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We're in the fourth day of the new free tourist visa program (valid until 4 Mar 2010), and I'm a day away from making a run up to Vientiane myself... Any reports on the success of free single and double entries since the 25th?

Still no reports?

Please report back when you return. We'd love to know what is going on there.

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We're in the fourth day of the new free tourist visa program (valid until 4 Mar 2010), and I'm a day away from making a run up to Vientiane myself... Any reports on the success of free single and double entries since the 25th?

There's a new free tourist visa program? This is the first time I heard of it. Is it really true? Where did you hear that? Do you have any more info, official links about it?

Are they still giving multiple entry visas in Vientiane?




Just trying to get some clarification/insights on the price of transit from the Laotain side of the Friendship Bridge (after processing through immigration from Thailand) to the new Thai embassy.

One poster in this thread had this to say:

I took the train Bangkok-Nong Khai on Monday at 6.30 pm (Hualampong St.), arriving Nong Khai at 6.30 am. Tuk tuk from the St. to the border (30 baht). Mini-bus connection to the Lao border (20 baht). Taxi from there to the new consulate (200 baht), arriving time: 7.15 am.

What are the high and low figures for cost of transport to embassy from the bridge? Was his taxi a tuk tuk, or something else?

I'll be taking the bus to Nong Kai departing BKK at 20:40, getting a VOA for Laos, and hopefully scooting over to the embassy in time. It will be on the 1st, because Wednesday is the best day, eh? :)

I've only got two passport photos left, and would prefer to use them for the visa application. Is it still possible to pay an extra US$1 in addition to the $35 for a VOA for Laos, thereby avoiding the need to run around for them before departing BKK?

Thanks for your insights!

Tourist Visas are free until next March.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

The immigration department have indicated that they will make all SINGLE entry tourist visas free until March next year.

Vientiane is the only consulate in the region which has been issuing double entry tourist visas to most applicants.

So now that single entry tourist visas are free where does that leave us regarding double entry. Here's some possibilities:

1. Get one entry free and pay for the other - 1000 baht

2. Pay the full price for a double entry - 2000 baht

3. Get a double entry free as was the case over the previous 3 months prior to June 4 - 0 baht

4. The consulate closes down due to lack of revenue for the next 9 months.

Bear in mind that a new consulate was recently opened in Vientiane and this must have been as a result of the booming tourist visa business they have experienced since Dec 07 when they started issuing double entry tourist visas. I estimate that the consulate was pulling in at least 3 million baht per week in tourist visa fees before the free period began in March this year. If the Thai government doesn't step up and pay for this free period, that's a lot of income to lose.

We need a report from someone who has been there since the free period started.

Has there been any reports about the cost of double and triple entry tourist visas from other consulates around the world?


Just trying to get some clarification/insights on the price of transit from the Laotain side of the Friendship Bridge (after processing through immigration from Thailand) to the new Thai embassy.

One poster in this thread had this to say:

I took the train Bangkok-Nong Khai on Monday at 6.30 pm (Hualampong St.), arriving Nong Khai at 6.30 am. Tuk tuk from the St. to the border (30 baht). Mini-bus connection to the Lao border (20 baht). Taxi from there to the new consulate (200 baht), arriving time: 7.15 am.

What are the high and low figures for cost of transport to embassy from the bridge? Was his taxi a tuk tuk, or something else?

I'll be taking the bus to Nong Kai departing BKK at 20:40, getting a VOA for Laos, and hopefully scooting over to the embassy in time. It will be on the 1st, because Wednesday is the best day, eh? :)

I've only got two passport photos left, and would prefer to use them for the visa application. Is it still possible to pay an extra US$1 in addition to the $35 for a VOA for Laos, thereby avoiding the need to run around for them before departing BKK?

Thanks for your insights!

You should get the photos done before you leave Bangkok.

That is taxi fare. It is not a fixed price so you will need to bargain to get the better price..

You should get the photos done before you leave Bangkok.

That is taxi fare. It is not a fixed price so you will need to bargain to get the better price..

I've got two passport photos left in my stash currently, and was just checking in to make sure the extra dollar was still an option at the Bridge.

From the bridge to the embassy -- OK, so 200 baht is the (good?) taxi car price. How about for a tuk tuk to take you?

I'll be getting on the bus tonight to make this visa run, and asking for an entry X2. Should know by around this time tomorrow morning what the situation is.


What time in the morning does the friendship border open, and what time evening does it close? If I arrive in Udon Thani on AirAsia at 5:15 pm, can I still make it across the border that evening?

Oh, and one more... Does it still take one day to process visas visa apps in Vientiane? i.e., submit on Monday, pick up on Tuesday?




Lao immigration closes at 10 PM so you have plenty of time to make it.

No changes to time to get visa done. Morning of first day and back the next afternoon.

Nest week will not be a good week to go. The consulate will closed Monday the 6th, Tuesday the 7th and Wednesday the 8th. So Thursday will be very busy.

If you don't get your application in on Thursday it will be a long weekend in Vientiane.

Source: http://www.thaiembassy.org/vientiane/about_officetime.html


So the message is - DONT GO TO THE CONSULATE NEXT THURSDAY! Is it worth getting a laos visa from bkk before going to laos to expedite the getting through checkpoints? What time does the border open in the morning?


I didnt say not to try next Thursday. But it was a strong hint not to or to be there very early. I would be in Vientiane the night before if it was me.

Lao visa on arrival opens at 7 am.

Getting a Lao visa in Bangkok can speed things up considerably if you hit a bad time and there are a lot of people trying to get a visa. If not busy and nobody is in front of you it would save about 20 minutes.

You can even get a visa while you wait if you pay 200 baht extra at the embassy in Bangkok..

You should get the photos done before you leave Bangkok.

That is taxi fare. It is not a fixed price so you will need to bargain to get the better price..

From the bridge to the embassy -- OK, so 200 baht is the (good?) taxi car price. How about for a tuk tuk to take you?

If you can bargain,under 100 Baht.

Or take the bus to the morning Market,20 Baht,Samlor to Consulate,40 Baht. :)


Hello. Sorry for my english I'm french.

Today a french guy took double entry for free to Vientiane Embassy. It's the first report.

Visa double entrée pour la Thaïlande gratuit au Laos

30 juin 2009 à 11:00 · modifié par jumbo1 le 30 juin 2009 à 11:24

So I think it's the same for all nationality.

Bye bye

Hello. Sorry for my english I'm french.

Today a french guy took double entry for free to Vientiane Embassy. It's the first report.

Visa double entrée pour la Thaïlande gratuit au Laos

30 juin 2009 à 11:00 · modifié par jumbo1 le 30 juin 2009 à 11:24

So I think it's the same for all nationality.

Bye bye

Thanks Kuan!

So the word is that Vientiane is issuing double entry tourist visas for free.


Lets hope then that the Double Entry Tourist Visa' is free. When you think about it , its a Single entry tourist visa that is free. A double entry , is two single entry visa's back to back , so why wouldnt they be free. One visa used to cost 1000 bht , the double 2,000 bht .

I am on my way there soon and hope the they are free as KUAN has reported. Anyone else have the same experience ?

Lets hope then that the Double Entry Tourist Visa' is free. When you think about it , its a Single entry tourist visa that is free. A double entry , is two single entry visa's back to back , so why wouldnt they be free. One visa used to cost 1000 bht , the double 2,000 bht .

I am on my way there soon and hope the they are free as KUAN has reported. Anyone else have the same experience ?

I would prefer that they charge 2000 baht for a double entry just to ensure they're going to keep doing it. A recent report that consulates may have to close due to lack of revenue was a bit worrying.


Howdy all - as thanks for the helpful research I've learned on this forum, I wanted to share with others the details of my successful run from Bangkok up to Vientiane for a tourist visa. In short, I received a double entry Thai tourist visa, free of charge.

Note: The embassy is closed for public holidays this upcoming Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (the 6th, 7th and 8th of July).

** I hope this information (and baseline prices) can be of some help to future travelers heading into Laos for a visa.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Picked up 12 passport photos for 100 baht in Bangkok's Fortune Tower.

Departed from the Mo Chit bus terminal at 20:00. 450 Baht for very comfortable 27-seat bus (2 seats - aisle - 1 seat configuration) purchased from counter #27 on the third floor of the bus terminal.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Arrived at Nong Khai at 05:40 the next morning.

30 Baht is all you need spend for a tuk tuk to take you to from the terminal to the Thai immigration station at the Friendship Bridge.

Waited for a few minutes for the staffers to arrive, and was stamped out of Thailand at 06:06.

The bridge bus cost 20 baht for the crossing (15 baht + 5 baht for "overtime fee").

Laotian officials are now processing visas on arrival as early as the border opening 6am! Visas on arrival processed between 06:00 and 08:00 are charged an additional US$1 for "overtime".

Waiting for the bus on the Thai side and to fill out/submit visa paperwork meant that it was 06:40 before I could get the Laos VOA request turned over. As a US citizen, submitted 1 passport photo and paid $36 ($35 + $1 for overtime).

You'll need to fill out a Swine Flu-negative declaration while you wait. Stamping of the passport is now done inline with VOA issuance, meaning there's no longer another line to wait in after you collect your passport.

Car taxis departing from the Friendship Bridge will go to the Thai Embassy for 200 baht (total, for the vehicle) with very little pushing. I paid 100 baht, splitting the cost with a friendly 34-year-old American also headed that way (as most people will be at that time of the morning).

Arrived at the embassy at 07:20 and were the very first people in line.

Embassy gates open at 08:30, and even though a few Thai women ran around us, it was a very calm and orderly procession into the application waiting area. A female embassy worker handed out numbers. I got #6; my new American buddy got ticket #1.

There's now an electronic numbering system in place that announces in both Thai and English which number is being served. It's a speedy, painless process.

Touts are outside selling the very same embassy papers that are free inside. I'd say the only reason you might even think of purchasing such things would be if you're in the front of the line and won't have time to fill out your visa request form before your number is called. Note: the visa application I printed off in Bangkok was accepted, and required only two passport photos and a photocopy of my passport's information page. No other photocopies or papers need be submitted.

I requested a double entry tourist visa by marking "X2 DOUBLE" on the application next to the checkbox. The embassy worker confirmed this request verbally when I submitted the application.

You're then instructed to head over to the air conditioned room in the building next door and collect your receipt. Mine indicated "0 Baht", as there's currently a tourist visa free program until 4 March 2010.

The American I met on the bridge split a car taxi with me back into the center of town (100 baht total/50 baht each), and clued me into his choice of hotels (he's been living in BKK for seven years). The Haysoke Guesthouse (freshly renovated, just a stone's throw from the Lao Cultural Hall) charges 350 baht for rooms with double beds, A/C, mini-fridge, TV with two movie channels in English, and free Wi-Fi in the lobby area (generally only useable at night, when the staffers aren't downloading movies onto their laptops). The place is spotless, and shared hot-water bathrooms are squeaky clean. I suggest making a free reservation in advance.

An alternative that I was clued into by a British fellow the next day is the Sihom Guesthouse, which charges 400 baht for A/C, double bed, TV, and bathroom inside the room. Details for both these location are included in the photos below.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Hotel checkout and walked to the Talat Sao (Morning Market) bus terminal, buying tickets for the (aircon) Thai-Lao friendship bus that departs at 14:00 and heads directly to Udon Thani. The bus costs 85 baht and always sells out. Purchasing tickets requires at least one passport, or a photocopy of a passport information page (as I used). It's strongly suggested you purchase yours before heading back to the embassy to collect your passport.

Arranged for a tuk tuk to take the American and me from the Talat Sao bus terminal to the Thai embassy and back to the terminal for 100 baht (50 baht/person).

Arrived at the embassy around 12:20 and there were about 30 people in line waiting to collect passport. This grew to about 200 by the time 13:20 rolled around, when the gates finally opened (late).

A ticket number was handed out the same as it was the day prior, and everyone patiently waited in the room with A/C as a similar electronic queuing machine proclaimed the number they were currently serving. I'd say they're handing out a good 30 passports for every 10 minutes, so there's no need to fret about your queue number and the bus.

I received my double entry tourist visa, free of charge (thankfully saving me the 2000 baht)

Back at the terminal, the bus left promptly at 14:00, and took quite a while to process everyone at the Thai side of the border. The bus doesn't stop in Nong Khai, but proceeds directly to Udon Thani.

Arriving at Udon Thani around 16:30, the next respectable bus departing for Bangkok was with ChanTour for 412 baht/person at 17:15. (again with the same comfortable seating configuration). I've included a photo of their departure and arrival schedule below.

Friday, 3 July 2009

The bus from Udon Thani arrived at 01:25. It's a far better option to try and pick up a bus from Udon T. to BKK, as there are far more options than the limited number leaving Nong Khai.











i also got a double entry tourist visa at the thai embassy in vientiane for free yesterday.

i made the visa trip from pattaya and it costed me less than 3500 baht in total: 2 times about 500 baht for the bus tickets pattaya-nongkhai and back, the laos visa, 600 baht for hotel, 200 baht in shared minivan from border to thai embassy, little money for tuktuk.


Nice place to visit for the wife and her girlfriends for my Laobeer run on my visit to the area other than that, good luck to all that MUST do a visa run. :):D

Great Post Travelvice . What is the weather like there at the moment , any rain ? Dont want to be standing around for ages until the gates open if theres Rain about .


Cloudy and much cooler/fresher than Bangkok. Umbrella was opened just once for about 5 minutes of very light drizzle.\




done the visa run before but i've heard that there is a new consulate\embassy\visa office,

and that if you ask a tuktuk driver for the thai embassy you will get the wrong place

anyone know about this,what part of town is it and how to ask for it.

i'm also trying to find info on a new hotel near the new consulate,aparently run by an englishman



Thx for this very helpful post Travelvice,

Anyone knows which currency is needed while being in Vientiane for visa purpose ?

Do they accept thai bahts ? (embassy, guest houses ... )


Just back from Vientiane. Applied there for another 1-Year-Multiple-B. Read the "Lucky Guy" report and, as I will have to do some business in my home country at the end of September anyway, I just wanted to give it a try to proof the Multiple-B-thing in Vientiane. That`s the comming-out:

As I needed some holidays and wanted to stay in Laos for some days, I showed up, within my business suite and necktye and all that gentleman shit, at the new, and really well organised, consular department, on a Friday at 8:15AM, got number 1 out of the ticket machine, and handed over this pile of paper work, with the - Multiple Non B marked - application form on top and a 200,000THB invoice tax receipt of the last year and a WP valid until April next year in the middle, to this nice and very polite lady behind the counter, just to get the response: "Oh, paper work OK, sir, but no Multiple her, sir, not possible here, sir, singel enty only sir, sorry, sir. As this sounded justlike a sort of programmed Voice Answering Machine, I insisted to talk to her boss, as this is a Thai embassy with the business, among others, of selling visas to foreigners, who want to stay up in Thailand and make the country even more rich and take care of a family and pay the fee of a study for the daughter of his girlfriend, before she will end up in ... (you know, what I mean). So well, of course, "the boss" is a busy man and not in house at the moment and GOD knows, if, when he will be back, and if I wanted to waste my time, it was up to me...

OK, my Thai girlfriend and managing director, who was joining me, insisted to talk to that boss, and THE BOSS (the guy, who is autorised to sign visas) showed up within 3 minutes, giving a sermon about Thai visa/extension of stay contradictions, and I could have signed any single sentence of his speech, but he should have given this sermon to his government, but not to the hazzeled farang, who rips his ash apart, just to get permission to feed a Thai family and to pay tax to Thailand, just to feed this sort of his own. Result: Even my managing director was not able to squeeze a Multipe-B out of this ...hole.

Seems, the reported LUCKY GUY ran into the ambassador in the flesh, to get his Multiple-B stickered into his passport.

Ah, yea, a good advice I got from THE BOSS: "Go to Immigration and give your best to get an extension of stay..."

Anyone any idea of the current exchange rate of "Your best" into THB-bucks ? :)



Thx for this very helpful post Travelvice,

Anyone knows which currency is needed while being in Vientiane for visa purpose ?

Do they accept thai bahts ? (embassy, guest houses ... )

Thai Baht is accepted at the consulate and in the places I have stayed. Shops take Baht as well.


got me visa today,

the forms i downloaded were wrong,

the "new"forms HAD a section for how many entries.


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