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The Importance of Respecting Trump Voters

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31 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

Been said a million times but the best system is capitalism where effort is rewarded with some government intervention - or socialism - where say one business gets too powerful and crushes real competition, or where they are best placed to provide services that can't simply work by capitalist principles  e.g.,  defence, health, etc.

Republicans and Democrats can differ about where the right line is and that's fine. My problem isn't that either side does not have merit to their point of view but that Trump is a silly duffer and shouldn't be part of the debate. 


Silly duffer had the best poverty index since 1959. So he helped the poor the most.

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12 minutes ago, TedG said:


The huge difference between socialism and capitalism is socialism always fails.  

There is a difference between sound capitalism (that pays, eg, fair salaries )and predator-capitalism

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46 minutes ago, LosLobo said:



I appreciate your acknowledgment of being somewhat vague about "debate terms", which are crucial for clear reasoning in any discussion.


Here is my analysis of the illogical fallacies that you have used in your previous response.

  1. False Equivalence: You suggest that because some conspiracy theories have been proven true, all conspiracy theories, including those mentioned (Pizzagate, Birther, Big Lie), have a chance of being true. This is a false equivalence because not all conspiracy theories are created equal, and the fact that some have been true does not logically imply that others are equally likely to be true.

  2. Hasty Generalization: You make a generalization that because some conspiracy theories have been proven true, any conspiracy theory could be true. This is a form of hasty generalization, where a conclusion is drawn from insufficient evidence. Just because one or two theories turned out to be true does not mean that all theories, or even a significant number, are likely to be true.

  3. Straw Man: You misrepresent the OP's position by implying that they believe everything from the mainstream media (MSM) and Democrats without question. He did not make this claim; they merely pointed out that the specific conspiracy theories mentioned are not supported by evidence.

  4. Ad Hominem: You attack him personally by suggesting they are deluded and incapable of disbelief, rather than addressing the actual argument. This diverts the discussion from the original point and focuses on attacking the character of the person instead of the argument.

  5. Appeal to Ridicule: The reference to the "emperor not wearing any clothes" is an appeal to ridicule, implying that the OP is foolish or blind to the truth. This is used to dismiss the other person's argument without engaging with it logically.


These logical fallacies weaken your argument by relying on flawed reasoning rather than engaging with the discussion on solid grounds. Understanding and avoiding these fallacies is important not just in formal debates but in any constructive discussion.


Thank you for this. It is helpful as I have no formal training and tend to be emotional as opposed to detached. 


But lets break this down a little more.

1) By the same logic you use,  there is no proof that just because 1 or 2 is false they are all false. So wouldn't 1 cancel out the other?

2)This fits in with 1 I don't see a difference. 

3)So extrapolation due to comments are not allowed? Ops comments are very clearly along ideological lines.

4) Valid and other then becoming annoyed I have no excuse.

5) I get your point but it is funny and what you took away was exactly what I was trying to say.




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Well looking at the amount of women who say they are going to turn out this year vs. the men to vote, Don the Con may be on his last legs.  


If you are a Trumper, do not read these LOL:  


Kamala Harris doesn't get convention bounce, but widens gap over Donald Trump with women: POLL






Abortion Rights Victories Continue: Here Are All The Wins In Major Elections Since The Supreme Court Overturned Roe








Edited by mushroomdave
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Guess the Afghanistan Gold Star families like Trump. Thats good enough for me.


11 minutes ago, Steven55 said:

Then some other reality: a woman abuser touching a (under aged?) girl, sitting next to a pedophile. This is how Trump wants to MAGA ha ha, what disgusting <deleted>


AI fake much? 

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1 minute ago, Tug said:

Clinton raping women???that’s a new one care to enlighten us with some facts?

Power disparity between Bill and Monica. Me too. Kamala and Willy. Me too. 


Juanita Broderick.


Let me make myself clear: doesnt matter to me where or how or with what or who folks enjoy themselves with, its the hypocrisy involved in discussing it.



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1 hour ago, Steven55 said:

There is a difference between sound capitalism (that pays, eg, fair salaries )and predator-capitalism

There is no such thing as predator-capitalism except in Marxian philosophy

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8 hours ago, thaipo7 said:

You are so full of BS.  Has Biden, Harris, or any top Marxist Democrat ever mentioned anything about you liberties, property rights or freedoms.  NO  They want to control you and people like you make it easy for them to do this.   Who comes up with all these regulations that take away your rights and freedoms?  Democrats.  Who tells you what car you are going to buy and what appliances you can have in your home?  Democrats.  What limitations has Trump put on anyone's rights to live the way you want to live?  NONE  You don't know of Democrats plans to have everyone live in condensed housing?  Someday you will not be able to buy that house, with the white picket fence.  Who wants to take away your free speech?  Who wants to take away your right to own a gun.  All Marxist Democrats.  Are you really serious with your replies?

Are you living in reality?who disenfranchised 50% of our population?who is trying to control what people think and read?those are freedoms that your trump is trying to take away.harris/waltz are all about protecting the freedoms trump and his ilk are trying to take away…..yup they are trying to nudge us towards a more sustainable future yup it’s either that or leave a waste land for the future generations.common sense gun control is a good thing im a gun owner im not in the least concerned about them taking away my firearms but then again I’m responsible……free speech???who’s threatening to pull fcc licenses from networks that call trump on his lies???how can anyone take you seriously??? A classic example of why some trump supporters are treated with contempt…or deep concern about their mental state.

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8 hours ago, maesariang said:

Hate is all they have. Trump had the best reading on in poverty index since the beginning in 1959. These hate filled Dems care about music and celebs.

I am surprised the mods haven't you banned yet you just post B/S  

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2 hours ago, TedG said:

The liberals and Democrats needs to change their hating ways. 

Seems you have that backward. Trump is the lead hater and made it acceptable for conservative trolls to vent their hatred of everything and everyone that doesn't agree with them. 

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14 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

Power disparity between Bill and Monica. Me too. Kamala and Willy. Me too. 


Juanita Broderick.


Let me make myself clear: doesnt matter to me where or how or with what or who folks enjoy themselves with, its the hypocrisy involved in discussing it.



I beg to differ Monica was a hot intern putting a knotch in her garter belt and bill Clinton was thinking with the little head a big mistake and worse lied about it.the trist between Harris and brown was between 2 consenting adults and none of our business also a long time ago the rape allegations are just nonsense.

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1 minute ago, Tug said:

I beg to differ Monica was a hot intern putting a knotch in her garter belt and bill Clinton was thinking with the little head a big mistake and worse lied about it.the trist between Harris and brown was between 2 consenting adults and none of our business also a long time ago the rape allegations are just nonsense.

Got it. Democrat does it. Consent.

Harvey Weinstein: Me too

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3 hours ago, BigStar said:


LOL. I can SO back up my totally accurate assertions and have wasted time doing so in the past. Your first obstacle will be that there's no backup from MSNBC, CNN, the ladies of The View, and the rest of fake news that you consider valid "sources." Hence, as is typical, you'll refuse to read any facts.🙂 If you had, then you wouldn't be posting from The Upside Down where you don't know what a woman is.



Your posts claiming "dillusion" were a laugh, thank you.  

Glad you liked it. But your deflecting as usual and have no idea or facts to back up your claims you wrote earlier or your speculation about me. Troll on trumpette 

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34 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

You will have to make up your own reality after November 5.


You can imagine that Trump won the election is once again back in the Oval Office 

If Harris wins, you will make up your reality of how Harris is an outstanding POTUS.    Harris is the ultimate failup candidate. 

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14 minutes ago, Tug said:

I beg to differ Monica was a hot intern putting a knotch in her garter belt and bill Clinton was thinking with the little head a big mistake and worse lied about it.the trist between Harris and brown was between 2 consenting adults and none of our business also a long time ago the rape allegations are just nonsense.

This is an enormous power differential in this equation.  But I'm not surprised you defend it. 

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17 minutes ago, Dan O said:

Seems you have that backward. Trump is the lead hater and made it acceptable for conservative trolls to vent their hatred of everything and everyone that doesn't agree with them. 

Yes, politics only became nasty after 2016. 

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1 hour ago, Chwooly said:


Thank you for this. It is helpful as I have no formal training and tend to be emotional as opposed to detached. 


But lets break this down a little more.

1) By the same logic you use,  there is no proof that just because 1 or 2 is false they are all false. So wouldn't 1 cancel out the other?

2)This fits in with 1 I don't see a difference. 

3)So extrapolation due to comments are not allowed? Ops comments are very clearly along ideological lines.

4) Valid and other then becoming annoyed I have no excuse.

5) I get your point but it is funny and what you took away was exactly what I was trying to say.




Thank you for your thoughtful reply and for acknowledging the points I raised. I appreciate your willingness to engage in this discussion.

  1. Regarding your first point: While it’s true that not all conspiracy theories are false, the issue lies in assuming that because some turned out to be true, others like Pizzagate or the Big Lie might also be true. This creates a logical leap. Each theory should be evaluated on its own evidence, rather than assuming a connection based on the outcome of unrelated theories.

  2. On your second point: You’re correct that if one conspiracy theory being false doesn’t disprove all others, then one being true doesn’t prove all others. That’s actually the point I was making—each theory needs to be assessed individually, without generalization.

  3. For the third point: Extrapolation can indeed lead to misinterpretation. When we extend someone’s comments beyond what was actually said, we risk creating a "straw man" argument, debating something they never claimed. It’s important to focus on the specific points made rather than making assumptions.

  4. On your fourth point: I appreciate your honesty. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, and recognizing that is the first step toward having more productive discussions.

  5. Regarding the fifth point: Humor can be effective, but it can also obscure the argument or be misinterpreted. It’s helpful to clarify the intent to keep the discussion on track.

Again, I appreciate the conversation and your openness. These discussions help us sharpen our thinking and communicate more effectively.


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49 minutes ago, still kicking said:

I am surprised the mods haven't you banned yet you just post B/S  

The Lenninist Left rears its ugly head again...truth is BS so should be banned.

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2 minutes ago, shdmn said:

Respect these people?  Seriously?  No thanks.






Look like a bunch of freaks. But at least they arent in government. Want me to post pics of that freak acting like Surgeon General, or the cross dressing nuclear expert, or Pete (Im a Girl) Buttigudge?


Dont think you will find many Trump supporters wearing rags over their heads and burning flags, or walking down the street in chaps chanting paedophile battle cries, but hey, respect goes both ways.


One of the things that makes me avoid talking about politics in real life is the fact that those preaching from the Left are preaching an evil philosophy of life hating. Thats probably way too Frommian, but it is what it is. Im a Yank so in real life, I ascribe to the maxim of an armed society is a polite society and just chill.



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1 hour ago, Chwooly said:


Thank you for this. It is helpful as I have no formal training and tend to be emotional as opposed to detached. 

I too have not had any formal training, I recently just started using the available resources on YouTube.

Here is a playlist on identifying illogical fallacies:


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