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Google Hits New High

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After today’s close, I placed an order to sell my GOOG at market at the open tomorrow.

I’ll see how it does tomorrow on the European exchanges and if the price is up I may change or cancel my sell order.



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After today’s close, I placed an order to sell my GOOG at market at the open tomorrow.

I’ll see how it does tomorrow on the European exchanges and if the price is up I may change or cancel my sell order.



Have a look here, Maestro...I think I wrote about it before and it surprises me that so many 'insiders' of GOOG sold so many shares in the recent past:


You can also click on "most recent transacrtions" and "planned sales" in this link.

Interesting stuff. Nobody (of the insiders) buys... :o

Good luck !


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Why is Microsoft at 35 and Google 700+ I dont get it.

I should have bought Google last year.

The price of a stock itself doesn't say very much.

Microsoft has a P/E of 22+ and Google 54+.........

Also, you can't compare the 2 companies.

Microsoft started trading in 1986 at $ 0.09 cents :D or so, with an all time high of $ 55 at the beginning of 2000; now around $ 34/35.

Google started trading in August 2004 at around $ 108 (18 years later than Microsoft) with an all time high at $ 747 (not the plane :o ), now at around $ 693.

Personally I consider Microsoft as a more robust company versus Google (don't attack me Gents...) because of the enormous possibilities in the Far East with more than 3.3 Billion consumers.

Bill Gates has personal ties with Beijing and they're doing the utmost to have the copy industry 'killed' with low cost versions of their software.

But, of course Google has it's enormous growing possibilities as well in the same region.

But, at the moment with a declining Dollar I won't buy either of them -yet-.


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Why is Microsoft at 35 and Google 700+ I dont get it.

I should have bought Google last year.

The price of a stock itself doesn't say very much.

Microsoft has a P/E of 22+ and Google 54+.........

Also, you can't compare the 2 companies.

Microsoft started trading in 1986 at $ 0.09 cents :D or so, with an all time high of $ 55 at the beginning of 2000; now around $ 34/35.

Google started trading in August 2004 at around $ 108 (18 years later than Microsoft) with an all time high at $ 747 (not the plane :o ), now at around $ 693.

Personally I consider Microsoft as a more robust company versus Google (don't attack me Gents...) because of the enormous possibilities in the Far East with more than 3.3 Billion consumers.

Bill Gates has personal ties with Beijing and they're doing the utmost to have the copy industry 'killed' with low cost versions of their software.

But, of course Google has it's enormous growing possibilities as well in the same region.

But, at the moment with a declining Dollar I won't buy either of them -yet-.


Because of the size of the float. MSFT greater than 9 billion shares outstanding, float greater than 8 billion. GOOG 312 million shares outstanding, float 235 million.

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Be careful with market orders after a big decline like Friday. At a minimum do a limit price $10 above previous close. Personally, I see Google back around $800 before end of the year, but I am hedging with a good position in QID for overall market unceartainity.

Google's little advertising business earns them quite a profit and huge growth. That market will expand in the next couple years!

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google chart is broken, support is as follows:

607, 564 and 523.......enjoy the ride down

Bingobongo, it would be nice of you to support your news with links; you might be able to educate us all... :o

If you have no links, was it the wind outside your bedroom which told you the Google chart is broken ? :D

Or was it Google's CEO, Mr. Schmidt, telling you why he sold so many shares this year of his own stock, becoming a Billionaire within 5 years :D Now, don't you tell me you ARE Schmidt...are you ?


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Why is Microsoft at 35 and Google 700+ I dont get it.

I should have bought Google last year.

The price of a stock itself doesn't say very much.

Microsoft has a P/E of 22+ and Google 54+.........

Also, you can't compare the 2 companies.

Microsoft started trading in 1986 at $ 0.09 cents :D or so, with an all time high of $ 55 at the beginning of 2000; now around $ 34/35.

Google started trading in August 2004 at around $ 108 (18 years later than Microsoft) with an all time high at $ 747 (not the plane :o ), now at around $ 693.

Personally I consider Microsoft as a more robust company versus Google (don't attack me Gents...) because of the enormous possibilities in the Far East with more than 3.3 Billion consumers.

Bill Gates has personal ties with Beijing and they're doing the utmost to have the copy industry 'killed' with low cost versions of their software.

But, of course Google has it's enormous growing possibilities as well in the same region.

But, at the moment with a declining Dollar I won't buy either of them -yet-.


Because of the size of the float. MSFT greater than 9 billion shares outstanding, float greater than 8 billion. GOOG 312 million shares outstanding, float 235 million.

Thanks Lannarebirth but the 'float' number of shares doesn't say it all.

I think however it's a combination of all factors, including Market Caps:

MSFT: $ 314 Billion, with a P/E of 22, and a share price of $ 33.63 (last price)

GOOG: $ 208 Billion with a P/E at 52......and a share price of $ 644.57 (last price) (The share price is almost 20 x times of MSFT)

So, if GOOG would reach/have a P/E of 22, like MSFT, it would be a lot less worthy.

It's the question if the valuation of GOOG is correct, especially versus MSFT.


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google chart is broken, support is as follows:

607, 564 and 523.......enjoy the ride down

Bingobongo, it would be nice of you to support your news with links; you might be able to educate us all... :o

If you have no links, was it the wind outside your bedroom which told you the Google chart is broken ? :D

Or was it Google's CEO, Mr. Schmidt, telling you why he sold so many shares this year of his own stock, becoming a Billionaire within 5 years :D Now, don't you tell me you ARE Schmidt...are you ?


no wind laopo, just charts, see you in the 500s.........i am short since 725 and have no intention to cover anytime soon.......as i write GOOG down another 15 today

by the way my short on countrywide (CFC) is still in place...remember that one?

Edited by bingobongo
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i misspoke, Google is down 31 today, Nov 12 (i was happy it was down 15), anyway, see you in the 500s

when 607 is broken, next stop is in 560 range

it may bounce, but the trend is down

I know Bingo; but don't address GOOG to me, as I'm not the OP who was asking for advise which I gave him. Read the previous posts. I doubted the high stock from the beginning and questioned the enormous selling by the insiders of Google, including the CEO.

BTW, GOOG ended 632 and is up a little 'after hours.


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  • 2 months later...
i wont say i told you so but it is fun to do so.........i told you so

Don't be snobbish BB...I told him earlier to sell than you did in #2 :o

Maybe some remember my warning about INSIDER heavy selling of own stock.

Serious: GOOG down more than 10% trading around 520-525 now as I write.

The OP sold 50% of his shares (if I remember correctly) well at around 725 so he did good, very good.


Edited by LaoPo
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There are lots of things I read on the Internet which I don't believe, a disproportionate number of which are here in TV and no where so concentrated as in posts discussing 'personal wealth and investments'.

Of course what I believe and what I do not believe varies from post to post, but in this particular case I find, among other things, the idea that anyone is going to make financial decisions involving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the basis of advice received on TV's 'General' forum.

Maybe its the fact I haven't had a beer for a few weeks now, or maybe its something else.... either way, I'm taking this post with a large pinch of salt.

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I remember when both Google and Gold were under $500 there was speculation to see which would reach $500 1st . Gold won and is still ahead and I think going higher long term - Perhaps switch some of your google profits into Gold ?

I do not know the prices now but imagine you would have done very well switching from google to gold last November .

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There are lots of things I read on the Internet which I don't believe, a disproportionate number of which are here in TV and no where so concentrated as in posts discussing 'personal wealth and investments'.

Of course what I believe and what I do not believe varies from post to post, but in this particular case I find, among other things, the idea that anyone is going to make financial decisions involving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the basis of advice received on TV's 'General' forum.

Maybe its the fact I haven't had a beer for a few weeks now, or maybe its something else.... either way, I'm taking this post with a large pinch of salt.


He is a teacher, earning a pittance, according to his own admissions previously.

He invests 10k UK which he can sell now to release 5.5 million baht, and he comes on here to ask all these armchair financial analysts what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!

In one word <deleted>

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On advice received in 2004 i bought 10k, worth of Google shares at $84 a share ( 10k UK pounds )

I see now they have now hit the magic $700 mark.

I,m tempted to cash in but what would you advise? Sell or hold?


Google floated in August 2004 @100USD

The lowest it went in 2004 was 99 USD

How did you manage to get shares at 84?

Tschhhhh some people!!!

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On advice received in 2004 i bought 10k, worth of Google shares at $84 a share ( 10k UK pounds )

I see now they have now hit the magic $700 mark.

I,m tempted to cash in but what would you advise? Sell or hold?


Google floated in August 2004 @100USD

The lowest it went in 2004 was 99 USD

How did you manage to get shares at 84?

Tschhhhh some people!!!

My recollection is that Google IPO'd in a modified Duth Auction with shares available to the public and investment houses alike at $85. I think it then ran up to $99 the first day.

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On advice received in 2004 i bought 10k, worth of Google shares at $84 a share ( 10k UK pounds )

I see now they have now hit the magic $700 mark.

I,m tempted to cash in but what would you advise? Sell or hold?


Google floated in August 2004 @100USD

The lowest it went in 2004 was 99 USD

How did you manage to get shares at 84?

Tschhhhh some people!!!

My recollection is that Google IPO'd in a modified Duth Auction with shares available to the public and investment houses alike at $85. I think it then ran up to $99 the first day.

That's correct; first trade was at $ 100.01 on August 19, 2004 after price was set on $ 85.

The OP could have been lucky and 'awarded' a portion of shares of the total shares offered -19.605.052-

IF he got those shares at the IPO and sold between 700 and top of 741 he did a good job. Excellent job.


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On advice received in 2004 i bought 10k, worth of Google shares at $84 a share ( 10k UK pounds )

I see now they have now hit the magic $700 mark.

I,m tempted to cash in but what would you advise? Sell or hold?


Google floated in August 2004 @100USD

The lowest it went in 2004 was 99 USD

How did you manage to get shares at 84?

Tschhhhh some people!!!

My recollection is that Google IPO'd in a modified Duth Auction with shares available to the public and investment houses alike at $85. I think it then ran up to $99 the first day.

That's correct; first trade was at $ 100.01 on August 19, 2004 after price was set on $ 85.

The OP could have been lucky and 'awarded' a portion of shares of the total shares offered -19.605.052-

IF he got those shares at the IPO and sold between 700 and top of 741 he did a good job. Excellent job.


Have you any idea how difficult it was to get those shares. Virtually impossible, I can assure you. An individual investor, who lets face it knows bog all about investing, would have zero chance of buying Google at the prices he has said.

If you were a priviledged client of an investment bank, then maybe :D

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Have you any idea how difficult it was to get those shares. Virtually impossible, I can assure you. An individual investor, who lets face it knows bog all about investing, would have zero chance of buying Google at the prices he has said.

If you were a priviledged client of an investment bank, then maybe :o

http://money.cnn.com/2004/04/29/technology/googleauction/ :D

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On advice received in 2004 i bought 10k, worth of Google shares at $84 a share ( 10k UK pounds )

I see now they have now hit the magic $700 mark.

I,m tempted to cash in but what would you advise? Sell or hold?


Google floated in August 2004 @100USD

The lowest it went in 2004 was 99 USD

How did you manage to get shares at 84?

Tschhhhh some people!!!

My recollection is that Google IPO'd in a modified Duth Auction with shares available to the public and investment houses alike at $85. I think it then ran up to $99 the first day.


The only way a member of the public could enter the Dutch Auction is if thhey had accounts with either the underwriters or one of the larger investment banks or brokerage houses.

10,000 pounds sterling would not get you through the door I'm afraid.

I know many people in the Financial world, many who bought Google, not one of them got it below 100USD :o

It was all hyped up even before the pre-ipo. I am afraid the OP is in dreamland

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Have you any idea how difficult it was to get those shares. Virtually impossible, I can assure you. An individual investor, who lets face it knows bog all about investing, would have zero chance of buying Google at the prices he has said.

If you were a priviledged client of an investment bank, then maybe :D

http://money.cnn.com/2004/04/29/technology/googleauction/ :D

Read it, then read it again.

If you think a normal Joe Blow could have bought them at 85 USD :o:D

Didnt happen.

Tell you what, the OP scans and sends me the trading ticket, I'll put 20,000 baht to his favorite charity. Its total BS

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  • 1 month later...
Done. Sold 50 % today. I,m going to sit on the other half and see what happens with the mobile phones.

Thanks to everyone for the help and opinions.

You sold well above the $ 700 line. You did well. It's back -5.33% today and ended at $ 693.



Just curious.....that was almost 4 months ago.

GOOG is now around $ 460.-- and November 5, 2007 it was around $ 725.--

Tell us stevemiddie, what happend with the rest of your 50% in GOOG shares ? Did you keep them or sold them ?


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