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Short Changing At Pattaya Mcdonalds


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the last 3 times i paid at fuji restaurant - emporium branch, i had to send the bill back for correction because it included something which i didn't order - usual excuse an "uller"; but always to the value of 180-200 baht! :o

Edited by Payboy
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Morals, ethics and shame are not Thai traits.

If Thai authority figures (Police, Customs, Politicians etc) are indeed in any way representative of the population as a whole, then I'd unfortunately have to agree with that statement.

Shame on you emperor tud,can't you see we are now discussing the menu.

Being ripped off of a small amount of money is not suppose to be important,lets only talk about nice things today.

Lets put the blinders on,and if something happens just say that it can happen in the North Pole too.Of course you will have to post it in the North Pole Forum.

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Breakfast now available at McDonalds! They serve from 5am to 11am! Started yesterdayI'm not the biggest fan of McDonalds but I do like an egg mcmuffin somtimes!

No way! Excellent news. I'm off to get one today!

Actually: edited to say there's only four branches doing them!

This has got to be the best news to ever hit Bangkok. My life is now complete. Is that available at only the Silom branch? How about the drive-thu on Rama IV and Sukh 24?

Edited by chinthee
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i actually got a free meal from there a few years back lol they never charged me and forgot to take my money, but then again i never showed the money! just kept my mouth shut, they were really busy though lol hahahahaha

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I complained once about McDonalds delivery service as they gave me the wrong order and half of it was not in edible condition.

Their Customer Service operative put me in touch with the store manager responsible and they were very helpful.

I didn't know they had delivery. Can you give us the phone #? Thanks.

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Never a mistake in 7-11? I beg to differ.

I've lived here for over four years and was nearly short changed in a 7-11 once.

you sure showed us. that must have been traumatic.

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Why is it that posters on this forum insist that Thais do no wrong and farangs do no good?

Because it's in their interest to do so.

Most of the posters here have ever-imploding businesses in Thailand and they'll use this forum or any other means to try and prop up the image of Thailand, thinking it may benefit them.

I also lived in Thailand for a few years and you'd have to be blind or very stupid not to notice the embedded corruption and the xenophobia.

You're right mate, have a look back at their other posts. It will tell you a lot about the people on here. This forum is definitely not a mode of free speach, much like Thailand itself.

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Breakfast now available at McDonalds! They serve from 5am to 11am! Started yesterdayI'm not the biggest fan of McDonalds but I do like an egg mcmuffin somtimes!

Are you for real? I LOVE their breakfasts. :o

It looks like no pancakes though. :D

Also looks like nothing is available in CM.... only at 3 stores in BKK and 1 in Pattaya.

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Never a mistake in 7-11? I beg to differ.

I've lived here for over four years and was nearly short changed in a 7-11 once.

you sure showed us. that must have been traumatic.

I recently purchased a greeting card from Central 95bhat gave 1000 bhat note I recieved or so I thought 900x 100 notes + 5bhat coin going down the escalator I noticed I was short changed 100 bhat I returned the assistant was called to the till without asking she handed me the 100 note, no one turned a hair. Sh*t happens I've been ripped off in London, Rome, New york, if your from out of town your fair game to an unscrupulous few, get over it. As a magistrate of Nero's once said caveat emptor, (buyer beware) On a brighter note I feel I get a better deal from a Thai owned business than I do farang. :o

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Never a mistake in 7-11? I beg to differ.

I've lived here for over four years and was nearly short changed in a 7-11 once.

you sure showed us. that must have been traumatic.

I recently purchased a greeting card from Central 95bhat gave 1000 bhat note I recieved or so I thought 900x 100 notes + 5bhat coin going down the escalator I noticed I was short changed 100 bhat I returned the assistant was called to the till without asking she handed me the 100 note, no one turned a hair. Sh*t happens I've been ripped off in London, Rome, New york, if your from out of town your fair game to an unscrupulous few, get over it. As a magistrate of Nero's once said caveat emptor, (buyer beware) On a brighter note I feel I get a better deal from a Thai owned business than I do farang. :o

It seems to me you did pretty well the first time. I would have kept walking... :D

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Why is it that posters on this forum insist that Thais do no wrong and farangs do no good?

Because it's in their interest to do so.

Most of the posters here have ever-imploding businesses in Thailand

How did you arrive at this figure?

and they'll use this forum or any other means to try and prop up the image of Thailand, thinking it may benefit them.

Ulysses may be able to help you if you write fantasy this well on a regular basis.

I also lived in Thailand for a few years and you'd have to be blind or very stupid not to notice the embedded corruption and the xenophobia.

I don't see anyone denying that corruption exists, I just see people standing up to erroneous and foolish generalizations that Thais are endemically dishonest.

You're right mate, have a look back at their other posts. It will tell you a lot about the people on here. This forum is definitely not a mode of free speach, much like Thailand itself.

Ignoring the horribly mangled syntax there, just because someone's opinion differs from yours does not mean free speech is dead on the forum, in this case it just means that the other poster is better informed, and less bitter than you are.

Edited by cdnvic
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This has got to be the best news to ever hit Bangkok. My life is now complete.

I'd say something, but couldn't possibly make it funnier. :o

Have a look at the menu picture posted earlier.. That must be THE most unhealthy pile of poo one could ever have the misfortune to ingest ante meridiem.

(menu pic)

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Why is it that posters on this forum insist that Thais do no wrong and farangs do no good?

Because it's in their interest to do so.

Most of the posters here have ever-imploding businesses in Thailand and they'll use this forum or any other means to try and prop up the image of Thailand, thinking it may benefit them.

I also lived in Thailand for a few years and you'd have to be blind or very stupid not to notice the embedded corruption and the xenophobia.

You're right mate, have a look back at their other posts. It will tell you a lot about the people on here. This forum is definitely not a mode of free speach, much like Thailand itself.

What is a free 'speach'? Do you get one free with a cheeseburger?

I was shortchanged by 500 baht in the 7-11 next to the bus station in Udon on Monday, first time ever I think as being a poverty stricken teacher I always calculate my change in advance to a few baht, the cashier soon rectified the mistake when I pointed it out to her, not good for her with the manager standing nearby. The staff there work hard for peanuts.

A niece worked in a petrol station in Chonburi as a cashier for 2 months but gave up when deductions from her salary for the cost of items shoplifted made her derisory salary of 4,000 baht end up as 1,500 baht.

The shortchanging attempt could have been deliberate as more and more expats with money are moving to Udon but in 20 years in Thailand I have to say I've hardly ever faced situations of overcharging and as for xenophobia, well if you speak Thai and Issan many locals will be very friendly.

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This has got to be the best news to ever hit Bangkok. My life is now complete.

I'd say something, but couldn't possibly make it funnier. :o

Have a look at the menu picture posted earlier.. That must be THE most unhealthy pile of poo one could ever have the misfortune to ingest ante meridiem.

(menu pic)

It was said as a joke, well, kinda. I'll still eat that crap when I'm hard up.

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I also know in mcdonalds Thailand they count the cups and she would have been responsible for the 5 baht. Not much yes, but part time workers make 25baht per hour and full time workers make 5500baht per month. On a full shift they are not even given a free meal but only 1 small hamburger free.

Good grief .

Well, at least now we all know where to go for "Gourmet Coffee" :o .

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This has got to be the best news to ever hit Bangkok. My life is now complete.

I'd say something, but couldn't possibly make it funnier. :o

Have a look at the menu picture posted earlier.. That must be THE most unhealthy pile of poo one could ever have the misfortune to ingest ante meridiem.

(menu pic)

Where are the pancakes? The Big Breakfast in the US has pancakes but here it's an English muffin?

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This thread just kills me. I just can't stop laughing. :o:D

It's like a composite of every ridiculous Thai Visa cliche in the world -- I love it. (Ok, maybe it's missing a bar girl in there somewhere.):

sweeping generalisations based on, like, two incidents

cheapness (omg, I got ripped off 5 BAHT! Thailand is a cesspool of corruption and exploitation!)

bitterness about the Thai people


eating complete junk in a country filled with delicious, fresh food

(sorry, I shouldn't be mean, but this post just makes me laugh too much!)

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Well, there are practical solutions.

In situations where you think you might be ripped off, either pay exact change, or if giving a 1000 baht note, say "pan baht" when you hand it to them. They won't say it is a 500 later if you do that.

Exactly... that's what Thais do themselves if there's any doubt or potential for misunderstanding and/or ripoff.


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This thread just kills me. I just can't stop laughing. :o:D

It's like a composite of every ridiculous Thai Visa cliche in the world -- I love it. (Ok, maybe it's missing a bar girl in there somewhere.):

sweeping generalisations based on, like, two incidents

cheapness (omg, I got ripped off 5 BAHT! Thailand is a cesspool of corruption and exploitation!)

bitterness about the Thai people


eating complete junk in a country filled with delicious, fresh food

(sorry, I shouldn't be mean, but this post just makes me laugh too much!)

CG, you can lash out and be as mean as you like, I'm not worried about it.

If McDonalds food is junk, why do so many Thais eat there?

I already knew I was being overcharged before I handed over the money. I was just trying to point out the overcharge to the staff, but decided to let it go and paid anyway.

I don't have a problem with the Thais or any nationalities for that matter. But I do disagree with incorrect behaviour and yes sometimes I point it out.

It's an old tactic to demonize those you disagree with "omg, I got ripped off 5 BAHT! Thailand is a cesspool of corruption and exploitation!"

Anyway, glad that I kept you laughing

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IF you know going into the game you have to watch your baht 24/7, never believe a thing out of their mouths, and don't ever take the old stand by "mai-bphen-rai" as an excuse for anything, you can live here relatively trouble free.

I freely admit I am not enchanted by, enamored with, or endeared to this 'culture' of Borg-like sock-puppets in spiffy color-coordinating shirts. I am going on my third year here and in no danger of EVER thinking anything of the sort about the natives that inhabit this country. I think to the best of my knowledge that puts me firmly NOT in the 'we-b-thai' camp nor wearing their ever present rose colored glasses.

In other news; I was short changed at Tesco the other day by exactly 500baht. I got the usual brainless stare when I said in thai the change was not correct. I was also holding the receipt and the change in my hand. I asked for the manager; received more blank stares, with the cashier throwing expectant looks at the people waiting in line behind me. As I wouldn't leave the register she finally got the line manager to come over. I explained the problem, again in thai, and she begrudgingly ran the tape on the register, counted the till. Low & behold there was my 500 baht change IN the register. Did she apologize? She spoke not a single word, gave me not a glance at me, just handed me the 500baht and left the register. That is typical for catching people in mistakes here, the ever popular 'face-saving' routine. I just stick to my guns, and make them do what I want. I never raise my voice, never show emotion on my face, but speak very direct, very abrupt thai, leaving out any polite particles, or hypothetical words in what I say.

Speaking thai helps alleviate a lot of issues, but it is far from the life changing free pass to inter-species communication I thought it would be. Often I'll force them to speak english and listen to the thai banter between them before responding to the now group of workers babbling in thai. Mostly to cause them consternation when they realize I can understand, but often to just see what they say when they think they can hide behind their language.

NEVER EVER hesitate to make someone whose job is taking your money to focus on actually doing their job here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". I am sure in tourist areas the rip offs are higher, and adding alcohol into the mix only worsens the chances of that happening.

To the “we-b-thai” faction, who say it was ONLY 5 baht, seeing as it was NOT your money, pray tell where do you suggest the line should be drawn? Wait, let me guess, the poorly educated, poorly paid, impoverished people in this pissant developing third world country need all the help they can get. Of course, let's allow them steal from us too.

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eating complete junk in a country filled with delicious, fresh food

I know, those Thais are strange people sometimes.

However, McDonalds Sausage and Egg McMuffin, hash broon and cup of tea deficates on any Thai excuse for breakfast I've ever eaten from a great height.

I guess you haven't had freshly made and tasty Jok soup yet in the morning from one of the famous places in BKK?

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IF you know going into the game you have to watch your baht 24/7, never believe a thing out of their mouths, and don't ever take the old stand by "mai-bphen-rai" as an excuse for anything, you can live here relatively trouble free.

I freely admit I am not enchanted by, enamored with, or endeared to this 'culture' of Borg-like sock-puppets in spiffy color-coordinating shirts. I am going on my third year here and in no danger of EVER thinking anything of the sort about the natives that inhabit this country. I think to the best of my knowledge that puts me firmly NOT in the 'we-b-thai' camp nor wearing their ever present rose colored glasses.

In other news; I was short changed at Tesco the other day by exactly 500baht. I got the usual brainless stare when I said in thai the change was not correct. I was also holding the receipt and the change in my hand. I asked for the manager; received more blank stares, with the cashier throwing expectant looks at the people waiting in line behind me. As I wouldn't leave the register she finally got the line manager to come over. I explained the problem, again in thai, and she begrudgingly ran the tape on the register, counted the till. Low & behold there was my 500 baht change IN the register. Did she apologize? She spoke not a single word, gave me not a glance at me, just handed me the 500baht and left the register. That is typical for catching people in mistakes here, the ever popular 'face-saving' routine. I just stick to my guns, and make them do what I want. I never raise my voice, never show emotion on my face, but speak very direct, very abrupt thai, leaving out any polite particles, or hypothetical words in what I say.

Speaking thai helps alleviate a lot of issues, but it is far from the life changing free pass to inter-species communication I thought it would be. Often I'll force them to speak english and listen to the thai banter between them before responding to the now group of workers babbling in thai. Mostly to cause them consternation when they realize I can understand, but often to just see what they say when they think they can hide behind their language.

NEVER EVER hesitate to make someone whose job is taking your money to focus on actually doing their job here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". I am sure in tourist areas the rip offs are higher, and adding alcohol into the mix only worsens the chances of that happening.

To the “we-b-thai” faction, who say it was ONLY 5 baht, seeing as it was NOT your money, pray tell where do you suggest the line should be drawn? Wait, let me guess, the poorly educated, poorly paid, impoverished people in this pissant developing third world country need all the help they can get. Of course, let's allow them steal from us too.


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