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Are you my neighbor?: The one addicted to online-shopping deliveries?

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22 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:


I would never abuse the English language by saying... "you sanity"...

I think you edited what I wrote?


"you sanity" if FOREIGN to me....

You see?:


(I did not say you sanity.  I wrote..  I worry for your sanity, and mine, as well.)


Has anyone revised my original copyrighted words, without my permission?

Orwell  warned me this might happen.

It's not an example of what is called...




But, it IS a REVISION of History, in fact.


NEWSPEAK examples include: 








You can go to this linked site to see a nice NEWSPEAK Glossary....









Note, FYI:




Of course, in a world such as ours, it's just too tiring to spend the time and effort to uncover what is real, and what is not real.

And, now living in the age of AI, it is impossible to know what is ...

Real Reality


Virtual Reality


(Therefore, I may have said what you said I said. Or, the bits and bytes may have become rearranged.  We will never know, now.  Will we.....? )















Someone else's reply to you about what you wrote has nothing to do with copyright's or editing your words in any way shape or form. so you should check yourself. You are seriously a troll just writing to elicit comments to make your total of posts and replies go high. You stated that on one of your very first post on this site. How much AI do you use to compose this drivel? Its sad really that you spend so much time doing this but it is an open forum and people can just start ignoring your writings. There, you got one more reply to add to your totals

On 4/27/2024 at 1:26 PM, Dioj said:


If I fart in an empty elevator and then people get on the elevator do you think they will know I did it? But even more importantly, if I fart again after they get on the elevator then do you think that it would cause an even bigger stink? And if I apologize and insist that I have a mental disorder and that my name is GG do you think that they would agree that I can't be blamed for posting insatiable drivel on AN that nobody needs or wants to read?

I wouldn't say his drivel is insatiable.   Humorous, amusing, funny at times.   But not insatiable.  
People do read his drivel though.  

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Dan O said:

Someone else's reply to you about what you wrote has nothing to do with copyright's or editing your words in any way shape or form. so you should check yourself. You are seriously a troll just writing to elicit comments to make your total of posts and replies go high. You stated that on one of your very first post on this site. How much AI do you use to compose this drivel? Its sad really that you spend so much time doing this but it is an open forum and people can just start ignoring your writings. There, you got one more reply to add to your totals


a. I never use AI tools unless I specifically state that I have done so, on any single comment or Topic.  And, the occasions when I have used AI tools is not to improve or change anything I have written, and it is not that I would ever use AI tools as a writing-aid, how foolish!  But, I have posted output of/from AI machines just as examples of AI output.


b. You seem to be a "very-literal reader".  What I stated concerning comment counts, or counts of posted comments, was not intended to be taken as you seem to have taken the statement.  You may have missed the implied meaning, and you seem to have only been able to glean the superficial literal meaning.


c. I have been told, and I am aware, that there are those in this world who are unable to distinguish humor of irony, not to mention facetiousness, and facetious statements, from the rigidly literal meaning of what they read and hear.  (The purpose of irony is often to elucidate truths that are less easy to communicate more directly.)


If you are one of this group of readers, then I cannot help you, and you may be beyond help in this area.  There exist many forms of humor in this world, and thus you are very fortunate.  You are fortunate enough to be able to choose the narrow-band of humor and topics, from a much wider offering, that are more comprehensible to you.


Some people are tone deaf.

Some people have no sense of rhythm.

And others, just do not get irony, or recognize cynicism, no matter that it is staring them in the face.

This kind of humor just ....may...not....

Be for you.


So solly.

Maybe in the next life, you will be born with different talents and abilities than the ones you now have.

And then, you can come back to reading the comments you seem to find objectionable. And, hopefully, after you have been reborn, you will see them in a new light.....But,....


I believe, it will always be HIGHLY UNLIKELY that you will ever see the light.




  • Sad 1

There can't be many people leaving the house to buy things anymore, it all seems to be deliveries.

Even cartons of coffee.

Anyone on here ever had a coffee delivered, and why.?

12 minutes ago, radiochaser said:

I wouldn't say his drivel is insatiable.   Humorous, amusing, funny at times.   But not insatiable.  
People do read his drivel though.  




I picked up on this malapropism, too!


What actually DOES "Insatiable Drive" look like, you may ask?


I did ask.

I asked Bard.

I gave Bard this prompt:


"I would like you to show me, or create for me, an image which best represents the nonexistent literal meaning of the two-word combination: "insatiable drivel" (if one were an artist, what image would an artist think of that might come closest to the phrase "insatiable drivel"?"


Then, BARD replies with this:


"Sure, here is an image that captures the nonsensical essence of "insatiable drivel":"


And, then, Bard offers up his best imagery showing what Insatiable Drivel might look like in a less literal world:







It seems to me that Bard REALLY DOES NOT LIKE the Insatiable Drivel phrase first coined here on our Forum.


Bard offered other images but, since this is a Family Friendly Forum, I have chosen to NOT display some of Bard's more appropriate responses to the malapropism....







10 minutes ago, saintdomingo said:

There can't be many people leaving the house to buy things anymore, it all seems to be deliveries.

Even cartons of coffee.

Anyone on here ever had a coffee delivered, and why.?


You could be correct.

But if so, then my neighbor, with his daily deliveries exceeding 4 or 5,  must have a case of....the...


INSATIABLE DRIVEL  (This phrase now should be taken to mean: Unquenchable Appetite, (FYI...))



4 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


a. I never use AI tools unless I specifically state that I have done so, on any single comment or Topic.  And, the occasions when I have used AI tools is not to improve or change anything I have written, and it is not that I would ever use AI tools as a writing-aid, how foolish!  But, I have posted output of/from AI machines just as examples of AI output.


b. You seem to be a "very-literal reader".  What I stated concerning comment counts, or counts of posted comments, was not intended to be taken as you seem to have taken the statement.  You may have missed the implied meaning, and you seem to have only been able to glean the superficial literal meaning.


c. I have been told, and I am aware, that there are those in this world who are unable to distinguish humor of irony, not to mention facetiousness, and facetious statements, from the rigidly literal meaning of what they read and hear.  (The purpose of irony is often to elucidate truths that are less easy to communicate more directly.)


If you are one of this group of readers, then I cannot help you, and you may be beyond help in this area.  There exist many forms of humor in this world, and thus you are very fortunate.  You are fortunate enough to be able to choose the narrow-band of humor and topics, from a much wider offering, that are more comprehensible to you.


Some people are tone deaf.

Some people have no sense of rhythm.

And others, just do not get irony, or recognize cynicism, no matter that it is staring them in the face.

This kind of humor just ....may...not....

Be for you.


So solly.

Maybe in the next life, you will be born with different talents and abilities than the ones you now have.

And then, you can come back to reading the comments you seem to find objectionable. And, hopefully, after you have been reborn, you will see them in a new light.....But,....


I believe, it will always be HIGHLY UNLIKELY that you will ever see the light.




You continue to deflect in stating I can not comprehend or understand the nonsense you write is humor, probably because it isnt. It may be your inner reflection that your trying to project and it clearly isnt healthy or humorous in most of your posts.


Comprehension is something you seem to fixate on but seem you lack in yourself. You compensate by being the person that makes the most replies to your own posts in a circular discussion with yourself.


I dont need to see the light as you put it as I am fully capable of detecting trolling for numbers and there is no misunderstanding on that issue as that is exactly what you wrote.


You proclaim yourself to be intellectually superior to others especially if they disagree with you as we are incapable of understanding and comprehension.


You have even claimed you can only seek out women who are of genius intellect or its impossible for you to interact with them. Even allegedly moved away to find one never to return or post again. But in Bob Smith fashion were right back here within 2 weeks, in reality never having left. Maybe its a matter of your advanced age and lack of going out in public that prevents them from interacting with you or it could just be your personality thats the stumbling block


I believe it is highly unlikely that you will post normal topics and have normal interactions with this forum or real people and stay buried in your basement typing away at your keyboard. Have a great day

On 4/27/2024 at 2:37 PM, GammaGlobulin said:

I live quite near you.

(You live quite near me, but you are NOT me, fortunately)


Every day, rain or shine, I see the delivery guys delivering boxes, parcels, envelopes, packages, of all shapes and sizes, to your house, yet....

I rarely see you.


The delivery trucks pull up outside your gate.

They open your gate and enter your premises with the garbage you have ordered.

And then they leave.


I can see out my picture window, almost as if I were looking out over Waterloo Station, and all I see happening is boxes being delivered to you.


Everyday, I see so many packages sent to your door.

But, not knowing what is inside your boxes, 

It ruins my paradise.


Why do you receive, on average, FIVE deliveries per day?


Also, every day, Five Boxes!

They always go in.

I never see any boxes coming out.

I can't remember seeing any people coming out, either?

Your house must be like the NYC Flat of those Jewish Brothers....
What was their name?

What a terrifically crafted film, a true masterpiece, I believe.

But, the brothers were such hoarders.

Wait just one MINUTE:


One set of brothers: Jewish

One set of brothers: Gentile

Apparently, no significance to being one or the other.
But, that should have been obvious.



And now, with this online-ordering, thingy...

Is this just a better way for hoarders to do their thing?

They needn't exit their homes.

They can do all their hoarding by remote control, and...

The delivery couriers become....



Therefore, please do tell me now, while I have your attention....

What is going on at your house?

Do you have stacks and stacks of useless junk in there?

And what about the packaging?

Do you save the bubble wrap in one room, and the cardboard in another room?

Do you eat the contents of the packages? I mean, is what you order edible?

Or, do you stack all that junk in a third room?

And, where do you even sleep?

Or, DO YOU sleep??????


This has been going on since you moved to this neighborhood, almost opposite my house.

Will this never end?

I worry for you sanity, and mine, as well.


I just gotta know.  I need some resolution, here, of this puzzle.

Tell me.

Are you sick?

Do you need a shrink?

Will your house finally explode as a result of the pressure of all your online orders pushing out, against the walls of your house?


Please take a warning and a caution from the Collyer Brothers.

Please stop this over-the-top love affair with deliveries from your many courier friends.

If the Collyers had had Couriers, things would have reached a head, far sooner.


At the very least, tell me what you are doing with what you order.

And, please tell me WHY.

How did this happen to you?


Is it your hope that...

Someday, relying on some 12-Step Program,

You will be able to wean yourself off of your Buying Habit,

And eventually live an uncluttered and worthy life?


But, do you think there is actually any hope of your getting well?


I am just grateful that being addicted to ONLINE Shopping, and..

Being addicted to Courier Deliveries, and visits from couriers, is not a problem that I, or anyone I know personally...

Such as a wife or a GF,...have...I mean, ....

It is not something that I must deal with in this life.


Do tell...

What is going on with this out-of-hand ONLINE shopping....





Oh, Forgot:  The Collyer Brothers.....



Note 2: The Infamous Waterloo Station Window



Note 3: Coming UNSTRUNG







You need help.

  • Love It 1
On 4/27/2024 at 8:37 PM, GammaGlobulin said:

I live quite near you.

(You live quite near me, but you are NOT me, fortunately)


Every day, rain or shine, I see the delivery guys delivering boxes, parcels, envelopes, packages, of all shapes and sizes, to your house, yet....

I rarely see you.


The delivery trucks pull up outside your gate.

They open your gate and enter your premises with the garbage you have ordered.

And then they leave.


I can see out my picture window, almost as if I were looking out over Waterloo Station, and all I see happening is boxes being delivered to you.


Everyday, I see so many packages sent to your door.

But, not knowing what is inside your boxes, 

It ruins my paradise.


Why do you receive, on average, FIVE deliveries per day?


Also, every day, Five Boxes!

They always go in.

I never see any boxes coming out.

I can't remember seeing any people coming out, either?

Your house must be like the NYC Flat of those Jewish Brothers....
What was their name?

What a terrifically crafted film, a true masterpiece, I believe.

But, the brothers were such hoarders.

Wait just one MINUTE:


One set of brothers: Jewish

One set of brothers: Gentile

Apparently, no significance to being one or the other.
But, that should have been obvious.



And now, with this online-ordering, thingy...

Is this just a better way for hoarders to do their thing?

They needn't exit their homes.

They can do all their hoarding by remote control, and...

The delivery couriers become....



Therefore, please do tell me now, while I have your attention....

What is going on at your house?

Do you have stacks and stacks of useless junk in there?

And what about the packaging?

Do you save the bubble wrap in one room, and the cardboard in another room?

Do you eat the contents of the packages? I mean, is what you order edible?

Or, do you stack all that junk in a third room?

And, where do you even sleep?

Or, DO YOU sleep??????


This has been going on since you moved to this neighborhood, almost opposite my house.

Will this never end?

I worry for you sanity, and mine, as well.


I just gotta know.  I need some resolution, here, of this puzzle.

Tell me.

Are you sick?

Do you need a shrink?

Will your house finally explode as a result of the pressure of all your online orders pushing out, against the walls of your house?


Please take a warning and a caution from the Collyer Brothers.

Please stop this over-the-top love affair with deliveries from your many courier friends.

If the Collyers had had Couriers, things would have reached a head, far sooner.


At the very least, tell me what you are doing with what you order.

And, please tell me WHY.

How did this happen to you?


Is it your hope that...

Someday, relying on some 12-Step Program,

You will be able to wean yourself off of your Buying Habit,

And eventually live an uncluttered and worthy life?


But, do you think there is actually any hope of your getting well?


I am just grateful that being addicted to ONLINE Shopping, and..

Being addicted to Courier Deliveries, and visits from couriers, is not a problem that I, or anyone I know personally...

Such as a wife or a GF,...have...I mean, ....

It is not something that I must deal with in this life.


Do tell...

What is going on with this out-of-hand ONLINE shopping....





Oh, Forgot:  The Collyer Brothers.....



Note 2: The Infamous Waterloo Station Window



Note 3: Coming UNSTRUNG



that would be my wife, five sounds about right, didn't realise you lived so close to me


On 4/27/2024 at 8:37 PM, GammaGlobulin said:





3 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:




I picked up on this malapropism, too!


What actually DOES "Insatiable Drive" look like, you may ask?


I did ask.

I asked Bard.

I gave Bard this prompt:


"I would like you to show me, or create for me, an image which best represents the nonexistent literal meaning of the two-word combination: "insatiable drivel" (if one were an artist, what image would an artist think of that might come closest to the phrase "insatiable drivel"?"


Then, BARD replies with this:


"Sure, here is an image that captures the nonsensical essence of "insatiable drivel":"


And, then, Bard offers up his best imagery showing what Insatiable Drivel might look like in a less literal world:







It seems to me that Bard REALLY DOES NOT LIKE the Insatiable Drivel phrase first coined here on our Forum.


Bard offered other images but, since this is a Family Friendly Forum, I have chosen to NOT display some of Bard's more appropriate responses to the malapropism....







I've often pondered how insatiably pedantic, insatiably pathetic, and insatiably inane your everyday life must be as it occurs outside of AN. What could a low functioning person like yourself possibly do all day? And how could anyone possibly have either the insatiable amount of time or interest to compose dozens of long winded responses on meaningless topics that are most likely never going to be read by another human, talk less of any human that poses any significance to you in your real life? Are you even capable of simple human tasks like dressing, eating, toileting, and bathing in a civilized manner? When you step outside of the dingy hovel you habitat in, what could any of your everyday human exchanges possibly be like? Do you even ever leave the house, or live in one for that matter?

Please do solve this great mystery by employing an insatiable litany of your usual regurgitated quotes, diagrams, links, clipped photos, AI generated garbage, and YouTube music video links to help illustrate to everyone how you are able to do anything besides log into AN and post an insatiable amount of heaving vomit smothered in an insatiable splattering of anal reflux. Waiting...

  • Thanks 1
11 minutes ago, Dioj said:

I've often pondered how insatiably pedantic, insatiably pathetic, and insatiably inane your everyday life must be as it occurs outside of AN. What could a low functioning person like yourself possibly do all day? And how could anyone possibly have either the insatiable amount of time or interest to compose dozens of long winded responses on meaningless topics that are most likely never going to be read by another human, talk less of any human that poses any significance to you in your real life? Are you even capable of simple human tasks like dressing, eating, toileting, and bathing in a civilized manner? When you step outside of the dingy hovel you habitat in, what could any of your everyday human exchanges possibly be like? Do you even ever leave the house, or live in one for that matter?

Please do solve this great mystery by employing an insatiable litany of your usual regurgitated quotes, diagrams, links, clipped photos, AI generated garbage, and YouTube music video links to help illustrate to everyone how you are able to do anything besides log into AN and post an insatiable amount of heaving vomit smothered in an insatiable splattering of anal reflux. Waiting...


That's right!


DOUBLE DOWN, now....!



  • Confused 1

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