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Labour to Permit 100,000 Migrants to Apply for Asylum

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On 7/10/2024 at 1:09 PM, JonnyF said:

It's not cheap making Liberals feel good about themselves.


Providing migrants with hotel rooms, 3 meals a day, NHS access, Wifi etc. all adds up.


Meanwhile the people paying the taxes to pay for it are struggling to make ends meet. Veterans are living on the streets. 


I'm confused....how long have the leftie liberals been running the country now?.....Or do you mean the Tories?

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1 minute ago, Will B Good said:

The Australian asylum scheme has cost taxpayers around £5.2 billion since 2013

The Australian Government has sent 3,127 people people to these detention centres since 2013, according to the Refugee Council of Australia.

This has come at a cost to Australian taxpayer of AUS$9.5billion, which is over £5.2billion, and works out to £1.6million per detainee.

For the same price, the Australian government could have sent each detainee to London’s Eton College for 33 years.


Excellent value for money.

I can think of a cheaper solution- stop the boats crossing into Australian territorial waters. Wouldn't have to do it too often before the news got out and they stopped paying criminal gangs to transport them.

Besides, it'd give the navy something to do.


Seems our western world has a surfeit of bleeding heart liberals in charge.

Thailand doesn't have boatloads of illegals arriving on Patong beach every day, does it? Do you know why that is?

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24 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The problem with the NHS is that it rewards incompetent managers over hard working low grade nurses that actually do the work. From my 10 years working for the NHS as one of the hard working low grade nurses that actually did the work, I can confidently say that the NHS has about 50 % too many managers, and about 25 % too few workers.


I was working in the NHS during that last Labour government, and all Gordon did for us was waste 6 billion quid on more mangers and fancy buildings.


It's 2024. Are you seriously suggesting that the problems of nurse's pay began in 2007 and ended in 2011? According to the nursing times, nurses have struggled to get what they see as fair pay since the beginning of the NHS. Odd that you highlight 4 years of Labour government and ignore 43 years of Tory rule in that time.


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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Thailand doesn't have boatloads of illegals arriving on Patong beach every day, does it? Do you know why that is?

It"s a hell of long way from war torn Syria and the Thai economy is not greatly different from its neighbours?

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25 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's certainly when the age of loony liberals that like to spend other people's money on idiotic schemes began.

Since WW2 the UK has more right wing governments than the left. I assume the left is who you mean by loony liberals because I don't really know. It seems this is a catch all phrase for people who disagree with you.


29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Personally I think it began when ordinary people were able to afford a car, thanks to fossil fuel and Henry Ford's assembly line factory method of making them cheaply. For the first time in history, ordinary people were enabled to travel wherever they chose, even if a great distance away.

It's been a great ride for us ordinary folk

I am lost by this. I have no idea what Henry Ford has to do with Keir Starmer processing a backlog of asylum claims. But if the problems in your world are due to car ownership then I hope you are taking some responsibility for the problems (assuming you have owned a car) instead of ascribing blame to the loony liberals (whoever they are) that you seem to see everywhere.




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2 minutes ago, Pickwick said:


It's 2024. Are you seriously suggesting that the problems of nurse's pay began in 2007 and ended in 2011? According to the nursing times, nurses have struggled to get what they see as fair pay since the beginning of the NHS. Odd that you highlight 4 years of Labour government and ignore 43 years of Tory rule in that time.


Shoddy pay for nurses is endemic in western countries, and it's because female nurses are reluctant to go on strike. While that is great for patients, it's very bad for nurses.

Nurses are the embodiment of gender discrimination- governments won't pay them what they are worth because they know that female nurses will keep working- exploitation writ large.

Think of that next time you are in hospital being looked after by the exploited.

It's also the reason that many western women are choosing not to become nurses any more, and you will likely be looked after by an import from a poor country. When I was in the NHS they stopped employing Australian agency nurses ( cost too much ) and recruited African nurses instead, as cheaper.


I went to work in London instead of staying in NZ because NZ nurse wages were pitiful. Despite UK nurses being paid less than they were worth it was still more than in NZ and the conditions were better- more holidays. I'd have been better off becoming a London tube driver, but I was too old by then to be employed as one!

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20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'd never have let them in in the first place, but water under the bridge and all that. The Tories were just as bad as New Labour ( haven't heard that term for a while now ) IMO and Starmer will be worse IMO.


I value your opinion. I give no value to opinions dressed as facts, however, as has been demonstrated repeatedly on this thread. Perhaps it would be more prudent to wait until something happens (let in 100,000 illegal aliens) before criticising something that hasn't actually happened - or at least clarify that it is your opinion based on a government of a different man from a different time and nothing more.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

d it's because female nurses are reluctant to go on strike. While that is great for patients, it's very bad for nurses.

Nurses are the embodiment of gender discrimination- governments won't pay them what they are worth because they know that female nurses will keep working- exploitation writ large.


Jeez that all sounds very wokey to me.

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2 minutes ago, Pickwick said:


I value your opinion. I give no value to opinions dressed as facts, however, as has been demonstrated repeatedly on this thread. Perhaps it would be more prudent to wait until something happens (let in 100,000 illegal aliens) before criticising something that hasn't actually happened - or at least clarify that it is your opinion based on a government of a different man from a different time and nothing more.

Fair enough, but if we have to wait till then there wouldn't be a reason to post on this thread.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Shoddy pay for nurses is endemic in western countries


That is most likely true. You will hopefully note though that many of these countries have right-wing governments who could hardly be described as liberal.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You forgot the Rohingyas, didn't you?

AYUTTHAYA, Thailand, August 2 (UNHCR) -  17-year-old Saifullah* cries every time he recalls how he got here.


"I still cry when I remember the difficulties on the boat," said the young Rohingya about his 16-day ordeal on the high seas with 178 other men in January. "We were 10 days without food, four days without water. The engine broke down. I thought I might never see land again."


16 days to travel 21 miles....what the hell were they playing at?

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

Sure it is. Having a nurse save your life is just so wokey, isn't it? Not worth very much to them though, financially.

Free market economy....dog eat dog......they should stop whining or go back to the kitchen sink.

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4 minutes ago, Pickwick said:


That is most likely true. You will hopefully note though that many of these countries have right-wing governments who could hardly be described as liberal.

Back of the net

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On 7/10/2024 at 3:31 AM, Social Media said:

As of April 2024, there were 102,888 asylum seekers awaiting decisions on their claims.


2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Fair enough, but if we have to wait till then there wouldn't be a reason to post on this thread.

A good reason to post on this thread is because people have completely misrepresented the reality.


In fact, they have completely misrepresented the article in the OP.


The OP even states the first quote above - April! Labour were not elected until July! Of course, the OP chooses its words carefully - like 'allow asylum seekers to stay' and then later explains 'actually the people have been here since April and the new government is now going to deal with the problem'.


People react because they see what they want to see. That doesn't make it any less wrong.



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2 minutes ago, Pickwick said:


That is most likely true. You will hopefully note though that many of these countries have right-wing governments who could hardly be described as liberal.

I became one in the 1980s, which was somewhat before such labels were attached to governments, and we had a socialist leaning society back then ( long gone of course ). Had governments of both sides but neither gave us a better deal. The pay was rubbish back then and still is now. I didn't go into it to become rich, but it would have been nice if I could have lived on it. In the end I emigrated to where the pay was better just to get ahead a bit.

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7 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

Free market economy....dog eat dog......they should stop whining or go back to the kitchen sink.

Yes it is, and nurses should go on strike till they get a decent wage. Just don't be in an accident or get sick while they are away though, as you might die. How's that for dog eat dog?

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5 minutes ago, Pickwick said:


A good reason to post on this thread is because people have completely misrepresented the reality.


In fact, they have completely misrepresented the article in the OP.


The OP even states the first quote above - April! Labour were not elected until July! Of course, the OP chooses its words carefully - like 'allow asylum seekers to stay' and then later explains 'actually the people have been here since April and the new government is now going to deal with the problem'.


People react because they see what they want to see. That doesn't make it any less wrong.



What's wrong IMO is letting illegals stay longer than pushing them out with enough fuel to get back to France. If there is some international agreement saying they have to let them stay, unsign it.

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On 7/10/2024 at 7:12 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

So the cutting through the misrepresentation of facts:


There are 102,000 people awaiting assessment of their asylum claims.


Of course these need to be processed, not left to rot at tax payers expense as has been the policy up until last week.


And an added bonus, the multi £million drain on tax payers money, AKA the Rwanda scam, is ended.


Unfortunately the £370,000,000 already handed to Rwanda for nothing in return cannot be recouped. 




One of my friends back in the UK used to process asylum claims, she said 95% were fake. She ought to know as originally she was an illegal over stayer who managed to claim 'asylum'. As soon as she got leave to remain she went back to Africa on a holiday. While here as an illegal she not only got a job and an NI number but an upmarket housing association flat in London. Asylum is mainly just a scam

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37 minutes ago, Pickwick said:


It's 2024. Are you seriously suggesting that the problems of nurse's pay began in 2007 and ended in 2011? According to the nursing times, nurses have struggled to get what they see as fair pay since the beginning of the NHS. Odd that you highlight 4 years of Labour government and ignore 43 years of Tory rule in that time.




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4 minutes ago, proton said:



One of my friends back in the UK used to process asylum claims, she said 95% were fake. She ought to know as originally she was an illegal over stayer who managed to claim 'asylum'. As soon as she got leave to remain she went back to Africa on a holiday. While here as an illegal she not only got a job and an NI number but an upmarket housing association flat in London. Asylum is mainly just a scam

The fortuitous friend with views that conveniently mirror your own.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I didn't need any article to decide if Labour was going to stuff it up. All I needed to be correct in my pre election assessment of Starmer was the news that he's going to let 100,000 illegal aliens remain in Britain. Perhaps you are saying that that is not true and the OP is wrong?

It’s a misrepresentation of reality.


But that’s what we expect from the Telegraph when reporting on Labour.


The 100,000 are already in the UK, the Tories let them in, then failed to process their claims for asylum, a mess and a job that is now passed to Labour.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Quite right too. The NHS is an institution bogged down in wokeness.


Another way to save money is to bring back enrolled nurses and return to hospital nurse training. It was a nonsense to make all nurses get a degree. Most ward nurses need common sense and some training more than a degree which over qualifies them for what they do. If they want to go up the career ladder they can get a degree later.

Yes, but there have always been levels within nursing: enrolled, registered, nursing specialists, clinical specialists, etc.

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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s a misrepresentation of reality.


But that’s what we expect from the Telegraph when reporting on Labour.


The 100,000 are already in the UK, the Tories let them in, then failed to process their claims for asylum, a mess and a job that is now passed to Labour.

 "Let them in." Okay, so what would you do? Keep them at sea? Sink their boats? The problem lies in France, mainly.

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5 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Yes, but there have always been levels within nursing: enrolled, registered, nursing specialists, clinical specialists, etc.

That was a while back. Enrolled nurses, which were trained nurses have vanished and replaced by assistants that have hardly any nurse training and are exploited to do nursing stuff they are not trained to do. There are hardly any nurse specialists or nurse practitioners compared to ordinary nurses and require an additional degree, so don't really count when talking about nursing.

You might be thinking about grades, which determines pay levels.


I don't count nurse managers as they don't do any nursing, even if they are a qualified nurse.

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25 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s a misrepresentation of reality.


But that’s what we expect from the Telegraph when reporting on Labour.


The 100,000 are already in the UK, the Tories let them in, then failed to process their claims for asylum, a mess and a job that is now passed to Labour.


...and Sir Kneel Starmer will ensure they stay in the UK.   He was part of the group of woke idiots who helped stop a deportation flight full of criminals, and one of those he stopped being deported went on to murder someone with a machete. 




The guy is a moron.  

Edited by James105
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17 minutes ago, James105 said:


...and Sir Kneel Starmer will ensure they stay in the UK.   He was part of the group of woke idiots who helped stop a deportation flight full of criminals, and one of those he stopped being deported went on to murder someone with a machete. 




The guy is a moron.  

Thank you for your link, from which the following is quoted:


The deportation flight of 50 people was cancelled after the Court of Appeal found they had insufficient access to legal advice due to a lack of working mobile sim cards while they were kept in immigration detention.”


So not Sir Kier Starmer.

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