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Zelensky to Putin: War is Coming Home

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2 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


True, we cannot look into Putin's head, however, the fact that Russia was completely misled and lied to about NATO expansion is incredibly well documented, you can find it all here:


"The declassified U.S. account of one key conversation on October 22, 1993, (Document 😎 shows Secretary of State Warren Christopher assuring Yeltsin in Moscow that the Partnership for Peace was about including Russia together with all European countries, not creating a new membership list of just some European countries for NATO; and Yeltsin responding, “this is genius!”

Christopher later claimed in his memoir that Yeltsin misunderstood – perhaps from being drunk – the real message that the Partnership for Peace would in fact “lead to gradual expansion of NATO”;[1] but the actual American-written cable reporting the conversation supports subsequent Russian complaints about being misled."




Not only did Warren Chrstophe lie to Russia's president, he lied to history and tried to distort the record. As did James Baker, George Bush etc...


Now, if Russia cannot trust the word of America's leaders, why would it be able to trust a piece of paper those leaders signed? America's leaders are liars. Contracts would have been completely pointless. If they don't keep their word why would they keep a contract? After all Russia signed the ABM treaty with the US and the US simply withdrew from it. Again, pointless



 I think I was already in complete agreement with you on those points.....but thanks.

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Just now, ChicagoExpat said:

If we're talking about the guy with the blue lion avatar, I'd say it's poorly polished Kremlin disinfo and that his employer ain't getting his ruble's worth out of this guy.

Well it's pretty good considering the dreck he has to work.with.

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1 minute ago, Cameroni said:



Lol, of course NATO members join of their own volition, who claimed otherwise? However, whether those members who wan to join become members or not is up to NATO and above all the United States.


Because NATO decides who becomes a member


You cannot spin history this way and claim NATO did not expand, of course NATO did expand. Considerably. And that is the reason why Russia had to deal with this problem by force, because attempts to negotiate on this issue, and to get the US to respect Russia's interests failed and were met with lies and deception. So now Russia had no other option but to deal with the problem with the use of force. Just like the US did with Panama.


As for Sweden and Finland, scared little boys but irrelevant.



So you have no answer, just waffle.........😁


As expected, so try not spending so much time writing nonsense, just short and precise...Waffle impresses nobody...😉

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11 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

More dishonesty from  you, to join NATO needs a consensus among all Allies. There is no special weight given to the US vote. One of the primary reasons it took so long for Finland and Sweden was permission from Turkey.

The Commies will not understand that, most of their Generals have disappeared because they didn't understand what they were doing....:huh:

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Just now, Cameroni said:


I made it especially clear for you transam, because I know you need it spelled it out, I put it in bold for you.


Because NATO decides who becomes a member

Misleading again, you also said:


However, whether those members who want to join become members or not is up to NATO and above all the United States.



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Just now, Cameroni said:


I made it especially clear for you transam, because I know you need it spelled it out, I put it in bold for you.


Because NATO decides who becomes a member

I know that, but, countries have to apply, they are NOT chased by NATO...

Now once again, with a more precise answer, not a whity jibe, why did Sweden & Finland ASK to join NATO....?


As you think you are the expert here, please enlighten us all...


Thank you.....:clap2:

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