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Norwegian Severely Assaulted By Briton

sriracha john

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sometimes i try to close my eyes and see the world from other's eyes, and emphasis with them, like why they decided to get a large ugly tattoo of a lion on their shoulder, but i cant do it.

"Emphasis'' with them? With your talk of Ph.D and Professor friends I was beginning to think you were an English Teacher.

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I dont know how many feel about being called a farang.

Being called a viking?

I guess I rather want to be called a farang, since that is what I am in this country, and the "age of the Vikings" oficially ended after the battle at Stamford Bridge.

The age of the vikings may well be over but some of the scandi's certainly can show they have the 'viking spirit' in them if push comes to shove let me tell you :o

So we've got the two feuding sides to this, those that believe the tourist was in the wrong OR those that think the Brit was in the wrong.

Wait, wait, wait and lets just see what the other side of the story is.

I for one do not place a great deal of trust in the Thai media.

It could be the tourist now that he's sober may have a different tale to tell after having been interviewed in hospital.

Who knows?

It's all a storm in a tea cup and another day in glorious Pattaya and Thailand :D

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By the way: there is an exception to every rule as they say, but the rule is, in my not so humble opinion, that most farang bar-owners/managers in thailand and other SE Asian countries are low-lifes and in the region for all the wrong reasons.

This is obviously a troll by a newbie with no understanding in life. What age are you? 12?

Manchester: not sure what you mean with "no understanding in life" and no I am not a troll and a bit older than 12 unfortunately.

Having thought about my opinion long and hard again just now, I have to come to the same conclusion. The majority of farang bar owners/managers in SE Asia are in this profession because it is about the only option most of them have, besides teaching english, to stay in the region and enjoy all its merits.

I have been around SE Asia for over 7 years now and have come across hundreds of them. Some very good professionals, some manage to get by but most are just loosers with no other options.

In all categories there is a significant issue with alcoholism, in the professionally run bars there hardly ever is an issue with violence, staff are well trained and proper screening is done before employment. Well run bars make money for employees, so they stay. Badly run bars by a bunch of loosers have high staffturnover, questionable recruitment procedures and owners/managers getting involved with the staff. This type of environment breeds violence and rip offs. It does everywhere around the world.

Think again; have a good look at the average type of person running/owning bars in Pattaya, Pnhom Phen, Sihanoukville, Bangkok, Angeles City etc. I don't see how anybody could come to a different conclusion than me.

And; no I am not a bar owner/manager and I do not teach english.

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By the way: there is an exception to every rule as they say, but the rule is, in my not so humble opinion, that most farang bar-owners/managers in thailand and other SE Asian countries are low-lifes and in the region for all the wrong reasons.

This is obviously a troll by a newbie with no understanding in life. What age are you? 12?

Manchester: not sure what you mean with "no understanding in life" and no I am not a troll and a bit older than 12 unfortunately.

Having thought about my opinion long and hard again just now, I have to come to the same conclusion. The majority of farang bar owners/managers in SE Asia are in this profession because it is about the only option most of them have, besides teaching english, to stay in the region and enjoy all its merits.

I have been around SE Asia for over 7 years now and have come across hundreds of them. Some very good professionals, some manage to get by but most are just loosers with no other options.

In all categories there is a significant issue with alcoholism, in the professionally run bars there hardly ever is an issue with violence, staff are well trained and proper screening is done before employment. Well run bars make money for employees, so they stay. Badly run bars by a bunch of loosers have high staffturnover, questionable recruitment procedures and owners/managers getting involved with the staff. This type of environment breeds violence and rip offs. It does everywhere around the world.

Think again; have a good look at the average type of person running/owning bars in Pattaya, Pnhom Phen, Sihanoukville, Bangkok, Angeles City etc. I don't see how anybody could come to a different conclusion than me.

And; no I am not a bar owner/manager and I do not teach english.

I bet you have a perfect marriage a beautiful wife who dotes on you for being superior to all but the gifted few. There must be 2 wonderful kids who run into your arms the second they hear the door creak from your arrival after another productive day at the office in which you made strides towards conquering famine, world peace, global warming whilst at the same time adding several more 000's to your bank balance.

When you speak people not only listen to you, but they are in awe at the prophecy's you offer to their feeble uneducated drunken minds, you know of your superiority as these "disheveled irks" prey on the vulnerable for that most perverse activity that the lowlife perform for fun that is called sexual intercourse.

PS Why would someone of your intelligence not read about such places as Pattaya, Pnhom Phen, Sihanoukville, Bangkok which have many low life expat scumbags where prostitution is rife and avoid them like the plague.

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Struck a cord did i ? , im not joking, take a trip down union st in plymouth on a weekend, women are as bad as the men,. and no i dont go there, its all over the news every monday ,. another reason to live in LOS for me,
That brings back memories mate, i used to live in devon about 15 years ago and i had many a night out in union street But the street behind it used to be very good for working girls

We've got a house in Plymouth and a member of my family runs the "private" shop on Manor rd and has done for years and his partner owns the secondhand shops and the Gentlemens club. :o

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As for your point about English peole getting a bad reputation AGAIN!! what do you mean by that?? when did the English have a bad reputation before?? enlighten me :o:D

My guess would be anytime from the mid 1500s

I disagree. It started on 2nd May 1997.

The reputation improved a little on 27th June 2007.

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By the way: there is an exception to every rule as they say, but the rule is, in my not so humble opinion, that most farang bar-owners/managers in thailand and other SE Asian countries are low-lifes and in the region for all the wrong reasons.

This is obviously a troll by a newbie with no understanding in life. What age are you? 12?

Manchester: not sure what you mean with "no understanding in life" and no I am not a troll and a bit older than 12 unfortunately.

Having thought about my opinion long and hard again just now, I have to come to the same conclusion. The majority of farang bar owners/managers in SE Asia are in this profession because it is about the only option most of them have, besides teaching english, to stay in the region and enjoy all its merits.

I have been around SE Asia for over 7 years now and have come across hundreds of them. Some very good professionals, some manage to get by but most are just loosers with no other options.

In all categories there is a significant issue with alcoholism, in the professionally run bars there hardly ever is an issue with violence, staff are well trained and proper screening is done before employment. Well run bars make money for employees, so they stay. Badly run bars by a bunch of loosers have high staffturnover, questionable recruitment procedures and owners/managers getting involved with the staff. This type of environment breeds violence and rip offs. It does everywhere around the world.

Think again; have a good look at the average type of person running/owning bars in Pattaya, Pnhom Phen, Sihanoukville, Bangkok, Angeles City etc. I don't see how anybody could come to a different conclusion than me.

And; no I am not a bar owner/manager and I do not teach english.

I bet you have a perfect marriage a beautiful wife who dotes on you for being superior to all but the gifted few. There must be 2 wonderful kids who run into your arms the second they hear the door creak from your arrival after another productive day at the office in which you made strides towards conquering famine, world peace, global warming whilst at the same time adding several more 000's to your bank balance.

When you speak people not only listen to you, but they are in awe at the prophecy's you offer to their feeble uneducated drunken minds, you know of your superiority as these "disheveled irks" prey on the vulnerable for that most perverse activity that the lowlife perform for fun that is called sexual intercourse.

PS Why would someone of your intelligence not read about such places as Pattaya, Pnhom Phen, Sihanoukville, Bangkok which have many low life expat scumbags where prostitution is rife and avoid them like the plague.

Are you jealous? Would you like to own a bar in SE Asia? I had one 6 years ago as a joke. Sold it with a 20% profit after 6 months to the mia noi of a farang. Yes I was one of them for 6 months and have no regrets. I have a normal expat job and the bar was fun for 6 months, but could not combine running a bar with my real job.

Yes I do have a problem with loosers opening bars for lack of better options. Most of them do not stand a chance running any type of business in their home countries, come here on holiday, want to hang around, get a TGF (or vice versa), open a bar (and buy a few buffaloes) and go bankrupt because they are their own best customers and have no idea how to be successful running a bar! Many of them are making money on the side with copied watch export, cigarettes, copied software and so on. When they run out of options they blame all and sundry for their "misfortune", especially blaming the locals.

Yes I may look at this from a slightly priviliged position, but I got where i am by working bloody hard and got nothing for free.

Maybe we should place a bet of a few million THB on your assumption that I am happily married with 2 kids etc.. Winning the bet would allow you to open a bar!! Good luck!!

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A pint and a fight - A great British night.

Nah - the Three F's "<deleted>*^ing, Fighting and Football" is it not? :o

Not while I was in the British Army!. 3 F's = Find em, <deleted> em, Forget em. Mind you this was from a culture of:

Officers and their Ladies

Warrant Officers & SNCO's and their wives

Rank and File with their women

Stand easy

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Maybe we should place a bet of a few million THB on your assumption that I am happily married with 2 kids etc.. Winning the bet would allow you to open a bar!! Good luck!!

I dont gamble and i rarely drink but you do sound like the boy who has done good so i respect you for looking down on others, maybe one of these muppets who loses his bar in Pattaya will gain the infinite wisdom you acquired from doing so.

Anyway i off to slap a Norwegian about, where's that little bloke.

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By the way: there is an exception to every rule as they say, but the rule is, in my not so humble opinion, that most farang bar-owners/managers in thailand and other SE Asian countries are low-lifes and in the region for all the wrong reasons.

This is obviously a troll by a newbie with no understanding in life. What age are you? 12?

Manchester: not sure what you mean with "no understanding in life" and no I am not a troll and a bit older than 12 unfortunately.

Having thought about my opinion long and hard again just now, I have to come to the same conclusion. The majority of farang bar owners/managers in SE Asia are in this profession because it is about the only option most of them have, besides teaching english, to stay in the region and enjoy all its merits.

I have been around SE Asia for over 7 years now and have come across hundreds of them. Some very good professionals, some manage to get by but most are just loosers with no other options.

In all categories there is a significant issue with alcoholism, in the professionally run bars there hardly ever is an issue with violence, staff are well trained and proper screening is done before employment. Well run bars make money for employees, so they stay. Badly run bars by a bunch of loosers have high staffturnover, questionable recruitment procedures and owners/managers getting involved with the staff. This type of environment breeds violence and rip offs. It does everywhere around the world.

Think again; have a good look at the average type of person running/owning bars in Pattaya, Pnhom Phen, Sihanoukville, Bangkok, Angeles City etc. I don't see how anybody could come to a different conclusion than me.

And; no I am not a bar owner/manager and I do not teach english.

I bet you have a perfect marriage a beautiful wife who dotes on you for being superior to all but the gifted few. There must be 2 wonderful kids who run into your arms the second they hear the door creak from your arrival after another productive day at the office in which you made strides towards conquering famine, world peace, global warming whilst at the same time adding several more 000's to your bank balance.

When you speak people not only listen to you, but they are in awe at the prophecy's you offer to their feeble uneducated drunken minds, you know of your superiority as these "disheveled irks" prey on the vulnerable for that most perverse activity that the lowlife perform for fun that is called sexual intercourse.

PS Why would someone of your intelligence not read about such places as Pattaya, Pnhom Phen, Sihanoukville, Bangkok which have many low life expat scumbags where prostitution is rife and avoid them like the plague.

There's some truth in what "howtoescape" wrote but it's not necessarily purely a put down, more a series of incomplete observations. I doubt that many ex pats who have been in the region for any reasonable period of time and frequent bars from time to time could possibly have avoided the bar owners that are here for the "wrong" reasons. I had a good holiday and decided to stay but I have no money so I'll buy a bar; I fell in love with a local girl and she said it was a good idea; I'll do what I do best and get cheaper booze in the process, and probably more. But then there are those folks who want to improve their lot in life, have more fun, venture out and more. If that's what they want to do, cool and if you can afford to try it, have the determination and know how to use capital wisely, go for it. Generalizations of course are rarely appropriate.

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I have been to thailand many times now and this is the first ive spent more then a couple of days in Pattaya, im not a big drinker, but the times i do go to the bars, everyone i meet is either in the process of buying a bar, just bought one or in most cases looking to sell one.

I think the reason this place is full of dreamers is that most people here are from working class backgrounds and know that on arrival back where ever they are from they have a crap job, no bird and a mountain of debt to service. Hence staying in the sun, and playing with the girlies is a nice alternative.

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I tend to side with the bar patron in matters like this rather than the bar owner, but that said, there are some very unkind things being said about bar owners. In my experience over the past 20 some years, I've run into a number of foreign bar owners and found them by and large to be nice folks. They were usually helpful, considerate and congenial.

I don't get to Pattaya all that often and when I do I usually frequent the same places and the bar owners are pretty nice people.

In BKK some years back on two occasions I had bar owners assist in making sure a potentially bad situation got resolved amiably.

I would also like to add that there are two businesses I would never be in, one is a restaurant and the other is a bar. Both are very hard work. Staff come and go, honesty (among employees) is a problem, and, of course, alcohol fuels a lot of undesirable fires.

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.....I'm sorry if I have got this wrong , I am British but to even argue with someone who is clearly intoxicated is stupid....I have come across many "nice guy" landlords with their favourite cliche of customers here in U.K....who just run the place for their own importance but clearly nowadays this scenario is being exported to Thailand......p.s. British Bar owners go home!

Edited by dee123
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.....I'm sorry if I have got this wrong , I am British but to even argue with someone who is clearly intoxicated is stupid....I have come across many "nice guy" landlords with their favourite cliche of customers here in U.K....who just run the place for their own importance but clearly nowadays this scenario is being exported to Thailand......p.s. British Bar owners go home!

There are some excellent bars and pubs here in Thailand that are run by Brits. I won't name any of them because window-licking simpletons might be tempted to frequent. Or even added to favoured "cliche" clientele listings. :o Oaf.

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.....I'm sorry if I have got this wrong , I am British but to even argue with someone who is clearly intoxicated is stupid....I have come across many "nice guy" landlords with their favourite cliche of customers here in U.K....who just run the place for their own importance but clearly nowadays this scenario is being exported to Thailand......p.s. British Bar owners go home!

Like Kmart says there are some very good bar's run by Brits and I would certainly not want them to go home.

Like anything in life not all are good and not all bad - you fall into this trap and spout hyperbole which renders any point you have meaningless.

Yes there are some <deleted> about (some of them even havetheir fan clubs)- it usually does not take much time in their company to decide not to put any money into their tills.

PS: Its "Clique" not Cliche

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The last thing you want is the police strolling through your establishment, that's a real evening killer.

This is only true if you break the law, in Pattaya any bar owner knows that police will come to your place on a regular basis and test your staff for drugs, check that nobody inside is under aged, check your licenses, check that your CCTV works, and of course respond to unreasonable punters, in fact the police love to get involved in that, since there is money to be made, and compensation to be had for the bar owner. In this particular incident I guess police involvement would have been a real killer both for the bar (serving alcohol outside legal hours) and the punters (I'll keep my thoughts to myself on this one)


Hey Morty,

I am sure you are a law abiding guy and have nothing to hide ...... but just for fun why don't we have the police come to where you live and give it a check.....lets see how comfortable you will be and how much you will end up paying

Edited by jimmys
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By the way: there is an exception to every rule as they say, but the rule is, in my not so humble opinion, that most farang bar-owners/managers in thailand and other SE Asian countries are low-lifes and in the region for all the wrong reasons.

This is obviously a troll by a newbie with no understanding in life. What age are you? 12?

Manchester: not sure what you mean with "no understanding in life" and no I am not a troll and a bit older than 12 unfortunately.

Having thought about my opinion long and hard again just now, I have to come to the same conclusion. The majority of farang bar owners/managers in SE Asia are in this profession because it is about the only option most of them have, besides teaching english, to stay in the region and enjoy all its merits.

I have been around SE Asia for over 7 years now and have come across hundreds of them. Some very good professionals, some manage to get by but most are just loosers with no other options.

In all categories there is a significant issue with alcoholism, in the professionally run bars there hardly ever is an issue with violence, staff are well trained and proper screening is done before employment. Well run bars make money for employees, so they stay. Badly run bars by a bunch of loosers have high staffturnover, questionable recruitment procedures and owners/managers getting involved with the staff. This type of environment breeds violence and rip offs. It does everywhere around the world.

Think again; have a good look at the average type of person running/owning bars in Pattaya, Pnhom Phen, Sihanoukville, Bangkok, Angeles City etc. I don't see how anybody could come to a different conclusion than me.

And; no I am not a bar owner/manager and I do not teach english.

I bet you have a perfect marriage a beautiful wife who dotes on you for being superior to all but the gifted few. There must be 2 wonderful kids who run into your arms the second they hear the door creak from your arrival after another productive day at the office in which you made strides towards conquering famine, world peace, global warming whilst at the same time adding several more 000's to your bank balance.

When you speak people not only listen to you, but they are in awe at the prophecy's you offer to their feeble uneducated drunken minds, you know of your superiority as these "disheveled irks" prey on the vulnerable for that most perverse activity that the lowlife perform for fun that is called sexual intercourse.

PS Why would someone of your intelligence not read about such places as Pattaya, Pnhom Phen, Sihanoukville, Bangkok which have many low life expat scumbags where prostitution is rife and avoid them like the plague.

Are you jealous? Would you like to own a bar in SE Asia? I had one 6 years ago as a joke. Sold it with a 20% profit after 6 months to the mia noi of a farang. Yes I was one of them for 6 months and have no regrets. I have a normal expat job and the bar was fun for 6 months, but could not combine running a bar with my real job.

Yes I do have a problem with loosers opening bars for lack of better options. Most of them do not stand a chance running any type of business in their home countries, come here on holiday, want to hang around, get a TGF (or vice versa), open a bar (and buy a few buffaloes) and go bankrupt because they are their own best customers and have no idea how to be successful running a bar! Many of them are making money on the side with copied watch export, cigarettes, copied software and so on. When they run out of options they blame all and sundry for their "misfortune", especially blaming the locals.

Yes I may look at this from a slightly priviliged position, but I got where i am by working bloody hard and got nothing for free.

Maybe we should place a bet of a few million THB on your assumption that I am happily married with 2 kids etc.. Winning the bet would allow you to open a bar!! Good luck!!

change the channel will ya !!!

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Hey Morty,

I am sure you are a law abiding guy and have nothing to hide ...... but just for fun why don't we have the police come to where you live and give it a check.....lets see how comfortable you will be and how much you will end up paying

Comparing apples and oranges are we?

For your information, I'm not running a business in my home, I'm not having time restrictions on opening hours, and I'm not required to have a license to live where I do, and as far as I know, there is no age restrictions on who can be inside our house. Even so, I, as any foreigner in Thailand, will frequently have police checking me in my home (immigration has been there several times to check that I actually live there, no fee payable though :o ). If I had someone trying to make problems in my house, I would certainly have the BIB come over and get the person(s) out of there, and if something got broken, I certainly would press charges to get compensated. I would not take the law into my own hands and beat the cr@p out of someone. Other than that, I fail to see your comparison.

Please explain


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