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Going short-time only, shallow or succulent?

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Just now, scubascuba3 said:

He's not married he's special needs on the spectrum, no person unless desperate would go down that road

Because he disputes people who are into prostitution and agrees with Patong, like I do, he's autistic? Again you assume you know others, just like you did a few minutes before, thinking my wife left because she was "tired" when It's I who had to divorce her to bring my daughter back where she belongs.

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12 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

My ex wife stayed because I treated her better than she's ever been treated before

Good for you. Should we judge you on that now though? Of course not. But it's up to you. Some men don't want to spend their life having to treat a woman at all. Think about it. Everyone has a choice of what to do with their life and bodies. And it's not for anyone else to judge. Until you walk a month in somebody else's shoes, there is no way you can say what is right or wrong or good or bad for that person. And understanding this particular principal takes a lot of maturity that most people on this forum simply don't have.

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15 hours ago, SoCal1990 said:

First off, why is it anyone's right or business to say something condescending about another person's lifestyle, especially someone else whom they personally know nothing about? 

Nah, In reality you just do not walk over to an person you know or not know and say something like that. However, if a person post something on a forum, then he/she must be ready to read different opinions about the matter.

15 hours ago, SoCal1990 said:

Next, what is actually sad or shallow about it? Some men simply may not want to share their life with a partner full-time, but they also don't want to be forced to be celibate. So short-time works really well for them. Nothing wrong with that.

Absolutely nothing wrong with short time, or 4 hours as well as an all-nighter. Works for both single and married people to spice up the life a little bit.

15 hours ago, SoCal1990 said:

Then are there any real moral issues? No. Are they helping to put some much needed money into the lower end of the local economy? Yes. 

Moral issues died with the foundation of #meetoo. But the fact is, that sometimes your Yes is right, but other times it´s dead wrong. many girls have a hard time making a living out of their profession. However, there are also a vast number who actually make 30-60k baht or more. So, sometimes lower end, and sometimes a great professional at work. On the bright side, you can be happy you helped the one on the lower end, and you can be happy you got a great experience on the higher end. 😉 

15 hours ago, SoCal1990 said:

I suspect many of the posters making these condescending comments are ones who are in longtime monogamous relationships, and who can't envision or understand how someone else could possibly live a happy life in any other way. 

But truth be told, the guy living the short-time lifestyle might be a lot happier than the guy judging him and who feels stuck in a married position. And perhaps it's the guy who is not living the short-time lifestyle who is actually the one who's feeling sa

That´s 100% right. The only ones who are happier are the lucky ones who can live both lives.

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Just now, RSD1 said:

Exactly. And it is their business and not for others to judge. One size doesn't fit all. Some are happy being married, others are married and unhappy but still tow the line for one reason or another, and others are happy not having a serious partner and only want to pay for sex because that works best for them. It's all fine. Nothing wrong with any of it. And one could start a new post about why being married stinks. There will be plenty who agree with that too. 

So anyone sitting on a high horse and passing judgement on others is a tosser and full of complete rubbish. Saying that anyone who prefers to pay for sex can't find a good partner is also absolute rubbish. Narrow minded, morally bonkers, jealous gits, or whatever you want to call these self-titled judges, they are all the same: Useless trolls. 

One point you're missing I believe is that most of what I, and others have said here, is that prostitution is bad, especially for the women involved, and I posted a link showing why they get into it, and what happens to them when they do, whether it's by force or coercion. I didn't say people who go after prostitutes can't get a regular woman as  many are married to good women and feel the need to cheat. Many are bored with their women because they aren't giving her the attention she needs , and punish her by going after a woman they pay for.


Like I had mentioned, there is absolutely no reason a man has to go after a prostitute as there are millions of women out there who would love to have a good partner, and would fulfill their needs if they only treated her with the respect she deserves. A man that goes after a prostitute when he's married is plain wrong. A single man who does does so for a number of reasons. Control , seeing many of these working girls are abused or killed, and he feels the need to hurt a woman, maybe because he hated his mother or a wife did him wrong before. Maybe he thinks he can't attract a young girl because he's out of shape or plain looking, and this is the only way he thinks he can get a pretty, younger girl. Not true of course because there are untold numbers of nerdy, plain looking men with pretty wives.


Some think they deserve many women because they might be handsome men, but they don't understand no one deserves a good woman unless he's also a good man. A good man doesn't need to go with a prostitute because he will attract a good woman with his good attitude and how he carries himself, and treats others.


Again, there are millions of beautiful women out there, so what's the need to pay for sex? There are those who will justify their actions because others do the same as they do, so of course it's okay. I think many don't see the very dark side of prostitution and only the pleasure they get from it. Of course there are many who only pay because of this pleasure and don't intend to hurt the girls and only get off, but the next client may do them harm, or worse. It happens every day all over the world, and many of these girls, and boys, are forced into the trade by disturbed money chasers, and forced to do drugs to control them. Many are coerced by parents because they are sick individuals that only look for the cash they can get. Many are in it because they had a home life without a fathers love.


A woman doesn't have to go into this trade because she likes sex. That kind can get laid anytime she wants. It's not normal thinking to sell your body. There are other ways to make a living, and low self esteem gets many into this. The other side is the john, who by paying promotes this trade and keeps it going. Without them there is no one hurt from it because it won't exist. If prostitution didn't exist, what would the men who use it do?

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15 minutes ago, Chwooly said:


All relationships are transactional. Some are just more longer then others  If you think otherwise then you are fooling yourself.


The real difference is in how the transaction/relationship is carried out and the length of the contract. Some are a tangible currency based relationship while others are emotional based, In a short time relationship the contract is for 1 or 2 hours maybe 12 hours. In an open-ended contract it lasts until 1 or both feel the terms are no longer being fulfilled or the needs have outgrown the ability of 1 or the other to fulfill the contract and then you have a breakup or divorce. 



And there are those that stay because they love, respect and enjoy each others company and the bond hey created, which isn't a transaction but a commitment.

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Nothing wrong with short times. If two people meet and want to have a short time intimacy together, that is no one else's business. But if only one part want it, and the other person only does it for money, then it might not be OK, depend of your views on human dignity and using other peoples body for your own pleasure.

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30 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Because he disputes people who are into prostitution and agrees with Patong, like I do, he's autistic? Again you assume you know others, just like you did a few minutes before, thinking my wife left because she was "tired" when It's I who had to divorce her to bring my daughter back where she belongs.

You need to be a bit smarter, he's had several board names over the years all on the spectrum so easy to spot

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17 minutes ago, RSD1 said:

Good for you. Should we judge you on that now though? Of course not. But it's up to you. Some men don't want to spend their life having to treat a woman at all. Think about it. Everyone has a choice of what to do with their life and bodies. And it's not for anyone else to judge. Until you walk a month in somebody else's shoes, there is no way you can say what is right or wrong or good or bad for that person. And understanding this particular principal takes a lot of maturity that most people on this forum simply don't have.

What would men do if prostitution didn't exist? Of course it does but I'm asking. Morality going down , like the breakdown of the family, has caused most of the world's problems. Of course a person can choose to do whatever they like, but those choices always have consequences. Keeping this trade alive is keeping the numbers of beaten, drug addicted and killed women and men who are involved in the trade going. A lot of people who pay for these girls and boys don't see the other side of their lives. The control, abuse, breakdown of the body due to drug use or the ones found in a ditch somewhere because the client was a psychopath. Many serial killers target prostitutes because they have no connections to family, and are soon forgotten. I think many who buy these girls don't understand what's behind the closed doors of their lives. Yes, many get into it from low self esteem and have no pimps and work as bar girls for more money than they would get at a 7-11, but their reputations are shot, and if they have kids? The john doesn't care, because after he gets off, he goes home. No conscience makes the world a hard place. Judging? Not my place but Gods. I just don't like women, nor anyone, to be treated as meat, whether it's in a marriage or a pay for play. A man can always have one girlfriend after another, much the way a player works, and not many see the wrong in it. I'm hardly a prude but I think morally. I went after a couple when I was a teenager, but none afterwards because I always was able to find a girlfriend. Most didn't last, as most relationships do, but I always looked for a relationship. There is a right and a wrong in all facets of life. People who think prostitution is a harmless activity aren't seeing just how wrong it is.

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3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

You need to be a bit smarter, he's had several board names over the years all on the spectrum so easy to spot

You need to stop assuming how smart other people are. Guessing you know who someone is is just a guess. And it doesn't matter anyway because his replies are right, as was Patong's. And changing your username doesn't make you autistic.

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4 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

You need to stop assuming how smart other people are.

And you need to stop assuming that anyone you don't know is one way or another. This refers to anyone posting on this topic, as well as sex patrons and sex workers. 

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8 hours ago, Celsius said:


Yea..  that was me who made a comment.


Basically you are a saddo for paying to be touched. But this is not why I made that comment. My comment was because he mentioned being stoned while going short time. Why do you need to be stoned out of your mind to nutz? Yea... maybe because the girl is ugly or because you don't want to deal with consequences of your actions banging a prostitute who was creamed by thousand Indians before you.


that makes you a triple saddo.


BTW, some of you safdos don't seem to get it. If you are in a relationship and the woman really loves you, she will do anything for you. That is millions of times more exciting than you paying a prostitute. Use your imagination.


And yes....  it is my business if you post it on a forum for everyone to see.

You really believe that do you? No you don't. Here's a use of the imagination... imagine that you have a particular kink called coprophilia or imagine that your near and dear is a dead set coprophiliac and you'd know it if only you asked her. Anything??? Would you do anything? Would you expect that? Well now, a kink is just a kink and for some even a sloppy Joe is a kink. You do the analogies here and see where you land. Be a gentleman and place your head under the throne, or better still ask your dear one to slide on under.

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4 hours ago, hotandsticky said:



Not judgemental at all then?



I find short time very rewarding and it suits me and my chosen partner. I do not have a damaged view of women at all.

You find it beneficial for you, and have a selfish view, thats a judgemental view?


Expecting women to perform for your needs and satisfy your needs for a few baht, and maybe a few others before and after. 


You can imagine your only option in life to make a decent income, was to perform oral sex on women above 60? Touch them, show them love and passionate make love to them.


Good luck 





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9 minutes ago, RSD1 said:

I'm not going to go through your reply piece by piece, or attack you on any specific points, but I'll just say that I don't agree with most of your points because they are a one-sided perspective that reflects only your own personal opinions. And there are always multiple perspectives on any topic, none of which you address. So it's an unbalanced opinion. 

You are also again passing judgment on others and about what is good and bad for them, their minds, and their bodies (both the sex patron and the sex worker), which is the worst part of what you are doing.

Your narrow minded judgments do not take into account any of the other possible perspectives, which means it's a one-sided, subjective and biased opinion and therefore incomplete. And just because you concur with what someone else posted, or what you read on a random link somewhere, doesn't make it any more correct about how you are trying to manipulate the narrative to match your one-sides views. I'll just leave it at that.

It has nothing to do with any opinions I would make. Is there something wrong with being a moral thinker, thinking women aren't objects but our equals? Are you saying it's okay to pay a woman to use her body for your pleasure? I'm not even getting into the dangers these women are put through but just the obvious. Just because people do this makes it right? Again, I'm not judging but just saying this is how it is, and how it affects others. It doesn't matter what I think anyway. What matters is if this is a right thing or a wrong thing. Of course people who pay for sex are going to say it's right, and that's the problem. It's all about them and not how it affects the women and men involved. Does it make it right because some people believe its so? Or is it a wrong thing that others think is okay because they like the endgame?

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4 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

It has nothing to do with any opinions I would make. Is there something wrong with being a moral thinker, thinking women aren't objects but our equals? Are you saying it's okay to pay a woman to use her body for your pleasure? I'm not even getting into the dangers these women are put through but just the obvious. Just because people do this makes it right? Again, I'm not judging but just saying this is how it is, and how it affects others. It doesn't matter what I think anyway. What matters is if this is a right thing or a wrong thing. Of course people who pay for sex are going to say it's right, and that's the problem. It's all about them and not how it affects the women and men involved. Does it make it right because some people believe its so? Or is it a wrong thing that others think is okay because they like the endgame?

Your lost bro. 

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13 minutes ago, RSD1 said:

And you need to stop assuming that anyone you don't know is one way or another. This refers to anyone posting on this topic, as well as sex patrons and sex workers. 

I'm not assuming anything. I'm replying to others posts. They might be lying about everything they post but I'm only reacting to what they write. if it's lies why bother posting them? Your thinking that sex workers and clients are doing a good thing is wrong, and it isn't my opinion. Out of touch with reality  with  what evil there is in this world might be your shortcoming, as it is with many others who's heads are stuck in the sand. This world is a bad place in many ways because people think bad actions are okay as long as they benefit from them, and not caring what effect it has on their victims.

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2 minutes ago, FriscoKid said:

Really? What about a poor woman who was suddenly left by her husband, and left with a child, has a sick parent, no options to earn enough money to support her family, and sees prostitution as a good means to better her situation? Is it really bad for her? Really?


Well, that's where you come in. A Farang in shiny armor ready to rescue a poor woman in exchange for sex. With another 1000 Indians and Arabs it does add up.



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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

wrong, and it isn't my opinion

You're wrong, because it is your opinion and not a fact. And there is no right or wrong amongst consenting adults. So what you said is all wrong. 

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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I'm not assuming anything. I'm replying to others posts. They might be lying about everything they post but I'm only reacting to what they write. if it's lies why bother posting them? Your thinking that sex workers and clients are doing a good thing is wrong, and it isn't my opinion. Out of touch with reality  with  what evil there is in this world might be your shortcoming, as it is with many others who's heads are stuck in the sand. This world is a bad place in many ways because people think bad actions are okay as long as they benefit from them, and not caring what effect it has on their victims.

Ok, Ok, Ok, so going short time is not a good thing and cannot become a good thing by people thinking it so. So, I guess that leaves long time?

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Just now, FriscoKid said:

Really? What about a poor woman who was suddenly left by her husband, and left with a child, has a sick parent, no options to earn enough money to support her family, and sees prostitution as a good means to better her situation? Is it really bad for her? Really?

Maybe she doesn't like the work, but maybe that's the least of her worries because the impoverished alternative could be worse. Thus, if she can put her child through school, and support her family, then she feels like a winner, gratified, empowered, and successful that she has escaped poverty, and that works for her. And maybe she would also much prefer to do sex work than work at some crap job for a lot less money and which doesn't cover her financial needs at all. 

So what's wrong with a women being a sex worker in the above scenario? Is that really bad for the woman? I think she would attest that it's not. And there are many tens of thousands of women in real life exactly like that. 

Are there no other jobs available? I feel bad of course for women who are left with children by men who had no place having any. What is the better choice? Just getting by working a low paying job or having more selling your body to men, some of whom might abuse or kill you, or in the very least, expose you to a disease which might alter your  and your kids lives? No excuses as there are millions of single moms that don't feel the need to prostitute themselves to make ends meet. Many of these hookers leave their kids at home with grandma anyway, and rarely see them, enjoying the freedom in a tourist town, so again, no excuses. A child does better with a mother at home, working a legit job and not exposing herself or her kids to random men who might do them or her harm. I really don't think many her actually think what they are saying before they post, mainly because they are buyers of women and  think it's okay because of course, they get off.

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Just now, FriscoKid said:

You're wrong, because it is your opinion and not a fact. And there is no right or wrong amongst consenting adults. So what you said is all wrong. 

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's you and your thinking that's off. There is always a right and a wrong with any two people, if one is a victim. You actually think all hookers are consenting adults? I really think some here don't know what human trafficking and prostitution entails, and are blind to what actually goes on. An addicted girl being sold to a john isn't a consenting adult. Many prostitutes are under aged. Is this consenting or a victim? It amazes me the arguments some use to try and prove their points regarding the trade.

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1 minute ago, fredwiggy said:

Are there no other jobs available? I feel bad of course for women who are left with children by men who had no place having any. What is the better choice? Just getting by working a low paying job or having more selling your body to men, some of whom might abuse or kill you, or in the very least, expose you to a disease which might alter your  and your kids lives? No excuses as there are millions of single moms that don't feel the need to prostitute themselves to make ends meet. Many of these hookers leave their kids at home with grandma anyway, and rarely see them, enjoying the freedom in a tourist town, so again, no excuses. A child does better with a mother at home, working a legit job and not exposing herself or her kids to random men who might do them or her harm. I really don't think many her actually think what they are saying before they post, mainly because they are buyers of women and  think it's okay because of course, they get off.

So easy for you to sit there in your comfy palace and say what's good or bad for someone else who has few to no other better choices. And many women who do sex work end up making a lot of money and feeling very proud of what they have achieved for their family (after being left for dead by a dead-beat husband). You are so out of touch with the real world that it can't even be put into words. 

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1 minute ago, FriscoKid said:

You are still no closer to reality. There is no shining armor and nobody is rescuing anyone. That's how YOU see it.

I pay someone for a service. I don't really care about their life any more than they care about mine. I want their service, they want my money, transaction is made, end of story. 

You said it........... I don't really care about their life any more than they care about mine. .............You just want a body to get off in and either haven't the nature or skills to find a normal woman so have to resort to paying for one that most likely despises you and probably all men. This kind of thinking again is what's wrong with the world. All about me, no one else matters. Sadly, there are so many like you that the world will only continue to fall.

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