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The Avenue Mall/villa Market Parking Mafia


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I have an interesting story from tonight worthy of Weho. Anyone who frequents the new Villa Market will know what I'm talking about.

I went in tonight around 11PM. I like to do my shopping late because traffic is lighter and the store is less crowded. I spend about 20-30 minutes in the store and spend roughly 1,700 Baht on various things. As what usually happens, I forgot to take my parking ticket in with me, and hence it never got stamped. As I'm leaving, the parking attendant demands 20 Baht. Now 20 Baht is no huge amount of money, it's just the principle of the thing. I am a regular and frequent customer at what arguably is the "anchor" of the Avenue complex. Stamp or no stamp, I should not be forced to pay anything for parking having spent such a sum at the store. I show the attendant my receipt, but he persists - he wants 20 Baht. So I tell him I will not pay, nor will I inconvenience myself by going back into the store to have the ticket validated. Had I parked there without patronizing any of the businesses there, I could understand, and I would pay. So I make the decision to leave without paying, and in doing so, I really rattled their cages because they started yelling and waving at me.

Normally, I would not have done this. At Friendship, for example - the attendants there are grumpy, but honest. However, during previous outings to Villa or the movie theater, I *have* had the parking ticket stamped, and these parking clowns *still* demanded 20 Baht, which I also refused to pay. Tonight was the first time that I refused to pay and left having neglected to get the ticket stamped. My rationale is that during any given day, there may be a number of people who *do* dole out their 20 Baht. The fact they try and extort money from the customers of this mall really irks me - one would think that there have been many others who have dealt with the Avenue Mall Mafia and have lodged complaints of their own. I will be calling Villa in the morning to lodge my own complaint in this matter. Who knows how many people these guys have ripped off?

That's all from me... how would you guys have handled this situation. I'm also interested in seeing what Weho has to say in this matter, if in fact he's no longer banned :o


Edited by Hobgoblin
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Am i correct in thinking that if you park in the multi storey parking at the back then thats free..............its only out the front of the mall that you pay?

As for the parking guys i fancied a McDonalds, was at south end of 2nd road on the bike so rode down and parked at the front in the car park adjacent to McDonalds..........bearing in mind that the car park was virtually empty at this time..............one of the car park guys comes up and says "you cant park there this is for cars only ,go round the back"..........i told him i/ll only be 5 mins just going for a burger.........he wouldnt have it............ended up parking outside Tims on 2nd road.

Now i could understand if it was during the day and busy but it was nearly midnight. :o

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For each unstamped ticket the parking attendant hands back at the end of his shift, he hands out 20 baht he collected for each to the boss. He probably earns 100 to 150 baht per shift. Every time someone leaves without paying with an unstamped ticket, he pays from his own pocket.

That was my first part time job in 1979, but unlike this guy, I had control over the electric doors that were 30 meters past the booth in the underground garage. :D Some just drove though the small wooden electric gate at the booth, not wanting to pay. We'd shut the door down and waited until they backed up or walked up to the car where an embarrassed driver usually slipped out a bill from a crack in the window or threw it out on the ground. Once we picked it up, the other attendant opened the door and they usually dashed out. We made great tips with these jerks.

One guy even tried to go around the booth with his motorcycle, taking a shortcut, it worked, until he drove under a steam pipe and knocked his pilion passenger (old high school bully) unconscious. :D

Oh the fun we had. :o

Edited by Tony Clifton
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The guy was only doing his job.

you should have been an adult and gone back and got a stamp. :o

I agree.


You should have acted like an adult -- a polite adult -- and gone back for the stamp. I venture to say that, had this incedent occured in your country of origin, that's what you would have done. You also wouldn't have gone to a website to pour out your soul. Like so many farangs, you become defensive, paranoid, superior, loutish, and arrogant when you see a Thai face. Instead of going back and complaining to the manager, you should go back and apologize to the attendant.

Edited by brooklynbridge
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nor will I inconvenience myself by going back into the store to have the ticket validated.

your attitude is worthy of the so called hi-so and priveledged thais that are so frequently criticized and reviled on this forum.

the attendant will probably have had to pay that 20b out of his own pocket when the parking slips were collated at the end of his shift. he could even be accused of pocketing the 20b himself thereby jeopardizing his job.

The fact they try and extort money

the parking regulations are clearly stated , even you knew them. there is no extortion or rip off involved.

you were arrogant and lazy , giving this worker a good and valid reason to dislike falangs and instead of returning to lodge a complaint you should do the decent thing , return and apologise for your mistake and either pay the 20b to the guy or put things right with his supervisor.

there is no excuse whatsoever for your actions.

Edited by taxexile
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Rules are rules, and as long as they are clearly printed in English we as foreigners have no right to be exempted from these rules.

There is no use complaining to Villa as they do not own the parking, and indeed these little rules will keep the parking available for their customers instead of to the blokes wanting to have a drink at the bars close by...

Spending 10 Baht or 1700 Baht will have absolutely no impact to the company managing the parking lot!

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I have an interesting story from tonight worthy of Weho. Anyone who frequents the new Villa Market will know what I'm talking about.

I went in tonight around 11PM. I like to do my shopping late because traffic is lighter and the store is less crowded. I spend about 20-30 minutes in the store and spend roughly 1,700 Baht on various things. As what usually happens, I forgot to take my parking ticket in with me, and hence it never got stamped. As I'm leaving, the parking attendant demands 20 Baht. Now 20 Baht is no huge amount of money, it's just the principle of the thing. I am a regular and frequent customer at what arguably is the "anchor" of the Avenue complex. Stamp or no stamp, I should not be forced to pay anything for parking having spent such a sum at the store. I show the attendant my receipt, but he persists - he wants 20 Baht. So I tell him I will not pay, nor will I inconvenience myself by going back into the store to have the ticket validated. Had I parked there without patronizing any of the businesses there, I could understand, and I would pay. So I make the decision to leave without paying, and in doing so, I really rattled their cages because they started yelling and waving at me.

Normally, I would not have done this. At Friendship, for example - the attendants there are grumpy, but honest. However, during previous outings to Villa or the movie theater, I *have* had the parking ticket stamped, and these parking clowns *still* demanded 20 Baht, which I also refused to pay. Tonight was the first time that I refused to pay and left having neglected to get the ticket stamped. My rationale is that during any given day, there may be a number of people who *do* dole out their 20 Baht. The fact they try and extort money from the customers of this mall really irks me - one would think that there have been many others who have dealt with the Avenue Mall Mafia and have lodged complaints of their own. I will be calling Villa in the morning to lodge my own complaint in this matter. Who knows how many people these guys have ripped off?

That's all from me... how would you guys have handled this situation. I'm also interested in seeing what Weho has to say in this matter, if in fact he's no longer banned :o


I have to agree with tropo, rules is rules, i have done it a few times in royal garden, but ultimatly its my fault, .what i do find odd is that when you pay a receipt is never issued and i said to my wife how do we know the money wasnt pocketed by staff ? not my concern but curious,.
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I have an interesting story from tonight worthy of Weho. Anyone who frequents the new Villa Market will know what I'm talking about.

I went in tonight around 11PM. I like to do my shopping late because traffic is lighter and the store is less crowded. I spend about 20-30 minutes in the store and spend roughly 1,700 Baht on various things. As what usually happens, I forgot to take my parking ticket in with me, and hence it never got stamped. As I'm leaving, the parking attendant demands 20 Baht. Now 20 Baht is no huge amount of money, it's just the principle of the thing. I am a regular and frequent customer at what arguably is the "anchor" of the Avenue complex. Stamp or no stamp, I should not be forced to pay anything for parking having spent such a sum at the store. I show the attendant my receipt, but he persists - he wants 20 Baht. So I tell him I will not pay, nor will I inconvenience myself by going back into the store to have the ticket validated. Had I parked there without patronizing any of the businesses there, I could understand, and I would pay. So I make the decision to leave without paying, and in doing so, I really rattled their cages because they started yelling and waving at me.

Normally, I would not have done this. At Friendship, for example - the attendants there are grumpy, but honest. However, during previous outings to Villa or the movie theater, I *have* had the parking ticket stamped, and these parking clowns *still* demanded 20 Baht, which I also refused to pay. Tonight was the first time that I refused to pay and left having neglected to get the ticket stamped. My rationale is that during any given day, there may be a number of people who *do* dole out their 20 Baht. The fact they try and extort money from the customers of this mall really irks me - one would think that there have been many others who have dealt with the Avenue Mall Mafia and have lodged complaints of their own. I will be calling Villa in the morning to lodge my own complaint in this matter. Who knows how many people these guys have ripped off?

That's all from me... how would you guys have handled this situation. I'm also interested in seeing what Weho has to say in this matter, if in fact he's no longer banned :D


ha aha aha, all the posts are right, you ran off without paying, dropped a parking attendant in the shot and you want sympathy, he he, i dont know what you do or did for a living but if someone ripped you off and drove away like a baby how annoying when he would turn up the next day to complain, i hope you go to the monkey house for 40 lashes!!! (each cheek baby)!!! :o

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Rules are rules, and as long as they are clearly printed in English we as foreigners have no right to be exempted from these rules.

There is no use complaining to Villa as they do not own the parking, and indeed these little rules will keep the parking available for their customers instead of to the blokes wanting to have a drink at the bars close by...

Spending 10 Baht or 1700 Baht will have absolutely no impact to the company managing the parking lot!

I disagree. This is Thailand, and they have no obligation to print rules in English or any other language.

Translation is our responsibility as foreigners.

For example, road signs are not written in English, yet if you disobey them you will still have to pay the fines even if you couldn't understand them.

Edited by tropo
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This has happened to me several times throughout the years in various store car parks and I either go back and get it stamped or I pay up.

I fail to understand why you think you can arrogantly flout the rules, just because you spend a few Baht in their store. To say nothing of the trouble the attendant may have in explaining an unstamped ticket and no parking fee received.

If you were to attempt such an action in your home country you would probably be arrested and thrown in jail.

I don't know - some people! :D

Must be getting old :o

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. So I make the decision to leave without paying, and in doing so, I really rattled their cages because they started yelling and waving at me.

Normally, I would not have done this.

Maybe they have your plate number and the police will pay you a visit.

The same action back in your home country would have landed you in deep sh*t.

Apart from the illegal action you took, the desrespect you showed for Thai people and authority was inexcusable. I understand and share the sentiments of many members here when they replied that you make us (foreigners) all look bad.

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To the OP.

People like you with your high and mighty superior attitude are the reason why so many Thai,s dislike us.

Grow up and try to be a sensible adult will ya?

Further than that, why not post on here you were wrong, and what you are doing to rectify it, as your on here now!

or are we all wrong!


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Wow, you guys are harsh, but no one seemed to remember this fact:

Even with properly validated tickets, they still attempt to swindle 20 Baht from people exiting the parking lot, and probably succeed at times.

That reason alone determined my action to leave the lot without paying, and why I would not feel the least bit bad about the guy paying 20 Baht out of pocket. If they were honest like the guys at Friendship who don't pull scams, I would have gone in and had the ticket validated, but these clowns break the rules, so if they do it to me, and my other friends who have reported the same, they're doing it to everyone. And if they are swindling people and making extra money on the site, they *deserve* to be fired.

To say nothing of the trouble the attendant may have in explaining an unstamped ticket and no parking fee received.

There's no controls or printouts, and the tickets are hand-written. There are 1,000 ways for them to deal with it if there isn't a stamp on it.

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I totally agree that the op is a real jerk and it's guys like him that give all us expats a bad rep among many Thais. He forgets his parking stub and then blames the parking lot attendant, blows his top and gets hysterical, and leaves. As others have pointed out, the poor attendant likely had to pay the B20 out of his little salary at the end of the day when he turned in the unstamped parking stub!! There is NO parking mafia at the Avenue to my experience. I believe if you park in the multi-story lot it is free...but if you park in the small street level lot in front, it's free for 1.5 hours if you get your stub validated or B20 per hour if not.

Why could you not just walk back the few meters back into Villa for the validations...would it have been too much of a loss of face for you!!

I would not blame the parking mafia if they bash your face in next time they see you :o

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Wow, you guys are harsh, but no one seemed to remember this fact:

Even with properly validated tickets, they still attempt to swindle 20 Baht from people exiting the parking lot, and probably succeed at times.

That reason alone determined my action to leave the lot without paying, and why I would not feel the least bit bad about the guy paying 20 Baht out of pocket. If they were honest like the guys at Friendship who don't pull scams, I would have gone in and had the ticket validated, but these clowns break the rules, so if they do it to me, and my other friends who have reported the same, they're doing it to everyone. And if they are swindling people and making extra money on the site, they *deserve* to be fired.

To say nothing of the trouble the attendant may have in explaining an unstamped ticket and no parking fee received.

There's no controls or printouts, and the tickets are hand-written. There are 1,000 ways for them to deal with it if there isn't a stamp on it.

Did you ever think that maybe the free parking lasts for only an hour? Maybe, if you go to a 2 1/2 hour movie, you get charged an extra twenty baht. Could be?

I think the sense of this thread is that you should park your ass in your home country. We have enough rude farangs in Pattaya.

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Oh, dear, dear, dear... I don't know where to start with this... but the most serious thing would be to understand WHY, you "repeatedly" keep forgetting to get the ticket stamped INSIDE the store. Is your memory going? My first bit of advice would be to take Ginko Biloba for memory enhancement... but it's a double-edged sword... I was told to take it to improve memory "function", but I keep forgetting to take it...

Now, let's pick apart the rest of your missive... first, YOU have decided YOUR story is "interesting", but really, WE should be the ones who judge that... and you say that "ANYONE" who frequents the new Villa will know what you're talking about... but I've never driver there, I only go by baht bus, walking or motocycle taxi... so I DO feel I can state that I "frequent" the place, but I clearly would have no understanding of their car policy.

Now why are you only shopping at 11 PM? My hunch, based on nothing, is that you shop for "food", AFTER spending a new in open-air beer bars along Beach Road. I'm usually right about these things...

Now, regardless of how much or little you spend, that gives you NO RIGHT to not have to get the parking ticket stamped. Clearly the parking dude is just doing his/her job.

Next, why have YOU determined that the Villa Market is "the ANCHOR" store for The Avenue Mall? And you had the never to state it was "CLEARLY the ANCHOR"... What training in mall management/layout/architecture do you have, that qualifies YOU as the sole judge of what a particular store anchor is? I don't claim to have anchor-spotting ability, but my HUNCH, again, based on nothing, is that the movie theaters/theatres might be more of an "anchor"... again, I have no training in identifying store anchors.

Next, you have told us that the attendents at Friendship are "grumpy but honest". Are you implying that one who is grumpy is usually expected NOT to be honest? Were you surprised they were honest there? Did you EXPECT them to cheat you? Do you have so little faith in Thais that you now EXPECT people to cheat you, whether grumpy, or non-grumpy? And I will conceed that you can probably tell if they are grumpy or not, but I don't think you can somehow presume they are all "honest"... they may not try to extort money out of parking customers at Friendship, but when they get off-duty, they very well may be the worst criminals in all of Chon Buri province... the point is, you just don't know...

Then you tell us you are going to "call Villa management" in the morning... have you done so? It's already afternoon, and no update from you. I suspect you have already forgotten about it, or maybe you have seen the error of your ways. Then you express faux concern to wonder "who knows how many more have been ripped off..." If you're just SOOOooooo concerned, what have YOU done about it?

Personally, if I felt I was being cheated, which you clearly weren't, I would have dragged the parking dude INTO the store, made a scene with the manager, in full view and earshot of other customers, until there was a resolution...

you know the expression: "let justice be served, until the heavens fall..." Wasn't that in the movie "J.F.K." starring that horrible male actor Kevin Costner?

Then you have asked "how would you GUYS have handled the situation"... Are you not interested in what one of the GALS might have to say, or one of the transgenders, multi-genders, no-gender people may have to say? Or are you simply making the presumption that only "GUYS" read this forum?

I would be curious to know exactly what you are buying in that store, at that hour... A while back, I scanned a receipt from the Friendship store, asking for analysis, which I got... I think you should do the same... I want to know what you are buying... I hope you're getting enough fiber... or you'll regret it one day!

So, in the end, I think you need to go back to the Villa Market, and apologize to all those nice, un-grumpy but dis-honest parking dudes. Look, it's the career path they choose... it's a legitimate job, and they can't be blammed for your forgetting or lazyness in not getting the parking ticket stamped.

But I must state, if the same thing happened to me, I would probably drive off too.

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Wow, you guys are harsh, but no one seemed to remember this fact:

Even with properly validated tickets, they still attempt to swindle 20 Baht from people exiting the parking lot, and probably succeed at times.

That reason alone determined my action to leave the lot without paying, and why I would not feel the least bit bad about the guy paying 20 Baht out of pocket. If they were honest like the guys at Friendship who don't pull scams, I would have gone in and had the ticket validated, but these clowns break the rules, so if they do it to me, and my other friends who have reported the same, they're doing it to everyone. And if they are swindling people and making extra money on the site, they *deserve* to be fired.

To say nothing of the trouble the attendant may have in explaining an unstamped ticket and no parking fee received.

There's no controls or printouts, and the tickets are hand-written. There are 1,000 ways for them to deal with it if there isn't a stamp on it.

he he he your digging a bigger hole here, you posted this to see what other people thought, yes?

well you found out that most people thought you were in the wrong, but now you dont agree with that either?

and thenyou say

"There's no controls or printouts, and the tickets are hand-written. There are 1,000 ways for them to deal with it if there isn't a stamp on it"

what does that mean then? does it mean you want him to thief the money for the bill that you ran off from?

he he he :o

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You are here NOW, monitoring.

You thought you were right, but we think you were wrong.

Your mistake was not going back in with the receipt if you didn't want to pay the Baht 20.

Don't mess up your rep here for Baht 20.

Even if you are lying, you better post that you went back and paid up.

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You are here NOW, monitoring.

You thought you were right, but we think you were wrong.

Your mistake was not going back in with the receipt if you didn't want to pay the Baht 20.

Don't mess up your rep here for Baht 20.

Even if you are lying, you better post that you went back and paid up.

Ouch! Admittedly, the general opinion is that she/he/shim/it was wrong to just drive off... but no one really has addressed the OTHER issue, which is, are those Villa parking dudes making people pay EVEN IF they have the stamp... THAT is the situation where I would have dragged the parking dude INTO the store, and had it resolved there, in the open, for entertainment for all to enjoy.

And how dare you, "Bobbin", speak on behalf of ALL HUMANITY, by saying "we think you were wrong"... you're not speaking for me, and you didn't address issue #2, which is the extortion allegation. Now i'm going to presume that it's true, cause I don't think someone would just make up, out of thin air, the allegation that they are trying to get money, even with the parking stamp.

I'm still really curious to know what Hobgobblin was buying, and if there was enough for the daily recommended fiber intake on that receipt.

Regardless, I would like to add that finally, FINALLY someone has posted an intelligent topic for an open discussion.

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I have an interesting story from tonight worthy of Weho. Anyone who frequents the new Villa Market will know what I'm talking about.

I went in tonight around 11PM. I like to do my shopping late because traffic is lighter and the store is less crowded. I spend about 20-30 minutes in the store and spend roughly 1,700 Baht on various things. As what usually happens, I forgot to take my parking ticket in with me, and hence it never got stamped. As I'm leaving, the parking attendant demands 20 Baht. Now 20 Baht is no huge amount of money, it's just the principle of the thing. I am a regular and frequent customer at what arguably is the "anchor" of the Avenue complex. Stamp or no stamp, I should not be forced to pay anything for parking having spent such a sum at the store. I show the attendant my receipt, but he persists - he wants 20 Baht. So I tell him I will not pay, nor will I inconvenience myself by going back into the store to have the ticket validated. Had I parked there without patronizing any of the businesses there, I could understand, and I would pay. So I make the decision to leave without paying, and in doing so, I really rattled their cages because they started yelling and waving at me.

Normally, I would not have done this. At Friendship, for example - the attendants there are grumpy, but honest. However, during previous outings to Villa or the movie theater, I *have* had the parking ticket stamped, and these parking clowns *still* demanded 20 Baht, which I also refused to pay. Tonight was the first time that I refused to pay and left having neglected to get the ticket stamped. My rationale is that during any given day, there may be a number of people who *do* dole out their 20 Baht. The fact they try and extort money from the customers of this mall really irks me - one would think that there have been many others who have dealt with the Avenue Mall Mafia and have lodged complaints of their own. I will be calling Villa in the morning to lodge my own complaint in this matter. Who knows how many people these guys have ripped off?

That's all from me... how would you guys have handled this situation. I'm also interested in seeing what Weho has to say in this matter, if in fact he's no longer banned :o


mister hobgoblin

you are a very old poor poor poor charly as we say in patay...........

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you are a very old poor poor poor charly as we say in patay.....

Hardly, he spent 1700 at the overpriced Villa market! In any case, pay the tab or get the stamp. This is silly.

The poster is lucky he didn't get bashed or jailed, he was out of bounds driving off without paying.

Edited by Jingthing
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Even with properly validated tickets, they still attempt to swindle 20 Baht from people exiting the parking lot, and probably succeed at times.

I have to say that I have parked there at least a dozen times and they have never attempted to swindle me.

Indeed they have always been very pleasant, but I imagine if they were to find themselves exposed to more of this sort of arrogant and unacceptable treatment they too would soon become grumpy.

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