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Msg Or Excess Salt Causing Racy Heart ?


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my heart was abit racy last night.seemed to come on after eating a takeaway in the apartment.i wondered whether it was too much msg or salt,as we had nam prick,plus 2 large dipping sauces for bbq pork,& som tam.all very salty tasting.plus a 7/11 ham & cheese sandwich beforehand,eaten on the way back to the apartment :o classy.it feels like i'm dehydrated today.i'm a healthy eater as far as fat goes,but sometimes forget about this side of it.

anybody else have these symptoms with the above?

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Well I don't know about the racey heart but my brother in law has developed this pingpong ball size growth on his abdomen which he believes in from overeating MSG.

Anyway it's enough to turn me off on that stuff.

How on Earth would he know its from eating MSG (a naturally occuring substance), I've never heard such rubbish.

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my heart was a bit racy last night.seemed to come on after eating a takeaway in the apartment.i wondered whether it was too much msg or salt,

I try to stop my g/f buying the stuff, but there are bags full of it at the supermarket and she sometimes sneaks one into the trolley. :o

An unknown percentage of the population may react to MSG and develop MSG symptom complex, a condition characterized by one or more of the following symptoms:

# burning sensation in the back of the neck, forearms and chest

# numbness in the back of the neck, radiating to the arms and back

# tingling, warmth and weakness in the face, temples, upper back, neck and arms

# facial pressure or tightness

# chest pain

# headache

# nausea

# rapid heartbeat

# bronchospasm (difficulty breathing) in MSG-intolerant people with asthma

# drowsiness

# weakness.


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Well I don't know about the racey heart but my brother in law has developed this pingpong ball size growth on his abdomen which he believes in from overeating MSG.

Anyway it's enough to turn me off on that stuff.

How on Earth would he know its from eating MSG (a naturally occuring substance), I've never heard such rubbish.

Heroin, Curare and Asbestos are all "naturally occuring substances too".


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Well I don't know about the racey heart but my brother in law has developed this pingpong ball size growth on his abdomen which he believes in from overeating MSG.

Anyway it's enough to turn me off on that stuff.

How on Earth would he know its from eating MSG (a naturally occuring substance), I've never heard such rubbish.

Heroin, Curare and Asbestos are all "naturally occuring substances too".


Interesting, so which commonly consumed foods contain those then?

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Well I don't know about the racey heart but my brother in law has developed this pingpong ball size growth on his abdomen which he believes in from overeating MSG.

Anyway it's enough to turn me off on that stuff.

How on Earth would he know its from eating MSG (a naturally occuring substance), I've never heard such rubbish.


In most foods, free MSG occurs at concentrations of less than 0.1% by weight. If you want to shovel a couple of spoonfuls of pure MSG onto your food - go ahead. I'm sure the MSG manufacturers have had no affect on its regulation.

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Well I don't know about the racey heart but my brother in law has developed this pingpong ball size growth on his abdomen which he believes in from overeating MSG.

Anyway it's enough to turn me off on that stuff.

How on Earth would he know its from eating MSG (a naturally occuring substance), I've never heard such rubbish.


In most foods, free MSG occurs at concentrations of less than 0.1% by weight. If you want to shovel a couple of spoonfuls of pure MSG onto your food - go ahead. I'm sure the MSG manufacturers have had no affect on its regulation.

I do thanks as do millions and millions of Japanese at every opportunity, and yet, somehow, they are among the longest living and healthiest people on Earth.

I see that Vegemite and Marmite hold the highest amount of MSG, Are you saying then that these must be DEADLY.

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Look, let's keep it simple. Salt or even MSG in small amounts won't do you any harm. It's when you load these things up that they become unhealthy. If I eat a chinese meal I suffer. Some research I heard today on the radio which repoted that some takaway meals contained 26 grams of salt. The daily requirement for the 'average' male is 6 grams! Work it out! Too much is bad for you but it is a (cheap) flavour enhancer, that's why so much is used in processed foods!

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  • 3 weeks later...

All things in moderation. Coffee is no good for you? Coffee is good for you? Alcohol is no good for you? Alcohol is good for you? Salt is no good for you but I remember years ago when the company doctor had us all eating salt tablets. I'll continue to eat and drink what I like. The hypochondriacs worry enough so that I don't have to.

Added - When I officially retired and moved over here, my blood pressure was VERY difficult to control and I had stomach problems. After several years here, I now take a very small dose of an ACE inhibitor, my pulse rate is lower and eating spicy Thai food with MSG must agree with me. No more stomach problems. I really think stress is the major culprit causing the problems people have. Without any medication my blood pressure is about 140 over 85. Just a bit high and just the small dose keeps me around 125 over 75.

Edited by Gary A
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I Thai food but have cut back to one (two :o ) meals a day (I love the stuff). It's loaded with MSG, Salt, Nam Pah (salt), seasonings (salt). Ever wonder why many Thais drop dead (shown on the news) for no apparant reason? My blood pressure is horrible for my age. I'm up to 20mg enalipril. Esp with the heat, you should drink lots of water. I drink about 3L a day and thats water not beer, etc... I only drink whisky, beer and water. I would cut out soda and energy drink if you consume.

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  • 1 month later...
I Thai food but have cut back to one (two :o ) meals a day (I love the stuff). It's loaded with MSG, Salt, Nam Pah (salt), seasonings (salt). Ever wonder why many Thais drop dead (shown on the news) for no apparant reason? My blood pressure is horrible for my age. I'm up to 20mg enalipril. Esp with the heat, you should drink lots of water. I drink about 3L a day and thats water not beer, etc... I only drink whisky, beer and water. I would cut out soda and energy drink if you consume.

my heart races after eating in tesco's food hall ,but msg gives you all the taste .

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I Thai food but have cut back to one (two :o ) meals a day (I love the stuff). It's loaded with MSG, Salt, Nam Pah (salt), seasonings (salt). Ever wonder why many Thais drop dead (shown on the news) for no apparant reason? My blood pressure is horrible for my age. I'm up to 20mg enalipril. Esp with the heat, you should drink lots of water. I drink about 3L a day and thats water not beer, etc... I only drink whisky, beer and water. I would cut out soda and energy drink if you consume.

PONCHOOROOT in Thai ( MSG ) are getting me sick !

now i know some shops around my place who do not use it ( they get my business ) some already have a sign saying they do not !

i have restaurants who do not use the stuff, same as some place in farang land using chicken or beef booster and some not .

If i go somewhere, i try to ask , not to be use, many Thai already know the side effect of it , not to everyone but to some people !

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my heart was abit racy last night.seemed to come on after eating a takeaway in the apartment.i wondered whether it was too much msg or salt,as we had nam prick,plus 2 large dipping sauces for bbq pork,& som tam.all very salty tasting.plus a 7/11 ham & cheese sandwich beforehand,eaten on the way back to the apartment :o classy.it feels like i'm dehydrated today.i'm a healthy eater as far as fat goes,but sometimes forget about this side of it.

anybody else have these symptoms with the above?

I think it important to know yourself, people have vastly different reactions to food chemicals. Taking advice from people who have no reaction and assure you it is safe with all sorts or aguements, is simply not sound.

Secondly adopt a process of elimination, work out what you had, if you got the symptoms previously …..

If my memory serves me right people have died of an MSG reaction. Claiming that simply because MSG is naturally in some foods it has no effect, is plain silly (quinine, aspirin, strychnine are also found naturally in foods). Firstly the amounts present in foods are generally not concentrated and very minor and secondly may be chemically bound in a form that slows absorption or be present with cofactors which decrease the effect, compare that to an entirely pure chemically refined substance which may be like rocket fuel!

IA friend who was known to have problems with MSG (headaches, dry mouth and generally felt hung over the next day) but loved his Asian food ordered a Chinese meal '..with no MSG'.

After eating the meal he immediately felt some minor symptoms (itchy, tingling skin) so returned home taking a short cut through a golf course (at night so he wasn't donged in the head). Half way through his heart began to race madly, he saw stars and developed a splitting headache then collapsed where he lay for a few hours until he recovered (I imagine the golfers would have played around). The doctors cleared him of stroke or any other neurological problems and felt it was most likely a MSG reaction.

My 3yr old daughter developed noticeably darker hair on her top lip and shoulders, we assumed it was left over hormones from birth. However, Mum had been rubbing her with a Tea Tree oil lotion and spaying the room with eucalyptus oil.

We saw a news article and stopped it, the dark hair disappeared surprisingly quickly…. guess what Tea Tree oil is a formidable hormone disruptor, again a completely ‘natural’ substance that has been taken out of it’s natural context.

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