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How much do you miss: Crisp Cool Marches in the Pristine Air of Home?

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Dear Folks,


Being in Thailand, there is very little that I miss about any country I have known, even my home-country.


However, there really is just one thing that I miss a great deal, and this is being able to walk in cool, crisp, pristine air, anytime I wish.


I have always thought New England to be one of the most beautiful places on earth, what with the farmhouses, and the milking cows, and the bluebells (no not blue balls)....

This is bluebell in the grass:



Yes, I miss a lot about walking in New England, even in the heat of the summer, but mostly in the autumn months.

You just cannot get the same feeling, here in Thailand, as you may have noticed....


Here is what it looks like where I love it most:



And then, of course, you got your geese during the proper season for them, mostly in autumn months.....SH*TTING everywhere, and bringing new fertilized growth upon the land.



I guess many of you feel just as I, that this is what we miss most about living in a hot Thailand, which is only getting hotter, by the year.


These days, it's no mean feat to get out in the hills of Thailand and clamber up the steaming hills around Chiang Mai.

Sure, it's beautiful here in Chiang Mai, but not that cool, unless one waits until the Cool Season (They call it the Cold Season.).


Anyone know where one can find some cool, crisp hiking weather in Thailand during the Raining Season?

I thought not.


Still, all considered, I expect that I will never see New England, again, anytime soon, unless someone ships me home in a box.

And even then, there will be no time left for hiking, of course.


Just an idle thought, as usual.


Best regards,



Note: Stay fit, and try to hike, the best you can, while clambering up some steaming Chiang Mai mountain.....

Good Luck...

Chok Di.....!








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Do miss the change of seasons ... especially fall.  The colors are amazing, along with the temps of fall & spring.  No more or less than jeans & flannel shirt necessary.




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Yup I miss long walks.


Was back in the UK last year sorting out my pension.  Walked at least 5 miles every day. Top was 11 miles. Could have done more but it was a hot day .

Always wanted to do the Cape Wrath Trail but sciatica has killed that dream.

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I don't miss anything about living in my "home" country.  In fact, I have not even visited there in 18 years.  I have lived here in Thailand for more than 30 years and now consider it to be my home country.

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36 minutes ago, CM Dad said:

I don't miss anything about living in my "home" country.  In fact, I have not even visited there in 18 years.  I have lived here in Thailand for more than 30 years and now consider it to be my home country.

This is home.   I just happen to have a USA PP.  1/3 of my life has been here, and about half of my adult life.  69 and 23+ years in TH.  Last time in USA, was also 18 yrs ago, to sign for a check, and only stayed for a long weekend, because the airfare was cheaper.  If not, it would have been shorter.

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Posted (edited)

Alpine settings are the best whether in Europe or North America….combined with strong environmental regulations that preserve those environments


Do you need a visa for your home?


why such a defensive posture? Do you feel threatened that someone expresses something that thailand doesn’t have?

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I'm fairly fortunate where I live up here near Sakon Nakhon. I have the countryside all around me with plenty of trails I can walk. The air is usually clear, rarely moving above 'Satisfactory' on the Air4Thai App. And I make the most of it, walking almost every day.


But it's no match for the countryside of rural Herefordshire UK where I lived for many years. In fact it looks a lot like photos of New England, complete with bluebells in the spring. I can see where Why New England is so named.


However, Thailand is home now and I make the most of what I have around me. Live for now, nostalgia will provide you with nothing but memories.

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3 hours ago, CM Dad said:

I don't miss anything about living in my "home" country.  In fact, I have not even visited there in 18 years.


Big Deal, Sir....

I have not been back since....







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21 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Being in Thailand, there is very little that I miss about any country I have known, even my home-country.


However, there really is just one thing that I miss a great deal, and this is being able to walk in cool, crisp, pristine air, anytime I wish.


Bluebells time ought to be over a few weeks already, here in Germany it certainly is.


With "crisp cool air" you must mean nasty rainy weather, as this has been happening for a few weeks now (at least that is how it feels).


Give me a sweltering day on the beach or lazying on an Isaan porch with a Saeng Som coke in hand any day over this.


But I know -- I know! -- the grass is always greener somewhere else, so were I in Thailand right this moment, likely I would feel the same. It simply is the human condition.

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, jts-khorat said:

But I know -- I know! -- the grass is always greener somewhere else, so were I in Thailand right this moment, likely I would feel the same. It simply is the human condition.



The Human Condition.


One is never satisfied with one's lot in life....until....


Our lot has ended, ....

For good....





Yes. Laleña....

That is your lot in life....

But, then.....

What did your mother expect might happen to you, ... 



Such is life.

"We live in a vale of tears...."




Not to mention, of course, that we must be forced, by life, to continually tilt at windmills....etc., etc., etc.,....





What about retirement to....SPAIN?


Life might be GREENER....

In Spain....









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1 minute ago, stoner said:




You mean...

You are running from the Sun?


I am not running from anything, other than the Grim Reaper.




I am in Asia, as a matter of choice.


Not running from the cops, for sure.


Not running from myself.


Anyway, I am too old to run, now.


Ever noticed that Springsteen's band.....


They looked like a bunch of Bricklayers.


Where is this concert, anyway?.....Allentown?


Who cares....


Someplace in the Tri-State.....?







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5 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


You mean...

You are running from the Sun?


I am not running from anything, other than the Grim Reaper.




I am in Asia, as a matter of choice.


Not running from the cops, for sure.


Not running from myself.


Anyway, I am too old to run, now.


Ever noticed that Springsteen's band.....


They looked like a bunch of Bricklayers.


Where is this concert, anyway?.....Allentown?


Who cares....


Someplace in the Tri-State.....?








And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death





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My wife and I drive 20 kilometer one way, to the next town, every single day,  just to walk and then sit on a path that's not covered in plastic garbage.

We are in Hua Hin and have found no public spaces or green space to walk in. The "park" near us in Thap Thai is an absolute disgrace, no trees, no vegetation, and surrounded by garbage dumped by the locals. I miss walking in connecticut every single day I am here. I am stuck here with my wife, child, and finances but paradise it ain't

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5 minutes ago, stoner said:


And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death






Total JET-LAG, as usual....


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