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Weather New Year

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Usually dry and not too hot and humid, the best time to visit is end dec/jan early Feb.

In southern Thailand it can rain anytime year round, it's a tropial country which means storms can occur anytime.

a little bit cooler ,but still shorts and a t shirt .........

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What's the weather like in KS late December - early January.

Heard that it's cold evenings and can be bad. Any truth?

a bit hit or miss.

I would agree with this but I wouldn't put it in the ''cold evenings and bad'' category. :D the odd shower etc but nothing to cry about.

IMO almost every month on samui is a bit hit or miss. having said that, I was there in march once and that was the best weather I can remember.

put it this way - whatever the weather, it'll be better than the UK at that time of the year. :o

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las week of dec usually pretty crap, second week of jan gets great. been on the islands every year for the last 10 at this time, and except for 1998's monsoon (plane down in surat that year), it rarely varies

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There's also a big difference in the weather on Samui, Phangan and Tao around dec/jan. New years eve has been warm and dry o Koh Tao in the last 3 years (dunno about the years before). Usually the boats leave Koh Tao with a clear blue sky, to arrive at rainy Samui after two hours.

The sea is the same around all islands, if it's rough, it absolutely smells horrible inside the boats and you can find every color of the rainbow on the faces....

Best time for smelly boattrips: October - December (at no extra charge!)

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....the best time to stay in samui is from 1.1. until 31.12., ........every year :o

agree, every weather forecast web sites has always the little cloud with thunderstorm....

every month, all year around, just the temp go up in summer...

last month of december actually the rainy days were rare.....

the forecast are totally useless, they should only give a numer: rain probability....

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November and December is the rainy season when it can rain for days on end. Last year it didn`t really happen.

Thats not to say it wont this or next year.

Lets hope there is a rainy season this year for the sake of the people who live there all year round and rely on the water it brings.

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