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31 minutes ago, RSD1 said:

You still sucking that rubber penis? Guess it reminds you of sucking on the rubber milk bottle tips when you were a child. 


Rubber milk bottle tips.... yeah nah... Iam a breast fed boy.


Kinda weird you associate a babies bottle tip to a rubber penis.... your paerent in jail for kiddie tampering perhaps !

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2 hours ago, Cereal said:

The question I have to ask, which I haven't seen here yet and perhaps I missed it, is what do her boobs look like now?

Were they sitting high and firm and after  a few years or a kid or two they now are saggy and wrinkled? 

Cosmetic surgery can work wonders on a person's self esteem. One female flight attendant I flew with many times had no boobs. Seriously, it looked like she had never gone through puberty. She was so shy and withdrawn it was painful to watch. She had never had a boyfriend and wouldn't consider going on a date. She was also very pretty with a great body, just no boobs. 

She decided to get implants, small, just a nice round A cup. The change in her personality was enormous. She became outgoing and effervescent. She was a new person and had self confidence which previously had not been there. She also had the support of everyone at work. 

If your partner wants new boobs, let her have them. They may very well be a ticket to her happiness and confidence. 

Get saline implants not silicone. 

amen brother!

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7 hours ago, save the frogs said:

maybe you can try boosting her self-esteem by telling her she's perfect just the way god made her. 



No it does not work that way.

Imagine you have a 4inch little soldier and your girlfriend tells you it is ok,

You know you would be more confident with a bigger one.

Kind of the same thing.


On 12/4/2024 at 7:31 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

I look at it from the psychological point of view. No one changes something that is acceptable naturally, as in small boobs, unless they have a psychological reason for doing so. It's normally because they think it will make them happy but I doubt that ever works. Whatever demons we have will still be there regardless of any plastic surgery we have.


IMO if she wants to do it, it is her body and she can mutilate it if she wants to, as long as she pays for it herself. She is out of order asking a boyfriend to pay, as there is nothing to stop her leaving him after. He can hardly do a repo man on them, can he.

Have you ever met a nice professional mom with a nice figure? From the back view because flatter than me when I was 30-55.  

Men can hide their size but women can't hide those knockers.  However I did have one conservative top salary teacher that hid her 36 Ds.  Compressed to look like a mono C.  I inquired about her inventory of sexy bras and she was happy to use one she had bought, finally.  With a low cut shirt she turned heads in BKK and loved it. 

  • Haha 1

Also perhaps the OP needs to spend more time worshipping and complimenting her puppies. If they are to your liking.   Like most Thai women, my  wife mentioned a nose and breasts a time or 2.   I think I let her know that I'm very happy how she is. 

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I have a friend who had to have hers removed and she’s now left with a pair of saggers she paid top $$$$ in a reputable clinic in BKK it’s left her in a state of anxiety it’s the risk you take ! God giveth God taketh ! By the way there are Bras out there that can make you look bigger than what you are take her to central better to pay 1,000/2,000 baht than a 100,000 + for a boob job 

52 minutes ago, Elkski said:

Like most Thai women, my  wife mentioned a nose and breasts a time or 2.   I think I let her know that I'm very happy how she is. 

You forgot that she doesn't want to do it to please you. So how happy you are or not with her body parts doesn't play a role in her thoughts when it comes to plastic surgery. 


It certainly depends on if you personally like silicone breasts or not. My ex-wife who was beautiful but she did it against my will even if I warned her that this is a red line for our relationship. If the original breasts are beautiful there is no need to implant large plastic balls. The result was a catastrophe for me as the choosen size was much too large. It was a huge sexual turn off and I lost all my desire in this regard. We did not talk for months. She simply did not understand the whole situation telling me how sexy she was after the surgery. 


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Why notNo harm and a very safe and common procedure. Just be sure to use a reputable clinic or hospital with a proven doc and team providing positive reviews and plenty of before/after photos. :coffee1:

On 12/5/2024 at 8:35 PM, PJ71 said:

When was the last time you've experienced implants, they're way different than what they were 30 years ago which is what i think you're reffering to.


One should give a new set ago, although not natural they're not far off.


The cheap ones the bar girls get done for 30K at some ropey clinic are not the best, i agree.

A/ there is no such thing as guaranteed result when sticking something un natural into one's body. Things can and do go wrong.


B/ The desire to change one's appearance is psychological. Better a psychologist than surgery.


C/ unless actually deformed, small boobs are just as attractive  ( more IMO ) than larger ones, except for men with a suckling fetish.


D/ small boobs don't cause back ache.


E/ small boobs allow one to go braless.


F/ staying natural doesn't cost anything, has no surgical or health risks, and doesn't look stupid when one is 70.

19 hours ago, msbkk said:

It certainly depends on if you personally like silicone breasts or not. My ex-wife who was beautiful but she did it against my will even if I warned her that this is a red line for our relationship. If the original breasts are beautiful there is no need to implant large plastic balls. The result was a catastrophe for me as the choosen size was much too large. It was a huge sexual turn off and I lost all my desire in this regard. We did not talk for months. She simply did not understand the whole situation telling me how sexy she was after the surgery. 


Strikes me that it's lucky there is no similar procedure for men, else we'd have many threads about "how my penile enlargement was a disaster".

48 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

A/ there is no such thing as guaranteed result when sticking something un natural into one's body. Things can and do go wrong.


B/ The desire to change one's appearance is psychological. Better a psychologist than surgery.


C/ unless actually deformed, small boobs are just as attractive  ( more IMO ) than larger ones, except for men with a suckling fetish.


D/ small boobs don't cause back ache.


E/ small boobs allow one to go braless.


F/ staying natural doesn't cost anything, has no surgical or health risks, and doesn't look stupid when one is 70.

A/ Very rare these days and technology of implants has much improved, remember they started with silicon...


B/ Eh?


C/ You opinion only - if smaller breasts were popular would there not be much less demand for implants?


D/ Ok - most sensible people that get implants get the size that match their body type


E/ lol


F/ Look at this from a small breasted womens perspective, you expect them to go all thru their life with something they're not happy with, it's not like a diet where you can lose fat if you're not happy with your weight...


Mine knew I didn't want her to have implants. She did go on and have them all the same, paid with her own money of course. I feared they might turn out ugly like most tit jobs I have seen with these girls. In fact they turned out surprisingly good.


easy solution, SHE PAYS FOR IT...  


I suspect,  just another TROLL AI GHOST WRITER


check the dude's history of post... only question / trolling


bob back and bored?

9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If she is that demented she ain't worth staying with anyway.

Harsh, do you have a thai partner.

21 hours ago, PJ71 said:

A/ Very rare these days and technology of implants has much improved, remember they started with silicon...


B/ Eh?


C/ You opinion only - if smaller breasts were popular would there not be much less demand for implants?


D/ Ok - most sensible people that get implants get the size that match their body type


E/ lol


F/ Look at this from a small breasted womens perspective, you expect them to go all thru their life with something they're not happy with, it's not like a diet where you can lose fat if you're not happy with your weight...

Of course it's psychological. Speaking as someone that actually had some psychological training on a professional basis.


If faced with a problem one can resort to extreme means of dealing with it, eg taking heroin because one is stressed, or one can deal with the way we react to the problem. Up to the individual.


Having breast implants isn't something one can walk back if it goes wrong. Even if they are removed, damage done.


A/ Very rare these days and technology of implants has much improved, remember they started with silicon...


LOL. Rare isn't never, and do the women mutilating themselves voluntarily feel lucky?

If you worked in a surgical department you would not be so blase about it. I did, and I'm not. It's one thing to have surgical treatment for something actually serious, and another to have it for vanity.



13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course it's psychological. Speaking as someone that actually had some psychological training on a professional basis.


If faced with a problem one can resort to extreme means of dealing with it, eg taking heroin because one is stressed, or one can deal with the way we react to the problem. Up to the individual.


Having breast implants isn't something one can walk back if it goes wrong. Even if they are removed, damage done.


A/ Very rare these days and technology of implants has much improved, remember they started with silicon...


LOL. Rare isn't never, and do the women mutilating themselves voluntarily feel lucky?

If you worked in a surgical department you would not be so blase about it. I did, and I'm not. It's one thing to have surgical treatment for something actually serious, and another to have it for vanity.



I'm sorry but you're just ranting on rubbish now.

3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

and your psychological qualifications are?

We're speaking about breast implants here buttercup, we're not putting a man on the moon.


You have your opinion, i have mine.

2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I did and when she became too demented I divorced her.

Perhaps it wasn't her... but the problem is you, and going by your comments, your attitude

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