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Thailand’s national parks smash revenue records


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10 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Stop ya moaning.


i came here visa free for free.


If Thais want to visit the UK there is not only the visa application fee, which is non refundable if they reject them, but also the associated costs of traveling to the embassy, taking time off work etc etc. 

Tourist visa application fee to UK 5,555 baht. 

But other countries people to the UK is free, including all the white countries. So who is racist?






You really don't geddit do you? How do the sins of one country mitigate or justify the sins of another?

THis is about how Thai land manages there national resources - which BTW, are the foundation of 205 of their GDP.

It's also about conservation and how they could actually INCREASE their income - 

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5 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

British English is realise.


facile is the result of failing to take into account the full complexity of a topic before commenting on it - ignoring the evidence - take ing the easy route.

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1 minute ago, fredwiggy said:

You spelled realise as the Brits do. He corrected you, saying it's supposed to be spelled realize.

It's not "supposed" to be "spelt" in any way - it's just convention not a rule. Again a facile approach to language.

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54 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Works like a charm...

 It is only the parks used by foreign tourists en masse. Most are marine parks and most visitors don't even know thy are being charged as they go on a tour.. THese parks are way oversubscribed and probably need to charge more to keep up with the damage they cause.

All the other parks in Thailand are subject to the same banded charges which simply don't take into account the "value" of each park.

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Earlier this year as part of a family outing by van we visited a waterfall near Phetchabun. Price for farang was 400 baht. Only there for 30 minutes, nothing else to see. Of course i didn't pay farang price, just pulled my hat down and said 'Khon thai'. Everybody laughed.

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2 hours ago, rickudon said:

Earlier this year as part of a family outing by van we visited a waterfall near Phetchabun. Price for farang was 400 baht. Only there for 30 minutes, nothing else to see. Of course i didn't pay farang price, just pulled my hat down and said 'Khon thai'. Everybody laughed.

Only way to do it in Lieland.

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