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Pattaya Now Has Legal Metered Taxis!

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See them allmost every day.

- Bali hai pier.

- 2nd road in front of Royal garden

- Big C (Festival) North Pattaya

- Carrefour

- Beachroad jomtien in the corner where the police box is and the 7/11.

Yes, if a culture was built up of taxi meters and people learned they did use the meters, the demand would be fantastic. And it would be GREAT for local businesses, especially those in more out of the way places, 3rd Road, Pratumnak, the developing areas of inland Jomtien. They could advertise with taxi cards and draw in lots of new business.

I'm not disputing that a good metered taxi service would be most welcome in Pattaya, but the baht buses give Pattaya a unique feel that tourists probably appreciate.

  • 2 weeks later...

Out and about over the holiday period I have noticed the taxis more frequently now.

I've also noticed that some have their 'Warng' light on whilst carrying passengers while some do not which leads me to suspect that those that do, have not turned on the meter for the fare but are on a fixed fee.


Don Jingthing

Over 2 months ago I posted about speaking to someone just getting out of one of the new taxis and confirmed that the meter was indeed used. 100 Baht from cental Pattaya to central Jomtien.

Just before Xmas I spoke to a taxi driver out front of Villa and asked if he would use the meter to Jomtien. He would not, quoting 150 Baht. He did say that after the New Year they would be using the meter. True or not I don't yet know.

However, I see them regularly. Perhaps I have missed a post from you describing your first trip in the new taxis.

If I have not missed that post and you have never used one, I have a question for you.

When are you going to walk the walk and not just talk the talk? :o


I was in Pattaya last week and saw one o these taxis. outside Shananigans and I wanted to go to walking street.

the guy saw me coming and said TAXI METER as they do, I said I need to go to walking street and he said 100baht so I said put it on the meter and he said 150baht. strange, needless to say but a grabbed a motorsy instead.

funny thing is, if the guy did use the meter I would of given him a 100 anyway.

When are you going to walk the walk and not just talk the talk?

When I see one when I actually need one, that is when. And then only if they will use the meter. I don't live my life to prove anything to you or anyone else.

I do care about this issue not only for my own needs, but also for the residents and tourists in Pattaya, and the future development of Pattaya as a more full service beach resort city. I also think it would be great for businesses outside the usual baht bus routes.

Your expected future insults fall off me like mosquitos on a whale, have a nice day.

When are you going to walk the walk and not just talk the talk?

When I see one when I actually need one, that is when. And then only if they will use the meter. I don't live my life to prove anything to you or anyone else.

I do care about this issue not only for my own needs, but also for the residents and tourists in Pattaya, and the future development of Pattaya as a more full service beach resort city. I also think it would be great for businesses outside the usual baht bus routes.

Your expected future insults fall off me like mosquitos on a whale, have a nice day.

Come on Jingthing, you know that'll never happen. What are the chances of you catching an available taxi meter at the exact time and place you need one?

You had your chance and you blew it.

PS. Don't mind me, I'm just bored. :o


You guys are just being silly. It doesn't make a wit of difference what one person's anectodal experience is. This thread is about many people reporting and communicating.

And, no. I don't know it won't happen that someday Pattaya might have taxi meter service comparable on Pattaya's scale to Bangkok. Anytime soon, of course not. But most of you didn't think we would even have the begginning of this ever, and we yet we now have some hope. And you don't know how this will eventually turn out either.

You guys are just being silly. It doesn't make a wit of difference what one person's anectodal experience is. This thread is about many people reporting and communicating.

And, no. I don't know it won't happen that someday Pattaya might have taxi meter service comparable on Pattaya's scale to Bangkok. Anytime soon, of course not. But most of you didn't think we would even have the begginning of this ever, and we yet we now have some hope. And you don't know how this will eventually turn out either.

Well Jingthing do pigs fly? Well one day they might just!!

Just you continue to do yer dinger and everyone else can do theirs!

There is no harm in my view to have the occasional thread that injects some improvements.



Don Jingthing

You perceived insult where none was intended. But the question was serious. More than enough time has passed for you to have experienced the latest upgrade to our fair town. One would have thought you would have made it a point to find and patronize those drivers that will use the meter.

But....here comes the shot...you now put me in mind of the officer yelling "Charge men! I'm right behind you!"

Ps guess it's time for a new avatar. :o

It doesn't make a wit of difference what one person's anecdotal experience is. This thread is about many people reporting and communicating.

Am I the only one that sees a contradiction here? Isn't it the case that most 'reporting and communicating' herein is inherently anecdotal?

Since most responses to TV posts are by nature anecdotal, does the above infer they are therefore irrelevant?

It doesn't make a wit of difference what one person's anecdotal experience is. This thread is about many people reporting and communicating.

Am I the only one that sees a contradiction here? Isn't it the case that most 'reporting and communicating' herein is inherently anecdotal?

Since most responses to TV posts are by nature anecdotal, does the above infer they are therefore irrelevant?

Its about a large number people reporting. I have nothing to report. If and when I do, I will.


Anyone else tried their number and got a response ? I still never get an answer.

As for onnut being willing to give him Bt100 if he used the meter from Shenanigans to Walking Street then that is just daft. Use the meter, pay the meter fare and round it up as per Bangkok. I reckon that fare would be a mere Bt35 if the meter is properly calibrated and he hasn't started it before you get in.

I'm actually tempted to park the car when I see one and ask if they'll use the meter.

Its about a large number people reporting. I have nothing to report. If and when I do, I will.

To get a large number of people reporting, one needs (in order of priority):

i. A large number of people sufficiently inconvenienced by the current public transportation system.

ii. A large number of taxis.

iii. A large number of people willing to do what they preach and not just tell others what they need to be doing.

So, I have just exhaled but will keep looking skywards.

Its about a large number people reporting. I have nothing to report. If and when I do, I will.

To get a large number of people reporting, one needs (in order of priority):

i. A large number of people sufficiently inconvenienced by the current public transportation system.

ii. A large number of taxis.

iii. A large number of people willing to do what they preach and not just tell others what they need to be doing.

So, I have just exhaled but will keep looking skywards.

You seem to be very concerned about this matter. How about you get off your keyboard and provide some type of useful service instead of continually baiting people on this forum.

You seem to be very concerned about this matter. How about you get off your keyboard and provide some type of useful service instead of continually baiting people on this forum.

Come on tropo, lighten up. It's only a forum after all.

I average less than 1 post/day whereas you average over 7 posts/day and you think that I need to get off my keyboard?

You seem to be very concerned about this matter. How about you get off your keyboard and provide some type of useful service instead of continually baiting people on this forum.

Come on tropo, lighten up. It's only a forum after all.

I average less than 1 post/day whereas you average over 7 posts/day and you think that I need to get off my keyboard?

Don't forget it's not me complaining about Jingthing's inaction here.

This post took me about 30 seconds to type and post x 7.... ..

I think I can still have a life and post 7 a day.


So what are you suggesting exactly? That I make it my job to spend money on taxis rides I don't need, chasing down taxis that are hard to find for these rides, to report to you? To prove what? That might show something if one person did that alot. I sure am not and I don't know where you got the idea that I would or should. I will start to use taxis here when they are convenient and available for me to use them when I want to use them, I will also require that there are taxis to bring me back. For example, why take a taxi to a remote part of Pratumnak Hill if there is no way back? That would be crazy. If that is never, then it will be never. I don't see any inconsistency. My Don Quixote crusade is about the the goal of real taxi service here, with meters, like Bangkok. We aren't there yet. Until we are, it isn't useful to me, or in my view, most anyone, as we already had a rip off charter service in the form of chartered baht buses. What we needed and still need are readily available TAXI METERS. When you start to hear that I am regularly taking taxi meters here, we will have arrived. And of course that might be never.

Don't forget it's not me complaining about Jingthing's inaction here.

This post took me about 30 seconds to type and post x 7.... ..

I think I can still have a life and post 7 a day.

So that wasn't you in post #290 ?

Come on Jingthing, you know that'll never happen. What are the chances of you catching an available taxi meter at the exact time and place you need one?

You had your chance and you blew it.

PS. Don't mind me, I'm just bored. :o

Glad to hear you can type real quick. Pity you can't remember the half of it tho'... must be the boredom.

And before you put words in my mouth about you not having a life, YOU brought up that debatable point, not I.

^ Correction! Post #282

Thanks for the correction.

Sometimes comments can be taken out of context, so allow me to elaborate.

When I mentioned that I was bored, I was referring to the ThaiVisa forum's topics on that particular day, not my life in general.

Perhaps you've averaged 1 post per day since you joined up, but lately you've been offering a lot more. Thank you! :o

So what are you suggesting exactly? That I make it my job to spend money on taxis rides I don't need, chasing down taxis that are hard to find for these rides, to report to you? To prove what? That might show something if one person did that alot. I sure am not and I don't know where you got the idea that I would or should. I will start to use taxis here when they are convenient and available for me to use them when I want to use them, I will also require that there are taxis to bring me back. For example, why take a taxi to a remote part of Pratumnak Hill if there is no way back? That would be crazy. If that is never, then it will be never. I don't see any inconsistency. My Don Quixote crusade is about the the goal of real taxi service here, with meters, like Bangkok. We aren't there yet. Until we are, it isn't useful to me, or in my view, most anyone, as we already had a rip off charter service in the form of chartered baht buses. What we needed and still need are readily available TAXI METERS. When you start to hear that I am regularly taking taxi meters here, we will have arrived. And of course that might be never.

That's a very good point. You'd have to be careful not to get stranded somewhere when you take a taxi. That's the best reason not to take a taxi you've come up with so far.

^ Correction! Post #282

Thanks for the correction.

Sometimes comments can be taken out of context, so allow me to elaborate.

When I mentioned that I was bored, I was referring to the ThaiVisa forum's topics on that particular day, not my life in general.

Perhaps you've averaged 1 post per day since you joined up, but lately you've been offering a lot more. Thank you! :o

Thanks for the elaboration, point taken. However, I was taking issue with you taking issue that I was the only one taking issue with the OP's lack of inertia, ad infinitum.

Having said that, I agree that this is probably boring the pants off the average TV member and not just you and I, so...

I no longer see the OP as the Don Quixote of "Bangkok-style taxi-meters in Pattaya", just a concerned resident, possibly part-time, maybe retired but earnest in their intentions nonetheless. Plus he's/she's a Democrat so can't be all bad, eh?

And an astute observation on my recently increased TV contributions Tropo... I am flattered that anyone should remark on that (but don't let it go to your head, I am happily married). When I am in Pattaya, the TV forum usually gets my very infrequent and mundane requests for waste disposal systems and dog hotels. However, right now I am offshore west Africa (and have been since before my birthday, Christmas and Hogmanay) watching some paint dry and so I have loads more time on my hands, not to mention a faster and more reliable internet connection than bloody CAT and TOT combined! Howdya like them apples?!

On the subject of another post (excuse the little high-jack here Jing), I will not and never intended to squash you like a bug (not that you would let me anyway) but I do reserve the right to keep adding little struck-out motorcycle decals to the nacelles of my BIG truck so that others less astute and experienced may be afraid or just stay the <deleted> away.

High-jack over! Sorry mikethevigoman, no white-knuckle races to the border.... for now.


And an astute observation on my recently increased TV contributions Tropo... I am flattered that anyone should remark on that (but don't let it go to your head, I am happily married). When I am in Pattaya, the TV forum usually gets my very infrequent and mundane requests for waste disposal systems and dog hotels. However, right now I am offshore west Africa (and have been since before my birthday, Christmas and Hogmanay) watching some paint dry and so I have loads more time on my hands, not to mention a faster and more reliable internet connection than bloody CAT and TOT combined! Howdya like them apples?!

It's hard to miss your numerous baited posts. If not for those I would have been none the wiser regarding your post frequency.

Your West African location would explain your 5 am posts. You must be about 5 or 6 hours behind, so good night! :o

My Don Quixote crusade is about the the goal of real taxi service here, with meters, like Bangkok. We aren't there yet.


What is your usual means of transportation? Do you drive a motorcycle or car, or do you use the songthaews?

If you are a bahtbus rider, simply look for a taxi to take you home. That eliminates the problem of finding one when you want to go out.

As the leader of this crusade and the OP, you lose your credibility by making excuses for not not taking the taxis that are already here. And for sure if everyone thought like you there will never be many more of them. For any service to prosper there has to be customers.

And yes, a true crusader would take a taxi ride to nowhere simply to say they have done it. :o

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