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Mother in Tears: Daughter Dies in Russia, Family Struggles to Bring Ashes Home


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Picture courtesy of Khaosod.


In a heart-wrenching plea for assistance, 68-year-old Sewiad Duangnil and her 14-year-old granddaughter, from Buriram, have reached out to government agencies for help in returning the ashes of Sewiad's daughter, 43-year-old Pawinee Duangnil, who died unexpectedly in Russia nearly two months ago.


Pawinee, a licensed Thai massage therapist, had traveled to Russia in October 2022 to earn a better living for her family. Tragically, she was found dead in her apartment on July 31, 2024, with initial reports suggesting she may have succumbed to exhaustion from long hours of work.


The family is devastated, having lost their primary breadwinner and now facing the added burden of not being able to return her remains for a proper religious ceremony. Despite reaching out for help, they have received little guidance on how to proceed. Local labour volunteers have only been able to file requests with provincial labour offices, but progress has been slow.



Authorities have informed the family that they must wait for the employer in Russia to handle the cremation and send the ashes back before they can obtain a death certificate and access other benefits. Although Pawinee's eldest daughter has sent a request for the cremation to proceed, almost two months have passed without any updates.


Sewiad revealed that her daughter intended to return home in October 2024 after nearly three years abroad, hoping to provide for her elderly parents and support her two children’s education. Just five days before her untimely death, they spoke about her plans to renovate their home with her savings.


The grieving family is now calling for immediate government intervention to help expedite the return of Pawinee's ashes and provide any available welfare assistance. “We have no one to turn to,” Sewiad lamented. “We just want to bring her home for the final rites.”


The local labour volunteer, Paisarn Sutla, echoed the family's plight, emphasising the emotional and financial toll this loss has taken on them. Without their main supporter, the family is struggling to cover living expenses and educational costs for the grandchildren.


As the family continues to wait in anguish, they appeal to the authorities to take swift action to resolve this painful situation.



-- 2024-09-22





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