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New UK Spouse Requirements - Minimum £38,700 wages p/a or £93K savings - Petition To Scrap

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1 hour ago, jonclark said:

r...a hooker marries a British bloke earning 50K p/a arrives in the UK has a sprog and dumps the bloke -(ex) hooker now gets on benefits, sends half back to Isan and sleeps all day - how does this change that outcome? 


I agree - ban Thais from the UK is the only sane solution imho.

Maybe allow a couple of thousand to run restaurants but, besides that, we don't need the asset stripping, sponging, tax dodging and 3x4ing.


Would be doing yourselves a favour too - you can take the Thai out of the country but....



Edited by BigBruv
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2 hours ago, Drumbuie said:

What provincial narrow-minded nonsense.

In the UK more than half of all taxpayers earn less than £20k a year ( and thanks to the skyrocketing cost of living have no savings at all) and the *average* salary is less than this threshold.


So the majority of British citizens are now unable to marry anyone without a British passport  and bring them home to live. 

Not just Thais. *Anyone*. Including former Commonwealth citizens. It's a needlessly cruel, vindictive policy, a further diminution of citizens' rights, and we should  all sign that petition now. 


.....damn! Should go out and get the old Raj back........anything better than getting back in to the EU and do your fair share of club work and be part of....ooops, the EU is also tending towards inhumane crap now, there are badmirers of the Ruanda Principle all over Europe, ......sorry guys. The good news : hemp rope is now affordable at Ali Express for all whitebreads and no worries about the Asian spouse, Ali Express will catalogue them for free in Shanghai................

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Look, I know it's hot but if you wanna wife a local - please stay over there.


It's for your own good too.


You may think your hot <deleted> on you £1500 a month out there but back here you're back to being the lowest of the low - 

Plus everyone WILL assume/know that your wife is a 3x4.


Have some dignity.

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14 minutes ago, biggles45 said:

I heard a politician trying to justify this on the basis that 'immigration was too high'

Immigration IS too high.

Plus you're obvs (via your spelling) a yank so who are you to comment?


14 minutes ago, biggles45 said:

and people were concerned. 


Oh my God, what bigots!



14 minutes ago, biggles45 said:

That's true, but it's not the legal spouses of Brit citizens they are concerned about!


WRONG - Brits are concerned about the sheer numbers of low IQ immigrants only good for cleaning type jobs and sex work


14 minutes ago, biggles45 said:

so instead of stopping the illegals in their rubber boats, let's keep putting them up in hotels and giving them lots of benefits.

We will cut the number of LEGALS, and


One thing at a time.

If you cannot earn 36K and or save 93K you're poor and hence importing your soon to be ex-wife/cleaner/gofer is



14 minutes ago, biggles45 said:

penalize the British citizens who have dared to marry outside the UK. 


If you cannot earn 36K and or save 93K you should be penalised & shouldn't be allowed to return imho - let alone vote or import others who, like yourself would be a net cost to the British taxpayer.


Edited by BigBruv
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There is one major problem with these petitions. They are never debated in parliament, but in Westminster hall. A notice is posted of the date and time, then those who feel they have the time to attend, do so. The petition is put to a vote, but 9 times out of ten it is refused. Even in the rare event of a petition passing a vote, it then goes to the leader of the house. However, S/he is advised there are more pressing matters to attend to. It is then decided there is not enough parliamentary time and is quietly forgotten about.

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9 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

A lot of people spend many years working abroad and marry a foreigner but plan to retire in the UK.  I think they should make the threshold the same as the state pension which is the lowest in Western Europe by long way, while healthcare in the UK is also the worst nowadays.

Sounds too sensible for the UK!


We can petition all we like, but unfortunately the anti-immigrant sentiment in the UK is so strong that this a popular, vote-winning policy.  Not that it will be enough to save the Tories, but I doubt Labour will change it as it will cost them votes.

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a lot of Thai women have decent jobs, a family that can help and perhaps some land/real estate they could sell if they are dumb enough to marry a Brit.


But all Brits usually go for poor women/ladyboys hence all the whinging and whining.

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7 minutes ago, Celsius said:

a lot of Thai women have decent jobs, a family that can help and perhaps some land/real estate they could sell if they are dumb enough to marry a Brit.


But all Brits usually go for poor women/ladyboys hence all the whinging and whining.


It doesn't work like that.  The income of the non-British spouse is not assessed; only the income of the British person.  You can marry a Thai millionaire, but if you do not meet the financial requirements they cannot live with you in the UK.

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Just send your wife over the Channel from Calais and have her utter the magic words: "Asylum."
Then?  Bob's your uncle.

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20 minutes ago, connda said:

Just send your wife over the Channel from Calais and have her utter the magic words: "Asylum."
Then?  Bob's your uncle.


And risk death in the English Channel, or being locked up/deported if she can't prove she needs asylum?  🤔

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The 100,000 include only a very small number of UK nationals with Thai partners. The issue is driven by the inundation of impoverished immigrants from around the world, and more specifically certain nations, who have long been  a source of problem immigrants/visitors. 


As a reminder, the BBC reported the following;  As highlighted in a recent BBC Panorama episode "Immigration: the UK's Record Rise", last year, the Government issued 1.44 million visas. Only around 5.6% of those were family-related. In response, a Home Office spokesperson said in a statement: "The current levels of migration to the UK are far too high. "That is why the government announced a plan to cut the number of migrants coming to the UK by 300,000 a year – the largest reduction ever.  “By tethering the minimum income requirement to the general salary threshold for skilled workers, it ensures migration policy is supportive of the wider ambition for the UK to be a high-wage, high-productivity, high-skill economy.”  . The UK must reduce the levels of immigration to a sustainable level.


Yes, some Thai couples will be penalized, but this measure was enacted for the sake of the UK's economic survival. The reality is that  the government would be accused of discrimination if it imposed the rules on the countries that were driving the crisis. You need only look at the number of impoverished people who show up every year from these countries under the guise of family reunification, or as "students", or "visitors" who play the system.  These communities would rise up in civil unrest if they were singled out despite being the culprits. Look at the protests in the streets now and you will get an idea of what would occur.


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