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Brian in Baan Bua Guesthouse passed away on Tuesday.

He got a heartattack Saturday and were in ICU a couple of days but then his heart could not make it any more.

He has been in Chiang Rai for 14-15 years at least and had many friends here.

His body will be in Wat Yet Yod on Saturday from 1 pm.

Everyone that wants to pay respect are welcome.

There will be a religious ceremony around 7 pm.

On Sunday his body will be transported to England for the funeral.

Brian, you were a good guy, we will miss you!

Rest in peace!

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Brian in Baan Bua Guesthouse passed away on Tuesday.

I was just writing in a thread about Mae Sai that I would normally stay in CR if I had time and this was where I used to stay. Sorry to read this news, he was a very nice guy. One time I stayed there and had called through to book a room but got there late in the evening to find out they had booked it out assuming I wasn't coming. He organised a room for me at another place and was most apologetic.


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An Akha friend whose husband used to work at Ban Bua mentioned this -

if someone else hadn't told me before though, I might not have realized who

"Bai-Ann" was!

Certainly I always have held BanBua to be the best Guest House in town, and advise friends to stay there.

Brian's wife Tim is a fine, wonderful person - and though Brian would complain about her, he was with her when his

first heart-attack occurred (full death came with a 2nd one). I hope she will keep the place... but it certainly won't be

the same without Brian (Bai-an). Sorry to miss the services, but am of necessity out of town...

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Just wondering how someone who looked fairly healthy could go so young. Was he a heavy drinker? :o

I think heart attacks strike the Godly and the unGodly alike.

A weakness in the heart can be induced of course but many victims seem to lead healthy lifestyles.

A good diet and regular exercise minimize your chances of an attack while boozing and smoking have the opposite effect.

So I'm told anyway.

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I am very sorry to hear this news.

I just met Brian a couple of months ago when I went to CR.

I pulled into Baan Bua to see if any rooms were available. A friendly fellow approached (he was watering plants in the garden with a hose) and asked me what he could help me with. We engaged in a brief chat for about 15 minutes or so, he told me where he was from in England, I reciprocated, we spoke about motorcycles and touring, business in CR, etc. A very amiable and kind-hearted man.

RIP, Brian. :o

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I've Known Brian for approx 12 years, Our Kids play together regularly, I stay at the guesthouse every couple of weeks and nip around most saturday mornings.

If he wasn't a friend then he was certainly a friendly Guy and a perfect Host. The only person i've spoken to in Thailand more than him is my wife.

He wasn't adverse to a good Moan about all things Thai, and was constantly rushing around as though he was the only one working and the place couldn't run without him, he had convinced me that he was right. needless to say He did work very hard; I just wish he could have learned to share the workload. He had started to look old the last few years, and I was constantly telling him he needed to Chill out, but I've never met an expat here who would listen to anyone else anyway ;-)

He did like a beer, probably drank too much as do a lot of us, but wasn't what I would call an hardened Drinker.

I last saw him The Saturday Morning at the Hospital whilst he was being moved to ICU. I'm pretty sure he had already left us at this stage.

I've been back to the Guesthouse a few times since, although the atmostphere is a bit subdued as you would expect, everything else seems to be running fine, The Breakfasts still spot on and exactly as he would have made it himself.

Not sure what I'm trying to say, So I'll leave it at that.

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I've known Brian for 9 years. always friendly and quick with his acerbic wit.

I reminded him recently that, over the years, I had recommended dozens of farang visitors stay at his place. He reluctantly agreed to my request for a BLT sandwich for me helping to steer so many people to stay at Ban Bua. Now, will I ever get that BLT?

I can picture Brian in Heaven, loping around the grounds - fixing things, grumbling with a grin and a twinkle in his eye.

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