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Barretts Esophagus


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Unfortunately, I've had Barretts Esophagus for quite some time and I'm due for a 5 year check via endoscopy.


I am in the Pattaya area and am looking for a reasonable compromise between competence and cost. 


As a pre-existing condition, I will have to pay for it, but don't want to replicate the experience I had with the NHS where an incompetent 'specialist' in Ayr failed to even see it. I then needed to have it done privately by a genuine expert.


I do prefer to be out for the count when done, so any experiences or recommendations, greatly appreciated.


I have no interest in a colonoscopy or other procedure being done at the same time.


Many thanks for your consideration. 



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Sorry to hear that you have Barretts Esophagus. I do not know of a good place in your area to recommend. I would think that a hospital like maybe Bangkok Hospital would have an expert in this area. You say you are getting your 5 year check-up. I would recommend that you have it checked on a yearly bases and not wait so long in between check-ups. I had Barretts Esophagus, but since I only checked it every 5 years it turned into cancer of the esophagus. The doctor said if I had it checked yearly they could of caught my cancer earlier. I had to have a major operation and had my entire esophagus removed. My stomach was relocated to the top of my lung area and then connected to my throat. It turned my entire life upside down. So stay on top of it and get checked out more often. Good luck.

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Many thanks for your thoughts and so sorry to hear about your consequential problems. I hope that you are at least now stable and in remission 🙏 My last scan had it a low ebb, so I was recommended 3 to 5 years for next scan and I'm a few months inside that window. I am certainly fully aware of potential problems and do try to stay on top of this. As you rightly say better to err on the conservative proactive side. I'll be better set moving forward for subsequent checks once I have this done for the first time in Thailand.


Failing any recommendations, I will probably start with Bangkok Pattaya next week and see what they quote.


Very best wishes with your progress moving forward 🙏

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On 9/20/2024 at 12:18 PM, w94005m said:

Unfortunately, I've had Barretts Esophagus for quite some time and I'm due for a 5 year check via endoscopy.


I am in the Pattaya area and am looking for a reasonable compromise between competence and cost. 


As a pre-existing condition, I will have to pay for it, but don't want to replicate the experience I had with the NHS where an incompetent 'specialist' in Ayr failed to even see it. I then needed to have it done privately by a genuine expert.


I do prefer to be out for the count when done, so any experiences or recommendations, greatly appreciated.


I have no interest in a colonoscopy or other procedure being done at the same time.


Many thanks for your consideration. 





Can I ask a few questions? .......the reason being I was headed your way re: Barrett's.......Just ignore me if you wish.


I have a hiatal hernia/open LOS valve. I was put on PPIs and told not to have an operation as the risks were to great.


Were you offered an operation? What medication were/are you on?


Have you heard about the new operation that inserts some plastic device into the oesophagus if PPIs don't work?


Hope you get sorted regardless.

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