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Mae Hong Son cracks down on inappropriate tourist behaviour


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How pathetic. I have just gone onto YouTube and it's a well known drunken activity. It's even called Tipsy Tubing. Obviously the authorities know this is going on and are just trying to save face.

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21 hours ago, rocketboy2 said:

All a bit two faced of Thailand.

Seen plenty of Thai guys walking around with water bottles half filled with Lao Khao. 

even at the temple when a burning was going on.




Of course. It's very clear that all sorts of behaviour is tolerated/ignored from Thais, while as soon as a foreinger does it, they want a "crackdown" and they want them deported.


There's a story on here about a foreigner pissing in the street with someone videoing it and Thais getting upset about it, yet Thais do this every day and nobody cares.

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Soooooo many people here missing the point.
There is a time and a place for things - in every culture.

On 7/17/2024 at 3:32 AM, snoop1130 said:

The complaints revealed that alcohol and beer were being illicitly sold to tourists, disguised in plastic water bottles to evade detection.

Thais have apparently deemed drinking during times or places that there's a ban on it (e.g., while river tubing) = bad. Drinking in bars, etc. = Go for it.
Maybe they have issues with that sort of activity in places where otherwise families with children may like to enjoy?

On 7/17/2024 at 3:32 AM, snoop1130 said:

Tourists, after finishing their tubing activities, were reportedly seen wandering around town in their swimwear, with some men donning only swim briefs and women clad in two-piece swimsuits or bikinis. This behaviour has been deemed disrespectful to local culture.

This seems to be pretty obvious to me, but maybe for some people it isn't and they think they can go around dressed like they're on the beach, anywhere they feel like it. Would anyone think it rude/crude/unacceptable to go into a posh restaurant in their swimsuit? Same idea, just exaggerated a bit.


On 7/17/2024 at 3:32 AM, snoop1130 said:

Additionally, there have been instances of tourists sneaking into resort areas for sexual activities

Another no brainer... of course, that depends on what "sexual activities" means. If people are keeping it to themselves (e.g., not outdoors) and not making a ruckus, I doubt there'd be any complaints... If done like this, in a socially accepted manner, how would anyone even know about it in order to complain?
I find it hard to understand why so many people on this forum are mocking this. Comparing it to a walking street in a tourist city, like Pattaya, is a grossly terrible comparison - apples and oranges. As are so many other ridiculous comparisons made in so many comments. There's a time and a place for these things and these foreigners have apparently chosen the wrong times and the wrong places.
And if one doesn't expect Thais to be a bit more sensitive toward foreigners breaking societal norms than if a Thai person did it, I think it's not a charitable judgement. I believe it is likely that just about anywhere, people would feel like their culture/country is being disrespected if large groups of foreigners (or even individuals) did things that were outside of the host country's norms. I find it quite natural, the offense taken, that is - not necessarily in agreement with proposed responses, but at the same time, what are they supposed to do in order to bring order among what they perceive as unruly people?
Now let the lambasting proceed... lol Apparently, I'm in an extreme minority here....

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1 hour ago, Sig said:

Thais have apparently deemed drinking during times or places that there's a ban on it (e.g., while river tubing) = bad. Drinking in bars, etc. = Go for it.
Maybe they have issues with that sort of activity in places where otherwise families with children may like to enjoy?


I think it's more a case of foreigners doing it that makes Thais so outspoken about it.


They don't say much when it's Thai people, and we see how many crazy things Thai people do every day.


Perhaps Thai people are too scared to criticise other Thais, but don't fear criticising foreigners, or perhaps they genuinely aren't bothered if Thais misbehave but are when foreigners do.


It's hard to know the exact cause, but there's definitely a very different reaction to foreign people than to Thais.

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11 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

It was just yesterday, i red a Thai girl (17) was molested, cut open and had many stitches, brutal abused by x Thai friend.

The police did nothing.

Two Thai girls 13 &14 run down a man and killed him with motorbike, they arent allowed to drive.

The police did nothing.

So Thai are discriminating white people, however white people seem to think they can and must misbehave.


It's a weird situation. Clearly Thai people are not willing to tolerate behaviour from foreign people that they just ignore when it comes from Thais. There's a lot of racism in Thailand.


Perhaps that's OK. It's "their country" after all. Or perhaps it makes them bad people. Who knows? But I think we should at least be honest about it, rather than trying to claim that Thais are modest, conservative people who hardly ever get drunk or do bad things.

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19 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

…and a river. With activities on the river ie tubing. Heavily promoted water activities. Hardly surprising people wander around in swimsuits.

clearly you were not in Pai when these 'water-activities' were held, because only on those days (Tue&Fri) the town gets pickups driving around w drunk halfdressed idiots, screaming and yelling, just behaving badly, what drunk peeps do and the rest of the town has to accomodate that?

no, of course not!

this is so invading that it had to be limited!

stupid entrepeneurs, they should have kept an eye on all these side-effects and they could have been going on for years... 

the usual story: it goes good until it goes bad, then police steps in and the party is over!

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4 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


I think it's more a case of foreigners doing it that makes Thais so outspoken about it.


They don't say much when it's Thai people, and we see how many crazy things Thai people do every day.


Perhaps Thai people are too scared to criticise other Thais, but don't fear criticising foreigners, or perhaps they genuinely aren't bothered if Thais misbehave but are when foreigners do.


It's hard to know the exact cause, but there's definitely a very different reaction to foreign people than to Thais.

Yes, I addressed some of that in other parts of my post that you didn't quote from.
I agree to some extent.
But when is the last time you've seen Thais wandering around towns (not beach towns) in their swimsuit? And not just some random mental case.
And when is the last time you've seen or heard of large groups, like in the pic, drinking illicitly and being rowdy in a family type atmosphere, e.g., on a river open to all tourists?
There's a time and a place for things....
And yeah, as for criticism being more sensitive toward outsiders - I mentioned that already, and I don't think it's unusual at all and quite normal around the world. No surprises here.

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On 7/17/2024 at 10:19 PM, GammaGlobulin said:

If those young Farang want to behave in that fashion, why come here?

Instead, why don't they just go to South Beach, nor far from Miami.

They would be happier there.

And, Pai People would be happier here.


Also, those bikinis they are wearing in Pai are pretty ugly.

I doubt they would be welcome at South Beach, overdressed that way....




Those young female Farang infesting Pai, these days...

They think they are Hot.

But, they are NOT!


No respect for local mores.

Seemingly no respect for themselves, either.


If I want to see HOT...

I go to South Beach, or...

I head for Brazil.



Note: I have not linked the video here.  Reason:  This Topic is about Pai...not South Beach.



Someone needs to urgently improve their photoshopping skills.

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25 minutes ago, Sig said:

But when is the last time you've seen Thais wandering around towns (not beach towns) in their swimsuit? And not just some random mental case.
And when is the last time you've seen or heard of large groups, like in the pic, drinking illicitly and being rowdy in a family type atmosphere, e.g., on a river open to all tourists?
There's a time and a place for things....


Maybe not swimsuits, but some young Thai girls dress in very revealing clothes. Nobody cares.


Also, the mor lam events with sexy dancers, along with the weird village mobile dance things, which typically have very young girls dancing provocatively, both feature people getting drunk and behaving in a wild way, and those are absolutely family things and very open.


I think this is much more about either a tiny minority of conservative people, or those complaining simply don't like this behaviour from foreingers. 


Most Thai people have the attitude of "if it doesn't impact me directly, I don't care about what other people do", otherwise there would be uproar every time one of these whole village booze and sexy dancing things was on (amongst many other things that happen in Thailand every day).


The likeliest explanation is because it's foreigners doing it, so suddenly it's bad.

Edited by BangkokReady
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On 7/18/2024 at 8:58 AM, khunpeer said:

ah, a conspiricy-theorist!

that took a while...

nono, that comes from filling the tube with alloholes and then....what was it they wanted to do?????

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