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Zelensky to Putin: War is Coming Home

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4 hours ago, Cameroni said:

Not this time. Putin can unleash a nuclear device against Ukraine and end the war in short period of time if he so wishes. The US could never retaliate because they would risk being in a nuclear war with Russia. 


I disagree .....   you don't think others will retaliate when push comes to shove.   


I think your off touch on that.    just my opinion   :jap:

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

I disagree .....   you don't think others will retaliate when push comes to shove.   


I think your off touch on that.    just my opinion   :jap:

The west is under no treaty obligation to retaliate if Ukraine is nuked, and doing so likely invokes MAD.

Sanity indicates that if Ukraine is nuked, no western nukes will head towards Russia.


Russia has no need to nuke Ukraine at this point in time, IMO.

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39 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The west is under no treaty obligation to retaliate if Ukraine is nuked, and doing so likely invokes MAD.

Sanity indicates that if Ukraine is nuked, no western nukes will head towards Russia.


Russia has no need to nuke Ukraine at this point in time, IMO.

While Russia frequently makes nuclear threats, and no one who pays attention should have any doubt that they will do virtually anything to advance what Putin wants, I don't think even Putin would truly use nukes, especially on a neighbor.  Incredible for me to say it... but I think that's a bridge too far even for him.

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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

I disagree .....   you don't think others will retaliate when push comes to shove.   


I think your off touch on that.    just my opinion   :jap:


The US would not be able to retaliate with a nuclear bomb against Russia, because America herself would then be in a nuclear conflict with Russia and Americans want to live. They know Russia can wipe out all their major cites in short order. Neither the US nor any other country could reply with a nuclear bomb if Russia uses a nuclear device in Ukraine. Unless they would be mad enough to risk their own nuclear annihiliation, which nobody would be.


There would be retaliation, more sanctions, China and India may end relations. But if Russia uses a nuclear bomb, then only because they think their territorial integrity and survival a nation are threatened long term. In that case economic concerns would take a back seat. In fact Russia has already shown it is immune to santions. The Economist has just published an article to show how Russia's economy is flourishing.




I think you're off touch, Steven.

Edited by Cameroni
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4 hours ago, ChicagoExpat said:

Right, the usual agitprop steeped into the Russian soul -- we're always in danger of being invaded at all times!  Obey your leaders!


There is much I like about Russian culture, but they are the most paranoid, xenophobic people on earth.  They truly believe this nonsense, and people like Putin are only too glad to exploit that and stoke it.


Well, if you look at Russia's history, invasion by the Vikings, Mongols and many others did not abate even in the previous century, when Russia was invaded by Germany and lost 20 million lives. Sometimes there really is someone after you and your concerns are not paranoia but well founded.


In fact, after Russia demonstrated its good will to the West beyond doubt, helping America's space programme, sharing rockets and space station, agreeing to allow Germany to unify, implementing Western economic reforms, etc, what hapened? Russia was promised there would be no NATO expansion, and in 2008 it was announced that even Ukraine and Georgia would become NATO members. As NATO encircled Russia it could be forgiven for becoming paranoid.


I do agree, there is much to like about Russian culture, which is why it is such a shame that western schools have closed Russian language departments in the West due to the Ukraine war. This will only create further misunderstandings and mistrust.

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This map shows where China is putting its money when it invests in projects in Russia. It is very clear where the bulk of that money is going, and it is nowhere near Moscow.


As I have said before, the Kremlin is looking in the wrong direction. China is the real problem, but Russia has made Ukraine their goal.


How many soldiers can Russia send east? How long would it take them to get there?


IMO Russia has left the door wide open for Chinese expansion.




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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Ukraine was clamoring to be part of the EU, not NATO.


You are posting Kremlin lies.




Completely untrue, Ukraine was clamoring to be a part of NATO already in 2002. 


"Ukraine established ties to the alliance with a NATO–Ukraine Action Plan in November 2002, joined NATO's Partnership for Peace in February 2005, then entered into the Intensified Dialogue program with NATO in April 2005."




I will not call you a liar, Lacessit, as you just did, but clearly your beliefs are not founded on a well-read knowledge of world affairs. It has been public knowledge that Ukraine has desperately requested NATO membership for quite some time, since 2002.

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4 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


You will not refute it, because it is impossible for you, because it is the truth. Unlike others on here, I don't deal in dishonesty, all my informtaion is 100% accurate. That is why you will not refute it. Even if you tried, you could not.

If you don't deal in dishonesty then provide a link to your numerous previous claims that Ukraine was deliberately targeting civilians


"Ukraine had the misguided idea that attacking civilians would ferment revolt and interior unrest, stoking oppostion to Putin. Again, this has failed"

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3 minutes ago, Will B Good said:



Whilst there were discussions and verbal assurances made during the early 1990s, there is no evidence of a formal, legally binding agreement that NATO would not expand eastward. 


Depending on your point of view you might argue Russia was conned, and/or Russian leaders were incredibly naive to not formalise these promises in a treaty......or that yes, promises were made at the time....but times change.


The only person who knows the 'truth' as to why he invaded Ukraine...... is Putin himself




True, we cannot look into Putin's head, however, the fact that Russia was completely misled and lied to about NATO expansion is incredibly well documented, you can find it all here:


"The declassified U.S. account of one key conversation on October 22, 1993, (Document 😎 shows Secretary of State Warren Christopher assuring Yeltsin in Moscow that the Partnership for Peace was about including Russia together with all European countries, not creating a new membership list of just some European countries for NATO; and Yeltsin responding, “this is genius!”

Christopher later claimed in his memoir that Yeltsin misunderstood – perhaps from being drunk – the real message that the Partnership for Peace would in fact “lead to gradual expansion of NATO”;[1] but the actual American-written cable reporting the conversation supports subsequent Russian complaints about being misled."




Not only did Warren Chrstophe lie to Russia's president, he lied to history and tried to distort the record. As did James Baker, George Bush etc...


Now, if Russia cannot trust the word of America's leaders, why would it be able to trust a piece of paper those leaders signed? America's leaders are liars. Contracts would have been completely pointless. If they don't keep their word why would they keep a contract? After all Russia signed the ABM treaty with the US and the US simply withdrew from it. Again, pointless

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