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New McCharthyism Sweeping the USA and the World?: What examples have you seen?

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35 minutes ago, Kinok Farang said:

Congrats GG,your best post yet.You are on to something here.All this nonsense started on university campuses in the US ( where else) where for years now commie lecturers have indoctrinated their oh so gullible pupils with this shiit.Debating with these morons became impossible because any view apposed to theirs was shouted down.

This clown show escalated with,feminism,blm,trans rights and the in thing now is to walk around looking like an Arab until in the UK right now grandmothers are being jailed for hurty words on FB.

Without freedom of expression you have nothing although the mods on here don't go along with that view.The world has gone to shiit.


Well, I am sure that Richard Feynman would have had NONE of it in his classroom.




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On 9/14/2024 at 4:21 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

Where, OH where....

Will it all end, if this continues much longer?

No need to worry. Western civilisation won't be around too much longer IMO, and all the wokistas will be lucky to survive. Most won't.

The survivors will have more pressing things to worry about than free speech.

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There's a damned good reason why the First Amendment of the US Constitution protects freedom of expression. Without the right to say what you think, you lose the right to think what you want.


As evidenced by history and every dystopian novel ever written, speech and wrongthink are always the first targets of wannabe totalitarian governments. We have decades of authoritarians banning and changing the meanings of words, but that just isn't enough. 


The UK government are now in the process of making it illegal to pray silently within 150 metres of an abortion establishment. You can and will be criminalised for your thoughts.


Eventually of course we will return to normality whereby government fears the people, instead of the current inverse. Unfortunately and inevitably, it will require multiple civil wars. This will only occur when government heaps on that final straw.


That final straw will probably be something relatively innocuous, such as rationing beer consumption (I jest), but it will be something as equally and ludicrously authoritarian that breaks the camel's back.


We are currently in Orwell's dilemma, speaking of his 1984 proles, the commoner and mostly unthinking proletariat - "Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.” :coffee1:



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