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UBC was much better years ago when it was UBC. Since True corp has got hold of it it has deteriorated both in programming quality and picture quality. More channels on the same sattelite bandwidth = less bandwidth per channel so the picture degrades. Most times its not even up to VCD standard. And now their talking HDTV! Without a radical change in the compression they use and a new sattelite I don't think they can do it. If they can why was the premiere of HDTV done in a Bangkok Cinema and not on our own TV's at home.

What bugs me most is the pricing structure. I hate sports...never watch sports and never will watch sports. I've even blocked it all off so when I surf the channels I never see them. But as a gold package member I still have them and pay for them. I'd like to get the extra movie channels that Platinum offers (MGM etc) but honestly can't afford it. I've tried to negotiate with True about swapping my never watched sports channels for the extra movie channels but they won't do it. Personnally I think they should build a much more flexible pricing structure. Packages that are only sports, or only movies would be much fairer to the viewing public. A total PayPerView package would be the best.

Incidently many have commented above about not watching sports at home and go to bars with big screens to view it. But IMHO most of those bars are illegally broadcasting UBC/True as it is mostly meant for home/private viewing only. To broadcast to general public such as in bars/hotels/restaurants etc requires a higher license fee. How many of the 1000's of bars in Pattaya/Bangkok that have UBC/True available for thier patrons pay a higher license fee? I'd bet none. And UBC/True do nothing about it. Make the sports fans pay I say. Sports are extremly expensive and UBC/True make the movie fans subsidise them. Pay for only what you watch would be the best deal.

In Pattaya an alternative is Sophon cable. I don't have it but have seen it in friends houses. Not bad but the biggest bug with it is getting a schedule. Available at thier office is a very limited schedule. They have no website that I can find to check the schedule. Pattaya Mail website has it as a downloadable adobe PDF but for only 3 channels. Best thing Sophon offer is Australia TV. A free to air program that UBC/True should adopt. Also is Sopon legal? Do they pay license fees to the movie companies for movies they broadcast? Do they have a Thai government license to operate a cable TV network. I belive the answer is NO to all. What do UBC/True do about it? NOTHING. They just complain that there are so many illegal cable operators in Thailand that they as the only licensed operator have difficulty in making a profit so put the price up.

What UBC/True need most is some national competition. At present they hold a monopoly. And as in the case of most monopolies they get complacent giving only what they want to give and not what the paying public want. A swift kick up UBC/True's backside is in order.

Should UBC/True be allowed to have advertising? I belive they should. Advertising generates revenue helping them provide a better service. But the last time this was discussed at government level the question was "should they or shouldn't they?" The question should have been "how much?" Replace all those stupid (sometimes 30 mins long) what's coming next promos between each movie with paid advertising. But leave the movies to run uninterrupted.

Why the Thai government refuses to allow UBC/True to advertise while the terrestrial TV stations 3,5,7,9,11 are allowed to advertise beats me. That has to be yet another case of Thailand double standards.

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Why vote? Pay 1600 a month for about 3 to 4 games of FOOTBALL!

The rest is crap anyway! Worth it? No, but couldn't live without it!

Unless you are talking about Aussie rules footie then I am not interested in sports, but it is out of season for the real game, any other football is a waste of time if you ask me.

Is Jsat legal?

I have heard some bad things regarding this, upgrades are not forthcoming etc...

All I want is to have some TV for when I am not working on thaivisa or when the other half is trying to hold a conversation (I guess even soccer would do at that point).

The website looks as though they have some good choices.

I have spent the last (too many) years working is countries that do not have any english programs so I think I can adjust to seeing repeats.

Is UBCthe only choice?

I got Australia Network installed in my Bangkok home, all up it cost me a one off 11,000 baht and no monthlys. I get the AFL, NRL and the Rugby Union, I also got the Cox Plate, Derby Day and the Melbourne Cup. For evening viewing there's an assortment of Aussie series and World wide documentaries and a regular news service. When it's free it lessens the pain when the TV is annoying and you switch it off. Anyone interested in the installers phone numbe I will post it when I find my receipt.

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Last October the Charoen Pokphand Group (CP Group), True Visions parent company and Thailand’s leading agribusiness conglomerate, announced plans to invest 123.6 billion Baht (US$3.6 billion) in Vietnam over the next five years. On December 9th, CP Group announced a Bt2.3 billion plant in Vietnam to produce feed for fish and shrimp. Even more interesting is the fact that a former Thai prime minister, Anand Panyarachun, is leading the charge into Vietnam. Add to this, the CP Group is grabbing up or creating businesses using the business model almost identical to our latest former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, makes me very curious. Sooksunt Jiumjaisawanglerg, executive vice-president of CP Vietnam Livestock, a unit of the CP Group, said the company will invest in food processing, real estate, retailing, telecoms and banking.

The money involved in these offshore investments is astronomical by any world standard and the CP Group will make nothing but money on these ventures. I find it fascinating that the CP Group and its subsidiary True Visions invested a reported Bt100 million recently in political contributions to major political parties. While all of this investment capital is flowing out of CP Group’s bank accounts they will not invest any cash in their flagship satellite television monopoly, True Visions. Subscribers are subjected to second rate programming and multiple repeats on just a few channels. While CP Group and True Visions gets rich and hundreds of billions of Baht is being taken out of the country we are forced to subscribe to late 1980’s technology, made for television movies from the 1980’s and 1990’s that True Visions passes off as theatrical releases and constant repeats of substandard programming. Perhaps a small amount of the cash earmarked for foreign investment could be redirected for the purchase of quality programming and to improve a woefully inadequate satellite television system here in the Kingdom.

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So, can we do anything about this?

I wish we could because I love televison and truly wish I could see some decent 'anything', I have PTV at the moment and the only thing worth watching is reality tv, the other programs are of such poor quality video wise that they are not viewable.

Anyone know who to forward this whole thread to just incase somebody pays attention?

I have spent time in countries a lot less advanced than Thailand and have enjoyed much better tv and internet than I do here.

Come on Thailand, get your act together and join the rest of the world, stop being so far behind, you have more than enough resources, what is holding you back?!!!

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  • 5 months later...

I've got UBC gold package too, I got it so that the missus becomes just a weak drone in the background - which works to a large extent.

In my opinion,True / UBC is an awful company with no regard to customer satisfaction and very low broadcasting / networking / channal management skills. It was a sad day when they took over the football rights...

Too many things to list, so I'll just put two down: No live International rugby, so checked the schedule for the next day's repeat. Avoided internet and friends that may tell me the score, made a trip to villa to pick up some snacks and settled down in front of the TV five minutes before kickoff. Turn on said TV to see the last thirty seconds of the match, they must have brought the program forward a couple of hours. :o

Now it's rainy season so generally my link cuts out anyway - I've asked them to changed the signal strength on numerous occasions but they just lie about blah blah blah, which I find particularly irritating having a electronic engineering degree and worked in Broadcasting since leaving uni...

Awful company with awful services. I still pay the 1500 baht per month to blot out the misery of the missus's whining. :D

Edited by jasreeve17
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So, can we do anything about this?

I wish we could because I love televison and truly wish I could see some decent 'anything', I have PTV at the moment and the only thing worth watching is reality tv, the other programs are of such poor quality video wise that they are not viewable.

Anyone know who to forward this whole thread to just incase somebody pays attention?

I have spent time in countries a lot less advanced than Thailand and have enjoyed much better tv and internet than I do here.

Come on Thailand, get your act together and join the rest of the world, stop being so far behind, you have more than enough resources, what is holding you back?!!!


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The EPL football season just ended, so I am wondering again just why I pay so much for the True package... A lot of good (but oft-repeated) series have also just been replaced with utter drivel also.

The kicker is buying an expensive new LCD telly and finding out that watching True broadcasts on a large screen is the same as watching it underwater whilst vigorously rubbing your eyes. :o

Utter <deleted>.

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my apartment comes with the Gold Package as standard, isnt nothing special as all the Movies are constant repeats.

I have upgraded to Plat Package, as i wanted BBC Entertainment, this is ok, as it keeps me upto date with the UK dramas, but again alot of heavy repeats.


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my apartment comes with the Gold Package as standard, isnt nothing special as all the Movies are constant repeats.

I have upgraded to Plat Package, as i wanted BBC Entertainment, this is ok, as it keeps me upto date with the UK dramas, but again alot of heavy repeats.


Oddly, if you 'downgrade' to the silver package you also get BBC entertainment (imho the best channel on truevision) and MGM movies, Turner classic movies, and Starworld. However you do lose a few sports, news channels and Starmovies.

What a wierd pricing system they have. I agree with an earlier poster that it would be better if the whole thing was ppv.

I suspect that the moment a competitor is allowed in there will be a mass exodus from truevision.

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My UBC has gone off this evening, anyone else having this problem? (Bangkok/Dish)

We've had this problem several times. The last time the UBC guys came out to sort it I asked them why it always happens when it rains. They told me that when it rains at UBC HQ, they put a waterproof cover over the transmitter. :o

Now we know!

Have been debating whether to give up on UBC, but it would render our 5,000 baht dish obsolete.

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The last time the UBC guys came out to sort it I asked them why it always happens when it rains. They told me that when it rains at UBC HQ, they put a waterproof cover over the transmitter. :o

A joke i assume? Well at least the UBC guys have got a sense of humour!

Of course it couldn't be true as the signal comes and goes as the rain passes.

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The last time the UBC guys came out to sort it I asked them why it always happens when it rains. They told me that when it rains at UBC HQ, they put a waterproof cover over the transmitter. :o

A joke i assume? Well at least the UBC guys have got a sense of humour!

Of course it couldn't be true as the signal comes and goes as the rain passes.

Sadly, I did not detect the fabled Thai sense of humour at the time.

Main gripes I personally have with True's UBC:

1. Why is half the screen often obscured with little messages of what's coming up next or reminders of which channel you're watching?

2. If their charter forbids advertising, why do I see the names Hyundai and Cathay Pacific so often?

3. Why is it that just when we're about to get a bit of action in the boys' bedroom on Academy Fantasy, they cut to the girlies? :D

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The last time the UBC guys came out to sort it I asked them why it always happens when it rains. They told me that when it rains at UBC HQ, they put a waterproof cover over the transmitter. :o

A joke i assume? Well at least the UBC guys have got a sense of humour!

Of course it couldn't be true as the signal comes and goes as the rain passes.

Sadly, I did not detect the fabled Thai sense of humour at the time.

Main gripes I personally have with True's UBC:

1. Why is half the screen often obscured with little messages of what's coming up next or reminders of which channel you're watching? Sounds like you are accidently pressing the buttons on the remote that activate these functions

2. If their charter forbids advertising, why do I see the names Hyundai and Cathay Pacific so often?

3. Why is it that just when we're about to get a bit of action in the boys' bedroom on Academy Fantasy, they cut to the girlies? :DFrom this i take it you are a girlie yourself, which would explain your roaming fingers on the remote! :D

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The last time the UBC guys came out to sort it I asked them why it always happens when it rains. They told me that when it rains at UBC HQ, they put a waterproof cover over the transmitter. :o

A joke i assume? Well at least the UBC guys have got a sense of humour!

Of course it couldn't be true as the signal comes and goes as the rain passes.

Sadly, I did not detect the fabled Thai sense of humour at the time.

Main gripes I personally have with True's UBC:

1. Why is half the screen often obscured with little messages of what's coming up next or reminders of which channel you're watching? Sounds like you are accidently pressing the buttons on the remote that activate these functions

2. If their charter forbids advertising, why do I see the names Hyundai and Cathay Pacific so often?

3. Why is it that just when we're about to get a bit of action in the boys' bedroom on Academy Fantasy, they cut to the girlies? :DFrom this i take it you are a girlie yourself, which would explain your roaming fingers on the remote! :D

My fingers have been known to wander, but to more rewarding buttons than on a TV remote!

Also, I have been known to exhibit girlie tendencies, but this is not the norm!!! :D:D:D:D

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The last time the UBC guys came out to sort it I asked them why it always happens when it rains. They told me that when it rains at UBC HQ, they put a waterproof cover over the transmitter. :o

A joke i assume? Well at least the UBC guys have got a sense of humour!

Of course it couldn't be true as the signal comes and goes as the rain passes.

Sadly, I did not detect the fabled Thai sense of humour at the time.

Main gripes I personally have with True's UBC:

1. Why is half the screen often obscured with little messages of what's coming up next or reminders of which channel you're watching? Sounds like you are accidently pressing the buttons on the remote that activate these functions

2. If their charter forbids advertising, why do I see the names Hyundai and Cathay Pacific so often?

3. Why is it that just when we're about to get a bit of action in the boys' bedroom on Academy Fantasy, they cut to the girlies? :DFrom this i take it you are a girlie yourself, which would explain your roaming fingers on the remote! :D

My fingers have been known to wander, but to more rewarding buttons than on a TV remote!

Also, I have been known to exhibit girlie tendencies, but this is not the norm!!! :D:D:D:D

You're a gay man then i take it?

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The last time the UBC guys came out to sort it I asked them why it always happens when it rains. They told me that when it rains at UBC HQ, they put a waterproof cover over the transmitter. :o

A joke i assume? Well at least the UBC guys have got a sense of humour!

Of course it couldn't be true as the signal comes and goes as the rain passes.

Sadly, I did not detect the fabled Thai sense of humour at the time.

Main gripes I personally have with True's UBC:

1. Why is half the screen often obscured with little messages of what's coming up next or reminders of which channel you're watching? Sounds like you are accidently pressing the buttons on the remote that activate these functions

2. If their charter forbids advertising, why do I see the names Hyundai and Cathay Pacific so often?

3. Why is it that just when we're about to get a bit of action in the boys' bedroom on Academy Fantasy, they cut to the girlies? :DFrom this i take it you are a girlie yourself, which would explain your roaming fingers on the remote! :D

My fingers have been known to wander, but to more rewarding buttons than on a TV remote!

Also, I have been known to exhibit girlie tendencies, but this is not the norm!!! :D:D:DB)

You're a gay man then i take it?

Yessirreebob. Sorry, no prize though :D

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2 dishes(I am in a condo on seaside so no moving dish too mutt wind here :D ),one dreambox,one internet connection 256k

Result 80 interesting channels (DSTV and Astro).Have a lot more but in jap;korean,chinese......

List available;no details here...mods will not be happy :o

If you wish to know more PM me :D

NB I am NOT a solution provider only a happy sat viewer :D

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Has anyone tried using slingbox that is connected to a TV in your home country. You could pay for another cable outlet at a friends home and connect the slingbox. Then you could watch all the cable channels available back home for free. This works for friends that travel in Europe, but not sure if it works in LOS.

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2 dishes(I am in a condo on seaside so no moving dish too mutt wind here :D ),one dreambox,one internet connection 256k

Result 80 interesting channels (DSTV and Astro).Have a lot more but in jap;korean,chinese......

List available;no details here...mods will not be happy :o

If you wish to know more PM me :D

NB I am NOT a solution provider only a happy sat viewer :D

For me it is the only way to go, I have just one 3.2 m MOVE dish, so I can move to 78.5 degrees East and get True, but I never do as the picture is so bad on a Plasma 42' TV. I had my system installed 4 yrs ago and its great, now upgrading to a DM box with internet over 18months ago, can watch everything in any weather without lose of picture.

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2 dishes(I am in a condo on seaside so no moving dish too mutt wind here :D ),one dreambox,one internet connection 256k

Result 80 interesting channels (DSTV and Astro).Have a lot more but in jap;korean,chinese......

List available;no details here...mods will not be happy :o

If you wish to know more PM me :D

NB I am NOT a solution provider only a happy sat viewer :D

For me it is the only way to go, I have just one 3.2 m MOVE dish, so I can move to 78.5 degrees East and get True, but I never do as the picture is so bad on a Plasma 42' TV. I had my system installed 4 yrs ago and its great, now upgrading to a DM box with internet over 18months ago, can watch everything in any weather without lose of picture.

Thanks for that. I have had ubc for 2 weeks with a very ordinary pic on my 42 plasma so I will stop throwing empty beer cans at mt Tv and turn my anger towards the box. Plenty of movies and 1 Indian and 1 Arabic channel that I have seen so far. I only watch for a few hours every second day so repeats not to much of a problem fro me

Edited by zorro1
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My hearing is so bad I normally only watch the news (subtitled) or the no brainer movies like Die Hard or Terminator. But the wife watches the Slice & Dice channel. I think they call it the health channel, she loves to watch cosmetic surgery. She has watched enough now she should be able to perform some of the simpler surgeries. :o

We have platinum plus as that includes the health channel. It is a rip off but the alternative is no American Idol or Survivor and it is something to do.

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Has anyone tried a SLingbox?


Yes, installed one at my parents house in the UK - and it works!

At home on a 1024k loxinfo it can stutter a bit, but in the office on a 2mb connection its great.

On the TV package option a Dreambox can provide lots of options - although you will need another dish - 6ft C band for Multichoice SA for example.

Can your parents watch TV at the same time? My understanding is that the same cable options would be available in LOS as back home. Is that correct? Thanks

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My hearing is so bad I normally only watch the news (subtitled) or the no brainer movies like Die Hard or Terminator. But the wife watches the Slice & Dice channel. I think they call it the health channel, she loves to watch cosmetic surgery. She has watched enough now she should be able to perform some of the simpler surgeries. :o

We have platinum plus as that includes the health channel. It is a rip off but the alternative is no American Idol or Survivor and it is something to do.


I'm sad to admit that I also watched survivor (and pirate something or other).

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My hearing is so bad I normally only watch the news (subtitled) or the no brainer movies like Die Hard or Terminator. But the wife watches the Slice & Dice channel. I think they call it the health channel, she loves to watch cosmetic surgery. She has watched enough now she should be able to perform some of the simpler surgeries. :o

We have platinum plus as that includes the health channel. It is a rip off but the alternative is no American Idol or Survivor and it is something to do.


I'm sad to admit that I also watched survivor (and pirate something or other).

And Are you smarter then a 5th Grader that comes on right after Idol.


Edited by thaihome
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  • 1 month later...

I too had free gold package in my unit but have now ended up paying for platinum because i was getting a bad picture plus i wanted BBC/STAR WOLD and all the sport ch's for the footy.I pay 2500bt per month as i have an additional box in the bedroom for the gf.(400 bt per month extra which is reasonable to be fair)

Its an absolute rip off it is complete rubbish,same movies every month,all repeats,no decent comedy channel etc, but i couldn't do without it,they can't even deliver my mag on time every month.

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My hearing is so bad I normally only watch the news (subtitled) or the no brainer movies like Die Hard or Terminator. But the wife watches the Slice & Dice channel. I think they call it the health channel, she loves to watch cosmetic surgery. She has watched enough now she should be able to perform some of the simpler surgeries. :o

We have platinum plus as that includes the health channel. It is a rip off but the alternative is no American Idol or Survivor and it is something to do.

They show Survivor on Channel 23 - True Series, which is available on the Gold plan.

If anyone is interested in that factoid.

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I have the gold package and wouldn't want to do without it. If you have lived here a long time the movies are all new.:o

I thought about the Platinum package, but it seems that a lot of the same programs are on both the gold and platinum, just at different times.

I think for someone who spends lots of time in the bars, UBC could be a waste of $$. But since I don't drink, my UBC costs me about the price of a beer per day.

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