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Form 7162 Anybody Received Theirs Yet for 2024?

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3 hours ago, Alotoftravel said:

Are there any other disadvantages or advantages besides not receiving annual 7162 if I am able to change Thai address to my USA address in my social security account . I am keeping my irs tax account to remain in Thailand if it matters .

Other than maybe the Medicare Advantage thing that Jingthing identified and "if" you are using IDD method to a Thai/foreign bank vs the ACH method to a US bank with ACH routing number I'm not aware of anything else.   If you are using IDD you need to have foreign address on-file because once a U.S. address appears on your record the IDD payment is suppose to stop...would need to identify a bank with US ACH routing number to have the payment sent to.


Also, you are suppose to have your actual address on-file with the SSA per their rules/policies so they can ensure they can send payments to whatever country you live in (those countries on the U.S govt bad boy list such as N. Korea, Cuba, some of the "car-jack-stan" countries in the Middle East, etc.)...and also if you are drawing benefits although you are not a citizen where in some cases once leaving the US for six months the pension must stop.  I'm sure SSA has more more reasons like talked in their booklet below....but it would be reasons that would apply to a very small percentage of all folks receiving SSA benefits.   See below SSA booklet for more info as it focuses on Payments While You Are Out of the U.S.


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3 hours ago, Pib said:

Other than maybe the Medicare Advantage thing that Jingthing identified and "if" you are using IDD method to a Thai/foreign bank vs the ACH method to a US bank with ACH routing number I'm not aware of anything else.   If you are using IDD you need to have foreign address on-file because once a U.S. address appears on your record the IDD payment is suppose to stop...would need to identify a bank with US ACH routing number to have the payment sent to.


Also, you are suppose to have your actual address on-file with the SSA per their rules/policies so they can ensure they can send payments to whatever country you live in (those countries on the U.S govt bad boy list such as N. Korea, Cuba, some of the "car-jack-stan" countries in the Middle East, etc.)...and also if you are drawing benefits although you are not a citizen where in some cases once leaving the US for six months the pension must stop.  I'm sure SSA has more more reasons like talked in their booklet below....but it would be reasons that would apply to a very small percentage of all folks receiving SSA benefits.   See below SSA booklet for more info as it focuses on Payments While You Are Out of the U.S.


When that letter comes to USA address, and wants me to verify address, I think I'll just ignore it.  Go the Manila route.


My deposits are IDD to BkkBank/PKK

Edited by KhunLA
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To clarify what I was talking about using Medicare ADVANTAGE to have emergency event care abroad, that is a very real thing now.

There are even clinics in Mexico that specialize in such patients and openly advertise it.

If you're really an expat though it's a kind of fraud, because you must NEVER tell the Medicare ADVANTAGE people that you live abroad. It's a kind of TRAVEL INSURANCE.

But again, it has now become a huge trend with American expats in Latin America, especially Mexico and Panama.
If you're interested you need to contact an agent specializing in this (check youtube channels for expats in Mexico and Panama) as they can assist in applying to the SPECIFIC Medicare Advantage companies that have the kind of care abroad cover you're seeking. Also, you absolutely must be seen by SS as living in the U.S. and that U.S. address is also used by Medicare and the specific Advantage insurance companies and offers available to you will be zip code specific to your zip code. Also you need to follow the claim rules if you ever use it which an agent can inform you about.

I'm surprised this has become so popular in Latin America. I was kind of expecting a crackdown but have not heard of any. 

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23 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

When that letter comes to USA address, and wants me to verify address, I think I'll just ignore it.  Go the Manila route.


My deposits are IDD to BkkBank/PKK


Where you say "...When that letters comes to the USA address..." (your earlier post below) if you mean that letter SSA is supposedly sending you to complete activation of your SSA acct I would not ignore it.    I assuming from your post below you have not completed the MySSA acct registration process and that income SSA letter will contain an weblink to go to to enter the activation code in the letter which will complete the registration and then you will be allow to login into MySSA.  


Additionally, I'm confused by the first two sentence below where you say you started off in ID.me but then had to got to Login.Gov.    ID.me is not going to redirect you to a competitor like Login.gov.   I would think you ended up at Login.gov because you clicked the Login.gov icon on the SSA page.



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I was able to see the address update page. This was not available t us with Thai address . Good to know we can update when we could not before .

I noticed that there was check out box to indicate that my mailing address is the residence address . To avoid 7162 , do we check it ?  



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11 hours ago, Pib said:


Where you say "...When that letters comes to the USA address..." (your earlier post below) if you mean that letter SSA is supposedly sending you to complete activation of your SSA acct I would not ignore it.    I assuming from your post below you have not completed the MySSA acct registration process and that income SSA letter will contain an weblink to go to to enter the activation code in the letter which will complete the registration and then you will be allow to login into MySSA.  


Additionally, I'm confused by the first two sentence below where you say you started off in ID.me but then had to got to Login.Gov.    ID.me is not going to redirect you to a competitor like Login.gov.   I would think you ended up at Login.gov because you clicked the Login.gov icon on the SSA page.



Yes, awaiting the activation letter to complete registration to sign in SSA account.  My concern is, contrary to what was stated while applying (using USA address to register, won't change present info), that another AN member stated the opposite, it did change his info, and he so far, even via Manila, hasn't been able to change his address back to TH.


With you stating you need a That address to have IDD deposits in TH, that's a bit of a concern, as don't want go the ACH route, or have my deposits interrupted this year.


At present, I have no real need for a MySSA account.  I'm certainly not going to move in the future.  Seems changing address, not the biggest issue in the world, as I'll keep the PO Box (just for the 7162) if needed, but seems, as in the past, address change via Manila was quite easy, when not having a MySSA account.

Edited by KhunLA
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11 hours ago, Pib said:

ID.me is not going to redirect you to a competitor like Login.gov.   I would think you ended up at Login.gov because you clicked the Login.gov icon on the SSA page.

Looks like you can only create a new mySSA account with Login.gov with a US address.

Screenshot 2024-06-30 052711.png

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23 hours ago, jimmyjam12 said:

Kuhn.  I received the same message that this will not update anything with SSA.Gov.   Well after registering my address was updated to the us address.  I have been working or not with Manila for over a month to get my address updated and they are stating they cannot update. I hope my IDD deposits continue without a problem.  Good news is they said I should not receive a 7162 form anymore.  





Can I confirm wit your that after you finished your MySSA registration and then could log into your MySSA that the address shown in your MySSA profile was your U.S. address?  Repeat, the address showing in your MySSA online acct.


OR, were you really talking the registration address that appeared in your "Login.gov or ID.me account" that was used to create your MySSA acct?   


And were you "creating" a MySSA acct (i.e, never had one before) or just trying to log on to your already established MySSA acct thru the Login.gov or ID.me portal?  


In closing, I think you were talking "creation" of your MySSA acct but just asking for clarification to cure my curiosity/clear my confusion/be sure  (any maybe others listening in) especially since the SSA message your got said it "will not" update anything with SSA.gov (I guess that means on your MySSA online acct vs other SSA related info on you).   Thanks.




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1 hour ago, Thailand J said:

Looks like you can only create a new mySSA account with Login.gov with a US address.

Screenshot 2024-06-30 052711.png



Thanks....yeap that sentence surely does imply to create an acct to use Login.gov.   After some googing on How to Create a MySSA online acct I found below SSA article that explains the MySSA acct creation and/or logon process used  now to include receipt of the activation code that KhunLA is waiting for via snail mail....apparently that code could have been sent via text or voice call if the person was able to receive a text/call.


Apparently if you want to create a MySSA online acct and have a foreign address then you must use ID.me to start the process/accomplish the identity verification process.  Then after completing that identify verification process with ID.me and want to create a MySSA acct even if  then somewhere during that process you will be redirected to Login.gov to finalize the account creating process....BUT I doubt you must start from scratch with a full login.gov identity verification but just need to create a basic login.gov acct where no identity verificaiton occurs like what is happening to people who already have a MySSA acct but have been using the riginal MySSA User ID login method that's going away in the near future. 


For those folks using the Original MySSA User ID login method below snapshot implies to me since you already have a MySSA acct which means SSA did an identity verificaiton on you in the past then the process "SSA has setup with Login.gov" will not require a full blown Login.gov identity verification because SSA has already verifiied you and a simplied/quick method will be used instead.   


Yeap...depending on whether a persion is creating a MySSA acct or already has a MySSA acct makes a differeence.   And also in creating a MySSA acct the process will be different depending on whether you have a US address or a foreign address.


See below SSA weblink for full 2 page article....partial snapshot from article below.






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After I registered with id.gov it updated my address with the US address.   The mailing address under my profile still shows the Thailand Address but when I go to look at my Social Security Benefit letter PDF it displays a US address.   
Any Correspondence is being directed to the US address even though my mailing address shows Thailand.  Manila is telling me it’s no problem and they can not update it since according to their records my address is Thailand.  I expressed concern my IDD direct deposit and 7162 letter may be affected but they assured my that it is no problem.  Not sure how to proceed.

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8 hours ago, jimmyjam12 said:

After I registered with id.gov it updated my address with the US address.   The mailing address under my profile still shows the Thailand Address but when I go to look at my Social Security Benefit letter PDF it displays a US address.   
Any Correspondence is being directed to the US address even though my mailing address shows Thailand.  Manila is telling me it’s no problem and they can not update it since according to their records my address is Thailand.  I expressed concern my IDD direct deposit and 7162 letter may be affected but they assured my that it is no problem.  Not sure how to proceed.

I would leave the address alone now.   If SSA says you are good to go then leave it alone.   Just watch your account over the next few months to confirm the next payment is on schedule....like the upcoming July payment, then the August payment, etc.  If something is askew it will show there. 


I expect the IDD payment is using the address that SSA says they have for you...and SSA says it's Thailand although your benefit letter shows a US address.  I fully expect the address loaded for your IDD payment matches what is in your SSA profile address.   Yeap....just check for the next few months that your next monthly payment scheduled....like the upcoming 3 Jul payment that we may get a little early or a little late due to the 4 july holiday period.


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Still haven't received the 7162 form. A few years ago it came in November. Last year I got it but very late in July. It is kind of annoying and one wonders why it is so inconsistent. I seldom if ever have problems getting mail from overseas. It get everything I order from Amazon, i-herb, magazine subscriptions, IRS forms and letters. 

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Just got my today three weeks after it was mailed out (Jun 6).  They must of hired practical jokers in the mail room as my mail-in envelope was sealed like someone licked it and pressed it closed.  I'll have to open it with a knife and reseal it with tape. 
Very funny!  :sleep:

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Omg thanks I also just received mine and the return envelope was sealed as well.   I’m thinking the envelope got wet with the rain or it is practical jokers.  Now if I can find a black pen seems all I have is blue lol

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Yeap...both my and the wife's return envelopes were pretty sealed also.....I tore one pretty bad in trying to unstick the sealed part and the other one I got opened will some damage but not a lot.  After inserting the 7162s I sealed both using scotch tape....had to as the envelope sealing was no longer in good shape.    Yeap....they must have got pretty damp somewhere along the way from Wilkes Barre to Thailand.  We live in Bangkok.

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On 6/27/2024 at 10:03 PM, Alotoftravel said:

I have not received mine in chiang mai yet for 2024.
Last year 2023 , I received it Jul 23rd..keeping a look out.

I’m in Pai and have not received mine as well Last year I got mine around June 20th 

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  • 3 weeks later...

As of today 07/29 I still haven't receive this year form. I live not exactly in the boondock - Samut Prakan to be exact. Does that explain to why the letter hasn't gotten to me? Should I do something like downloading the form and sending it out on my own lonesome?

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On 6/27/2024 at 10:03 PM, Alotoftravel said:

I have not received mine in chiang mai yet for 2024.
Last year 2023 , I received it Jul 23rd..keeping a look out.


Any update, have you received it by now? As of today 07/29 I still haven't receive mine. I live not exactly in the boondock - Samut Prakan to be exact. Does that explain to why the letter hasn't gotten to me? I think I better not wait any longer and start downloading the form and sending it out, even though probably will miss the deadline...

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I found a version of 7162 form from this  4 yr old thread (at 3rd post on page 1)

it's the July 2011 edition, is it still valid or any "new and improved" version around somewhere? Thank you in advance.

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With Social Security Video Connect, you’ll have a personal experience without having to visit
an office.1 You can connect with a Social Security representative over video to handle your
business with us. This includes:
• Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefit applications.
• Overpayments.
• Medicare.
• Supplemental Security Income redeterminations.
• U.S. citizen no-change replacement Social Security cards.
• U.S. citizen date of birth corrections.
1 Some requests may require an in-person interview.
Just follow these simple steps:
1 Contact your local Social Security office or call 1-800-772-1213
between 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, to request
a video appointment.
2 A Social Security representative will determine if a video
appointment is an appropriate option, based on the service you
request. Note, you must have a device with a web camera and
internet access to use Social Security Video Connect.
3 If you are eligible for a video appointment, you will need to provide
your email address.
4 Your local office will send you an email with a link for a Microsoft
(MS) Teams video appointment.
5 On the date and time of your appointment, you will connect with us
using the link provided.
6 If you need to reschedule or experience any issues with the link,
contact your local office for assistance, or call 1-800-772-1213
between 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
If you are not eligible for a video appointment, you can still conduct
some business online or schedule a telephone or in-office appointment.
Social Security Administration
Publication No. 05-10539 | May 2024
Connect with Social Security from Anywhere with Social Security Video Connect
Produced and published at U.S. taxpayer expense

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9 minutes ago, exant said:

Connect with Social Security
from Anywhere with
Social Security Video Connect
With Social Security Video Connect, you’ll have a personal experience without having to visit
an office.1 You can connect with a Social Security representative over video to handle your
business with us. This includes:
• Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefit applications.
• Overpayments.
• Medicare.
• Supplemental Security Income redeterminations.
• U.S. citizen no-change replacement Social Security cards.
• U.S. citizen date of birth corrections.
1 Some requests may require an in-person interview.
Just follow these simple steps:
1 Contact your local Social Security office or call 1-800-772-1213
between 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, to request
a video appointment.
2 A Social Security representative will determine if a video
appointment is an appropriate option, based on the service you
request. Note, you must have a device with a web camera and
internet access to use Social Security Video Connect.
3 If you are eligible for a video appointment, you will need to provide
your email address.
4 Your local office will send you an email with a link for a Microsoft
(MS) Teams video appointment.
5 On the date and time of your appointment, you will connect with us
using the link provided.
6 If you need to reschedule or experience any issues with the link,
contact your local office for assistance, or call 1-800-772-1213
between 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
If you are not eligible for a video appointment, you can still conduct
some business online or schedule a telephone or in-office appointment.
Social Security Administration
Publication No. 05-10539 | May 2024
Connect with Social Security from Anywhere with Social Security Video Connect
Produced and published at U.S. taxpayer expense

Expats "local office" is Manilla. 

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't received an SSA-7162 yet despite Manila and SSA having my address on file. This also happened last year as well although Manila said SSA had mailed it to me. 


In June I wrote to FBU Manila and they told me to wait until the end of September. Nothing arrived yet.


So, I emailed them yesterday and surprisingly this morning they replied, giving me an SSA-7162 to print out and mail to Wilkes-Barre. 


Where I live there's no more standard air mail service available even at the main post office and EMS is too expensive so the post office offered sea mail for 40 cents with a delivery time of 45 days or registered air mail for $20 or so.


Is it okay to send one by sea mail and the other by registered mail or will that complicate things? Is sea mail worth it? That sure is cheap.


Last year I sent the printed out the 7162 that Manila emailed me and sent it by registered mail but it took 3 months to arrive..barely on time. I was so worried.


Anyone know the correct zip code for courier service? (FBU Manila sent me the address for courier service but the zip code was blanked out with a series of X's.) 


Sorry about the long post. I hope everyone is getting their 7162 in a timely manner. I appreciate any responses. It's greatly appreciated.


Take care.




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