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Lager Louts Invading Pattaya


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Pattaya is not only getting overrun by colonies of rats, it has also become a magnet for another kind of pest, commonly known in the UK as lager louts.

Gangs of poorly educated, low socio economic class young men, especially from the UK, are now pouring into Thailand, and heading to Pattaya with the sole purpose of causing trouble whilst on holiday in what they perceive as Sin City, the Blackpool of the East.

We are seeing the kind of young Europeans who normally goes for a drinking binge holiday in Spain now coming here bringing with them their aggressive, noisy and troublesome attitude. As a result, many people, especially families, stopped going to Spain and southern Europe because of these hooligans terrorizing everyone in their drunken crazed condition. However, things have now changed and prices have soared in these areas. Lower prices on airfares and of course the attractive price level of everything else here in Pattaya is now attracting these youngsters to come here and threatening to destroy whatever good reputation that is left with the Thais of foreigners.


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What a load of Bull, where does this comic get its copy from?

If anything there are less of The “Brit Thugs” in Pattaya than at anytime in the past 10 years

Good low season fodder for the ever-so-well behaved local Thai community…garbage


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i dont think that picture was in pattaya or even thailand ,think some football match some time ago,just blown up the photo and there is a guy with a donkey jacket on and a cap at about 10 oclock in the picture,a cold climate photo imho

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What a load of Bull, where does this comic get its copy from?

If anything there are less of The “Brit Thugs” in Pattaya than at anytime in the past 10 years

Good low season fodder for the ever-so-well behaved local Thai community…garbage

My thought as well. The pic came from Europe.

And the OP did not say that a bulk of those thugs now board RyanAir and go to Prague or other ex-Soviet bloc places.

Another poster said the numbers of UK thugs has dwindled over past 10 years - about the time low cost airlines and new EU member countries have converged.

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From my "why do I know this" department, The picture is from Copnehagen, and feature Arsenals and Galatasarays finest following: translated into married and semi-married middleclass guys with 2.1 kids, trying to defend their respective supremo races.

C´mon then!

Load of rubbish!!!! Utter tripe!!! :o
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From my "why do I know this" department, The picture is from Copnehagen, and feature Arsenals and Galatasarays finest following: translated into married and semi-married middleclass guys with 2.1 kids, trying to defend their respective supremo races.

C´mon then!

Load of rubbish!!!! Utter tripe!!! :o

why do utter rubbish always end up on this forum

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Pictures like this can be seen practically anywhere in the world , where on a saturday evening large groups of not neccessarily british hooligans gather to consume large amounts of alcohol, Saturday evenings in Roma a Queensland bush town 700kms in land from Brisbane, has regular running Battles between Rival groups of Jillaroos(Female farmhands), that put rampaging Bulldogs supporters to shame :D The american pacific fleet were banned from singapore for exactly the same sort of bad behaviour, Canadian Regiments were kicked out of germany for wrecking a town.The famous Scottish Regiment The Cameron Highlanders were shipped out of germany in disgrace for going on a rampage and partially destroying the Town of Minden in the 60,s , I wont even mention football supporters :o no matter what country they come from or support!!there are always going to be an element of idiots who once they leave their homes on a saturday evening turn into the hooligans from hel_l,There must be some members out there who served with the forces in thailand or malaysia in 1964, Anzac day 1964 a Friendly :D Rugby match was arranged between the australian and New Zealand forces stationed in thailand, as a guest Prop playing for the kiwis ,I enjoyed the usually niceties of scrum behaviour, ear biting, nose twisting , nut squeezing and so on,as the match progressed the violence got worse, Freddy Mua our star Maori winger got stiff armed, and knocked out,it was on!!a very defined and cultured discussion took place between both teams and supporters :D resulting in 47 arrests ,over 90 injured lots of blood, yours truly had his jaws wired up for 3 months (I dont recommend drinking Mekhong and coke through a straw) How many of you can say they have never behaved like a dill at sometime or other due to over indulgence, But still the picture did its job and got a few comments :D Nignoy

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Clearly this photo was not taken in Thailand and such journalism only promotes this type of behaviour.

PP obviously survives on advertisement subscriptions, maybe it is time that those who place adverts were to tell PP they are not happy with the level of journalism and are considering taking their business elsewhere.


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