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"Big Joke" Starts Signature Campaign in Pattaya to Oust Anti-Corruption Commission

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1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

There are absolutely no inherent obstacles standing in the way of bribing immigration or any other official in Thailand, This jokers "anti corruption" measures were limited to having immigration offices remove their tip boxes from the  prominent counter top positions they used to occupy.  Most tip boxes were simply moved under the counter temporarily,

I have no grudge against him personally, but for any on here  to actually  support him or claim he is some sort of angel displays a child like naivety and a laughter emoji is unfortunately the only appropriate response available at present,  Do these people also believe that politicians exist for the benefit of society ?  "to make a difference" ? judging my some of the gushing comments about "Pita" it would appear so.  I didn't realise such gullible souls still existed these days,  bless them.   

So you say. 

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1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

There are absolutely no inherent obstacles standing in the way of bribing immigration or any other official in Thailand, This jokers "anti corruption" measures were limited to having immigration offices remove their tip boxes from the  prominent counter top positions they used to occupy.  Most tip boxes were simply moved under the counter temporarily,

I have no grudge against him personally, but for any on here  to actually  support him or claim he is some sort of angel displays a child like naivety and a laughter emoji is unfortunately the only appropriate response available at present,  Do these people also believe that politicians exist for the benefit of society ?  "to make a difference" ? judging my some of the gushing comments about "Pita" it would appear so.  I didn't realise such gullible souls still existed these days,  bless them.   

As usual, BP, you lay down the law about "anyone on here". You seem to have set yourself up as judge and jury. I'm not a child and I'm not naive. I freely admit to liking this guy. I object to your labelling me as a result. And as for being "gullible" for supporting Pita? Patronising rubbish. Do you have any better candidates than Hakparn and Pita for my support?

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1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

World wide, very very few people become wealthy by being whiter than white, In Thailand nobody gets there without being as bent as a boomerang.Only an innocent child with severe learning difficulties would think otherwise.  How easily some people are sucked in by a carefully choreographed media  PR campaign  is actually quite concerning.  Not unlike white lab rats that have had there natural instincts bred out of them and display no fear of predators

As I said an automatic assumption that because someone is wealthy they are corrupt. The wealth is inherited therefore he and his wife have absolutely no history of corruption. I agree their parents may have obtained the wealth by dubious methods but you cannot apply that to the children. Inheritance of wealth is perfectly legal. 

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1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

There are absolutely no inherent obstacles standing in the way of bribing immigration or any other official in Thailand, This jokers "anti corruption" measures were limited to having immigration offices remove their tip boxes from the  prominent counter top positions they used to occupy.  Most tip boxes were simply moved under the counter temporarily,

I have no grudge against him personally, but for any on here  to actually  support him or claim he is some sort of angel displays a child like naivety and a laughter emoji is unfortunately the only appropriate response available at present,  Do these people also believe that politicians exist for the benefit of society ?  "to make a difference" ? judging my some of the gushing comments about "Pita" it would appear so.  I didn't realise such gullible souls still existed these days,  bless them.   

As usual, BP, you lay down the law about "anyone on here". You seem to have set yourself up as judge and jury. I'm not a child and I'm not naive. I freely admit to liking this guy. I object to your labelling me as a result. And as for being "gullible" for supporting Pita? Patronising rubbish. Do you have any better candidates than Hakparn and Pita for my support?

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7 minutes ago, bradiston said:

What research did you do? Save me a few hours.

First up, I wasn't answering you, I was answering another party who wanted to know where his wealth came from - the simple fact is,  his wife is wealthy plus he is being investigated at the moment - both you well know. 

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4 hours ago, bradiston said:

Any sources for your claim of the evidence they have? Maybe he knows a thing or two about the NACC we don't.

He will know a lot about a lot of things, to much for some to sleep comfortable

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19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

He denied any political agenda in his campaign, or any intent to retaliate against the NACC for its investigation into bribery allegations against him.


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43 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

TDS much? That bloke is living free of charge in your head mate - you should let it go because he will be POTUS again. After all it is not as if you live in the USA.  

TDS. Trump deceives his supporters. You are right. I don't live there. Thankfully. But, I still prefer decency over pure evil. Ha! 

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6 hours ago, Artisi said:

First up, I wasn't answering you, I was answering another party who wanted to know where his wealth came from - the simple fact is,  his wife is wealthy plus he is being investigated at the moment - both you well know. 

Your advice to do some research and find enlightenment is typical troll material. You're wrong. No amount of research will come up as evidence for your false assertions. Which makes you a disinformant. He is not being investigated for unusual wealth, but for what look to me like trumped up allegations of links to gambling. Take your own advice and do some research.

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Nobody could ever convince me that a former head of immigration and recent deputy head of the RTP is and was straight. It is a near impossibility. He simply had a great PR machine, and like Trump he was a genius at creating a fiction, and misleading the people. Big Joke. The great imposter. 

Never change your tune eh, spider, despite coming up with nothing except he's a cop therefore he's bent. Great case you've got there. I'm sure any judge would convict on the basis of that nonsense. What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof. Case dismissed!

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5 hours ago, mark131v said:


I don't really think he's in it for the money, I do think he's just another hi-so with a huge look at me syndrome! 


Another lying, hypocritical, corrupt pos who cares nothing whatsoever for the Thai people 


He's the same xenophobic creature that was actively paying off the press to write positive stuff about him whilst pretending to be a good guy 


He's clearly an entitled egomaniac produced by the Thai educational system and face first society 


In summary I reckon he's just another hi-so Thai that believes he's special. He has risen to the top of the RTP so he's must know it's a corrupt cesspit top to bottom yet chooses to ignore it


Absolute scum bag just like the rest of Thailand's higher echelons and some of you on here really need to give your heads a good wobble!


Ps. The Thai buffoons in brown are world renowned as corrupt, lazy, neer do well's so the whataboutery is blatant deflection 

Fruitcake anyone?

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3 minutes ago, bradiston said:

Never change your tune eh, spider, despite coming up with nothing except he's a cop therefore he's bent. Great case you've got there. I'm sure any judge would convict on the basis of that nonsense. What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof. Case dismissed!

Quite the opposite. RTP leadership. Definitely highly guilty and totally suspect, until proven innocent. It is the very nature of the institution and humanity. Most people simply do not say no to billions of baht. 

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2 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

So basically you "like" him based purely on his media image,  which he doubtless has professional PR people taking care of.  That sounds more than a bit weird to me.  But then again I was never taken in by "celebrity culture"    The fact  is any support you may wish to give is limited to posting on here really,  so as such it doesn't really matter who you side with ,  why even bother?

Why bother what? Replying to you? Because you spout a lot of patronising rubbish about how anyone who doesn't see it your way is a naive child incapable of rational thought. And about the subject in question. I'm aware my "support" is pretty meaningless to him, but then why do people "support" Pita, the decriminalisation of weed, the imprisoned students etc etc. Or rail against Putin, or Trump, or Biden?


If you think taking on the NACC is just a publicity stunt, well, it could land him in big trouble if his allegations are unfounded. So it's not a celebrity thing. Sure, maybe he figures the best form of defense is attack. Well, let's hope he's right.

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10 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Quite the opposite. RTP leadership. Definitely highly guilty and totally suspect, until proven innocent. It is the very nature of the institution and humanity. Most people simply do not say no to billions of baht. 

Gonna have to cut you loose there, spider. You have yet to produce a shred of evidence he's banked billions of THB. And you're not alone. Nobody has! Or that he's guilty of any other misdemeanour. No news on the gambling front?

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