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Thai Man, 24, Gets Death For Slaying Russian Women


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24 or 26, isn't the issue, but the victum's families should decide the outcome of his crimes, as long as it isn't letting the guy off with a short sentence!

24 or 26 does not matter for the sentence. But quite frankly, how much of Thai reporting can you believe if they are not even able to get the right age of a person? No doubt he is either 24 or 26, he can't be both. So what's so difficult in getting that right?

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Hang him in public for everyone to see.

I see you have already posted 831 times. So I'll forgive you, one cannot always be posting good.

Middle age manners would probably not do good to the image of the country and human rights organizations would yell all over the world.

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i blame the television, all these ganster movies etc etc, i think it does effect a person if brought up watching them with an unstable mind, its becoming a trend its happeneng more and more all over the world, i personally agree with the death penalty as its the only way other potential killers will learn and fear. Jail for life just inspiers some people, sorry for the spelling;o

Why do people still blame television for the negative actions of others? That would mean that possibly mentally handicapped people, who could be considered to have an unstable mind, are a force to be dealt with someday because they happened to watch a Tony Jaa movie, or the Godfather, or Die Hard, blah, blah ,blah... People do the things they do for their own reasons, i.e. illicit drug use, too lazy to get a job and its easy money, or whatever. He thought he picked a couple of 'easy targets'. I am willing to bet though it was to support some kind of drug habit and the person can not hold a job down. Its petty theft this man did with a capital crime added to it. He may have also panicked too if the women challenged him. He had the mental capacity of getting a weapon to do the crime and I bet it wasn't his first time. It just ended tragically for the victims, their families, and his family, and for the heck of it, I'll add him too because now he is about to loose his life for what? Greed? A quick fix?

So, I strongly believe television had nothing to do with it...

Whilst agreeing wholeheartedly with the reasons you quote for the killings - illicit drug use, too lazy to get a job and its easy money - I do disagree with TV having nothing to do with it. It's not the big screen movies though that I would blame but the local Thai 'soaps' that constantly promote knives and guns as a normal way of life to be produced to resolve any minor dispute. This is the TV the Thais watch every day and makes such violent actions seem acceptable.


Absolutely agreed with your TV opinion! Thai TV has become very bad over the past 10 years. Before that I don't know as I was not here. But seriously if I compare Thai movies (or rather soap operas) ten years ago and now, they have fallen very deep. Unfortunately I also do believe that they basically follow the western model of TV soaps. Some feast fighting, somebody in a hospital, some gun shooting, and a kick or two in somebody's balls - something that did not exist 10 years ago. Not sure how further deep they can go, but it certainly does not do any good to their society and culture.

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I doubt very much the whole story is true. He said he fired when they resisted and yet they both died sitting in the chairs... Not a single sign of fighting/shoving at the scene. Unless his definition of resistance is to be told to f%$ 0ff.

Killer is taking the rap for someone else's business.

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I agree he will not be doing it again if killed. It does however make me wonder on his mental state at the time and others who may act like this. Not condoning this terrible crime, just wondering about a person who would do such a thing and why...horrible for all involved.

Remember, he's a habitual criminal... so his mental state must have been compromised his entire life!

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This convicted murderer is only 24! Then he should be spending the rest of his natural life in prison which I feel is a far worse punishment than the death penalty! It's been proven that the death penalty is no deterrent for violent crime!

There's my 2 cents!

*Life imprisonment is a pointless sentence. The person never recovers and it costs society money to keep the prisoner with the possibility of escape. You can be sure a lifer will do anything not to be caught including killing again...after all nothing to lose.

More lifers can teach short timers 'old tricks' hardly good for society. While I don't believe in death sentence worse is life imprisonment. (dont believe in death sentence only because so many innocents convicted)

Well, the person sure won't recover if he's dead, will he? neither will there be any research subjects for understanding how to prevent further murders And won't a killer do anything not to be caught if he faces a death sentence? And maybe lifers will teach short timers why it is better to reform than end up like them. Death sentences simply don't work - they merely provide a warm feeling to populist sentiments for revenge. Moreover, they are targetted disproportionatley at the poor who have few resources to get off the hook unless they are postumously pardoned. If the poor, black etc are just as good as rich white people, why are they executed disproportionately?

You know that wasthe war cry for people like me for years. Better to keep them alive and study them. Probaly because like yoiu, I read it somewhere and thought that's a good idea.

The harsh truth is people like this guy cannot be reasoned with. Where I come from I knew guys just like him and I can tell you, No Way can you reason with them........I had a friend stabbed to death by a guy who got a light sentence for a previous crime he should have got 10 years for. A known vicious Bast**** with a reputation just like this guy.

MyThai Wife's Grandparents were shot dead over complaining about too much noise during a soccer game. Made the front page of that nasty paper pools of blood the lot,

It bugs me to hel_l that people like him are allowed to walk the streets at all....i want to feel safe, I want my family to feel safe...If it had been your wife or your daughter Yeah study him......right after you decapitated him.............or maybe you would turn the other cheek?

He is simply just the way he is and unless you can turn the clock back 1000 years and tell all the locals in all the villages to stop all the inbreeding then your stuffed. That may sound a little Hitlerish but it is a fact of life. That's why that mass murderer wanted the perfect race....the impossible race of course>

Why do you think they made it illegal hundreds of years ago to marry family in the west? Because if you do you get funny babies. Could be deformed, could be gay (no offence), could be whatever. Sure it's not their fault people are what they are, but when it comes to a born Murderer and cold blooded murderer at that then the only solution is get rid of them...........Why should other prisoners in Thailand be subjected to being in the same prison with a maniac like this <deleted>? What happens if he needs a ciggie and doesn't have any? Where do you keep him.......a high security Sanitarium? Who pays for it and to be told what.........this guy is one real bad Dude and would kill you for a lousy couple of Thai grand?.......think we know that already.

What makes him tick.......guys what we call a loony mate. The brain doesn't quite function like ours.

This is not some guy who had a fight with his wife........He murdered 2 helpless Russian Female Holiday makers in cold blood for next to nothing.

All this talk about Russuian Mafia and prostitues........that makes no difference. Anyway I thought they were here on a holiday package.

We get people like this because they are not quite right in the head. We don't need to study them to know that.

So what do we do? WE!! the people of this world make laws and the laws are the same for everyone. This is not The USA or the United Kingdom and I doubt thailand do much in the way of lets "study a nutter programs"

The judge made the only decision he could and for me it's the right one.

As far as Recover is concerned.......Recover and become what? I think it would like saying its getting nicer the rain is calming down to a thunderstorm.

I for one wouldn't like to be walking in front of him with a rolex on

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This convicted murderer is only 24! Then he should be spending the rest of his natural life in prison which I feel is a far worse punishment than the death penalty! It's been proven that the death penalty is no deterrent for violent crime!

There's my 2 cents!

*Life imprisonment is a pointless sentence. The person never recovers and it costs society money to keep the prisoner with the possibility of escape. You can be sure a lifer will do anything not to be caught including killing again...after all nothing to lose.

More lifers can teach short timers 'old tricks' hardly good for society. While I don't believe in death sentence worse is life imprisonment. (dont believe in death sentence only because so many innocents convicted)

Well, the person sure won't recover if he's dead, will he? neither will there be any research subjects for understanding how to prevent further murders And won't a killer do anything not to be caught if he faces a death sentence? And maybe lifers will teach short timers why it is better to reform than end up like them. Death sentences simply don't work - they merely provide a warm feeling to populist sentiments for revenge. Moreover, they are targetted disproportionatley at the poor who have few resources to get off the hook unless they are postumously pardoned. If the poor, black etc are just as good as rich white people, why are they executed disproportionately?

You know that wasthe war cry for people like me for years. Better to keep them alive and study them. Probaly because like yoiu, I read it somewhere and thought that's a good idea.

The harsh truth is people like this guy cannot be reasoned with. Where I come from I knew guys just like him and I can tell you, No Way can you reason with them........I had a friend stabbed to death by a guy who got a light sentence for a previous crime he should have got 10 years for. A known vicious Bast**** with a reputation just like this guy.

MyThai Wife's Grandparents were shot dead over complaining about too much noise during a soccer game. Made the front page of that nasty paper pools of blood the lot,

It bugs me to hel_l that people like him are allowed to walk the streets at all....i want to feel safe, I want my family to feel safe...If it had been your wife or your daughter Yeah study him......right after you decapitated him.............or maybe you would turn the other cheek?

He is simply just the way he is and unless you can turn the clock back 1000 years and tell all the locals in all the villages to stop all the inbreeding then your stuffed. That may sound a little Hitlerish but it is a fact of life. That's why that mass murderer wanted the perfect race....the impossible race of course>

Why do you think they made it illegal hundreds of years ago to marry family in the west? Because if you do you get funny babies. Could be deformed, could be gay (no offence), could be whatever. Sure it's not their fault people are what they are, but when it comes to a born Murderer and cold blooded murderer at that then the only solution is get rid of them...........Why should other prisoners in Thailand be subjected to being in the same prison with a maniac like this <deleted>? What happens if he needs a ciggie and doesn't have any? Where do you keep him.......a high security Sanitarium? Who pays for it and to be told what.........this guy is one real bad Dude and would kill you for a lousy couple of Thai grand?.......think we know that already.

What makes him tick.......guys what we call a loony mate. The brain doesn't quite function like ours.

This is not some guy who had a fight with his wife........He murdered 2 helpless Russian Female Holiday makers in cold blood for next to nothing.

All this talk about Russuian Mafia and prostitues........that makes no difference. Anyway I thought they were here on a holiday package.

We get people like this because they are not quite right in the head. We don't need to study them to know that.

So what do we do? WE!! the people of this world make laws and the laws are the same for everyone. This is not The USA or the United Kingdom and I doubt thailand do much in the way of lets "study a nutter programs"

The judge made the only decision he could and for me it's the right one.

As far as Recover is concerned.......Recover and become what? I think it would like saying its getting nicer the rain is calming down to a thunderstorm.

I for one wouldn't like to be walking in front of him with a rolex on

Hello Begbie.

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Why do you think they made it illegal hundreds of years ago to marry family in the west? Because if you do you get funny babies. Could be deformed, could be gay (no offence), could be whatever.

Dear Greenman,

Oh so gays are genetic defectives are they? Plz share your evidence for this as I am sure the scientific community would love to know. You know this is now an old way to express homophobia – just lump the gays with criminals, mental defectives, prostitutes etc etc because it's a really cool way to do it and the moderator can't complain can he?. Oh and I like the (no offence) bit – it adds a certain respectability. Oh, obviously the guy was a repressed homosexual with a grudge against women. Oh and look at the pic – 2 contented looking women on a beach early in the morning – must be dykes – the whiskey bottle is a sure giveaway. Greenman, I suggest if ever you feel the need to have carnal knowledge of your mother, sister or daughter then you should use a condom – it will ensure no gays, blacks, Jews, or gypsies are generated (no offence).

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i blame the television, all these ganster movies etc etc, i think it does effect a person if brought up watching them with an unstable mind, its becoming a trend its happeneng more and more all over the world, i personally agree with the death penalty as its the only way other potential killers will learn and fear. Jail for life just inspiers some people, sorry for the spelling;o

Why do people still blame television for the negative actions of others? That would mean that possibly mentally handicapped people, who could be considered to have an unstable mind, are a force to be dealt with someday because they happened to watch a Tony Jaa movie, or the Godfather, or Die Hard, blah, blah ,blah... People do the things they do for their own reasons, i.e. illicit drug use, too lazy to get a job and its easy money, or whatever. He thought he picked a couple of 'easy targets'. I am willing to bet though it was to support some kind of drug habit and the person can not hold a job down. Its petty theft this man did with a capital crime added to it. He may have also panicked too if the women challenged him. He had the mental capacity of getting a weapon to do the crime and I bet it wasn't his first time. It just ended tragically for the victims, their families, and his family, and for the heck of it, I'll add him too because now he is about to loose his life for what? Greed? A quick fix?

So, I strongly believe television had nothing to do with it...

Whilst agreeing wholeheartedly with the reasons you quote for the killings - illicit drug use, too lazy to get a job and its easy money - I do disagree with TV having nothing to do with it. It's not the big screen movies though that I would blame but the local Thai 'soaps' that constantly promote knives and guns as a normal way of life to be produced to resolve any minor dispute. This is the TV the Thais watch every day and makes such violent actions seem acceptable.


I believe that we all have the capacity to know right from wrong and that society in whatever form corupts peoples minds, reduces moral codes and creats greed; some blame it on TV , but it goes far deeper than that.

I dont see the point in life sentance , it in theory, it benifits no one. it's effectively life with added torchure . those who say death sentence if for revenge , I think actually think it is the other way round . It takes a sick mind to want to inflict a life of tourcher to someone else. If they are bad people that have no regard for others , and a lengthy record might well endorse that fact. then put them out their missery as quick as you can .

The only problem with a death sentence is that you have to trust the legal system as it can be very easily abused by the powers that be. If this problem can be addressed, death is the best option.

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This convicted murderer is only 24! Then he should be spending the rest of his natural life in prison which I feel is a far worse punishment than the death penalty! It's been proven that the death penalty is no deterrent for violent crime!

There's my 2 cents!

That would depend entirely on a person's beliefs of life after death. Certainly in Arab nations many welcome death.

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Why do you think they made it illegal hundreds of years ago to marry family in the west? Because if you do you get funny babies. Could be deformed, could be gay (no offence), could be whatever.

Dear Greenman,

Oh so gays are genetic defectives are they? Plz share your evidence for this as I am sure the scientific community would love to know. You know this is now an old way to express homophobia – just lump the gays with criminals, mental defectives, prostitutes etc etc because it's a really cool way to do it and the moderator can't complain can he?. Oh and I like the (no offence) bit – it adds a certain respectability. Oh, obviously the guy was a repressed homosexual with a grudge against women. Oh and look at the pic – 2 contented looking women on a beach early in the morning – must be dykes – the whiskey bottle is a sure giveaway. Greenman, I suggest if ever you feel the need to have carnal knowledge of your mother, sister or daughter then you should use a condom – it will ensure no gays, blacks, Jews, or gypsies are generated (no offence).

You seem to have taken my post very personally but lets not go there.

Go back to the basics my friend..have you ever heard of a mongerel dog?

Do you know what the odds are against being attached by a pedigree compared to being attacked by a mogrel.

We like dogs are bred and how we are bred (and brought up) dictates what kind of person we turn out to be.

Of course its genetic you dumb cluck.

I have nothing against gays, whom you can't wait to defend for reasons only known to yourself, but let's make a comparison.

Go into McDonalds in London Glasgow Tokyo Sydney or Rome. Have a look around at the young boys (and no cheap sexual remarks please) around 10 to 12, who are not yet sexually aware.

See if you can spot the Katoys.

Then go to McDonald in Bangkok or Pattaya and see if you can spot them. Why so many, in comparison to western countries that are not 3rd world?,,,they are obvious and easy to spot here, but they still think it's for peeing over a high wall..they don't wake up one day and think I want to be lady boy or a woman they are simply born that way.

You live hear with the Thai people you learn to accept it, as just the way it is. These are harmless people in the main and I do not find them offensive in any way whatsoever.

Furthermore exactly when did I refer to the girls as Dykes smartass????......I did no such thing. perhaps when you are chatting to your scientific freinds one will give you a copy of the ABC :o)

I come from one of the hardest cities in the world mate I have mixed with the scum of the earth.

I knew their mothers and fathers who were tarred with the same brush as they were. You think it's not genetic your in a dream world. Sure some people from good families do bery bad things despite their grand breedings etc., but the majority of nutters in this world come from area around out local cities we can all mention at the drop of a hat....it has been their way of life for generations......and don't confuse it with poverty..most of them made fortunes out of drugs and still go around knifing abd shooting people etc......if they are what we determine as normal then I'm your Auntie Fanny.

Edited by Greenman
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Why do you think they made it illegal hundreds of years ago to marry family in the west? Because if you do you get funny babies. Could be deformed, could be gay (no offence), could be whatever.

Dear Greenman,


Oh so gays are genetic defectives are they? Plz share your evidence for this as I am sure the scientific community would love to know. You know this is now an old way to express homophobia – just lump the gays with criminals, mental defectives, prostitutes etc etc because it's a really cool way to do it and the moderator can't complain can he?. Oh and I like the (no offence) bit – it adds a certain respectability. Oh, obviously the guy was a repressed homosexual with a grudge against women. Oh and look at the pic – 2 contented looking women on a beach early in the morning – must be dykes – the whiskey bottle is a sure giveaway. Greenman, I suggest if ever you feel the need to have carnal knowledge of your mother, sister or daughter then you should use a condom – it will ensure no gays, blacks, Jews, or gypsies are generated (no offence).

You seem to have taken my post very personally but lets not go there.

Go back to the basics my friend..have you ever heard of a mongerel dog?

Do you know what the odds are against being attached by a pedigree compared to being attacked by a mogrel.

We like dogs are bred and how we are bred (and brought up) dictates what kind of person we turn out to be.

Of course its genetic you dumb cluck.

I have nothing against gays, whom you can't wait to defend for reasons only known to yourself, but let's make a comparison.

Go into McDonalds in London Glasgow Tokyo Sydney or Rome. Have a look around at the young boys (and no cheap sexual remarks please) around 10 to 12, who are not yet sexually aware.

See if you can spot the Katoys.

Then go to McDonald in Bangkok or Pattaya and see if you can spot them. Why so many, in comparison to western countries that are not 3rd world?,,,they are obvious and easy to spot here, but they still think it's for peeing over a high wall..they don't wake up one day and think I want to be lady boy or a woman they are simply born that way.

You live hear with the Thai people you learn to accept it, as just the way it is. These are harmless people in the main and I do not find them offensive in any way whatsoever.

Furthermore exactly when did I refer to the girls as Dykes smartass????......I did no such thing. perhaps when you are chatting to your scientific freinds one will give you a copy of the ABC :o )

I come from one of the hardest cities in the world mate I have mixed with the scum of the earth.

I knew their mothers and fathers who were tarred with the same brush as they were. You think it's not genetic your in a dream world. Sure some people from good families do bery bad things despite their grand breedings etc., but the majority of nutters in this world come from area around out local cities we can all mention at the drop of a hat....it has been their way of life for generations......and don't confuse it with poverty..most of them made fortunes out of drugs and still go around knifing abd shooting people etc......if they are what we determine as normal then I'm your Auntie Fanny.


I really hope the moderators keep this message as a fine example, rather than being removed for breaking the rules - plz keep it moderators. Anyway, I have tried sorting through the whole mess and can't find any relevance to either what u garbled before and what i wrote in response, but maybe someone else can shed light on it. None of it seems to make any sense at all (no offence).

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Hello Begbie.

Geez Renton where a ya been man?.........let's get rem!!! cannie lit them away wi' that.......William wis a good man... an' a mate.....Can you no remember whit he said that efternin:-

Fight and you may die, run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM

or huve u been oan that heroine again? Upbringing? I'll gie them upbringing mate!!!!

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Actually I beg to differ...I think Thailand's will attract MORE TOURISTS with all these crazy things...murders, boats sinking with tourists on them, buses catching fire, planes hitting the airport terminal, fires in hotels, etc.   Because, it will attract the paedophiles and sex tourists who think hope Thailand is still dirty, corrupt, and dysfunctional as ever.  They love the idea of poverty and corruption, cuz then they can molest away whatever and whereever they want.

Of course, they kick out the decent people (who live modestly, trying to have a meager but decent lifestyle...but don't spend all that much) by draconian xenophobic laws, then give the old retired men and short term visitors with unlimited paedophilic spending potential long term visas (the "high spenders"), and promote theirselves as the most dysfunctional country in SouthEast Asia.  (Well, except Burma).  Even Philippines GDP is 7.9% now.   While Filipinos try to enter medical professions on the mass scale, Thais are busy causing spreading all the STD's in the first place.  

Then instead of providing and promoting healthy foods, Thailand breaks patents to get the free drugs for obesity!   I can understand HIV drugs for the poor, but its not for the poor.  Thais never cared for the poor, ask any of the poor.  Thailand loses far more money when a munitions cache blows up, or when they pass silly draconian investment laws, or when ships full of foreign tourists sink (lets see in the past 5 years, there's been atleast 20 ships sunk in Southern Thailand)....because of their own lame stupidity! Yet "dirt poor" Thailand as they claim, is one of the few nations with an aircraft carrier.  What poor peace loving nation needs an aircraft carrier?  Sell the ###### carrier and buy the drugs for the poor like the rest of the world!

Of course the West is upset, Thailand acts like its their god given right to drugs. Yet their lazy asses never invented any.  While India is busy providing the intellectual manpower for the world development, and making drugs accessible for the genuinely poor, Thailand destroys patents for drugs induced by its own self destructive modern lifestyle!

Never mind that everything is fried in Thailand, cuz cockroaches and rats are everywhere.  Never mind that people are turning to 7-Eleven food, laced with so much sugar, fat, and salt.  Never mind that you have to buy fruits in the supermarket cuz u get diarrhea.  Never mind kids are fattening away at internet cafes playing video games all day never learning social skills.  Never mind far more people die on t

e way to the hospital,

cuz they ask for money first before helping, cuz they refuse service in the ambulance, cuz the ambulance can't get through the traffic jam cuz nobody wants to really spend on the public for traffic solutions.

Never mind changing (and enforcing) laws so that farang don't get murdered by their thai wives. Never mind actually trying to do anything!

Never mind just means, you are being screwed but not me...so why do I care?   

Edited by exexpat
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This convicted murderer is only 24! Then he should be spending the rest of his natural life in prison which I feel is a far worse punishment than the death penalty! It's been proven that the death penalty is no deterrent for violent crime!

There's my 2 cents!

*Life imprisonment is a pointless sentence. The person never recovers and it costs society money to keep the prisoner with the possibility of escape. You can be sure a lifer will do anything not to be caught including killing again...after all nothing to lose.

More lifers can teach short timers 'old tricks' hardly good for society. While I don't believe in death sentence worse is life imprisonment. (dont believe in death sentence only because so many innocents convicted)

I second that. Too bad Belgium doesn't have that penalty. Our prisons are overcrowded with illegal immigrants from middle east, morroco, turkey, and east block countries. And that's where almost half of my taxes go to...

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mooshcat, I am with you on this one, the Thai news may not be that far from the truth :o , the word on the street from the BIB's is that he was a scapegoat to get a quick resolution and minimize the tarnish effect. If that is indeed true, then the real criminals are still out there and this tragic episode is due to repeat. :D

For some reason this subject burns my biscuit.

The Thai news seems to doubt that the man was guilty, or if he was, he was guilty alone and for the reason stated - just theft. They, the free-ish media, seem to want to know what really happened.

But us fat white blokes on this forum dont.

Hang him now!

Killing him wont help the truth come out. It will simply end the story.

It seems the pattaya boys on this site would love him to be dead asap. Cos Pattaya is a happy land of adult fun with no crime.

Yeah ...

Kill the poor boy now and let there be an end to the idea that there is a Mafia in Pattaya, because, of course, whores and organised crime dont mix.

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Thailand's efforts to rid itself of negative pessimistic anti-Thai persons such as yourself was apparently successful judging by your nick. :D If I didn't know better, I would say you have a heavy axe to grind. :o

Of course Thailand is not perfect but then I have yet to discover a country that is. You see what you want to see, I prefer to see the positive side of Thailand and the strides it has taken in the 20 years I have had the privilege to occupy some of it's real estate. I would prefer that you keep your personal Thai-phobic views safely locked away in your closed mind of pessimism. :D

Remember that Thailand is its own country and can run the country in any way it seems fit, just as any other country in the world. As they say, if you don't like it, find the place that is your Shangri-La, Thailand certainly does not fit the bill in your case. Good luck finding your niche but remember, even heaven is full of sinners. :D

Actually I beg to differ...I think Thailand's will attract MORE TOURISTS with all these crazy things...murders, boats sinking with tourists on them, buses catching fire, planes hitting the airport terminal, fires in hotels, etc. Because, it will attract the paedophiles and sex tourists who think hope Thailand is still dirty, corrupt, and dysfunctional as ever. They love the idea of poverty and corruption, cuz then they can molest away whatever and whereever they want.

Of course, they kick out the decent people (who live modestly, trying to have a meager but decent lifestyle...but don't spend all that much) by draconian xenophobic laws, then give the old retired men and short term visitors with unlimited paedophilic spending potential long term visas (the "high spenders"), and promote theirselves as the most dysfunctional country in SouthEast Asia. (Well, except Burma). Even Philippines GDP is 7.9% now. While Filipinos try to enter medical professions on the mass scale, Thais are busy causing spreading all the STD's in the first place.

Then instead of providing and promoting healthy foods, Thailand breaks patents to get the free drugs for obesity! I can understand HIV drugs for the poor, but its not for the poor. Thais never cared for the poor, ask any of the poor. Thailand loses far more money when a munitions cache blows up, or when they pass silly draconian investment laws, or when ships full of foreign tourists sink (lets see in the past 5 years, there's been atleast 20 ships sunk in Southern Thailand)....because of their own lame stupidity! Yet "dirt poor" Thailand as they claim, is one of the few nations with an aircraft carrier. What poor peace loving nation needs an aircraft carrier? Sell the ###### carrier and buy the drugs for the poor like the rest of the world!

Of course the West is upset, Thailand acts like its their god given right to drugs. Yet their lazy asses never invented any. While India is busy providing the intellectual manpower for the world development, and making drugs accessible for the genuinely poor, Thailand destroys patents for drugs induced by its own self destructive modern lifestyle!

Never mind that everything is fried in Thailand, cuz cockroaches and rats are everywhere. Never mind that people are turning to 7-Eleven food, laced with so much sugar, fat, and salt. Never mind that you have to buy fruits in the supermarket cuz u get diarrhea. Never mind kids are fattening away at internet cafes playing video games all day never learning social skills. Never mind far more people die on t

e way to the hospital,

cuz they ask for money first before helping, cuz they refuse service in the ambulance, cuz the ambulance can't get through the traffic jam cuz nobody wants to really spend on the public for traffic solutions.

Never mind changing (and enforcing) laws so that farang don't get murdered by their thai wives. Never mind actually trying to do anything!

Never mind just means, you are being screwed but not me...so why do I care?

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Why do you think they made it illegal hundreds of years ago to marry family in the west? Because if you do you get funny babies. Could be deformed, could be gay (no offence), could be whatever.

Dear Greenman,


Oh so gays are genetic defectives are they? Plz share your evidence for this as I am sure the scientific community would love to know. You know this is now an old way to express homophobia – just lump the gays with criminals, mental defectives, prostitutes etc etc because it's a really cool way to do it and the moderator can't complain can he?. Oh and I like the (no offence) bit – it adds a certain respectability. Oh, obviously the guy was a repressed homosexual with a grudge against women. Oh and look at the pic – 2 contented looking women on a beach early in the morning – must be dykes – the whiskey bottle is a sure giveaway. Greenman, I suggest if ever you feel the need to have carnal knowledge of your mother, sister or daughter then you should use a condom – it will ensure no gays, blacks, Jews, or gypsies are generated (no offence).

You seem to have taken my post very personally but lets not go there.

Go back to the basics my friend..have you ever heard of a mongerel dog?

Do you know what the odds are against being attached by a pedigree compared to being attacked by a mogrel.

We like dogs are bred and how we are bred (and brought up) dictates what kind of person we turn out to be.

Of course its genetic you dumb cluck.

I have nothing against gays, whom you can't wait to defend for reasons only known to yourself, but let's make a comparison.

Go into McDonalds in London Glasgow Tokyo Sydney or Rome. Have a look around at the young boys (and no cheap sexual remarks please) around 10 to 12, who are not yet sexually aware.

See if you can spot the Katoys.

Then go to McDonald in Bangkok or Pattaya and see if you can spot them. Why so many, in comparison to western countries that are not 3rd world?,,,they are obvious and easy to spot here, but they still think it's for peeing over a high wall..they don't wake up one day and think I want to be lady boy or a woman they are simply born that way.

You live hear with the Thai people you learn to accept it, as just the way it is. These are harmless people in the main and I do not find them offensive in any way whatsoever.

Furthermore exactly when did I refer to the girls as Dykes smartass????......I did no such thing. perhaps when you are chatting to your scientific freinds one will give you a copy of the ABC :o )

I come from one of the hardest cities in the world mate I have mixed with the scum of the earth.

I knew their mothers and fathers who were tarred with the same brush as they were. You think it's not genetic your in a dream world. Sure some people from good families do bery bad things despite their grand breedings etc., but the majority of nutters in this world come from area around out local cities we can all mention at the drop of a hat....it has been their way of life for generations......and don't confuse it with poverty..most of them made fortunes out of drugs and still go around knifing abd shooting people etc......if they are what we determine as normal then I'm your Auntie Fanny.

To anybody that read this (IMO) appalling post and thought that maybe it made sense somehow, I'd like to put forward a few facts so as to inhibit people adopting an arcane and potentially dangerous view of genetics and society. First, Greenman, sorry about your friend and your wife's Grandparents, truly. However you are way off about genetics. I studied genetics/anthropology/sociology in university and I take huge exception to your "manifesto for the eugenics program".

First: Inbreeding most frequently leads to decreased intelligence, next most common are physical deformities. There is no clear link between inbreeding and increased agression/laziness or any other of the "typical criminal traits", nor is there a homosexual/inbreeding connection. Further the most inbred genetic groups (strictly based on biochemical an biomolecular research) are found among the islolated farm colonies such as the Hutterites (an isolated group in North America) and some of the Jewish populations. These conditions came about due to reduced colony sizes and reduced breeding opportunities outside their group as a result of cultural differences or persecution, rather than as a result of specific choices to breed within the family. I'm sure that you'll agree that the Hutterites and the Jewish are not known for their rampant homosexuality and criminal tendencies. Also, your analogy of the mongrel dog is way off, dogs with pedigrees are far more inbred than mongrels, who tend to live longer and be more fit among their own species, just not as appealing to humans. The agressive stray is more able to survive in the wild than the artificially docile and genteel lap dog. And any suggestion of "human pedigrees" and "human mongrels" is far to Hitlarian to even be entertained.

Next: There is no clear link between genetics and criminal tendencies. In fact the only evidence of ANY clear genetic link predisposing a person to criminal or dangerous activity is a very few highly specific, potentially inheritable, psychiatric conditions. These people represent a very small percentage of the criminal community, according to research carried out in American prisions, where there is a great deal of genetic diversity to be found.

Further: It has now been well established that there are few phenotypes (traits) that are strictly the result of gene interaction. Particularly in the field of human behaviour, environment has been shown to be a major factor. It's easy to say that criminal tendencies, alcoholism, or any other such characteristic is strictly genetic (seeing the offspring adopt similar behaviours to the parents) without considering the effects on a child's developing mind being raised in the presence of those influences. To look no further than genetics to explain this is like saying that religion is genetic. "Well the parents were Catholic and so is the daughter, must be genetic!" These are very outdated ideas in the field and have been extensively updated in recent years.

Finally: homosexuality according to the most recent studies, appears to develop while the fetus is still in the womb environment. Conclusively, it is not the result of the baby's genome, but rather the way it's genetic information is processed (and it's brain and hormone expression develop) while still under the influence of the mother's proteins that are present in the amniotic sac, and which are hugely influential in the early development of the fetus. The mother's amniotic proteins are in turn influenced by her general health, diet, age, and hundreds of other factors, both internal and external, significant to the gestation period.

I'm sorry to tell you that human biology is NOT that cut and dry, and there's no sense in looking to genetics to explain your apparent fear of your fellow humans. However the good news is, being that most of "society's ills" are the result of society itself and not biology, it can be changed and improved much more quickly! Take it as a good thing, and good luck!


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Actually I beg to differ...I think Thailand's will attract MORE TOURISTS with all these crazy things...murders, boats sinking with tourists on them, buses catching fire, planes hitting the airport terminal, fires in hotels, etc. Because, it will attract the paedophiles and sex tourists who think hope Thailand is still dirty, corrupt, and dysfunctional as ever. They love the idea of poverty and corruption, cuz then they can molest away whatever and whereever they want.

Of course, they kick out the decent people (who live modestly, trying to have a meager but decent lifestyle...but don't spend all that much) by draconian xenophobic laws, then give the old retired men and short term visitors with unlimited paedophilic spending potential long term visas (the "high spenders"), and promote theirselves as the most dysfunctional country in SouthEast Asia. (Well, except Burma). Even Philippines GDP is 7.9% now. While Filipinos try to enter medical professions on the mass scale, Thais are busy causing spreading all the STD's in the first place.

Then instead of providing and promoting healthy foods, Thailand breaks patents to get the free drugs for obesity! I can understand HIV drugs for the poor, but its not for the poor. Thais never cared for the poor, ask any of the poor. Thailand loses far more money when a munitions cache blows up, or when they pass silly draconian investment laws, or when ships full of foreign tourists sink (lets see in the past 5 years, there's been atleast 20 ships sunk in Southern Thailand)....because of their own lame stupidity! Yet "dirt poor" Thailand as they claim, is one of the few nations with an aircraft carrier. What poor peace loving nation needs an aircraft carrier? Sell the ###### carrier and buy the drugs for the poor like the rest of the world!

Of course the West is upset, Thailand acts like its their god given right to drugs. Yet their lazy asses never invented any. While India is busy providing the intellectual manpower for the world development, and making drugs accessible for the genuinely poor, Thailand destroys patents for drugs induced by its own self destructive modern lifestyle!

Never mind that everything is fried in Thailand, cuz cockroaches and rats are everywhere. Never mind that people are turning to 7-Eleven food, laced with so much sugar, fat, and salt. Never mind that you have to buy fruits in the supermarket cuz u get diarrhea. Never mind kids are fattening away at internet cafes playing video games all day never learning social skills. Never mind far more people die on t

e way to the hospital,

cuz they ask for money first before helping, cuz they refuse service in the ambulance, cuz the ambulance can't get through the traffic jam cuz nobody wants to really spend on the public for traffic solutions.

Never mind changing (and enforcing) laws so that farang don't get murdered by their thai wives. Never mind actually trying to do anything!

Never mind just means, you are being screwed but not me...so why do I care?

Take it you had a bad time in Thailand?

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To anybody that read this (IMO) appalling post and thought that maybe it made sense somehow, I'd like to put forward a few facts so as to inhibit people adopting an arcane and potentially dangerous view of genetics and society. First, Greenman, sorry about your friend and your wife's Grandparents, truly. However you are way off about genetics. I studied genetics/anthropology/sociology in university and I take huge exception to your "manifesto for the eugenics program".

First: Inbreeding most frequently leads to decreased intelligence, next most common are physical deformities. There is no clear link between inbreeding and increased agression/laziness or any other of the "typical criminal traits", nor is there a homosexual/inbreeding connection. Further the most inbred genetic groups (strictly based on biochemical an biomolecular research) are found among the islolated farm colonies such as the Hutterites (an isolated group in North America) and some of the Jewish populations. These conditions came about due to reduced colony sizes and reduced breeding opportunities outside their group as a result of cultural differences or persecution, rather than as a result of specific choices to breed within the family. I'm sure that you'll agree that the Hutterites and the Jewish are not known for their rampant homosexuality and criminal tendencies. Also, your analogy of the mongrel dog is way off, dogs with pedigrees are far more inbred than mongrels, who tend to live longer and be more fit among their own species, just not as appealing to humans. The agressive stray is more able to survive in the wild than the artificially docile and genteel lap dog. And any suggestion of "human pedigrees" and "human mongrels" is far to Hitlarian to even be entertained.

Next: There is no clear link between genetics and criminal tendencies. In fact the only evidence of ANY clear genetic link predisposing a person to criminal or dangerous activity is a very few highly specific, potentially inheritable, psychiatric conditions. These people represent a very small percentage of the criminal community, according to research carried out in American prisions, where there is a great deal of genetic diversity to be found.

Further: It has now been well established that there are few phenotypes (traits) that are strictly the result of gene interaction. Particularly in the field of human behaviour, environment has been shown to be a major factor. It's easy to say that criminal tendencies, alcoholism, or any other such characteristic is strictly genetic (seeing the offspring adopt similar behaviours to the parents) without considering the effects on a child's developing mind being raised in the presence of those influences. To look no further than genetics to explain this is like saying that religion is genetic. "Well the parents were Catholic and so is the daughter, must be genetic!" These are very outdated ideas in the field and have been extensively updated in recent years.

Finally: homosexuality according to the most recent studies, appears to develop while the fetus is still in the womb environment. Conclusively, it is not the result of the baby's genome, but rather the way it's genetic information is processed (and it's brain and hormone expression develop) while still under the influence of the mother's proteins that are present in the amniotic sac, and which are hugely influential in the early development of the fetus. The mother's amniotic proteins are in turn influenced by her general health, diet, age, and hundreds of other factors, both internal and external, significant to the gestation period.

I'm sorry to tell you that human biology is NOT that cut and dry, and there's no sense in looking to genetics to explain your apparent fear of your fellow humans. However the good news is, being that most of "society's ills" are the result of society itself and not biology, it can be changed and improved much more quickly! Take it as a good thing, and good luck!


Girlaboutglobe ,

I applaud your thorough response, obviously based on a lot of careful research, some of which was undoubtedly conducted on prisoners who committed murder and were kept alive. But I’m afraid you are unlikely to get a response from Greenman – you will have lost him after the first couple of sentences.

The problem is that there are too many people around who base their opinions on reasoning that doesn’t extend beyond a simple 1-step cause and effect scenario. They usually get their unfiltered ‘evidence’ from rumours, friends, newspapers or the internet and base their ideas on homespun philosophies and their own ‘experience’. And it is these people who almost always support the death penalty regardless of any alternative possible solutions. It’s like “…well the guy admitted it and the forensic evidence supports that admission, therefore he is guilty and should be put to death.” And this in a country where the same people often whinge about how the whole judicial system from the police through lawyers to the judges, is rotten to the core. Admissions can, and are, obtained by torture, coercion or just plain trickery. Thailand’s forensic service is in the hands of the police who could manipulate evidence in cases where they need a conviction for economic and political reasons, like when tourists (in Pattaya of all places!) are involved. The elite in Thailand often get off scot-free or are not even charged with capital offences simply because they have money, power and influence, not necessarily because they are innocent. Just compare the speed with which the poor in Thailand are brought to 'justice', or simply murdered by police without any trial, compared to the long drawn-out affairs when the elite are involved. How can anyone justify having someone put to death under those circumstances?

And what about Greenman’s gobbledeguck? Well, I’ve tried to sort out what he’s trying to say. I assume he means that the evidence for ‘katoyism’ being genetic is that 1) there are lots around in Thailand compared to the west, and that 2) katoys are obvious before they are sexually mature. Well, doesn’t he understand that any genetic factor that reduces reproductive success would very quickly lead to loss of those genes in a population? And on Greenman’s logic, shouldn’t katoys have at least 1 katoy parent or relative, even if the genes for ‘katoyism’ are recessive? It’s not rocket science. Likewise, if tendency to murder is genetically determined then the death penalty should soon lead to a reduction in the rate of murders and hence to fewer guilty verdicts for murder in those states that allow it? Well, it isn’t and it doesn’t.

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What a wonderful & revealing bunch of posters we have here. I now know who are the people overflowing with guilt & fear as well as being rather short on love.

For a long time now, many of us has blindly followed the rules that were laid down in stone by people who simply figured out a way to avoid changing. You know, it's difficult when the people around you are spontaneous random because you think that they are not reliable, dependable or responsible. If everybody did what they wanted to do, what would the world be like? If all the rules were taken away, what would happen? Some of you seem to think that we are like caged animals and if the cage was opened, the rules gone, we would all become some kind of hellraising beast! I don't believe in any of this. Instead, I think that if all the outer rules were dropped, our inner rules would be far more humane, spontaneous, loving & kind.

A long time ago, a bunch of humans got together & decided that spontaneous living was ok but not very predictable & so they thought there should be more predictability - so they made some rules. Then they would know how things would be in the future and they could feel safe.They liked predictability because with it, people didn't give them much trouble. Unpredictable people are a pain because they keep changing & can't be relied upon. They are inconvenient. If they change, then the rule makers would have to change, which would be undesirable.

So, the rule makers resisted all change & called on those great cosmic laws they created, to keep people in line.You have to be responsible, reliable, loving & so on down the list.

Look at us now! Do we realise how regimented our lives are? We have to decide what to eat & what not to eat, when to breath & how to breath, what to think & what not to think. And how are we going to think what to think & what not to think? This is one hel_l of a rod we have made for our backs & it's crap.

All of these rules we have made for ourselves are in fact, our present 'hel_l'. Have any of the rules worked? No! If they had worked as they were supposed to, the world would be perfect.

Some of you are a sad indictment upon humanity if all you can do is shout for the blood of a person you don't even know.

No prisons, no death penalty. Try a little compassion instead.

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What a wonderful & revealing bunch of posters we have here. I now know who are the people overflowing with guilt & fear as well as being rather short on love.

For a long time now, many of us has blindly followed the rules that were laid down in stone by people who simply figured out a way to avoid changing. You know, it's difficult when the people around you are spontaneous random because you think that they are not reliable, dependable or responsible. If everybody did what they wanted to do, what would the world be like? If all the rules were taken away, what would happen? Some of you seem to think that we are like caged animals and if the cage was opened, the rules gone, we would all become some kind of hellraising beast! I don't believe in any of this. Instead, I think that if all the outer rules were dropped, our inner rules would be far more humane, spontaneous, loving & kind.

A long time ago, a bunch of humans got together & decided that spontaneous living was ok but not very predictable & so they thought there should be more predictability - so they made some rules. Then they would know how things would be in the future and they could feel safe.They liked predictability because with it, people didn't give them much trouble. Unpredictable people are a pain because they keep changing & can't be relied upon. They are inconvenient. If they change, then the rule makers would have to change, which would be undesirable.

So, the rule makers resisted all change & called on those great cosmic laws they created, to keep people in line.You have to be responsible, reliable, loving & so on down the list.

Look at us now! Do we realise how regimented our lives are? We have to decide what to eat & what not to eat, when to breath & how to breath, what to think & what not to think. And how are we going to think what to think & what not to think? This is one hel_l of a rod we have made for our backs & it's crap.

All of these rules we have made for ourselves are in fact, our present 'hel_l'. Have any of the rules worked? No! If they had worked as they were supposed to, the world would be perfect.

Some of you are a sad indictment upon humanity if all you can do is shout for the blood of a person you don't even know.

No prisons, no death penalty. Try a little compassion instead.


I can't agree with you about 'no prisons'. I am dead set against the death penalty but not against appropriate punishment for murder. It's the most heinous of crimes affecting not only the murdered but their families, friends etc often for the rest of their lives. Quite often people support the death penalty because they only see a soft alternative, sometimes only a few years in prison. So a murderer should get mandatory life meaning life and if that means with hard labour and solitary confinement because the crime was so appalling, and to be effective as a long-standing deterrent, then so be it. But we should always leave open the possibility of some kind of remittance if any extenuating circumstances, provision of evidence against other perpetrators, and even innocence of the convicted is later uncovered. All to often, even in Europe and the USA, convicted murderers are later found to be innocent and we must always cater for mistakes or negligence in our legal systems because they are never perfect. I realise all this is expensive, but protection of the innocent always has a high price tag.

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Actually I beg to differ...I think Thailand's will attract MORE TOURISTS with all these crazy things...murders, boats sinking with tourists on them, buses catching fire, planes hitting the airport terminal, fires in hotels, etc. Because, it will attract the paedophiles and sex tourists who think hope Thailand is still dirty, corrupt, and dysfunctional as ever. They love the idea of poverty and corruption, cuz then they can molest away whatever and whereever they want.

Of course, they kick out the decent people (who live modestly, trying to have a meager but decent lifestyle...but don't spend all that much) by draconian xenophobic laws, then give the old retired men and short term visitors with unlimited paedophilic spending potential long term visas (the "high spenders"), and promote theirselves as the most dysfunctional country in SouthEast Asia. (Well, except Burma). Even Philippines GDP is 7.9% now. While Filipinos try to enter medical professions on the mass scale, Thais are busy causing spreading all the STD's in the first place.

Then instead of providing and promoting healthy foods, Thailand breaks patents to get the free drugs for obesity! I can understand HIV drugs for the poor, but its not for the poor. Thais never cared for the poor, ask any of the poor. Thailand loses far more money when a munitions cache blows up, or when they pass silly draconian investment laws, or when ships full of foreign tourists sink (lets see in the past 5 years, there's been atleast 20 ships sunk in Southern Thailand)....because of their own lame stupidity! Yet "dirt poor" Thailand as they claim, is one of the few nations with an aircraft carrier. What poor peace loving nation needs an aircraft carrier? Sell the ###### carrier and buy the drugs for the poor like the rest of the world!

Of course the West is upset, Thailand acts like its their god given right to drugs. Yet their lazy asses never invented any. While India is busy providing the intellectual manpower for the world development, and making drugs accessible for the genuinely poor, Thailand destroys patents for drugs induced by its own self destructive modern lifestyle!

Never mind that everything is fried in Thailand, cuz cockroaches and rats are everywhere. Never mind that people are turning to 7-Eleven food, laced with so much sugar, fat, and salt. Never mind that you have to buy fruits in the supermarket cuz u get diarrhea. Never mind kids are fattening away at internet cafes playing video games all day never learning social skills. Never mind far more people die on t

e way to the hospital,

cuz they ask for money first before helping, cuz they refuse service in the ambulance, cuz the ambulance can't get through the traffic jam cuz nobody wants to really spend on the public for traffic solutions.

Never mind changing (and enforcing) laws so that farang don't get murdered by their thai wives. Never mind actually trying to do anything!

Never mind just means, you are being screwed but not me...so why do I care?

You are sick somehow. Sorry to say that, but ignorance and lack of understanding and accepting different cultures is the root cause for the problems we face in the world nowadays.

I neither catched STD's nor diarrhea (serious one), so why you bother about the life in Thailand. You are better placed in your home country, instead of flaming a country you don't like. Bye.

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Look at us now! Do we realise how regimented our lives are? We have to decide what to eat & what not to eat, when to breath & how to breath, what to think & what not to think. And how are we going to think what to think & what not to think? This is one hel_l of a rod we have made for our backs & it's crap.

:D You are really funny. Please post more! :o

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