared to put the hard yard in searching, there's not much you can't get here.

Local delicacies excepted; but then if they were that important we'd never leave home, and taste all the better when we do get back.

Or do they?

As an Australian I can take or leave Vegemite, but a feed of lamb loin chops would go down well occasionally.

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Walkers' Cheese & onion crisps & Pickled onion Monster Munch. Haggis is good too, with tatties & neeps. :o


As a brit - I have to say that WALKERS taste like no other CRISPS. (The USA contingent will NOT fathom this. )My daughter mails me a coupe of packets of cheese and onion each month. Bless her socks.

I SUCK every single crisp.


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German here, and one thing I really miss is the weather. Yes, yes, I know, tropical paradise etc., but my absolute favorite is a snowy Christmas. Also miss the great variety of beer and knoedel.

Agree :o

The smell from the goose in the oven, snowing outside..............


yeh yeh yeh - but now you're sidetracking. I MISS the seasons, specially autum, as everything goes gold and red.

But what do you REALLY miss food/sauce/sweets/ ?

I ate an ENGLISH pork sausage for the first time last year (in 9 years) and almost cried. (Yes-I know-all other nations also cry when they eat English sausages-so don't say it.)

get what I'm saying?


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I was having a chat over a few drinks, and we got to reflecting about what food/snacks/condiments people really miss.

It's a National thing - the English will kill for some real Branston pickle. And an Aussie longs for the Vegamite. One Swiss friend confessed a longing for fondor (Swiss MSG?)

But what does a Frenchman miss?

What is there in Germany that you long for when abroad?

South Africa? Is it only the biltong?

New Zealand?


Come on guys - there's a round of drinks riding on this!


Kiwis miss their sheep :D:o

we dont miss any wallabies thou as we had them for breakfast on saturday!! :D

(rugby joke)

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German here, and one thing I really miss is the weather. Yes, yes, I know, tropical paradise etc., but my absolute favorite is a snowy Christmas. Also miss the great variety of beer and knoedel.

Agree :o

The smell from the goose in the oven, snowing outside..............


ps -

What's knoedel?


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I miss cabbage rolls and perogies :o

What is Branston?

Cabbage rolls and penguins? Youe are from Greenland?

BRANSTON - to an Englishman - has 2 meanings.

It's a superstar who founded Virgin Records and Virgin Airlines -

And it's a pickle, much like a sweet chutney.


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